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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.20770632 [View]

On the subject of AI.
AI sucks.
It is decent for augmenting your own writing, when I find myself not sure what to write next, I'll have AI generate a few sentences and that will help get me moving in a direction. It's like a push on a swing.
It is not good enough to write anything half decent on its own. It struggles to keep characters behavior consistent and goes off the rails quite easily.

I'm not worried about AI replacing writers. At best it can only be a tool that helps writers.

>> No.20770527 [View]

No problem.

>> No.20769694 [View]

Work on line weight nigga

>> No.20769679 [View]

I could rape her seven times a day.

>> No.20769672 [View]

My plan was to demoralise you faggots from writing so I could have an edge on the self published Amazon platform, but you faggots write such drivel (if you ever write to begin with), that you do my job for me.

>> No.20768958 [View]

looks like a bathtub.
Fuck out of here with your bathtub peotry.

>> No.20767318 [View]

Go suck a dick.

>> No.20766216 [View]

I hope the moral it teaches is related to not being a cock sucking twat.

>> No.20764562 [View]

Wait for AI to get better, then just give it a summary of the story you would like to write with the instruction to do it in the style of the writer you wish to mimic.

>> No.20764277 [View]

I never get upset.
Bask in the comfort of your mediocrity.
The world's population has exploded. They won't allow this to continue.
Even the necessary grunts will be replaced by machines.
Only those who achieve excellence shall be spared.
And there you sit, writing porn and talking about "doing the things you like"
You sicken me.

>> No.20764207 [View]

Good evening, you simple minded bitch.
Write any porn recently?

>> No.20764198 [View]

Probably doesn't matter.
On the off chance you get hooked up with a publisher then their editors will tone down whatever they have a problem with.

>> No.20764191 [View]

If you don't find satisfaction in a journey towards excellence then you are either a simple minded bitch, or writing porn.

Put that quote in front of a sunset and hang it on your fucking wall, faggot.

>> No.20764175 [View]

Keep reading and writing.
Over a long period of time.
Read quality shit.
Read old shit, even if it's boring.
Don't try to emulate, but understand what words can do.
Then accept you are not one of them and stick to a young adult style of writing.
Pepper in a quality description here and there.
Keep it simple 95% of the time.
You'll be fine.
In 5-10 years.

>> No.20764084 [View]

Embrace the archetypes.
They just need to be likeable.
(or purposely unlikeable)

>> No.20763510 [View]


I write like Hemmingway.
Eat a dick, haters.

>> No.20763462 [View]

Well done.

>> No.20763403 [View]

What do my stories teach?
It doesn't teach shit.
It's just basketball with JoJo vibes.
And also kind of gay.
But JoJo is gay.
A lot of JoJo fans don't know that they are watching a gay show and are secretly gay.

>> No.20762784 [View]

It shouldn't, because it's happening. Already planning the movie deal with Netflix.

>> No.20762771 [View]

I can gather this kind of shit advice that appears on /wg/, put it into a book, sell it on Amazon and make a fortune.

Those kind of books don't need to give good advice they just need to give advice that 'sounds' good and that's 90% of what you see on here.

>> No.20761561 [View]

an emotionally gripping sports drama.

It's called "Balls Above the World!"

>> No.20760598 [View]

I believe in you.

>> No.20756187 [View]

Just fucking write.
>How do I know if my idea is simple or complex?
You're going to have to explain that a little more, bitch.

>> No.20755927 [View]

Fake Sange, stfu and quit being rude for no reason. Wait for someone to act like a shit, ask a dumbass question, make a dumbass statement, or write a shit story. Then you can lay into them guilt free.

I like Sangewhich though. Keep it up, bitch.

Watch lord of the rings faggot.
You think sci-fi writers ever been to space?
It called imagination and it's kind of critical to have one if you want to be a writer.

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