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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.1934629 [View]

GR and IJ are pretty different. I'd say IJ is better.

>> No.1931961 [View]
File: 411 KB, 1324x1101, dfudjbdsbjfds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Panos Karnezis. I discovered him last year, and have nearly finished reading his oeurve. He's a modern British Greek writer. His writing style is pretty similar to Gabriel Garcia Marquez, although the content and characters are different. He is similar to a Hispanic writer, e.g. politics, religion, poorness, etc.

The Maze - bad
Little Infamies - good
The Birthday Party - really good
The Convent (reding) - decent

>> No.1931922 [View]

The only thing Scotland has going for it is all the awesome mountains, hills and locks, but TBH, that's quite a lot. I'm half Scottish myself. I avoid ANY big city, since most of them suck.

>> No.1929376 [View]


This board really likes Stephen King. I'm getting back into him, myself, he's pretty good. The Stand, The Wastelands, Under The Dome, Needful Things, etc.

She might be slightly trashy like King, but they have nothing else in common, apart from being fairly (her) / very (him) character driven.

>> No.1929350 [View]


/lit/ thinks trash fantasy is good. Try again. I'm fine with mid-brow and high-brow fantasy, though, e.g. Dark Tower, ASOIAF.

>> No.1929322 [View]


>Easy to consume for Oprah lovers

I admit, her books are easy going, and some are VERY easy going. However, the only one that felt trashy or pulpy (like generic chick lit) was Of Love And Shadows (which I read this week).

>> No.1929312 [View]

I read for an average of 5 hours a day. If I don't do other stuff, I would go crazy. The internet is fun and relaxing, anyway.

>> No.1929307 [View]
File: 33 KB, 400x502, isabelallende.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Very good writing style, comparable to Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Panoz Karnesis

- Weaves fiction and non-fiction together, i.e. writes historical novels

- Books aren't too short or too long, 300 - 500 pages

- Magical realism

Seriously, she's a pretty good author. Some of her books are average, yes, but she's written a few good and great books as well, and has never written a bad book.

>> No.1929298 [View]

I never believed in God. Of course, I'm a Britfag. A lot of people here are atheist, and the religious people often aren't that serious about it. My parents made me go to church until I was 15 though (lol). Only good thing was bullying the Sunday school teacher, poor woman.

>> No.1924131 [View]

Whining aside, how is the book generally? People are talking about it lots, but I'm not getting a general sense of whether it was bad, good, or so good it was worth the 6 year wait.

>> No.1924076 [View]


3 months =/= 12 months.

2 years of /lit/ existing =/= 6 or 7 years of /b/ existing

>> No.1924073 [View]

I am neither Deep&Edge or brownbear.


>> No.1924070 [View]
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American Psycho - Bret Ellis Easton
Needful Things - Stephen King
Lolita - Vladimir Nobokov

Conversation in the Cathedral - Mario Varas Llosa

The Convent - Panoz Karnesiz
Love and Shadows - Isabel Allende
The Complete Short Stories - Franz Kafka

All the 3 previous books were good, enjoyable in their own ways. Cathedral is abysmal, almost as bad as Twilight. The next 3 books look good.

>> No.1924041 [View]


>implying I've ever done this before in the last year I've been posting here

>> No.1923763 [View]

I guess no litfags have read it, which is probably a good thing.

>> No.1923754 [View]

At least in the last 2 weeks, the DFW threads have calmed down. I like talking about him, but there were 3 threads on the first page at most times.

Anyway, I think this board is decent. My main own complaint is that people focus on the same dozen or so novels / series all the time, and there's too much fantasy talk as well.

>> No.1923718 [View]


>> No.1923715 [View]
File: 46 KB, 720x548, bnbvnbvnbvnvb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst book ever by Mario Vargas Llosa, I'm near the very end now, and it's terrible. 600 pages of crap. I know Llosa employs a number of confusing and sophisticated literary mechanisms, but I really had no idea what was going on in this. I'm 550 out of 600 pages through, and couldn't tell you who any of the characters were, what they were doing, why, or the plot overall. The writing isn't even good. I can't even enjoy it chapter by chapter, just based on quality prose and good character moments. Fuck this book.

The thing is, Llosa has written some excellent books, and some shit ones (like this), I don't understand why his quality varies so much.

>> No.1923511 [View]



Don't shout at me.

>> No.1923501 [View]

I think it's bad, but not sure what you're trying to convey with that picture. That you feel retarded when you think about this?

>> No.1923498 [View]
File: 121 KB, 1000x800, darkplacelights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the dumb ASOIAF question, but I was just wondering this. I've only read / seen the first book, so maybe it's explained later. She seems a bit off her rocker, with her general behaviour, imprisoning Tyrion without trial, and breastfeeding her son in public...who's six years old.

>> No.1921810 [View]


How the hell should I know which was better recieved? You've got an internet connection, go check the sales figures. I've enjoyed ATD though, reading it on and off. I probably wouldn't enjoy Inherent Vice.

>> No.1921803 [View]


I got bored with Cloud Atlas after about 40 pages. Nearly bought the much hyped Jacob de Zoet, until I realised it was the same author.

>> No.1921797 [View]


Well, there is, because 21st century lit is IMO excellent. So many new ideas, different prose styles, and fresh voices.


Indeed, I'd say it's his second best book, after The Wind-up Bird Chronicle. That could get displaced by 1Q84, though.

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