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>> No.14441610 [View]

I just post my things and try to be friendly and nice
Anon: this is the perfect time to unleash all my pent up emotions upon a random person online in a way that makes me look like an objective schizo

>> No.14441582 [View]

>implying such things happen
Alright anon it was fun seeing if I could encourage your tranny obsessed schizophrenia, but it’s time to snooze

>> No.14441543 [View]

Deep down you know I’m living in your head rent free without even doing anything
You sorts are more obsessed with me than any orbiter could ever be, you’re schizos who scream at me just to try and prod an insecurity you can’t even reach

>> No.14441530 [View]

Anon seriously why would I be bothered by what you say
You’re a loser on an anonymous image board who doesn’t mean anything to me personally
You’re just screaming words into the void

>> No.14441520 [View]

Wash your penis

>> No.14441513 [View]

It’s 3 am can’t I just do something else or do it tomorrow

>> No.14441468 [View]

Isn’t that the fake butterfly?

>> No.14441086 [View]

idk just go to /fa/
generally jeans and sweaters are pretty good
it may be good to ask her if she has a bf, but it's always good to get closer to her anyways
even if she does have a bf, you can get a new friend for free basically :3

>> No.14441025 [View]

well first you should befriend her so you know her personal life (whether or not she has a bf or not) & work on improving yourself (dress better & work out)
then ask her out for coffee on the first date, dinner on the second
take it from there

>> No.14440896 [View]

i have a boyfriend but thank you anon

>> No.14440366 [View]

>anon not understanding girl he e-stalked

>> No.14440300 [View]

ok, schizo

>> No.14440281 [View]

my bf isn't a cuck you loser i'm just visiting family for the holidays

>> No.14440256 [View]

ew, a foot fetishist

>> No.14440236 [View]

i'm on the phone with him right now but i'm visiting my family for the holidays ):

>> No.14440231 [View]

obviously you don't understand my financial situation & my religious beliefs
no is your answer

>> No.14440195 [View]

anon that's not how love works! i would stay by my boyfriend even if we were in the shtetl and poor i would still never do such things

>> No.14440173 [View]

my body belongs to my boyfriend! you can't see it!

>> No.14440158 [View]

you got dubs so i guess i gotta now

>> No.14440134 [View]

it's me, thanks for calling me hot though
i don't watch anime much though

>> No.14440067 [View]


>> No.14440061 [View]

i didn't doxx myself

>> No.14440005 [View]

i'm pretty smart but sometimes just am a little clumsy and have a bit of brain fog

>> No.14439959 [View]

ok bye bye mr. schizo

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