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>> No.14419347 [View]
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“What is true of one man, said the judge, is true of many. The people who once lived here are called the Anasazi. The old ones. They quit these parts, routed by drought or disease or by wandering bands of marauders, quit these parts ages since and of them there is no memory. They are rumors and ghost in this land and they are much revered. The tools, the art, the building--these things stand in judgement on the latter races. Yet there is nothing for them to grapple with. The old ones are gone like phantoms and the savages wander these vanyons to the sound of an ancient laughter. In their crude huts they crouch in darkness and listen to the fear seeping out of the rock. All progressions from a higher to a lower order are marked by ruins and mystery and a residue of nameless rage. So. Here are the dead fathers. Their spirit is entombed in the stone. It lies upon the land with the same weight and the same ubiquity. For whoever makes a shelter of reeds and hides has joined his spirit to the primal mud with scarcely a cry. But who builds in stone seeks to alter the structure of the universe and so it was with these masons however primitive their works may seem to us.”

>> No.14415711 [View]
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>tfw INFP
>the raw emotion i feel at all parts of the day allows me to write in the most beautiful, moving way
>mfw reading and author is obviously not an INFP because they write like a soulless automaton

>> No.14414341 [View]
File: 89 KB, 580x435, serveimage (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Pessoa held a lifelong job as bookkeeper and translator of foreign correspondence in Lisbon, a city he rarely left, and lived an extremely solitary life, never marrying. Josipovici describes him as a man who dressed "with the utmost correctness; a man of few gestures in a peninsula of gesticulators; smoking up to eighty cigarettes a day"

>"Despite his apparently ascetic and asexual nature, Pessoa was recalled by friends and neighbours as a deeply lonely man, his outlook on intimacy oscillating wildly between complete rejection of love in favour of intellectual pursuits, to obsessive - and rather worrying - devotion to women who are unlikely to have been aware of his feelings towards them. One theory claims that some of Pessoa's earliest heteronyms were invented to allow him to write lengthy erotic letters - discovered several decades after his death - to various young women living in Lisbon, without the risk of these letters being associated with him."

>"As far as is known, he died a virgin; he did take up with one Ophelia Queiroz when he was 31 and she 19 — she also wrote to some of the heteronyms. After six months Pessoa broke it off, saying that he was not like other humans, followed a different Law."

>"During 1914, while living with his Aunt Anica on Lisbon's Rua Pascoal de Melo, the twenty-six-year old Pessoa revealed in a diary entry how loneliness and a lack of either material or artistic success had burdened him with immense feelings of failure and despondency. Treating his diary as a kind of maternal figure, Pessoa demands to know why he has so far failed to establish any kind of name for himself in Lisbon or formed any lasting bonds with its inhabitants. "Why do I only condone a ghost-like existence for myself. Wherever I go, I haunt. I sense the deep unease which people feel in my company - even my employer treats me with a kind of pity which is unbecoming of a man so assertive and so otherwise willing to lend no sympathetic attention to his business. Must I always perceive life as though through a glass window, fearing always that it will become obscured by the heat and revelry aside and leave me entirely alone outside on the abandoned street? Why, dear diary, do I fail to penetrate life like other writers and philosophers do with some competence? Tonight I feel abandoned once again. My spirit aches. The world outside proceeds while I yearn like a chained dog to be allowed to travel with it. Worse still is that there is no chain preventing me from living the life of a human being.""
why didn't he just improve himself?

>> No.14401293 [View]
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>Life swings like a pendulum backward and forward between pain and boredom.

>> No.14397366 [View]
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Does the university need to become a pluriversity?

In his 1983 inaugural lecture as visiting chair at Cornell University (New York), Derrida put into question the reason of the university: What is the reason for being of the university - with a view to what?

Along with Kant, Nietzsche, Heidegger... JD agreed the essential feature of academic responsibility must not be professional education. The particular characteristics of today's predicament, is the professionalization opening the university to the laws of the market and technical competency; and the university's entanglement with international military-industrial complexes, techno-science. These issues were the "abysses and the gorges", "the bridges and the barriers" Derrida cautioned for while advocating "a new university Enlightenment".

Today, the developing notion of pluriversity this rethinking of the raison d'être of the university? Among the header decolonization we find in de Sousa or Dussel, followed by Mbembe, for example, the call to pluralize the university, to make pluriversites. Authors like these propose an ontological 'leveling', the need to overcome overcomes anthropocentrism, humanism, nature/culture distinction. A pluriversity is a site open to "epistemic diversity".

This seems to nourish a relativism which reifies west / non-west binary; or carves out a 'people-of-colour only space'; and romanticizes certain knowledge systems, blocking critical inquiry as epistemic violence. And what about theology? The 'ontological turn' and 'epistemic diversity' legitimates theology back into the university: Why should this be desirable?

>> No.14397126 [View]
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Why are so many good writers high IQ? What are some examples of good low IQ writers?

>> No.14396110 [View]
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Are there any books that touches on the same themes as the Amadeus movie does? Like geniality, the curse of being born average, the injustice of God when making vulgar people more genius than a faithful person, how the work of an average person will never reach the level of the work of a genius etc.

>> No.14387282 [View]
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>> No.14381467 [View]
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Why is it that people who support this work are jobless losers, including Marx himself?

>> No.14380272 [View]
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books for this feel
pic unrelated

>> No.14378371 [View]
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>> No.14376897 [View]
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*proceeds to be correct about literally everything*

>> No.14364563 [View]
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>> No.14359709 [View]
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What do you call the direction of discourse?

>> No.14353732 [View]
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>> No.14345632 [View]
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wagies don't have time to complain. off you go now, shekelberg won't be able to afford his new yacht without you

>> No.14335365 [View]
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Based comfy Christmas song

>> No.14334517 [View]
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>> No.14332484 [View]
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>"Pessoa held a lifelong job as bookkeeper and translator of foreign correspondence in Lisbon, a city he rarely left, and lived an extremely solitary life, never marrying. Josipovici describes him as a man who dressed "with the utmost correctness; a man of few gestures in a peninsula of gesticulators; smoking up to eighty cigarettes a day"

>"Despite his apparently ascetic and asexual nature, Pessoa was recalled by friends and neighbours as a deeply lonely man, his outlook on intimacy oscillating wildly between complete rejection of love in favour of intellectual pursuits, to obsessive - and rather worrying - devotion to women who are unlikely to have been aware of his feelings towards them. One theory claims that some of Pessoa's earliest heteronyms were invented to allow him to write lengthy erotic letters - discovered several decades after his death - to various young women living in Lisbon, without the risk of these letters being associated with him."

>"As far as is known, he died a virgin; he did take up with one Ophelia Queiroz when he was 31 and she 19 — she also wrote to some of the heteronyms. After six months Pessoa broke it off, saying that he was not like other humans, followed a different Law."

>> No.14321093 [View]
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>> No.14320260 [View]
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>> No.14318202 [View]
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How can the creation of children ever be perceived as ethical? Ignoring the utilitarian nature of anti-natalism, you are essentially forcing a person into the world and at the same time denying them the hope of suicide due to the suffering they would inevitably cause if they were to go through with it. This forces the created person to live out a lifetime due to your selfish and impulsive desire for a successor.

>> No.14299677 [View]
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fucking bump
Finishing Metaphysics of War here and Evola mentions how the Aryan ideal of Holy War was manifested in Christian Europe during the Crusades. However his view on Catholicism is quite negative, as he blames it for cucking the European spirit of action.

>> No.14273998 [View]
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Define your damn terms you piece of underthinking fermented $7 vodka. Might as the right in morals, untrue from a pragmatist perspective because of the faultiness of individual wills vs. the collected, i.e. we are more important than i; one man with the power to destroy the human race, determines to do so is right, and so does it, whether or not it is, which it isn't, from the pragmatist perspective, because it removes the largest logical movers in the known fucking universe. As for the right to do something, because rights are socially imposed, and power is socially ordained, beyond physical force of might is power, i.e. a man has the power to kill the president, and the right, and those who value the president and retribution have the right to collaborate to bring about his end, and so on, but because we're not all fucking mongoloids like you, the options available seem much less like "i'm gonna just kill this dude" and more like "i'm going to express my will in public in order to spread ideas for the future, which i can think about because i don't have the mental energy of a magic marker". Faggot.

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