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/lit/ - Literature

Search: Dark souls

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>> No.12898272 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 2.86 MB, 400x286, bengals_agreen18_runningloop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

english is the dark souls of language

>> No.12889036 [View]
File: 14 KB, 480x286, images (26).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this but I know it sucks so don't bother. Do tell me what you think it means though

The Dance of the Black Holes

After trillions and trillions and trillions of years
And a million trillion more
When nothing remains of what we hold dear
Or even the things we abhor
What is left is the dark abyss
Littered with huge black holes
As galaxies have long faded away
Even the stars and their corpses' souls
Just these dark everlasting pits
Destined to devour and conquer
Alone in this existence, forlorn
What's there to be but matter?

Yet in this melancholic desolate state
Two black holes will somehow meet
As one dances around the other
Attracting with love and deceit
Revolving with one another
They would then envelope and shudder
With a sound that reverberates through space
Like the roar of cascading thunder
Such as what is joined may never be asunder
Thus the fate of all wretched couples

And as the last black hole fades away
Such as the nature of all things
As the fabric of the universe then frays
And all the somethings turn to nothing
Like what I feel today
Mourning my mornings, empty my evenings
A black hole remains

>> No.12800780 [View]
File: 482 KB, 540x764, tumblr_pohi81hPiC1uz2g97o4_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for literature with the same aesthetic as the game Dark Souls. Extremely ancient and psychedelic landscapes and monsters, with Virgil esq writing which teems with brilliant visuals, and mystical happenings. Not stupid and trite like World of Warcraft, but beautiful and deeply haunted down to every facet of the reality.

>> No.12799530 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 16 KB, 220x317, Dark_Souls_II_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the dark souls 2 of literture?

>> No.12723875 [View]
File: 27 KB, 480x686, C2A7559D-B620-4BA5-92D6-A554F1A9A0E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Through the abyss I walk the darkness is all I know. Through the mother of the peasant family and the son of a bastard father I was conceived, though the darkness consumes so shall it create. Thus I was born, life so beautiful. Creation so pure regardless of your origin. Created for evil or created for Bliss, life if created through conception. Whether an angel falls for a demon or a succubus for an arch angel. I came into the light only to defy it. The light in my souls is consumed by hatred and dissatisfaction of gods beautiful creations. Life has no meaning, nor money or sex or the simple pleasures of eating make this bitter soul lessen its grip of what we call “life” nothing seems to be getting better. Life continues whether I am here or not. The only thing that I’m clinging to life for is the slight chance that I might fulfill life expectancies that may just might as well be a mirage in the desert of disappointment and delusion. Does god love us? Does he love me? If so why hasn’t he given me the sweet release of what I call this ugly husk of a shell a body. Is he playing with me? Does he manipulate my soul to keep going and keep trying to make something of myself? I stare into the the abyss and it stares back and the longer I stare the more I understand it. It speaks to me, it is the only way, it is what it truth it is what it just. The abyss is life the abyss is calling.
Life started in darkness and so shall it end, the abyss calls all and is friend to none. Through the ashes I will rise through the darkness I will walk...I will embrace the abyss and become an abyss walker. If anyone finds this they’ll think I’m insane, but it’s what I know is true, life isn’t pointless and meaningless, we work to feed the abyss of greed of the company who provides the “goods” they provide. We go into the sweet darkness of poverty to keep a false roof over our head only to fill the satisfaction of a so called bank that runs on the faith of god and good will towards men. The abyss calls all
We are not alone in this world I have seen the cracked broken scorned gates of hell and I’ve heard the one they call baphomet I’ve heard the hooves of the one they call the devil I’ve seen the dark entities that are plagued in this earth. I’ve yet too see an angel I’ve yet to embrace the light I’ve yet too see the fire of Christ I’ve yet to feel the sweet embrace of god. Are you there? The abyss gets louder.

T H E R E. I S. N O. L I G H T.

- [ ] End of short story

>> No.12710164 [View]
File: 2.00 MB, 540x960, 1550686747292.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Brothers Karamazov- Fyodor Dostoevsky
The Nature of Greek Myths- G.S. Kirk
Understanding Koreans and their Culture- Choi Joon-sik
Dead Souls (Books 1&2)- Nikolai Gogol
Nicomachean Ethics- Aristotle
After Dark- Haruki Murakami
Industrial Society and Its Consequences (The Unabomber’s Manifesto)- Ted Kaczynski
Public Speaking and Influencing Men in Business- Dale Carnegie
The Complete I Ching- 10th Anniversary Edition: The Definitive Translation- Alfred Huang
Dubliners- James Joyce

These are the last ten books that I've read. What type of person do you think I am?

>> No.12706329 [View]
File: 16 KB, 220x317, Dark_Souls_II_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the dark souls 2 of literature?

>> No.12543279 [View]
File: 384 KB, 1920x1080, DARKWIZARD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi everyone, this is my first time using this board. I'm mostly from /k/, but I ironically have a hard time getting into /k/ related books.

I'm really more of a dark fantasy (think Dark Souls esque) kind of guy, but I don't know where I should start looking.

I want something that tells the story of a bleak medieval fantasy setting, but has aspects of the story largely open to interpretation.

I don't want to say the "Dark Souls of books", but


>Its the Dark Souls of books

>> No.12504165 [View]
File: 178 KB, 730x411, 02FD07C9-9F0B-4436-BD6C-72165CE7EF3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post good prose
>He rose and turned toward the lights of town. The tidepools bright as smelterpots among the dark rocks where the phosphorescent seacrabs clambered back. Passing through the salt grass he looked back. The horse had not moved. A ship's light winked in the swells. The colt stood against the horse with its head down and the horse was watching, out there past men's knowing, where the stars are drowning and whales ferry their vast souls through the black and seamless sea.

>> No.12436866 [View]
File: 141 KB, 720x900, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Against the creamy sheen of the torn tapestry of the wall, pearly marble fingers slimed themselves over helios-gold shining phalli, suddenly holding them in a wrestler‘s grip, crunching them downward & pulling on them, as if to break them off. The french window opened & let in the flaxen heat, which mingled with the blond that merged with the whiteness which imposed itself upon the room. The unsneezing ivory stood facing this in pouting blood & aether-chrysoprase, her tightly bound flax resting over the shoulder of her blouse, whose cuff was also tight against her pearly palm.
In some medieval tea-house (practically fallen) had been her silent peasant sculptors. The patriarch had been an even lesser poetaster than of the „minor“ class & his meadow-kisser baked bread, placing herself as she did in the muddy cabbage-rows in front of the decrepit orange-rooved monastery.
The patriarch of the Lycee in the Romanian citadel had become aware of „an unarmoured (naked?) anti-valkyrie removing the cyan souls of the weak & straight-facedly condemning them to the crimson chamber of hades“. Naturally, considering he was the most heavenly of gold-lined arch-angels, named the clever & wise Gabriele, he would approach her & take her blushing pink-hued teenage chastity.
In the dark mahogany-laden smoking room, she lay her skirt-covered behind on an even darker leathern seat beside the debonaire suit. She sat like a little boy & the monocle‘d paederast-director slowly craned his balding stare to glimpse the just-teenage knickerless cunt press itself yellow & piss-stained against her aging cream cotton stockings which were tightly attached. Nervously, she clumsily stood up amidst the daunting swank toffs & just as messily fell with her alabaster on to the shoulders of the aroused bow-tie‘d director with her blushing kiss pressed crimson-as-lucifer against the sweat of his lined-with-wrinkles forehead. The chalk of her teeth now breathed in to his nostrils that she needed desperately „to piss“ & then proceeded to do so down her cotton & thigh, leading to the peculiar sound of green-as-meadow wee bursting from a silver mechanical tap.
In his smaller artless apartment he nervously produced a cream pair of his spanked daughter‘s soft cotton in the arousing form of a pair of stretchable stockings & crumpled-up knickers. When he also wrestled the shining throb which secretly lead in to the largest room in the lesser place, his other virgin daughter was shockedly standing @ the other paint-peeling entrance, flustered & winter-coatedly. Between him & her stood another half-naked barely teenage virgin.

>> No.12288739 [View]
File: 1.13 MB, 2671x2209, tolkien souls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is tolkien the dark souls of literature?

>> No.12135985 [View]
File: 18 KB, 200x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the dark souls (aka final boss) of literature?

>> No.12114702 [View]
File: 25 KB, 540x466, 45799758_1169356269888325_5623787408098066432_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the Dark Souls of literature?

>> No.12001886 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1200, Dark souls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the Dark Souls of literature?

Bonus : Books that tell their narratives in a way reminiscent of Dark Souls (scraps of lore and story scattered in item descriptions)

>> No.11915506 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 277 KB, 3000x2584, JA1y4DR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are some /lit/ video games and video game series?
>Alan Wake
>Dark Souls series
>Bioshock Infinite
>Witcher series
>Elder Scrolls Morrowind
>Shadow of the Beast
>Shadow of Colossus
>Baldur's Gate series
>Diablo series
>Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura

>> No.11855643 [View]
File: 349 KB, 638x480, 60E751AA-35C6-47E9-BCE6-AFF6E7E33657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading The Buried Giant
>can’t stop imagining how great all the scenes would be in a Dark Souls game

>reading Blood Meridian
>can’t help but equating the locations the Glanton gang ride through with cities in Skyrim

>read Butcher’s Crossing
>can’t help imagining the tiny town through a birds eye view like in Tropico

Is it over /lit/? Is it too late for me and my ADHD rattled brain?

>> No.11680674 [View]
File: 33 KB, 361x300, achilleshector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Rage--Goddess, sing the rage of Peleus' son Achilles,
Murderous, doomed, that cost the Achaeans countless losses,
hurling down to the House of Death so many souls,
great fighters' souls. But made their bodies carrion,
feasts for dogs and birds,
and the will of Zeus was moving towards its end.
Begin, Muse, when the two first broke and clashed,
Agamemnon lord of men and brilliant Achilles."
-Translated by Robert Fagles, 1990

"Sing, O Goddess, the anger of Achilles, son of Peleus, that brought countless ills upon the Achaeans. Many a brave soul did it send hurrying down to Hades, and many a heroes did it yield a prey to dogs and vultures for so were the counsels of Zeus fulfilled from the day on which the son of Atreus, king of men, and great Achilles first fell out with one another."
-Translated by Samuel Butler, 1888

Sing, Goddess, Achilles' rage,
Black and murderous, that cost the Greeks
Incalculable pain pitched countless souls
Of heroes into Hades' dark,
And let their bodies rot as feasts
For dogs and birds, as Zeus' will was done.
Begin with the clash between Agamemnon--
The Greek Warlord--and godlike Achilles."
-Translated by Stanley Lombardo, 1997

"Anger be now your song, immortal one,
Akhilleus' anger, doomed and ruinous,
that caused the Akhaians loss on bitter loss
and crowded brave souls into the undergloom,
leaving so many dead men--carrion
for dogs and birds; and the will of Zeus was done.
Begin it when the two men first contending
broke with one another--
the Lord Marshal Agamémnon, Atreus' son, and Prince Akhilleus."
-Translated by Translated by Robert Fitzgerald, 1963

"Sing, goddess, the anger of Peleus' son of Achilleus and its devastation, which puts pains thousandfold upon the Achains,
hurled in the multitudes to the house of Hades strong souls of heroes, but gave their bodies to be the delicate feasting of dogs, of all birds, and the will of Zeus was accomplished since that time when first there stood the division of conflict Atrecus' son the lord of men and brilliant Achilleus."
-Translated by Richmond Lattimore, 1951


>> No.11392791 [View]
File: 373 KB, 1600x900, Dark-Souls-III-Abyss-Watchers-boss-review-main_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any book or series that is similar to Dark Souls in themes and narrative?

I know DS is heavily Inspired by The Manga/Anime Berserk! But those aren't really mediums I am interested in

>> No.11378197 [View]
File: 24 KB, 317x500, The_Crisis_of_European_Sciences_and_Transcendental_Phenomenology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real dark souls starts here

>> No.11302184 [View]
File: 108 KB, 736x532, 50e04c698b00d1bec424ad4887582718--arte-surreal-saint-christopher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are some books like dark souls in the sense that the story isn't very obvious and you need to connect the dots yourself given the details?

>> No.11267811 [View]
File: 35 KB, 600x873, 72df22835b5a235ebefcc38a7de74763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not long ago, I had a near-panic attack while in a library after realizing that I will never be able to read all of the greatest books ever written during my brief lifespan. Ever since, I cannot shake this sense of urgency to put away all meanginless activities like mindless TV and video games and replace it with reading and educating myself.

Only problem is that playing Dark Souls sounds a lot more fun to me than reading a book, but I know reading would be much more enriching to my life. Do you have a passion for reading? Like do you get excited at the thought of getting home and finishing your book? What advice would you give to someone who wants that excitement as well?

>> No.11234258 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 119 KB, 561x700, 1427041762318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the Dark Souls of books?

>> No.11184174 [View]
File: 65 KB, 655x368, divina-comedia-655x368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whas it the Dark Souls of its time?

>> No.11144378 [View]
File: 255 KB, 798x1001, st__thomas_aquinas_icon_by_lordshadowblade-d5t99rt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Thomas Aquinas the Dark Souls of athiests trying to disprove God?

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