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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.2809861 [View]

The Music of Erich Zahn and the Whisper in Darkness were the only two to actually scare the fuck out of me.
>to silly
No, you're too silly.

>> No.2809630 [View]

Fuck me, you guys are right. I was remembering the historical event in the book series. Sorry, I fucked up.

>> No.2809104 [View]

Communism and Anarchy are for college-age brats and idealists who don't have a grasp on reality.
Socialism is doable, but not many people (well, in the U.S., at least) don't like shitloads of taxes.

>> No.2808101 [View]

we aren't capable of those conversations, OP.
Polite sage for at least trying.
>C+F 'Summer'
>2 Results
Can everyone on all of 4chan just stop blaming the summer? It's just some excuse that newfags throw out when they're making their respective boards shittier. /lit/ has been shit for the past year and beyond.

>> No.2807406 [View]

He was an incredibly devout Catholic, you twit. I hope it all make sense now.
Also, that pic makes me rage. I'm an agnostic myself, but I don't see the point in being so antagonistic and offensive to a group of people who simply want to believe in something greater than themselves.

>> No.2807173 [View]

"D" is for "Dance" "o" is for "of" and "D" is for "Dragons".
Learn to spell, this isn't Sesame Street, dumbfuck.

>> No.2807152 [View]

I thought ASoIF was good until reading DoD. After that, the amount of bookfags on /tv/ only makes it worse.
But, to the point:
>The First Law Trilogy by Joe Abercombie
>Gentlemen Bastard Sequence by Scott Lynch
>A Land Fit For Heroes by Richard K. Morgan
The last one hundred pages of the first book was good. Otherwise, it was your typical first book in a trilogy: too much setup and backstory, but not enough action.
I like the story because it's fast-paced, episodic, and picaresque, but Kvothe is a stupidly-perfect, two-dimensional asshole who is always right and perfect at everything (which I honestly believe is his Knack). His enemies, like Ambrose, are just as thin and flimsy as him and have no redeeming qualities.

>> No.2803586 [View]

If you feel as if it will help you, then do so. I can assure it can only help you. I would also recommend reading outside your comfort-zone. I write fantasy and other stuff /lit/ blindly hates but reading classical works of literature have helped me.
This on so many levels.

>> No.2803539 [View]

You don't have to read instructional books, OP. Just pick up little things from the books you want to read.

>> No.2803511 [View]

I'm on Shadow and Claw, but it got incredibly boring and directionless after the weird garden thing. I'll start over if you can convince me.

>> No.2802630 [View]

>That feeling when this got a movie deal but the Fahrenheit 451 movie Frank Darabont has had the script for since 2004 still isn't being made.

>> No.2800099 [View]

>Selling out
You keep on using that phrase.
Adding, you stupid little fuck, he didn't get the job, so he's bitching and whining on Twitter like every other cunt.

>> No.2800015 [View]

>Mad because I disagree with you.
>Made because of the Internet.
Wow, you are such a fucking child.

>> No.2800007 [View]

Lonesome Traveler is his short story collection.

>> No.2799937 [View]

The abundance of buzzwords doesn't make it any less true, dude.
And I don't know why you would defend this board, because defending would imply you are a part of this board, which means you're a part of the problem

>> No.2799875 [View]

Can we all be honest with ourselves, here? /lit/ never talks about themes, symbolism, or anything "deeper" than the words they read. It's just shitty circlejerks about their favorite books and how "deep" they are without actually explaining why they're deep.
Yes, I'm generalizing a whole board, but it's true. There are no intelligent discussions on this board, just people who trick themselves into believing they're having intelligent conversations.

>> No.2799661 [View]

Put bluntly, not everyone can handle reading adult books.
It's not a big deal, but you should at least know your limits.
sage for inane thread.

>> No.2794070 [View]

I found the first so incredibly slow and boring that I stopped once they got in that abandoned city.
Just put the book down now and read the First Law Trilogy.

>> No.2794032 [View]

sage because I never knew art was literature.

>> No.2793995 [View]

God damn it, you beat me to it. OP, read this. I finished the trilogy in a little than a week.
I've never been an obsessive fanboy, but I can't fucking wait for Red Country. Just three more months and some change.

>> No.2793960 [View]

Originally, it wasn't daunting. The whole "nipples on a breastplate" was originally funny because of the sheer absurdity of it, but he beat it to death. Once a book was okay with me.
All of the "half a hundred" and "nuncle" made Feast For Crows and Dance of Dragons two of the worst book I've read in the past three years.

>> No.2792834 [View]

Yep, it's the right one. Thanks for the name. I might actually reread it some time.
I never was into children's fantasy, really. I got into reading when I was thirteen (about the time I got fat). Before I started reading more "adult" books, I had only read three series: Eragon (shit), Paulsen's books (liked them), and the Bartimeus Trilogy (first good, second shit, third average). Thinking back, I feel as if I missed something in the whole reading experience.

>> No.2792814 [View]

Hatchet. That book made me so fearful of the wilderness that I never did anything remotely near a forest. That's why I'm fat on 4chan.
And Gary Paulsen's other book, which can be described as "fatass gets sent to a distant alien world that is in-fact the future Earth". He succeeded in making children's fiction dark and horrifying.

>> No.2792579 [View]

Thanks but the idea isn't mine, it came from a Fahrenheit 451 play that fans of the book preformed for ray bradbury.
Also if it is a prequel to the book it can be set in the present day as a commentary about how if we continue glorifying television and ipods and tablets and whatnot the world of Fahrenheit 451 is the future.

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