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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.14218209 [View]


>i have a nagging suspicion that someone retconned christian theology in order for it to allign with their ideology
Some early Christians thought Jesus was a god, and not Yahweh, but also not a Person of the Trinity because there was no such thing yet. He was kind of like a Hercules to his Zeus. The sneaky retconning someone you're thinking of is actually a bunch of people, from Origen and Philo to lads in the middle ages.

>> No.14218113 [View]

reeee get out get out

The Old Testament is a mythological origin story (two of them), a chronicle that documents tribal history of exile, wars, and kingship, a book of laws, the words of prophets, poetry and music, and a prayer book. It's a huge book, and meant to be read multiple ways. Not everything in it is literally true. Not everything in it is figurative. And portions of it are from the Greek dark ages or earlier. Neat historical events are recorder like Cyrus the Great popping into Babylon to return the Jews to the promised land, or Alexander the Great as told in Macabees.

The New Testament is much shorter and in its own way documents the life of a man who was also divine, and the ministry that came afterward in the apostles. Reading the OT is a must if you're wanting to understand the allusions using to teach in the New Testament.

The question implied by your concerned wojak and observation about Joshua seems to be: how could Yahweh the jealous and vengeful God and Jesus the gentle carpenter who sacrifices himself by his Father's will be the same God? And that is a question that people have been asking since those times. There's lots of opinions, but most of the pleasure you'll get from reading the Bible is putting it together. Seeing the Hebrew Bible reinterpreted by Jesus to declare a new covenant with man. E.g. compare the characters of Abraham and Isaac to God the Father and the Son of Man. Abraham was willing to do it. Jesus prayed in agony in the garden Gethsemane before voluntarily accepting the cup his Father had prepared for him. That, I feel, is one of the cornerstones of Christian philosophy. That model of selflessness that destroys the cycle of vengeance. If you don't have faith, it's still a fucking great read. And even so, there are some contemporary answers to the same question like Jung's Answer to Job. Unconvincing but a good effort that only goes to reinforce the truth of what you've already read: God is beyond mortal judgment.

>> No.14216968 [View]
File: 138 KB, 792x844, apubladerunner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Theoretical physics, quantum mechanics and philosophy of science killed metaphysics
lel. The really interesting stuff is just getting started kiddoooooooo. Take for example the subject of dark matter or dark energy. That which does not seem to interact with the electromagnetic spectrum. We can detect it by its effect on gravity however, in the motions of galaxies. These phenomena split our neat human notion of a physical "reality." What does this do to cause and effect? To the ontological argument? Or what about quantum entanglement, which is an observed fact? What am I entangled with? Something halfway across the universe from 13 billion years ago? Is it a soul? A remnant of an unimaginable star transformed into creation? Does it also gesture towards the divine? I'll tell you one thing for certain: it's not nothing.

>> No.14216815 [View]
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>> No.14216066 [View]

Except literally no one has suppressed you here, while you go into every thread (even ones you dont like) and derail them.

>> No.14215935 [View]

Piety, not loyalty.


>> No.14215898 [View]

>I don't like them and disagree with them
>they should leave forever
>I'm not intolerant, YOU'RE intolerant
Good post.

>> No.14215138 [View]

>What are the best TES books?
Five Songs of King Wulfharth

if you disagree you are a confirmed pleb

>> No.14214842 [View]

>My thinking is also that my critical theory professor should be "out of a job."

And yea you're thinking of aesthetics. Schiller and them. Nobody cares about that.

>> No.14214728 [View]

Nah you shouldn't. You gave the idea a chance, which is what an intellectual is supposed to do. And if you read Spivak you can still btfo your professor after she gives you a grade.

>> No.14214691 [View]

I think you're right about CT and the dangerous way it invents itself outside of the boundaries of coherent thought. You're right that it is politics as education, and legitimizing it academically is dangerous for its host nation at large as politics and generations go on. But OP is the big dummy who signed up and paid for the class.

>> No.14214645 [View]

I'm not arguing CT isn't worthless. Just that OP was effortlessly boxed into a corner by some old cunt for popping off about dead white cis MALES. And rightfully so.

>> No.14214586 [View]

>Where has the fucking world gone???
If you mentioned Hegel and Kant's writing style, she assumed you had read them and might be interested in a book that argues their worth. So as to reevaluate their worth for yourself, see. You can mention them again to her after you read what Spivak had to say. Seems like a shitty thing to do, burden a student with an optional textbook and thereby ban them from discussion with you on a topic but whatever it's not a Hegel or Kant class is it.


>> No.14209569 [View]
File: 227 KB, 750x800, yeeesh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks a child that age has even the slightest idea what capital is

>> No.14209558 [View]
File: 125 KB, 572x523, wojaksinceremomentwithpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he needs drugs to think

>> No.14209516 [View]
File: 1.41 MB, 1872x978, drpepper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying piety is a symptom of national regression, or bad in any way
pls go back to your containment continent

>> No.14209504 [View]


stay out of California

>> No.14207177 [View]

English is piss easy.

>> No.14207152 [View]

>he wants to have worked in space

>> No.14207066 [View]

>Why did he feel the need to warn these students?
Because they are students. They want knowledge. And some kinds of knowledge are very ill-advised to pursue.

>> No.14207048 [View]

seconding this

Butterfly Dreams
Age of Consent

>> No.14207019 [View]

The Pain -- When Will It End?
Hark! A Vagrant
Get Your War On

>> No.14205176 [View]

>Why is the moment of conception the line for gaining rights?
because that's when two mere delivery systems of genetic material combine their potential to humanity to create an actual humanity. a new unique blend of DNA, a person.

>What about memories and consistent identity?
what afuckingbout them?

>> No.14203950 [View]

He'd recognize the rainbow as a covenant symbol and be heartened that all are welcome.

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