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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.5159299 [View]

the split exists though

there is a difference between simplified schlock and high-quality patrician literature

>> No.5159277 [View]

taking a break from the canon to start reading contemporary fiction, namely the stone raft by saramago

he won the nobel prize so expectations are medium

>> No.5152850 [View]

>Trying to justify it with philosophical value is waaaaaaaaaaaay over thinking it

no way, you really are a woman lol

>> No.5152807 [View]

i had a similar experience tonight

i just realized how utterly and impossibly glorious i am. apparently what i viewed as common knowledge for the past few years was actually genius-levels of brainpower at work. the flawlessness of my genetic makeup just makes everything too clear and easy

woe to the infallible godboss
anyway so it looks like i'll never be free from the plebbitry of plebs. but this is a good revelation, somehow, i think. yeah

>> No.5151258 [View]


>> No.5151216 [View]

i think it's fine to believe in god. it's when you try to sequester it to one religion where things go wrong, especially in the case of devil-worshiping catholics

>Yeah, and the Catholic claim to truth encompasses doubters/naysayers, including those that doubt/naysay everything.

this is not how logic or argument works. start reading some non-pleb books and hopefully you'll see why

>> No.5151164 [View]

>one still OUGHT to believe because justice depends upon it

grandpa, please go

>> No.5151154 [View]

catholicism is such scum
literally worse than kikes

>> No.5147805 [View]

voltaire is pretty based. felt the same after reading micromegas

>> No.5146843 [View]

amazing since it was created in 09

>> No.5146816 [View]

for real. america's capitalistic zealousness is just a ploy

i think an american socialist state is feasible, at least in certain progressive states. brb moving to colorado to run for socialist governor

>> No.5146757 [View]


see i guarantee you <90% of americans don't know shit about how awesome socialism is because shit like that doesn't favor our crony jew oligarchy so they keep it as buried as possible. goddamn

if i was able to just chill like that...i don't even know

>> No.5146738 [View]

>don't give that child a big ass sniper rifle wtf, it's so wrong
>bro, wrongness is a spook tho

>> No.5146712 [View]

i don't use whom bc who cares

>> No.5146689 [View]

>It is fucking liberating and *completely* stress free. :)

that sounds almost unthinkable in america. i mean it sounds nice but do you receive enough money to live a comfortable life?

>> No.5146660 [View]

no straight guys wear makeup

once again the hoes come out to play victim, even when this is what they live for

>> No.5146621 [View]

+dnp, tren, clen, and test

>> No.5146611 [View]

oh well

english just sounds so straightforward though, know what i mean, but yeah it'd be way better to have those words than paternal great-great-uncle twice removed or some shit

also i understand semifag now

is that the fabled neet lifestlye? i would get so bored

>> No.5146585 [View]

pls be trolling

>> No.5146572 [View]

one is not a fag if they have never encountered a penis other than their own. heterosexuality in itself does not contain any faggotry. a real semifag would be someone who is bi

>> No.5146552 [View]

damn english be lacking

>> No.5146537 [View]


idkwtf you're talking about

>> No.5146529 [View]

how is this not the ideal society? if we implemented a system like this tomorrow all the billions of people in poverty would not only find utility, but a greatly increased standard of living

>> No.5146508 [View]

what the fuck is a semifag

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