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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.8228943 [View]


I imagine that tends to be the case, given they're written for children (young adults?) in the first place.

I loved David Eddings as a child and still have every book he's written on my shelf but I couldn't ever actually read them again. I've tried and they're far too - you guessed it - childish.

>> No.8166799 [View]

Arthur Schnitzler - Night Games

>> No.8129093 [View]

I mean, here are some words to put you to sleep: Xinemus, Caraskand, Athjeari, Kidruhil, Skauras
Here are some words to make your mouth water: Consult, Moenghus, Seswatha, Golgotterath, Dunyain, No-God

>> No.8090837 [View]

Hmm, that's insightful, thank you. I guess I'm afraid that it's kind of a gimmick that works for me, but then again, drinking tea might improve someone else's reading or writing the same way weed improves mine.

nice dubs

>> No.8090781 [View]
File: 4 KB, 188x236, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I get high, I write better and read better.

Should I just get high all the time when I write and read? I feel like I'm cheating if I do.

>> No.8090743 [View]


>> No.8090348 [View]

so this is how you would wanna write something not smutty but still arousing

>> No.8090335 [View]

the ualu's are worth waiting the minute and fifty seconds for

>> No.8085057 [View]

Hey dude, good for you- keep on writing, you can only get better

>> No.8085018 [View]
File: 889 KB, 2000x1000, adventuretime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for some inspiration /lit/. Are there any stories that: a world where supernatural/metaphysical/"magical" things are common place, but still have the realistic kind of "grounded" of every day happenings. Kinda like urban fiction, but less "W0wza Kazookz magik!?@!" and more, well, Seussian. Nobody bats an eye at The Grinch or a Cat in a Hat or a Lorax, they're characteristics and figures fit in to the larger world even if humans existed in it because of an unspoken acceptance. But saying it's an unspoken acceptance isn't enough, there's an atmosphere of fantasy that pervades it and welcomes the audience to imagine and accept anything. I can't find many books that have that.

>> No.8074496 [View]


How to be Pseudo Intellectual #3:

you just went full retard

>> No.8074483 [View]



How to be Pseudo Intellectual #4:
Talking about Communism (politics) while mentioning Marx (philosophy) and forgetting Friedrich Engels all the way.

(or in other word: being a lefty just because it's "intellectual")

>> No.8074472 [View]

How to be Pseudo Intellectual #3:
Judging other intellectuals without having achieved anything worth the same.

>> No.8074461 [View]

How to be Pseudo Intellectual #2:
Using names of philosophers and psychologists in the same sentence without knowing either.

>> No.8074455 [View]

How to be Pseudo Intellectual #1:
telling others what they should read.

>> No.8069697 [View]

I had wished to gain the perspective of OP. But I keep getting interrupted by these broken minds, never the less, OP, I think the best version of Lucifer is Urizen, a character of William Blake. as to Satan, that is more complicated.

>> No.8069686 [View]

Now I think you are the one who has panicked somewhere in their mind and is overthinking things.

>> No.8069677 [View]

superstitious fool. The Boogy-woogy spooky wooky "devil" has controlled your mind. booga wooga.

>> No.8069666 [View]

>Perceived IQ of /lit/

Actual intellect of average user of /lit/:
>Autistic and Sociopathic

>> No.8063265 [View]
File: 150 KB, 386x500, 1357499550488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone give me some websites or blog spots that I can put my shitty work that has a good platform layout and decent visibility to people other than the aunts and uncles i share the links to on Facebook?

>> No.8063241 [View]

Okay, but Derridaddy was the grandpa of post-structuralism. He believed that signs (let's simplify signs to words) were made up of two things, the signifier and the signified. He also believed the more important of the two was the signifier, what's implied by the person using the word. Now, lets look at what third wave feminism and sjws believe in- specifically, not wanting ppl to use specific words like nigga or cunt, etc. Except that by not wanting to use those words, you value the signifier over what is being signified. Instead of seeing the truly implied meaning of nigga to be friend/homie, you take it as an offensive slur. So maybe, then, you say "It's not what you think the word means, it's how the word affects me." But even if the word affects you, you're the one giving the word it's implied negative value.
tl;dr gr8 b8 m8

>> No.8057484 [View]

Edward Louis James Bernays (/bərˈneJz/; German: [bɛɐ̯ˈnaJs]; November 22, 1891 − March 9, 1995) was an Austrian-American pioneer in the field of public relations and propaganda, referred to in his obituary as "the father of public relations".[1] He combined the ideas of Gustave Le Bon and Wilfred Trotter on crowd psychology with the psychoanalytical ideas of his uncle, Sigmund Freud.

>> No.8057481 [View]

I guess not, can you help me?

>> No.8057452 [View]

tfw that's not what absurdism is- sure it's the inability to comprehend the nature of the universe but that's doesn't mean the universe has no meaning, it's just too difficult for us to understand... which I suppose makes it meaningless to some degree because we can't comprehend the meaning of it, so we couldn't be sure if it's still there. Shit.

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