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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.2580602 [View]

I blame JK Rowling for this discrepancy to literature.

>> No.2578428 [View]


Just buy it. I actually got mine for free.

What other works by Machiavelli is worth looking into?

>> No.2575218 [View]


I suppose it wouldn't hurt.

>> No.2575196 [View]

Because Dostoyevsky is more interesting than you disgusting sluts.

>> No.2573190 [View]
File: 89 KB, 1165x685, What+i%27ve+read+this+year.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need to add No Longer Human and Rousseau's Confessions but I can't be arsed at the moment.

>> No.2572827 [View]


Is it a decent introduction to his work? I was thinking about buying that or Beyond: good and evil but I bought Zarathustra instead.

>> No.2572301 [View]

This week I bought:

Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Albert Camus omnibus
Song of Roland-Harrison translation
Sophocles's Oedipus Rex trilogy.

Good haul? It was a toss up between SOR and Beowulf but I went with SOR instead since i've been wanting to read that for ages.

>> No.2570000 [View]

i'm planning to read this too later in the year.

Is it best to go with a complete edition that has the full 3000pg book in one collection or should I buy the vintage 1-7 volumes?

>> No.2569996 [View]

I suggest No Longer Human by Dazai. Excellent book.

Where would be the best place to start with Natsume Soseki?

>> No.2569915 [View]

I have the actual book next to me.

Why not order it on Ebay like I did?

Are Dazai's other works worth reading?

>> No.2563692 [View]

I hate the whole smugness kindle owners have about their E-readers. Not to mention i'm worried about actual bookshops going out of business because of them.

Also, I like my bookshelf and the feel of paper in my hands, thank you very much.

>> No.2563574 [View]

Haven't they always been doing this and not just recently?

Mostly seems to be the hipster and emo kids so that they feel like special snowflakes.

>> No.2563183 [View]

I had a feeling the Elves were completely smug due to the fact they live longer than most people. I don't remember picking up on anything racist. Then again I was 11 when I read it.

>> No.2561126 [View]


i'm only a newb to the genre too so sorry if I wasn't much help. Will look into putting KOTS onto my "To Watch" list this season.


Will give that a read later in the year. Is it the one by Quincy Trope?

>> No.2561052 [View]

Is that the new anime about the soldiers stationed at Japan or something along those lines?

I suggest looking into Charlie Parker, Thelonious Monk, Miles Davis and Coltrane. Can't help you bookwise.

>> No.2559168 [View]

Last: Confessions:
Current: Brothers Karamazov.
Next: Gilgamesh

>> No.2558933 [View]

Women thinking they can write novels with lots of political humour.

Nothing to see here move along.

I honestly thought she'd write something like a Detective story once HP was done. But this just sounds like it'll be shit.

>> No.2558876 [View]

I don't hate it nor like it.

To me, it is just very medicore.

>> No.2558416 [View]


Has a release date for The Familiar been announced yet?

>> No.2556853 [View]


The "Occupy" protestors are still going on? I would imagine it had died down by now.


Some parts are, it's a lot like a child throwing a tantrum in a supermarket because they're parents won't buy them sweets.

>> No.2556842 [View]


i've already read Crime and Punishment. This will be the 4th book by Dostoyevsky that I will read.

Also have Infinite Jest to read but I think i'll save that for summer.

>> No.2556831 [View]

Last I read was Confessions by Rousseau.

Anons pick what I read from this lot:

Brothers Karamazov
Paradise Lost
An Invitation to a Beheading
World War Z

>> No.2556816 [View]

Just like every other form of "activism".


>> No.2553428 [View]


>Putting LNs in the same league as actual literature.

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