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>> No.7135879 [View]
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>But that doesn't mean we can corral them in a daycare.
Then close the borders.
If they aren't helpless, why are we even taking them on?
You do realise they go to Europe of their own volition,
not Iran or the middle East because, I would presume, the living conditions are better,
or those countries don't let them in.
Europe can not increase its population just because of a sad news story,
its economically implausible.

>> No.7135859 [View]
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>Because the Russians didn't run when the Germans came to kill them all.
What is the comparison?
The German government only closed the border with intentions of reopening it.
Mutti never even wanted it closed.

>I dislike Communism, but I admire their courage to stand up for their nation, rather than plea like cowards.
So you are in favor of an open border?

>The Arabs are adults, and have made their choice
Well, they have to go some where,
but them being in Germany will cause problems in said country.

>Only the Arabs, however they do so, can save themselves from themselves
Well, the idea would be that you put them somewhere,
but why Germany? Its absurd.

>> No.7135820 [View]
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Overly expensive.
Nobody wants to publish it, I presume.

>> No.7135802 [View]
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Why did you post an image of communist soldiers?

Aside from that: are you halfway serious?
How would this realistically come about?
Mutti seems overly leftist despite being the figurehead of a supposedly christian neo-liberal party.
What kind of party could propose a more centrist approach to the situation?
I can not imagine the NDP gaining popularity.

>> No.7135780 [View]
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Also: Michael by Joseph Goebbels may be a better choice.
He studied Literature and History and received a PhD, if I am not mistaken.

>> No.7135768 [View]
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Why are you using greentext?
You can just type questions out.

>> No.7135565 [View]
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True, some one from Syria could not normally stroll in to Bavaria,
but even in a refugee crisis,
there needs to be some sort of plan.
The refugees need to be split across all countries in the European Union.

>> No.7135547 [View]
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Bill O'Reilly is right that the hate speech laws in Britain are superfluous,
but he does create almost purposefully bad television.
I would say Bill Maher, Colbert and that jewish guy produce television of the same quality, however.

>> No.7135526 [View]
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The Chancellor of Germany wishes to re-open the border to Austria as soon as possible despite a heavy influx of Syrian refugees. The migration would have a heavy toll on the German economy, considering there is no reason to infer that the Syrians will find employment or Unterkunft.
I also find the idea of Bavaria being filled with thousands of people that are not even half-Teutonic strange.
Socialism, fine, but these radical measures are not.

>> No.7135490 [View]
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>open borders
>is white

>> No.7134780 [View]
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Cheeky rusemaster,
I was just reading a book in German.

>> No.7134766 [View]
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Makes no sense considering Washington had more terms,
when in fact Slizers had only one term and Bionicles has been in government since then, aside from a small slip up where some hipster Reagan type got in for a term.
Its more like a dictatorship, really.
Another angle:
Slizers = Mew
Bionicles = Mew 2

>> No.7134530 [View]
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I also had Slizers,
but Slizers are to Bionicles
as Goering is to Goebbels,
lets be serious,
and Goering did not have much in the head.

>> No.7134478 [View]
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>> No.7134454 [View]
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The Bohrok are the Syrians.
They have already taken Austria.

The Danes are clever people.
They see things before their Germanic brethren even notices what is upon them.

>> No.7134424 [View]
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>You will never save Mata Nui from the evil Bohrok
>Mein Antlitz dabei

>> No.7134413 [View]

*"wrote", not "write".

>> No.7134409 [View]
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Theodore Kaczynski was a mathematics professor who became interested in the literature of Friedrich Nietzsche and "luddism".
He was against the destruction of natural forests,
so he write a manifesto on Luddism.
Unfortunately it remained unpopular and unread,
so he killed people in order to increase its infamy.

>> No.7134335 [View]
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His vocabulary is okay,
but its use is "purple", in my humble opinion.
He should have focused on his studies instead of caring about girls.

>> No.7134331 [View]

Bertrand Russell

Larkin, not Larking

>> No.7134330 [View]
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Christopher Hitchens
Martin Amis
Kingsley Amis
Phillip Larking
Salman Rushdie
Haruki Murakami

>> No.7134188 [View]
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But you go to university to learn, not to talk to girls...

>> No.7134179 [View]
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>Rodger attended Santa Barbara City College (SBCC), writing in his manifesto that he dropped out of all his classes in February 2012.[1] The school said he was no longer taking classes.

I wonder what he studied and why he dropped out.

>> No.7134171 [View]
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Didn't the Columbine shooters have a "DOOM" manifesto?
Surely that must have been worse.
Also, does any one know what Elliot studied?

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