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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.15174617 [View]

Rhyme draws the best words out of poets. When you've set up a rhyme scheme you can just write down the last word in the verse and write whatever comes before the rhyme by filling the blanks. It forces you to rack your brains and squeeze as much meaning as possible into a single verse.

>> No.15174532 [View]

I'm not defending shit and i said that unrhymed poetry automatically invalidates whatsoever talent the artist is deemed to have.

>> No.15174501 [View]

It's a comfy read with a handful of hilarious moments and a successful parody of 18th century aristocracy.

>> No.15174491 [View]

At least he's less cucked than me since i have to write poems in English to allow others to read the shit i type down. I'll give him that.

>> No.15173868 [View]

This guy is only shilled here because semi-illiterate incels think he writes about groundbreaking and controversial themes when Celine wrote everything he did in a more creative and convincing prose 70 years ago.

>> No.15173827 [View]

The Dyonisiaca.

>> No.15173556 [View]

It was a metaphor you midwit.

>> No.15173544 [View]

Look at these fags' eyes, i can almost see a demon of lust within them. They probably recorded this shit before breaking up and setting up another one night stand to increase their body count and catch the latest HIV virus mutation. The hypocrisy is palpable, they were never together in the first place. Plus, they're not even cute, their rotten soul degrades their deceiving looks of innocence. Fuck you, stop posting these suicide fuel webms.

>> No.15173141 [View]

I read 30 books in 2-3 months.

>> No.15173008 [View]

I have nothing but pity for indoctrinated jewish golems who blindly believe in semitic superstitions.

>> No.15172971 [View]

>rhyme is shit in english
>unstrict but present metre and alliteration
English used to have a strictly alliterative metre in its early days

>> No.15172963 [View]

I am not an atheist in the slightest. If the only theistic positions you can think of are either abrahamite cuck or atheist edgelord you must have brain damage which is an ordinary christcuck trait.

>> No.15172932 [View]

>irredeemably ugly
>hates capitalism
>loves anarcho-communism
Checks out

>> No.15172908 [View]
File: 443 KB, 1791x2560, 81XhMjra9QL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then read some of the OT by yourself, realize it's a bunch of nonsensical and superstitious crap, and read Spinoza to free yourself from the abrahamic cancer. St. Augustine, Aquinas and his fuck buddies are bible apologists who try to patch up the word of the semites handed down to them and still fail at making sense of it.

>> No.15172880 [View]

>It is the living word of God of course
No it's the living word of a bunch of jews getting punished over and over by "God" which is little more than a humanized big daddy figure for tribal semite gangs.
OP, skip all that superstitious shit and read Spinoza to find the true nature of God.

>> No.15172762 [View]

Lol cope

>> No.15172752 [View]

I have all the reasons to believe this guy's talent is 90% giving blowjobs to his jewish publishers abd 10% being able to write readable poetry.

>> No.15172710 [View]

Daily reminder that unrhymed poetry is not poetry

>> No.15165241 [View]
File: 540 KB, 1840x3199, IMG_20191027_123211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15165186 [View]

Oh yeah, the author of Genesis A begins his story before the events of the biblical genesis and describes a war between heaven and hell, so Milton definitely took a page from him.

>> No.15165166 [View]

IIRC the devil is a recurring antagonist spouting long-winded dialogues to tempt humans in the early old english poems like Genesis A in the Junius Manuscript. Milton may or may have not been inspired by this anglo tradition of giving Satan lengthy speeches.

>> No.15164893 [View]

I don't need to wish something which is already real. No sane person with an active sex life would be seething so much at fags, and no girls would ever want to be close to a sperglord like you.

>> No.15164859 [View]
File: 38 KB, 270x373, unnamed (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The faggots who unironically shill this kid's pics know more about the boy than his fucking parents because that's the only drag queen kid they can use as a strawman when their fragile heterosexuality is threatened. You won't find another kid drag queen other than him lmfao.

>> No.15164819 [View]
File: 1.95 MB, 400x400, 1571937202446.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls seethe more I'm getting hard thinking just how buttblasted you are

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