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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.3377156 [View]

why would you think a good general would make for a good writer

>> No.3375096 [View]

would be like speaking classical latin to your local taco seller

if you're not going to consider sanskrit (boo) then classical chinese is the best option. they have a great canon.

>> No.3374768 [View]


if we're talking poetry too

>> No.3374718 [View]

i didn't mean it derisively. what did you take away.

>> No.3374660 [View]

if im already in hell where am i supposed to go when i die there?

no, it's basically the same.

>> No.3374651 [View]

no, that's a vast oversimplification of what translation entails.

they have the same general "gist" (god this, jesus that, etc), but you should consider them as entirely separate works, not two different lenses through which you will see one fundamental work.

or you could. up to you.

>> No.3374605 [View]

modern translations try to go for accuracy or clarity over pleasing language. you might want to buy an annotated one, it will help if it has a map too.


>> No.3374582 [View]



got no backup joke

>> No.3374576 [View]

yes. the king james bible has literary value. i've been told it also has some lovely hebrew poetry.

>> No.3374567 [View]

no that was thus spoke zarathustra

>> No.3374563 [View]
File: 389 KB, 580x400, schizo-zizek-troll-face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3374533 [View]
File: 145 KB, 700x604, 1356255330249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not an ideology






i don't think you know what this is, but either/or


idk but i have a pic related

>> No.3374508 [View]

whatever cool guy, i direct you to

>yeah yeah yeah

>> No.3374495 [View]

7-9, depends on my mood.

i never go to the theatre, what is this, 1885?


waiting for godot. yeah yeah yeah.

>> No.3374389 [View]

of course not

he died like a bitch in the sopranos

>> No.3374384 [View]

killing oneself. there's no way to do it without throwing out the baby with the bathwater, as it were.

>> No.3374234 [View]

i use one, people don't like them because they don't like backlights, but they're versatile.

>> No.3374103 [View]


>> No.3370470 [View]

my top ten on goodreads right now is (i rerate every two months for calibration), it's in no particular order and based on personal preference heavily leaning on feels felt (which you might not share since we haven't had the same life) more than aesthetic enjoyment. like a 65/35 split.

>Eugene Onegin

>Sexing the Cherry

>Goodbye to Berlin


>Diary of a Superfluous Man


>The Fortress of Solitude


>Inherent Vice

>Fear and Trembling

>> No.3368396 [View]

chill out sunhawk

the new industry has been on the market for less than a decade

these things take time

>> No.3368275 [View]

any short story anthology should be fine

>> No.3368262 [View]

verbing, ironically

in linguistics, it's conversion.

>> No.3368008 [View]

necessary in what sense?

>> No.3367984 [View]

yet to be seen makes more sense

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