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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.14667448 [View]

Start putting out books where the pages are flavored in grape and menthol

>> No.14667148 [View]

Why does he look like a monkey?

>> No.14667080 [View]

They fantasize about dominating her while the commercial is playing which releases dopamine and causes them to associate the product with feeling good

>> No.14667059 [View]

Actually it is, seventh day Adventists have been practicing vegetarianism and veganism in the US and Europe long enough for them to be good candidates for lifespan studies, veganism is correlated with shorter lifespan vs vegetarian and balanced low meat diets.

And whilst correlation isn't causation it's still pretty telling.

>> No.14667037 [View]

Sals is good but sometimes I just want a reuben and for that there's Katz's.

>> No.14665948 [View]

Read US History because the EU is just a cheap dimestore attempt to copy America anyway

>> No.14665936 [View]

Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism

Found one for most of the people on here

>> No.14665893 [View]

Not the person you're replying to but yes all the time

>> No.14665869 [View]

Raskolnikov except it was only attempted murder and I haven't reached the feeling bad stage yet

>> No.14664629 [View]

Hylics lack pneuma, and even if some animals possess it they lack the necessary capability to meditate their base desires in their current form and to suppress them in favor of the Spirit

>> No.14663582 [View]

Hylics aren't human, they're just animals in a gooey human shell

>> No.14663437 [View]

However in all seriousness it depends on how seriously they take it. If they're just code monkeys their code will be 99% copy and paste, and they won't read. That's most programmers. If they take it seriously then it depends on how corporate they are. Corporates will all read shit like code complete, books on agile and scrum, etc.. More OS oriented will probably have read the art of computer programming, structure and interpretation of computer programs, etc... In terms of general lit most won't read much, sadly

>> No.14663408 [View]

Start with the Greeks

>> No.14662822 [View]

Familial spheres are where it's most useful, exploitation begins at home

>> No.14662792 [View]

Sociopaths exist because in a world filled with unsuspecting normies it can be a very good adaptation, but only as long as their percentage relevant to the general pop remains low and their doesn't exist widespread neurological testing to weed them out. It's also in many ways more suited to earlier epochs of human civilization

>> No.14662759 [View]

The key is to be the violent abuser, and to make sure they genuinely believe if they involve the authorities, leave you, or cheat that not only are they going to die but so are their parents, siblings and pets.

>> No.14662037 [View]

It's called fake it till you make it, in essence making moral choices consistently because you're role-playing a decent human being will eventually have the cognitive effect of making you genuinely good...

>> No.14662014 [View]

This system was revealed by something non existent whereas Gnosticism was revealed by the ineffable Logos, that is the Christ

Bow down to the Monad or we'll cut down your sacred cow bitch

>> No.14661998 [View]

That's based more on the global warming effects of domesticated animals though. Veganism is associated with shorter lifespan

>> No.14661590 [View]

I feel like I get some free points I don't deserve because I primarily bang mentally disturbed chicks.

>> No.14661581 [View]

Food for thought: The fat in meat is what led early humans to grow larger brains.

Vegan diets are typically lower in fat, so could that explain why every vegan I meet is a full-fledged fucking retard?

>> No.14661475 [View]

So wanna go to the olive garden?

>> No.14661426 [View]

Well now it's time to move on to the Romans.

>> No.14661419 [View]

Depressing that because of this guy Ken Follett will survive the end times.

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