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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.15164784 [View]

>implying pederasty wasn't a real thing
>implying everyone shared the same mentality of plato
Get a load of this midwit.

>> No.15164762 [View]

>Plato retroactively refuted the vile practice
And talked about men loving boys in all his other dialogues.
>Hedonists should be chemically castrated
Just so you know this, being an incel was looked down on in greece abd rome. If you weren't married or had at least one male lover you'd become the butt of the joke for everybody around you. Judeo-christianity was the first faith which allowed sperglords like you to thrive and put virginity on a pedestal.

>> No.15164714 [View]

I would tell her to fuck off because I'm only interested in human beings with equal intellective capacity as mine (men).

>> No.15164650 [View]

Straight and a fuck ugly virgin :>

>> No.15164617 [View]

Only single digit IQ midwits and women aren't able to appreciate classical music and opera.

>> No.15163957 [View]

Who's this fat and unsightly mutt? She looks like she could become a new caricature of the amerimutt meme. Anyway, one of the redeeming points of women is that they can be used as pretty prizes to display in fashionable princess clothes, but this sow wouldn't fit in a grand canyon let alone expensive trophy wife clothes.

>> No.15158806 [View]

Daily reminder that unrhymed poetry is not poetry

>> No.15156153 [View]

The influx of illiterate /pol/tards and underage plebbitors from /r9k/ obliterated the old userbase and dragged even the slowest and most efficient boards down the irredeemable pit of shit that is nu-4chan. But what's even more dismal is that nobody knows where the fuck the anons who were fed up with the rampant normalfaggotry on this website went, and given that nearly alternative to 4chan is pretty much dead i doubt they decided to settle there. In hindsight, the alternative imageboards never attracted a large userbase, and since 8kun hasn't ever had a /lit/ board, whilst Lainchan is a nest of bugmen who hold no interest in literary discussion despite having a literature board, and the remaining alternatives (wizchan/lynxchan) are chock full of the same plebbitors who killed 4chan, I guess it's more convenient to remain on this shit board in the hope that it won't get even worse than it is now.

>> No.15156085 [DELETED]  [View]

The influx of illiterate /pol/tards and underage plebbitors from /r9k/ obliterated the old userbase and dragged the even the slowest and most efficient boards down the same pit of of shit that is nu-4chan. But what's more fucking sad is nobody even knows where the fuck the anons who were fed up with the rampant normalfaggotry went, and given that nearly alternative to 4chan is pretty much dead i doubt they settled there. 8kun doesn't even have a /lit/ board and Lainchan is a nest of bugmen who hold no interest in literary discussion despite having a literature board, let alone wizchan and lynxchan which always appealed to the lowest common denominator.

>> No.15155771 [View]

Watch your tongue, barbarian. I'm a descendant of the ancient mycenean race and i can trace my ancestry all the way back to Agamemnon.

>> No.15155395 [View]

White people are so fucking effeminate it's no wonder they're choosing the tutorial mode life of women and becoming trannies.

>> No.15155263 [View]
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Add Giovanni's Room to the doomer's list. That chart isn't complete without it, also add some cringey plebbit "philosopher" works like Marcus Aurelius' Meditations or Seneca's Essay on the Shortness of Life to the bloomer guy's list to even the number of the books.

>> No.15149249 [View]

does anyone else ever get violent thoughts when they see a woman
like whenever i see some fucking thot sticking her ass out wearing almost nothing obviously vying for attention and wanting to be desired, i find it hard to stop myself from daydreaming about bashing her smug fucking whore face in with a fucking golf club, watching her expression go from that fake "trying to be cute" face they all make to fear and then horror as she starts screaming and pleading with me before i hit her again and knock the wind out of her disgusting whore body, her screaming turns to frantic gurgling as i keep bashing her stupid fucking face in over and over until even that subsides, she's unrecognizable her head is a bloody bubbling pulp, all shades of red speckled with bright white and soggy grey littering her crushed cranium alongside tufts of her stupid fucking dyed hair jesus fucking christ i hate these people so god damned much i don't even want pussy from them i don't want their attention i don't want to be liked by these vile people they're disgusting, if one of them touched me i'd cut my fucking hand off i just want them to fucking DIE

>> No.15147800 [View]

This is it, this is peak female creativity. A stash of worthless YA trash amounting to countless hours of miserable escapism whose sole purpose is becoming the newest break time topic of gossip within the circle of dissatisfied roasties whining endlessly about the oppression they suffer at the hands of their toxic male bosses during ignominious hours of work in an office. Even in rape, women manage to find a sliver of pleasure, and they seek delight in being used as mere objects by the licentious fuckboys whom they pretend to despise. I find that the reading of YA garbage bears a close resemblance to rape, and lo, I am no longer in awe about the godawful taste of women.

>> No.15145019 [View]

Absolutely not. It is an unwritten law that women ruin everything they touch with their inferior intellect, this has been proven as an indisputable truth by the current state of literature and every form of contemporary art. When women take over culture, they strip it of all its decorum and beauty achieved over the course of several centuries thanks to the efforts of countless male minds and turn it into an extension of their innate narcissism which fuels their deplorable existences. In the hands of the female species, art is doomed to sink to the level of the lowest common denominator and suffer a slow and gut-wrenching death. Now some of you will inevitably pin all of this on some hidden jewish cabal seeking to destroy everything that contributes to the excellency of western culture, but as a matter of fact, jews aren't responsible for the consenquences of womanly nature when it is unchecked by reasonable men, and your sexual attraction towards those cunt-bearing creatures naturally prompts you to shun the sheer destructiveness of their unchecked behavior. However, it is us who share a deeper bond with our same sex who better than everyone else can see through their shit, for we aren't charmed by the spell of the witches and we direct our fondest love only towards the most cherished companions. That is one of the chief reasons why i insist on saying that divine love can only be attained between men, and that we ought to attribute to this divine love the flawlessness and uniqueness of the western culture.

>> No.15144467 [View]

>In Mahayana schools, Buddhahood is the universal goal for Mahayana practitioners. The Mahayana sutras maintains that a woman can become enlightened, only not in female form. For example, the Bodhisattvabhūmi, dated to the 4th Century, states that a woman about to attain enlightenment will be reborn as a male.
>Some Theravada sutras state that it is impossible for a woman to be a bodhisattva, which is someone on their way to Buddhahood. A bodhisattva can only be a human (that is, a man).
>If the aspiration to Buddhahood has been made and a Buddha of the time confirms it, it is impossible to be reborn as a woman. An appropriate aim is for women to aspire to be reborn as male. They can become a male by moral actions and sincere aspiration to maleness. Being born a female is a result of bad karma.

>> No.14586481 [View]
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Starting with the greeks didn't diminish my gay, it only exacerbated it.

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