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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23395796 [View]

Demoralization thread by a Mutt/Kike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do not respond.

>> No.23395312 [View]

No but I came very close with Kafka. I think pretty much only the blue octavo notebooks and some of the diaries I've missed. He used to be everything for me when I was in my late teens/early twenties. Can't really see any author ever having that kind of meaning for me again, so probably no and no in answer to your questions, looking to the future.

>> No.23394504 [View]

>hahaha what an idiot for not being terrified of death and just enjoying his life

>> No.23393570 [View]

>The whole point of the poem is that there is no way of dealing with death. It makes a mockery of all your efforts. "Being brave lets no one off the grave, death is no different whined at than withstood"
And yet the anon you're replying to seems to be dealing with it just fine. Death is what you make of it, like everything else. Just because you have a particular way of looking at it doesn't mean that is *the* way to look at it.

>> No.23389985 [View]

>I read books more than I play games. I walk into the city and the first thing I do is look for bookshops. Never used tiktok in my life. Fuck you anon.
Then why do you sound like such a fucking idiot?

>> No.23389966 [View]

Congratulations, OP, you did it. You actually read a book. Give yourself a firm pat on the back. You can go back to your videogames and tiktok now.

>> No.23389955 [View]

Love this thread idea, I think I tried to do this before, to little fanfare. Glad ya'll are participating! Many folks itt must not write regularly, which is fine because INTERNET WORLD! but it is still very interesting for me to see all your different handwriting in such a neglected state of skill. I have to say, it is still better than modern young retards who literally didn't learn how to write properly - like with y, g, j, etc written -above- the line. The education system has failed. Seeing people write like that feels like nails on a chalkboard for me. Something I've noticed throughout adult life, seeing the writing of others, is a weird combo of cursive and print, which to me looks terrible.

I shall have to post something soon. I rather enjoy writing, and especially have fun with alternative alphabets. Though I don't claim my writing is even good. I learned the dumbass mid-90's nu-cursive, and at one point as an adult I modified it to be less awful and have been writing that way for a long time.

I like these, seems like you actually write frequently.

A girl wrote this.

Is this ... greek? Sometimes I'll try to look up normal, everday handwriting of foreign languages. I love that stuff. The rooskies are the kings of beautiful writing, they have a living, strong cursive and even reading culture.

Tolkien was writing from a different era of the world, and his style reflects that through the type of pens/nibs he had available, and the alphabet he learned. It's a decidedly older style of alphabet. I didn't know it was Carolingian specifically, but there are many similar alphabets. They all become kind of similar.
Also, Tolkien's handwriting in general is "get the job done quickly" unless he's writing a letter, then he might actually care. A messy style, and the letter forms are very different across the corpus. Source: I tried to make a Tolkien "alphabet" based on several pieces of his writing. When I finished, and tried to write with it, it looked so damn ugly haha. But I was not using a hyper rad early 1900's setup either, nor with familiarity or skill.

>> No.23389912 [View]

I read all of them, and none of them are worth it. I regret reading it. He writes only dialogue, or page-long sentences with uncouth themes. Things are set up, and are never resolved. It's a joke of a series.

>> No.23389570 [View]

Bait thread
Anyone below this reply is a certified retard

>> No.23388786 [View]

Come on, it's not even top 100. It's not even as good as Tale of Two Cities.

>> No.23384061 [View]

Not literature.

>> No.23383579 [View]

I felt this way until I had sex. Then it was meh, can't be bothered with dealing with a woman's bullshit just to get my dick wet.
Have sex to make babies. Dealing with a woman then becomes training for dealing with screaming toddlers, over excited preteens and resentful teenagers. It has purpose. The ultimate creation, the creation of life. 2000 generations since the last glacial maximum have managed to create life against all odds to bring about You.
2000 consecutive winning dice rolls against infertility, death in childbirth, childhood diseases, starvation, accidents, drought, storms, snow and wild animals.
You have being a winner baked into your genes. Stop trying to find a woman that will allow you to masturbate in her like a warm onahole and find a woman that wants to be impregnated.

>> No.23383002 [View]

Jannies, clean this shit up.

>> No.23382707 [View]

>stealth /pol/ thread
Kill yourself.

>> No.23381233 [View]

not /lit/

>> No.23379386 [View]
File: 116 KB, 860x1035, 1713393544077118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means anti-nomian

>> No.23378955 [View]

Not even (You) worthy, kys retard

>> No.23377333 [View]

Oh look, some wild copetards have wandered out of their natural habitat.

>> No.23372949 [View]
File: 59 KB, 600x600, 8c7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23372432 [View]
File: 59 KB, 600x600, 8c7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23372067 [View]

There was a schism in the left movement because of the Progressive Stack. It was noticed that Jews were actually incredibly privileged as a group, so instead of the minority oppressed status the Jews wanted to receive, Blacks and Muslims and Feminists dropped them down the list to the status of oppressors along with the Whites, or even worse than the Whites. Look up the women's march, it ended up being positively anti-semetic. Funny how the tides turn.

>> No.23372054 [View]

Israel helped install a terrorist government as a pretext to bomb the people into oblivion and put pressure on nearby Islamic countries to take them as refugees. It's genocide because the explicit goal is to kill or remove a group of people to annex their land.

Also, the whole project of Israel is ludicrous, imagine if someone moved into your house and said "I'm not leaving. You just have to get used to living out back in the shed. Also, I control all the food, water, power, internet, and goods you have access to." Any reasonable person would refuse to accept that and become hostile to the occupier. In fact, if you owned a gun, I'd bet you would shoot such a home invader, and rightly so. That's the point, the entire state of Israel is illegitimate to begin with and they are committing rampant war crimes, and you want to equivocate over the word "genocide" like it grants you some holy high ground to split hairs on atrocities.

>> No.23371372 [View]

15% booba, 39% bok, 73% booba book

>> No.23370865 [View]

Netanyahu helped Hamas gain funding and power. Every single person who has died in this conflict is explicitly the fault of Netanyahu.

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