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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.13643973 [View]


>> No.13640830 [View]

About two chapters

>> No.13640509 [View]
File: 1.70 MB, 3264x2448, 50D4F7BB-7C5D-44F3-BD22-78ED0921E48E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slice of life NYC 2105 cyberpunk urban dystopia story about the life and times of a 13 year old girl navigating the rough streets of gangs, clone equal rights protests and trying to score stolen tech from megacorp trucks and warehouses. Tentatively titled “Sarah of the barricades” it’s the untold story of the mother of the MC of my spaceopera series.

>> No.13632869 [View]
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Going to market January 1st 2020 with the first volume of my space opera. Subsequent volumes will be released exactly every 90 days until all 10 are out in spring 2022.

That’s should give me enough time to polish up the other 4 books I have in reserve and write sequels where applicable as well as new books. About another 6 are on the back burner for the time being. Exciting times. This has been 15 years in the making

>> No.13589396 [View]

Be consistent. 6:00am-730am are dedicated to writing right off the bat. You become what you practice

>> No.13586830 [View]
File: 272 KB, 1180x1204, AD9C6766-F1A9-4C9C-B985-A5690AEC07FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup guise. Just wanted to drop by and encourage the writers on the board to keep plugging away at their projects. That’s it. Stay at it. Get up early and make a little more progress each day and you’ll have a finished poem/short story /novella/screenplay/ novel before you know it

>> No.13575190 [View]
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I’m friends with his wife. She’s been helping me push my books closer to market and they’ve both given me sound advice, encouragement, and even leads for agents and publishers

>> No.13554576 [View]
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Stay at it. You’ll get there. Reading this post gives the reader +1 writing.

>> No.13517790 [View]
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>> No.13494507 [View]

Then that’s what you’re getting

>> No.13494330 [View]
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Bruh, I’m 43. You can do anything you put your mind to. Make a solid plan, make a little or a lot of progress each day. When you reach that goal, make another. I have every confidence

>> No.13432298 [View]
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Forgot pic

>> No.13432290 [View]

>Be me
>leave halfway through senior year to join army
>basic training/AIT/airborne school
>get deployed to Bosnia in 1996 for Op: joint endeavor
>visit blown to shit Sarajevo. Entire place looks like a town built in the middle of a cemetery. Get hounded by dirt faced lolis missing limbs for money and food everywhere you go.
“Please, GI-kun, g-give me Deutschmark, g-give me some something, I have nothing. Grandpa will beat me if I come home empty handed.”
>give her all the money I have on me
>she shows me a small stone next to a bridge painted bright red. It’s where the assassin stood when he shot prince archduke Ferdinand and ultimately started ww1.
>destruction as far as the eye can see
>walk back to base
> sleep in underground shooting range that’s so cold the Serbs used it as a morgue. There’s bulletholes in everything, old bloodstains.
>wizards of the coast struck a deal with MWR to entertain troops.(no bob hope or dancing girls) instead im given an entire crate of Magic the gathering cards for something to do.
>sell cards to some private for $100 drinking money.
>curl up next to space heater in underground office.
>water seeps in everywhere. Use water bottles cut in half as a makeshift aqua duct system to capture all the rain getting in. Empty the bucket every other hour or room floods.
>listen to NIN-downward spiral on loop. Forgot other CD’s
>wonder if little girl survived
>everything is muddy and cold and looks like pic related. Covered head to toe in ranger plate body armor.
>covered in green pack, helmet and armor. Everyone looks like ninja turtles
>cat gets stuck in tripwire of claymore mine on perimeter, blows a hole in the fencing. Everyone on alert for 3 hours until EOD guy comes back with a singed bloody tail
>Turkish guard gets headshot by Serbian extremist leaning out of a speeding Yugo with a bolt action rifle
>what is this place

>> No.13423367 [View]
File: 209 KB, 886x876, B1762DD7-290E-4A5E-8C78-6B8156A838EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A google search of “Beyond Tomorrow” will get you what you want but you’ll have to wait until January 1

>> No.13422793 [View]
File: 58 KB, 649x611, 9187EF54-235E-4C51-8C87-B622D4B9358F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing final rewrites/edits to put my space opera shit to market.
volume one drops January 2020
And then a new book every 90 days through fall 2022.
Vampire book will probably barter that
Book about the devil after that.
Jetpack girl book after that. And I’ll probably have a few more books after that one of which I want to be a hunter s Thompson “gonzo” thing

>> No.13393169 [View]

Sup, butterfly.

>> No.13382844 [View]

It’s for kids

>> No.13382320 [View]

I have a few ideas but I’m open to suggestions. If you were in my position, what would you do?

>inb4 drinkbleachfaggit.mp3

>> No.13382207 [View]

I’ve got a Kentucky vampire book and I’ve started a new series about a girl who races jetpacks in a utopian society. First book is done. There’s another about a kid who while trying to make an app that breaks down game code and makes new games accidentally solves the famous “P vs NP” math problem which would render all encryption obsolete. Another is about a young dishonored marine who down on his luck takes a Job at a porn store on I-75 and ponders his life while his only friend is a dirty old queen who works the “boutique” side to sell things and stripper wear. He befriends a 16 year old prostitute who’s constantly being mistreated by her “yo dawg” boyfriend/pimp. Being from Kentucky I’m going to take a series stab at a “gonzo” novel to try and resurrect the ghost of hunter s Thompson

>> No.13382164 [View]

Holy shit, somebody remembered. Bourbon and Blood is finished and I left the ending open for a sequel. They’re heading to New Orleans so the title will itprobably be something with the words “liquor and spirits” in it. Tell you what friend, since you paid attention, post an email address (disposable or otherwise) with a screenshot of your device from your post and I’ll send you something

>> No.13382141 [View]

THeres a podcast called SPP and I asked them about spacing the release dates. They mentioned 3-4 months apart

>> No.13382104 [View]
File: 404 KB, 750x1334, D238553B-F81E-4B32-AC78-8E3CCF471185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m partial to a star design.

>> No.13382100 [View]
File: 567 KB, 750x1334, 7738C8C0-E0EF-4C50-BF63-2E92ABB082E9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. Good covers are needed. A shit cover will kill you. But I want to deviate from the norm a little because right now EVERYTHING in my genre looks like this. Seriously. Everything is either a cybernetic chick or a space ship. The series should have a symbol. Something easily recognizable.

>> No.13382070 [View]
File: 2.23 MB, 3264x2448, 09936FC8-B11A-43AB-B8F9-5CEC299DC26C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can’t you tell by my bookshelf?

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