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>> No.10469499 [View]

Kill yourself.

>> No.10469488 [View]

Another shill kikes the dust. "Oops" I meant bites.

>> No.10469476 [View]

Leave it to the JIDF kikesters to make fun of mental illness. How low will they sink? Impersonation, check. Insults, see above. Lies, check. Derailing, wow. Gangstalking, check. Tampering with my bike, yup. Tampering with my water bottles, check. Hacking my computer, yes. Putting gay porn where my parents can see it, check. Making me not be able to finish college, done. Shitposting in my threads and AMAs, checcck. Getting me banned from 8cn, check. Reading my mail, check. Following me at the supermarket, check. Spreading lies around my hometown, yup. Kill yourselves. You can't stop me.

>> No.10469437 [View]


>> No.10469427 [View]

Kill yourself.


>> No.10469416 [View]

Nice delusion, shill but notice how your masters emailed you a new script and you blindly follow? Maybe if you read my book you'd break free of your sheep pen. Pathetic.

Things a shill playing both sides would say. Hmmmmm.


>> No.10469408 [View]

Notice the broken shill sentence structure here? This is what happens when they post from a script


>> No.10469392 [View]

I'm literally going to scream if you shill don't stop playing both sides it's so annoying I think I have a new disciple-acolyte/fan but then it's just another B'nai B'rith kikester fraud emailing me gay porn—which by the way my mom didn't fucking fall for your tricks of painting me as a homosexual she said she believes me when I said I wasn't so go fuck yourselves.

>> No.10469380 [View]

>pretending not to know
Get a new playbook idiot.

>> No.10469373 [View]

Another idiot green with envy. I can see my path to immortality by their burning green with envy –Einstein

Pretty sad, yet I smirk sadly.

>> No.10469366 [View]

Post your email then. Inb4 u wont bc your a shill

>> No.10469356 [View]

Sliding/derailing my thread won't work.

>> No.10469344 [View]

Kill youself. Your name isn't probably even Sean Poonan. I wonder what that's like. Being a liar, dancing in my limelights?

>> No.10469335 [View]

He said, not killing himself. Wow it's like you validated your existence—NOT.

>> No.10469323 [View]

Haha what you think you can dox me? All I had to do was turn the 6 upside-down to a 9 and your idiot salarymen drove up and down Lincoln for a week looking for me. Kill yourself.

>> No.10469298 [View]

Kill yourself.

Fucking bootlicking Soros paid toady "playing both sides" trying to drive my hard work into the ground. When your old and dying in bed with no family around you I hope you look back on your life as a paid internet shill while your death rattle shakes from your shodden shell.

>> No.10469270 [View]

I'm Sean, the real Sean, the only Sean and I use this trip. Check the archives. This is the only real Sean. The rest are either fans or shills.

>> No.10469257 [View]

Kill yourself. Liar.

Send another cake.

Stay on script idiot. They should buy my free book so what? So the ADL can put another name on their list? Pathetic.

>> No.10469245 [View]

Kill yourself.

You think pretending to be me makes you somehow better than me? Just because someone told you to?

>> No.10469233 [View]

You idiots never go off script do you? I'm literally rolling my eyes.

>> No.10469227 [View]

New script LOL see how hard they're panicking? Your masters are afraid of me. How does that make you feel? Are you still more afraid of them than of me? You think your taking the moral path?

>> No.10469214 [View]

Wow shillboy got his new script emailed to him. "Undermine him immediately" "he's getting through to people" "Claim it's not him". Pathetic.

Go tell your masters to step up their game or move on.

>> No.10469203 [View]

Kill yourself.

I'm literally cracking up thinking about your mom finding you blue lipped on the bathroom floor in your own vomit and shit, her dumb ursine sobs, dripping fat wet tears onto your cold skin.

>> No.10469195 [View]

Fucking FUCK JIDF playing both sides now. Kill yourself.

Literally misrepresenting my works. You may be green with envy but mix my red wrath and you get a dead shill. Fuck you. Kill yourself.

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