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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23516557 [View]

>the works of
>the novels of
My favorite book is the western canon

>> No.23516556 [View]

Holden's fear of Antonio is due to his inability to resolve his father raping him; and because of Holden's inability to deal with a healthy gay dad instead of a rapey gay day.

>> No.23516555 [View]

James O'Meara fucking loves him

>> No.23516554 [View]
File: 19 KB, 200x312, nauruan warrior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever burnt a book /lit/. I'm thinking of doing it.

>> No.23516553 [View]

I've not done anything that encompassing, but I'd imagine you would want to draft the series as a whole, because there are things you might think of near the end you would want to foreshadow near the earlier bits. Hard to go back and put those parts in when they're already finished.

>> No.23516552 [View]

Anyone familiar with Jake Stratton-Kent? Stumbled upon the name listening to Gordon White's podcast. Seems intriguing.

>> No.23516551 [View]

I've read the Oxford edition last month. Currently I'm reading Arrian's Anabasis. What strikes the most is how the Persians would just flee at the sight of a phalanx, the Greeks were never actually able to fight them, the Persians would always flee.

>> No.23516550 [View]

You have no metaphysical need? You're probably too young for that.

>> No.23516549 [View]

The best translation is the one that you enjoy =)

>> No.23516548 [View]


>> No.23516547 [View]

Yeah it's funny

>> No.23516546 [View]

Marx wrote a paper called "on differentiation" which I would say he espoused exceedingly strong mathematical platonist views. He didn't like the contemporary conception of deriatives in math because of it and I believe has some spillover into metaphysics of capital and labor.

>> No.23516545 [View]

>Anything by alan watts
Ew hippie

>> No.23516544 [View]


>> No.23516543 [View]

Nice cherry picking, kike

>> No.23516542 [View]

Lukewarm take: beauty is in the eye of the beholder. One can take the sloppiest of slop and find beauty in it and discuss it with taste, and one can shitpost garbage about Kant's Metaphysics.

>> No.23516541 [View]

If the King of England being a fan didn't tip you off Rest In Peace.

>> No.23516540 [View]

what's one of the best?

>> No.23516539 [View]

>Just ignore 2000 years of Daoist tradition bro
No actual practicing Daoist just reads the DDJ or Zhaungzi lol, especially not without commentary

>> No.23516538 [View]

You've never heard of bulking?

>> No.23516537 [View]

Teddy was the prototype of the striver-influencer, championed every trendy ideology of the time, dabbled in most things to appear like a savant, always failed when challenged, winning only when the odds were overwhelmingly in his favor. The good he did was only possible due to the great times in which he lived; empires take a long time to fall.

>> No.23516536 [View]

He did not step up for the house or Lenz or because it was right, he sat down at Mt. Dilaudid and that was the worst thing he could do for the house and himself.
Right, a reasonable person would have taken the narcotics, only a true addict would avoid that. Gately knows this, hence the dream/delusion of the Pakistani doctor being reasonable and explaining reason, the same Pakistani doctor who was present the first time he chose addiction over doing what was reasonable or right, the doctor who made him realize how he was culpable in his mother's demise and the first time he consciously chose the addiction. This is what he is confronting while laying there in the hospital, everything he blocked with drugs and all those things he never even tried to amends for and everything he has done since sobriety which he is ashamed of and knows proves he is still sitting at Mt. Dilaudid because the emotional pain is preferable to the physical pain. Ultimately he does confront all those things he has avoided in sobriety, all those things which kept him from true sobriety but we don't know if he ever confronts them willingly and attains that sobriety, if you believe he went with Hal to dig up Himself then he didn't confront them, he broke parole and gave up on AA/Ennet.

>> No.23516535 [View]

My general rule for any author is to just go chronologically. Seems like a good idea.

>> No.23516534 [View]

Fierce Bohemond, as wound were stitched and bound,
with callused finger traced the handle's work
and wondered on the man, him faint of sound,
and on his means, and ends, and why this dirk
and not a tainted cup, or arrow dipt
in poison ink, and why in open day
and not the veiling night, and as he sipt
sweet wine, considered this a mercy-day.
That morn, he reckoned possible his death,
and weened himself as dead at dagger's bite --
thought sure it was with nightshade wet -- now breath
by breath, he gained again far-seeking sight,
and vowed again on life, an be it boon,
or e'en with crueler taste of fate imbued.

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