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/lit/ - Literature

Search: 80iq

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>> No.23488698 [View]

Sounds good. Are you a woman?
Also, the powers of deception were gifted, rather than originally hers. How does that work? Is she suddenly 180IQ after reincarnating or does her mere presence turn everyone into 80IQ retards?

>> No.23469435 [View]

Fuck man, normies' happiness isn't even guaranteed. Have you seen the seen the shit even normies post now? I know it's mostly larp but they are definitely not happy. There is no doubt depression, mental illness, and unfulfillment in general are rising (with technological progress)
In addition, normies have no freedom. That's kind of the overarching theme of the book. An uneducated sub-80IQ African hunter-gatherer's life may be simple, and quite ugly at times, but he is generally happy, and he is most certainly quite free
Is that guy John Zerzan? I've heard of him but only in passing. Sounds like a faggot's interpretation of the Unabomber's Manifesto, from what you put out, anyways
Thanks for the recommendations btw, hope to get to them before the end of this summer

>> No.23458808 [View]
File: 71 KB, 680x278, GPPWnagWUAAjPo9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't the Greeks created a culture as great as it was & produced men such as Pericles, Themistocles, Plato Alexander or whatever. Why didn't the Egyptians, or Romans in contrast with other Europeans or Chinx apart from a competent fascist state having else to show for?
Why can't the Americans go to the moon again or win a war or something even like the Golden Gate bridge?
The cultural force is spent, the best part of elites are either dead, childless or emigrated to other places serving the managerial interests of those places. India is hopeless really, it has a bioleninist state beyond your imagination and below 80IQ sub human groups in majority whining about doles & gibs from government & concession class. The disgust you have for your underclass is very tame for the dalits here & not to mention the Muslims. Islam is incredibly dysgenic & it leaves its dysgenic residue on non Muslims as well ( I could quote a lot of work and historical references but I'll just leave with a few: see Ibn Khaldun on the destructive effect of Islam on Persians with coming of Arabs, Ibn Battuta & Al Biruni on the positive differences of Hindus wrt Muslims as well as Edward Dutton work on Muslims) . The human biodiversity problem here is so bad that even Muslims & Xtians have castes, its a function not a bug in Indian landscape.

See Afghanistan. Would you want a billion Afghans with no upper proper upper caste to control their behavior & no sign of high human capital in the mish mash mountain mongrels. You have no idea how much human filth is in India & Pakistan in the underclasses, if these people were all that the Indian civilization had seen then we wouldn't even have those ancient marvels of literature, philosophy and architecture as well as the existing, but much lesser than earlier, Upper Castes who displace & create competent institutions matching the West.
Imagine if picrel like caste system wasn't here

>> No.23426201 [View]


>> No.23398002 [View]

>t. weak beta male
Low test retard confirmed.

Fuck you and your stealth /pol/ threads, you low IQ normie consoomer.

>t. 80IQ /pol/cel

>> No.23374640 [View]

People who say "Faustian" anything besides bargain are all sub 80iq. I'm convinced you all think it sounds smart but if asked to defend the usage you'd shit your retard pants

>> No.23276843 [View]

>For example there's literally zero evidence of the Hail Mary or praying the Rosary before the 11th century AD, yet it's presented as some gigatrad practice
That makes it pretty trad in relative to anything Protestants do. What the hell is the point of this thread? "Tradcaths aren't trad because their traditions don't come from Christ Himself, but us prots get a pass btw." I wouldn't even have replied to this 80IQ thread unless I saw it had so many replies. The OP has no argument at all and no one ITT has contributed anything to a productive discussion either.

>> No.23273589 [View]

Using though at the start of your sentence versus the end is the same difference between 110IQ and 80IQ.

>> No.23243775 [View]

Thanks for putting your sub 80IQ on display here, but I'm sure pol misses you

>> No.23225350 [View]

Huh? Are you sub 80iq? ESL maybe?

>> No.23220860 [View]

>Generic insult
>Can't actually engage with the criticism
I think we can all see who the sub 80IQ is here

>> No.23220308 [View]

You're a fucking idiot, you're like sub 80iq like if I asked you a hypothetical question you wouldn't understand what I'm telling you type of shit

>> No.23199811 [View]

I'm starting to wonder if my dad has 80iq.

>> No.23155977 [View]

80iq eastern europeans with FAS can speak 3 languages, im sure you can do it too. just spend a lot of time with the language

>> No.23085498 [View]

If you know anything about the history of world religions at all, or about comparative religion in general, then you know that they're not all equally interchangeable arbitrary fairy tales. You'd also know that not every religion is Evagelical Protestantism that has an Islamic understanding of scripture. That may be common in parts of America, but the world is much bigger than that and I encourage you to explore it instead of making 80iq assumptions.

>> No.23082360 [View]

You people have to stop fetishizing "the Jews"; stop thinking in words and start thinking in ideas. The problem with the subset of the Jewish people who form the international Jewish mafia (what you people term "the Jews") is that they act against European interests. If this wasn't the case, there wouldn't be a problem. The current conflict presents an opportunity to effect this realignment by exploiting the fact that the state of Israel has been cast as the Evil White Man by its enemies (the left). Again: if "the Jews" understand that it'd be better for them (Israel) if they act in the interest of Europe, then there wouldn't be a problem anymore.

Alternately, you could just screech "Jew Jew Jew!" all day on X like an 80IQ inbred Moslem hillbilly.

>> No.22996202 [View]

It's great literature. You can see how 80IQ sheep fucking pagans were mesmerized by it.

>> No.22939209 [View]

It's also because /pol/ has declined in quality so much even 80iq retards are leaving it, with some of them ending up here by mistake. Killing /pol/ post 2016 with all the election tourists, and more sinisterly, with bots, turned out to be a way to kill this site for good it seems.

>> No.22932812 [View]

The Quran is fucking garbage and was written for 80iq midwits like you and your inbreded cousins whereas the Bible is possibly the most significant piece of literature in the world which has been an inspiration for many authors.

>> No.22932682 [View]

This is such an awful shitpost I have to chastise you for it. Even when trolling, you have to be consistent or you prove to yourself to be a 80iq nigger, much like when you attempt to write a "serious" post.
You could have said "parental abuse/neglect is a symptom, not a cause" to get back at me, sort of, but your literal nigger brain doesn't have the capacity for that.

>> No.22931892 [View]

Another 80iq thread, all fields, reported, kill yourself OP.

>> No.22930864 [View]

As a Balkanoid myself, fuck you for running away and good riddance you coward.
But more on the topic of your post, a lot can happen in 3 years, you may grow to understand and even maybe love her. You're from the Balkans, you are aware that most of our grandparents' marriages started similarly right? Love is something you can grow into, something you nurture like a garden and get to enjoy after putting in the work. However it's likely that if you WERE to truly start caring for her, she'd get bored and cheat on you, because she's just another case of BPD, and you don't seem emotionally mature enough to deal with that(>90% of men aren't, relationships with these people are notoriously difficult). The only thing you SHOULD NOT do is judge her because
a) you're literally as damaged as her and it's funny how oblivious to it you are
b) judgment is for the Lord and not for you to hand out.

>> No.22929598 [View]

I think these things are happening across all boards more or less because /pol/ became utterly unusable due to bots and now even 80iq drones that remained there post 2016 are spilling over. Fuck you niggers, how fucking dumb can you get, you're literally destroying what few spaces remain you could use for your development with your rampant offtopic shitposting.
All fields

>> No.22900605 [View]

Nowadays it's the opposite. Retarded 80iq zoomers who have only half-read Romeo and Juliet once in high school sperg about how overrated, bad, hecking problematic etc. Shakespeare is, to the point where the act of resistance now is to say that he actually is as great as his reputation claims.

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