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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.1348326 [View]

There's another part to being poor that you are missing out on - when you quit giving a shit.

>> No.1348300 [View]

She's got a mouth big enough to fit 2 dicks in.

>> No.1345952 [View]

He looks weird without his visor on.

>> No.1341681 [View]

Definitely the latter. Just trying to take their style. Trying to write something that sounds like it came from them.
I gotta go get ready for work. Good luck, OP.

>> No.1341669 [View]
File: 19 KB, 240x225, fukken_saved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1341641 [View]

I could use a fleece. I might look into this.

>> No.1341636 [View]

You could call it practice. Most of what I write ends up getting put in a box and buried and never seen again. I write a page a day, whether it's something I'm going to keep or not. Even if I'm not in the mood to write. At least one page a day. It doesn't need to be anything serious, it can be garbage. So yeah, I guess that's practice. I often try to emulate a particular work, especially if I'm just writing something that I don't necessarily intend to go anywhere with. That really helps develop a certain voice or style.
After I gave up any intention of ever publishing or even sharing my work, I started writing a lot more material and with a lot more diversity. Go figure.

>> No.1341615 [View]

There is a logic at work here that I cannot deny.

>> No.1341606 [View]

I've noticed that I have several voices, depending on my mood. So I write a different story for the different voices. You know, sometimes I like to sound conversational in my writing, so that's for a certain work. Sometimes I like fancy prose. Definitely doesn't fit in the same piece.

>> No.1341596 [View]
File: 55 KB, 470x593, bible with warnings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumbest story ever. It's all disconnected, the characters develop erratically. Large gaps and contradictions in plotline. The protagonist in the second half of the book, a jewish necromancer from an alternate dimension, has a thing for smiting fig trees. What the fuck. I just couldn't take it seriously.

>> No.1340672 [View]

Try "Genius of the Absurd," a collection of colloquialisms and stories by Chuang Tzu.

>> No.1338702 [View]

I haven't read this one yet, but I have read Justine, along with a lot of De Sade's letters and shorts, and they have all been fantastic so far.
And although, like I just said, I haven't read this one, I'm familiar with what in De Sade's work the laymen might dismiss simply as anti morality. At the very least, De Sade tries to point out that morality isn't objective waaay before his time. He was doing what post-modernists are still trying to do. And he was doing it a lot better.

>> No.1337418 [View]

Sure, Tao. Whatever you say. Thanks for slipping in that link. You sure are a clever advertiser. You ever think about going into that business instead?

>> No.1337410 [View]

Enough that I bought it, but it is still in the "too read," pile, anyways.
I've read Crime and Punishment from your list tho, OP. It's good stuff. Have you read any other Dostoevsky?

>> No.1337404 [View]

I've heard good things about it from relatively reliable sources outside of /lit.
For what that's worth.

>> No.1337400 [View]
File: 55 KB, 640x484, OJ shit eating grin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1337396 [View]

Yeah, this guy really needs to stop advertising here. Sorry man, I haven't read any of your books, and I don't plan to. Nothing against you - it's just that I don't have time to sort out the good from the bad of contemporary literature. I let time do the work instead, and only indulge in works of antiquity.

>> No.1337353 [View]

It's definitely one of my favorite books.

>> No.1337150 [View]

I'm in love with this girl.

Anyways, Kurt Vonnegut wrote a review of Herman Hesse's work called "Why They Read Hesse," but I haven't been able to find a place to read it online.

So if you find one, let me know.

>> No.1333344 [View]
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>> No.1333335 [View]

I posit that anyone was here for the beg-chan incident can officially call themselves oldfags.

>> No.1331001 [View]

Obviously you didn't go to the link, because he was referring to "the" alot.

>> No.1330986 [View]

I usually stop what I'm reading to look it up. If it happens to frequently, or if I don't have access to a dictionary/internet, I'll just write the word down.
Also, I've found that what I write down I remember a lot better than what I only read, so especially for words who's definitions I am unfamiliar with, when I look it up, I immediately transcribe what I have found.
Most of the time, you can infer the meaning of the word from the context it is used in. If you can't, you can just write it down, gloss it over, and forget about it next page.

>> No.1330922 [View]
File: 116 KB, 400x400, 1279713499982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


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