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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.15202780 [View]

I hope women die a painful and slow death. All of them.

>> No.15194005 [View]

>not reading 4 or 5 different books a day

>> No.15191086 [View]

Bold of you to exclude incels from this chart.

>> No.15191007 [View]

Are you implying that we should be attracted to masculine hairy men, i mean isn't that disgusting? If you're going to top someone at least make sure the bottom's got all that it takes to be submissive.

>> No.15190391 [View]

I have no interest in women. Pointing out their hypocrisy is common sense not obsession.

>> No.15190174 [View]

Women are the kind of creatures who'd still whine and beg you to entertain them even when you're going through an identity crisis. They've got non sympathy or self-awareness, it's all a costant "me, me, me, me", a relentless bitching to feed their ego which will never be sated by any man. At least with guys you've got a chance of finding someone on your wavelength, but women are huge babies who never cease to wish a red carpet treatment from men.

>> No.15187488 [View]

I was going to say Pagliacci as well but lately I realized Verdi's Masnadieri tops it. Plot-wise I prefer Meyerbeer's Robert Le Diable.

>The big hit songs were the only ones that felt memorable and the story wasn't as bombastic
Opera doesn't have a consistent music quality, that would be like saying that all the songs in an album ought to be big hits. Some arias are memorable, some outright forgettable. Operas are meant to have straightforward and concise plots also.

>> No.15183436 [View]
File: 56 KB, 720x445, 843984a516ba2dc70bad0559065f5c0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fucking based man

>> No.15182424 [View]
File: 35 KB, 460x657, tommaso-dei-cavalieri-1c1521a1-b8ca-4637-b668-264e51a9cf8-resize-750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still white
If olive skin counts as white, sure.

>> No.15182379 [View]

*and flying birds

>> No.15182367 [View]

I am brown (mediterranean) and gay and i still can't fathom writing poetry without a solid rhyme scheme. On top of that his overt pandering to progressives gets under my skin. His poetry seems hedonistic to core and not unlike the other gay poets i have read. He simply lacks originality and imagination.
>hurrrr there's a colorful description of some plants flying birds
>and durrrrr then i think of you holding me and fucking my ass and how much i love you smooch smooch smooch

Boring, dull, predictable.

>> No.15182294 [View]

Sorry, mine is only 9 inches erect and i fucking hate it.

>> No.15182095 [View]
File: 224 KB, 1280x624, 1576139931262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learning what? That jews are subhumans who'd sell their brothers as slaves for a sack of shekels? If anything the bible bolstered my anti-Semitism.

>> No.15182017 [View]

You'd have a huge advantage if you delved into neoplatonism or started with the greeks. That being said I was puzzled myself at some Spinoza's propositions, but by using a couple of secondary sources and videos i cleared up my mind. When you'll get the gist of part 1 and 2 you won't have any issues with the rest of his treatise.

>> No.15181981 [View]
File: 78 KB, 1080x1080, rrmy926dqzk01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know what trying to inhibit the urge to fuck cute guys flowing in your Greek blood feels like.

>> No.15181856 [View]

Some genetic abomination which hasn't and will never outgrow anarchic power fantasies.

>> No.15181798 [View]

Based impostor.
They didn't make sows this tall in the olden days.

>> No.15181771 [View]

Imagine being this disgustingly ugly and STILL getting so much attention. Str*ightoids are unprincipled animals.

>> No.15177361 [View]

Jove Chronides created women to punish men and make them feel the throes of marriage. It's only natural that they weren't conceived with a higher goal in his mind.

>> No.15177279 [View]
File: 72 KB, 507x600, DCbFObPUIAEZfwi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will never penetrate the core of ancient philosophy or even so much as understand it in the slightest bit. The ancients took pains to make their thoughts woman-proof, and all the women who try to delve into them will merely stop at the surface or be puzzled by a vision of the world that is incomprehensible to their mind founded on hedonism and and attention whoring. The intelligible world is a realm only men can reach with their minds because they're the only beings which are capable of eschewing the evils of the material world.

>> No.15174990 [View]

Don't tell anyone I'm the one whose cock gets sucked.

>> No.15174958 [View]
File: 159 KB, 600x338, 1583771463808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God made you attracted to men so you could eschew the spells of the heinous witches which populate Earth and focus on a superior ideal of physical and emotional beauty. You're immune to the black magic of foids and many men would kill to be in your position. As to what the bible says, it's really unnecessary to force yourself to be a permanent virgin and everything will work out so long as you seek to remain monogamous and committed to your relationship and the true nature of God can not be ascribed to a collection of books written by desert jews.

>> No.15174891 [View]

We can learn from history that the decline of several empires begins when women are given the least bit of authority in their lives.

>> No.15174753 [View]

>an ear for rythm and meter
There are websites made for the specific purposes of counting the syllabes of words if you're unsure about where the stress falls on. Once you'll get the hang of it, you'll be able to predict the position of the stress of your own accord even if you aren't a native speaker.

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