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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.8668803 [View]
File: 1.87 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-10-18-04-35-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id like to read more of ur "novel" desu. It has this wierd imagery in the head that im not sure is horror or the experience of an neet autist or a combinition of the both. Made me tingle.

>> No.8668688 [View]

Its the only table i have...
Being poor uni student isnt ez u know
Step 2?

>> No.8668676 [View]

Im going to my first appointment with psychologist next week. Thanks desu!

>> No.8668656 [View]

I havent read it yet tho. Currently reading myth of sis and the idiot. Bought it cause fell for the lit trilogy meme

>implying i have friends reee

>> No.8668644 [View]

I like it style is simple and forward plus its clean. Do u have a writing desk tho?

>> No.8668629 [View]
File: 1.87 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-10-18-04-35-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good point, id say i have no will power and failure of school fuk me up emotionally but desu i think im just lazy.

>> No.8668596 [View]
File: 2.83 MB, 4160x2340, 20161025_211404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearer pic

>> No.8668594 [View]
File: 2.59 MB, 4160x2340, 20161025_211346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some help.

>> No.8668486 [View]

Lolita and Sweet Guy

>> No.8667876 [View]
File: 1.87 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-10-18-04-35-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should expect mentioning of some brothers

>> No.8667750 [View]

Its pretty hot desu, especially old humbert's passion for loving lolita...and those hotel nights.....

>> No.8667746 [View]

Just the art of war, meaning without commentary or anything before/after is short af. Just read it for the general ideas. I thought when i read it that i would become more wise but instead i just became an autist with "all war is based on deception" as a catch phrase.

>> No.8667111 [View]
File: 1.87 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-10-18-04-35-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BA music > looking to do composition

>art of war
>myth of sis
>the idiot

>> No.8663568 [View]

I originally thought of it as some dumb motif that the characters say to each other that i wasnt suppose to understand b/c it was pointing me towards a revelation later on, this gave me a tingle down there every time that phrase was used . But then when dagny and galt fucked in that train station was the moment i realised i was actually retarded autist. And galt's 40 page monologue dear god... The book initially gave me a strengthening of the ability to pursuit for my dream, but then i started reading other books and then depression hit and i forgot about it pretty quick. Rand has a good point towards selfishness but in the context of her book it gets retarded real quick
>hurr socialists leeching off us producers
>aye lmao ima disappear into some magical capitalist land where all is good
>socialists all die yeerrr!

>> No.8660781 [View]

>>8660699 lolita one is great

Here is Joyce
>Once upon a time and a very good time it was there was a moocow coming down along the road and this moocow that was coming down along the road met a nicens little boy named baby tuckoo

>> No.8659713 [View]
File: 56 KB, 500x360, muhthirdhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek kanye should win the nobel price. What a joke it has all become

>> No.8659686 [View]

Why dont you give it a go and see how you like it after a while and see if u wanna put it down or keep going?

>> No.8659683 [View]

Thought you were refering to Minecraft kek

>> No.8659679 [View]

Well lolita isn't anything related to greek but the "nymphlet" is prevalent in that one. Umm its also not really about natural beauty and female youth unless you count....umm the sexual urges....

>> No.8659650 [View]

Check out "sweet guy", thank me later anon.

>> No.8659646 [View]

Another mildly related question from op here.
Its 2:40 am here and i want to have some sort of conclusion before going to bed because im on pg 69 and i know i wont finish the rest of the essay tonight. Should i just skip to the last part where camus tells the story of sisphus and then read the essay on some later day?

>> No.8208234 [View]
File: 436 KB, 747x375, Usopp_Apologizes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anons, today I have learned of my lies to myself. I must no longer be untruthful to myself. I finally understand. I will take voluntary tempory suspension from 4chan and /lit, but mark my name, for I will return as a supreme*er* gentleman. Lets grow up and learn together again once I return from my haitus. So long Gentleman, its been a fun ride so far. Allow me to join you again once I deem myself worthy.


>> No.8208182 [View]

I will continue to lurk and when my moment comes, I will shine. Ofc I plan to improve my collection so far and shitpost again. Remember me gentleman, I shan't be gone.


>> No.8208169 [View]

The books I read in my list is
War of worlds
Atlas Shrugged
Brave New world
the two deathnote novels

Currently reading moby dick. Its not about what I like or dont like yet. I dont wanna just pick up a book and see 50 pgs and be like "oh well i dont like it im gonna put it down". I want to see what about the books make them so "great" I want to understand literature, I want a great book to plant a great seed in me, a great idea to help me live the life i want to live and write the music that I deem worthy.

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