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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.5914989 [View]

Oh, I really like the country, of course. It not only has a huge history but it's also a melting pot of a lot of current artists. I'd love to visit and I might at some point, but it's both expensive to get there and a pretty hard language.

You'll have to find someone else to take to the theater.

>> No.5914874 [View]
File: 450 KB, 1000x1031, sakiyo_cake blush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we might have some problems making this work

>> No.5914829 [View]

You might just had dealt with a bitch, it happens. But even when the intentions are good the constant tone of "well, what I'm doing doesn't really matter", "I'm sure whatever I was thinking is just dumb" and the absolute "I don't know, whatever you want is cool" slowly makes you act that way too and doubt everything you do. It's not the kind of deal that someone else can fix, so there's no point to all the effort you have to keep putting.

>> No.5914785 [View]
File: 158 KB, 500x357, hibari bed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Symbolism doesn't make something poetry.

>> No.5914763 [View]

I like your taste, but
>Low self-esteem.
That's a bad idea. Unless you are some sort of self-esteem beast that can never be taken down, it will slowly erode all your trust.

Also seconding the "too much time dressing up" anon >>5914734, although I'll give her a pass because if someone asks to take weird pictures of you you're gonna get more dressed up than usual.

Do you just hate people using 4chan functions or you're an anti Ficino fag?

>> No.5914735 [View]

College gives you a paper that makes people pay more for your work, that by itself makes it more important if you're gonna devote time to it. Even more with economics people since the job is gonna be 70% networking, 20% having a piece of paper, 10% not fucking it up too much.

Unless you go to the shittiest college, you'll always get a better education than on your own. I may have my impressions affected by living in a country where we aren't expected to get tied forever into the system if we chose to study something.

>> No.5914699 [View]

Well, you're already aware of the cons of your field. Try not to be a cunt.

Achitecture was actually the first art, the very term "art" comes from one of the roman maxims for it.

>> No.5914688 [View]
File: 870 KB, 500x375, no feet zeeburg!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't start with that shit

It happens. Last week I obsessed over how english doesn't have a suffix to turn a word more friendly and familiar like spanish can have calor and calorcito. In english you'd have to use something like heat and warmness, but it's just not the same.

>> No.5914674 [View]

It's really hard to know how likely to work will be something that has never been tried in human history and right after getting rid of more than a millennium of a pretty shitty system. You can't really blame them.

How is he gonna study economics in detail without going to college? He could even get a title that way instead of turning into an armchair commentator.
Your idea that systems inherently don't work is a bit silly. They work pretty well for the people in power who happens to control the jump from theory to practice.

Yes, but it's so funny to say.

>> No.5914541 [View]

I'm trying not to (I mean, he was hot and talented as fuck, serious envy here), but those were big factors to get published right with having a politically present rich father. We can't help but struggle a bit more.

>> No.5914527 [View]

So you're saying that having any kind of system is bad or just economic/political systems?
Anyway, when most of this ideas were first brought up they had this meta story shine that made everyone sure that no matter what in 100 years shit would be SO dope. Whether it is a perfect market that has to help people to keep people wealthy or a communal world in which you put effort for the common goal and that's enough to deserve a prize or whatever. They all had good intentions and in the practice is when you see how broken they were.

A-are you insulting me?
I may be too dumb to get your joke, anon, I'm sorry for failing you.

>> No.5914426 [View]

>how is communsim "deepy fucked up"? because the party is richer than you and you feel you deserve to be as rich as them for no reason?

Joke aside, no system is inherently bad, the problem with modern capitalism is just that certain people got so well into it that the end game of complete liberty and regulation through fair play spirit will never happen.

>> No.5914409 [View]

It's a dumb argument because the experience of living a process isn't the same as sustaining it or changing it. It's like assuming anyone would understand how oxygen works since we keep breathing it. It doesn't mean you can't understand communism because you lived it, it's that you don't understand anything just because you lived it.

>> No.5914365 [View]


There are some mentions of the bible and the thousand and one nights, but the genre is tied to the police and I guess it needs at least the concept of law and modern society to work. The idea of solving a mystery has always been part of human consciousness, someone dedicating their lives and getting payed for doing it not so much.

>> No.5914327 [View]

I remember an anon who teared off a page because the post it got glued to his backpack, but you don't really need it to get pasted there as long as you don't try to wave your book around. A small page would be just as useful.

Or just write on them with a pencil, it's a nice feel. You can add definitions, mark particularly good prose passages, remind you the start of a particular sub section, complete partial references, or anything you want. There were some pics of Nabokov's book completely covered in notes, but he was a professor so I guess he had to keep track of stuff to pass it to the students.

>> No.5914295 [View]
File: 54 KB, 454x456, audrey hepburn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quality thread

I'm not seeing how it works? is it magnets?

>> No.5914288 [View]

Because I'm not married to an absurdly talented hotty who is friends with Byron, brings the drugs to inspire my modernist revivals of classic tales and helps get me published.

>> No.5914277 [View]
File: 54 KB, 152x281, checking from the side.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's said that Poe invented it, but there are older works that could be considered part of the genre if we drop the urban/police angle (which is a pretty big part for some people)

>> No.5914271 [View]
File: 107 KB, 462x664, bitter medicine eguchi hisahsi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why so mean

You'll have more luck searching for random out of context pages and works than complete particular volumes, but some stuff can be found

>> No.5914254 [View]

Of course he can. And the chinese like eating rotten eggs.
People can have opinions on what other people do.

It's like trying to get a car for its color, its legitimate and I'm sure people do it, but I'd really like you to understand how open to wasting your time with shit you are letting yourself be.

>> No.5914237 [View]
File: 14 KB, 79x80, Imagen 19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what? how?

this kid reacts perfectly to your thread

>> No.5914226 [View]
File: 249 KB, 500x723, girls not caring eguchi hisashi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'margentine, don't know why it needed spoilers
The manga is Stop Hibari-Kun by Eguchi Hisashi, he has a sort of 80's pop style that shows off more in his ad work. He has more than a few books just for body references and that kind of stuff.

>> No.5914214 [View]
File: 14 KB, 260x195, film_main_hibari-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

english and spanish
i'm starting french this year
clearly, being this a hipster web forum, volapuk

>> No.5914186 [View]

Nice trips.
Christie is a very basic writer, it's something you read in the train or while sunbathing. Even as a thriller writer she isn't too good, the solution always goes away from the initial bounds (which defeats the process of showing clues to the reader) and at the same time she's always so evident and unidimentional that you guess what she's gonna contradict. She was just a best seller writer a la Dan Brown, nothing more.
It's cool if you like it though, you can like whatever shit you want.

The thing is that the perfect mystery novel could perfectly bend into just literary fiction, the central point that moves the genre can be easily taken away from the genre qualities.

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