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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23507093 [View]

They should just simply dig up Louvre and confirm the findings

>> No.23507092 [View]

They're alright. He's not that great at characterization so that element of the show is better. The plot is fun and book 4 is where things really start diverging from the TV series (so unlike what the other guy said they're worth reading if you liked the show even if you hated the last few seasons).

>> No.23507091 [View]

You see that kind of style with very certain authors, of which Carlyle is a very standout example. I honestly think it's the secret to writing good polemicals or other exhortatory pieces; you have to train yourself to summon forth that "Kuhgeist" at will until you've finished writing whatever you want to say.

>> No.23507090 [View]

Couldn't he just say like Fuck you people I ain't writing shit about GoT anymore and let this be a lesson to you all that you seldom get what you want in life ha ha ha I am burning my manuscript and legally preventing anyone from completing the series after my death. Here's another Wild Cards

>> No.23507089 [View]

I hate people who look like >>23503286 and >>23503152 and >>23504678.
That's what the post was about.
I don't even know who the guy is in OP. I can tell you I dislike him and wrote all I did exclusively because of how he looks.
You're mistaken. I articulated in detail why I despise balding, pudgy, ugly men with disgusting unkempt facial hair that are the real life equivalence of soijak and expressed why people who look like this are invariably shit people. This is a rational hatred founded on real life experience.

Contrast this with soijak looking men - prone to mania, hysteria, hypermotional states. They're the ones that are mentally ill.

>> No.23507088 [View]
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When democracy ends, duh
On a side note about hierarchy, one can pretty much predict how long a system will last based on how egalitarian it is. Something like the soviet union only managed to live for ~70 years because it still preserved a modicum of hierarchy ("Nomenklatura"), had it been more egalitarian, it wouldn't have lasted even a single decade.
There are other factors, of course, but as a rule, equality is essentially a sign of slow decay in any given system. And on an individual level, the more egalitarian you are, the more retarded and delusional about reality you become.

>> No.23507087 [View]
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How's the writing career coming, /lit/?

>> No.23507086 [View]

>How is it anti catholic to say that Jesus and Magdalene had sex and their blood line exists?
Because everyone knows that the TRUE avatar of God is some random guy from Argentina.

>> No.23507085 [View]
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Cheers my friends.

>> No.23507084 [View]

It's going to take a while.

>There is the next mile−stone for you, in the History of Mankind ! That universal Burning−up, as in hell−fire, of Human Shams. The oath of Twenty−five Million men, which has since become that of all men whatsoever, 'Rather than live longer under lies, we will die!' that is the New Act in World−History. New Act, or, we may call it New Part; Drama of World−History, Part Third. If Part Second was 1800 years ago, this I reckon will be Part Third. This is the truly celestial−infernal Event: the strangest we have seen for a thousand years. Celestial in the one part; in the other, infernal. For it is withal the breaking−out of universal mankind into Anarchy, into the faith and practice of No−Government, that is to say (if you will be candid), into unappeasable revolt against Sham−Governors and Sham−Teachers, which I do charitably define to be a Search, most unconscious, yet in deadly earnest, for true Governors and Teachers. . . When the Spontaneous Combustion breaks out; and, many−coloured, with loud noises, envelopes the whole world in anarchic flame for long hundreds of years: then has the Event come; there is the thing for all men to mark, and to study and scrutinise as the strangest thing they ever saw. Centuries of it yet lying ahead of us; several sad Centuries, sordidly tumultuous, and good for little! Say Two Centuries yet, say even Ten of such a process: before the Old is completely burnt out, and the New in any state of sightliness? Millennium of Anarchies; abridge it, spend your heart's−blood upon abridging it, ye Heroic Wise that are to come !

>> No.23507083 [View]

He had a slur is what I was referring to.

>> No.23507082 [View]
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>Lit mashup

>> No.23507081 [View]

Dan Brown's books are about as theologically accurate as Catholic lore.

>> No.23507080 [View]


>> No.23507079 [View]

Smells of cope

>> No.23507078 [View]

How is it anti catholic to say that Jesus and Magdalene had sex and their blood line exists? Wouldn't it make it a more convincing argument about Christianity? That the dude was real and he existed unlike the other dudes whose existence is not proven so our religion is more amazing

>> No.23507077 [View]

>neonatal deaths were conquered by technology
>over 40 million abortions since 1980

>> No.23507076 [View]

That's a Jew growing inside him

>> No.23507075 [View]

Under the Volcano

>> No.23507074 [View]

Perhaps the closest anyone has gotten to the Ubermensch in modern times is Joseph Smith. He incarnated knew values in authentic imitation of the Old Testament's theomorphic men. Remember that Nietzsche was very fond of the Old Testament.

> You already guess it, I do not like the "New Testament"; it almost upsets me that I stand so isolated in my taste so far as concerns this valued, this over-valued Scripture; the taste of two thousand years is against me; but what boots it! "Here I stand! I cannot help myself"[5]—I have the courage of my bad taste. The Old Testament—yes, that is something quite different, all honour to the Old Testament! I find therein great men, an heroic landscape, and one of the rarest phenomena in the world, the incomparable naïveté of the strong heart; further still, I find a people.

>> No.23507073 [View]

Dan Brown is just anti-Catholic nonsense and the fact that Americans even gave him the time of day shows how anti-Catholic the United States is and has been.

>> No.23507072 [View]

Lol, what a thread. You're a "special" one, OP.

>> No.23507071 [View]
File: 215 KB, 1057x843, 10463798_10153168839506421_3141459395041560541_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>magic mountain
the fuck is that

>> No.23507070 [View]

It happened during 2020. Long story.

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