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>> No.23326328 [View]

Chapterhouse is even worse. Genuinely don't bother.

>> No.23326142 [View]

>God Emperor
Barely, it has decent moments but overall is boring
No but it is a hard 6/10
Unreadable, I only slogged through it to finish the series

Honestly if you find Children of Dune boring then just call it quits on the series because it drops off like a cliff after it

>> No.23325908 [View]

God Emperor is worth finishing Children for. Heretics was easily the worst of them so far. Haven't read Chapterhouse yet.

>> No.23325825 [View]

I got sick of Children like 1/4 of the way in. It worth finishing for God Emperor, Heretics, and Chapterhouse?

>> No.23315047 [View]

Just finished Heretics, glad to hear Chapterhouse is better.

>> No.23314961 [View]

>Implying that God Emperor also wasn't all monologues from the God Emperor of Dune.
Seriously, don't skip Children of Dune. It's really not that difficult to get through, and it's important so you can understand what happens next.
Mostly my rating, too, except I would switch Dune and God Emperor of Dune. And Chapterhouse was leagues better than Heretics, even if it wasn't at the level of the first four books.

>> No.23314907 [View]

Heretics is definitely the low point. Dreadfully boring book. Chapterhouse isn't great but manages to be more entertaining than Heretics at least. My personal ranking is God Emperor > Dune > Messiah > Children > Chapterhouse > Heretics.

>> No.23314433 [View]

Children of Dune isn't that bad, at least I didn't think so, but it's nowhere near as good as Dune or God Emperor of Dune. The real low point of the series is Heretics of Dune, assuming we're only talking about the Frank Herbert books that is. I'd rank it above Heretics and Chapterhouse, personally, but lower than Dune: Messiah.

>> No.23295029 [View]

In the middle of book 6 right now. Book 5 was garbage, but both Heretics and Chapterhouse do bring up some interesting ideas. Frank passed away before he could write a book 7 to finish out this story, and so I know that there's some unanswered plot threads, even if I haven't finished Chapterhouse yet.

I will say that God Emperor is a good place to stop once you finished it, but if you really can't get enough Dune, then go ahead and read Heretics and Chapterhouse. Just know that Heretics is really difficult to get through, at least it was for me. At least Chapterhouse is better, but it's still not as good as God Emperor or the original Dune.

>> No.23279334 [View]

Just got done reading Chapterhouse: Dune, what fucking trash

>> No.23268778 [View]

no I read it if I have started. I am reading Chapterhouse: Dune right now and it’s so bad that I can only stomach it in small chunks per day

>> No.23261028 [View]

I’m currently on Chapterhouse: Dune and they are randomly talking about jews right now

>> No.23248399 [View]
File: 55 KB, 466x659, images (72).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God-Emperor of Dune
>Dune Messiah
>Chapterhouse Dune
>Heretics of Dune
>Children of Dune

>> No.23219235 [View]

You really gotta read them just because the community has no consensus whatsoever. I'm pretty confident that there's a reasonable subset that ranks the series in each of the 720 possible orders, impossible to tell whether they'll be your favorite or if you'll think they're a stain on the series without reading them. I've even seen people who didn't like Heretics and Chapterhouse was their favorite so there's just no telling.

>> No.23219202 [View]

>How was Chapterhouse
Extremely fucking horny
>how was Heretics?
Also really horny

I'd say they're worth it just to see the result of Lato's golden path. Lot of crazy shit happening.

>> No.23219006 [View]
File: 595 KB, 1319x2087, godEmperor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How was Chapterhouse, hell how was Heretics? I stopped at God Emperor.

>> No.23218945 [View]

I finished Chapterhouse. Any reason to go past it? Did Brian do a good job of continuing the story or should I not even attempt it?

>> No.23210863 [View]

hard to say. Just read more books is what I can suggest. I just finished reading the original Dune trilogy between September to Feburary and I felt like I improved a little bit. Reading the last Tanya the Evil Slop novels before I tackle God Emperor of Dunc and beyond (stopping at Chapterhouse ofc if NATO doesn't war Russia before then). Good luck anonmoose, you can do it.

>> No.23210419 [View]

Is Chapterhouse meant to be any good?

>> No.23208841 [View]

Heretics and Chapterhouse at least sound interesting, plus by the time I finish God Emperor I may as well finish out the series.
might also read Hunters and Sandworms if I ever feel like ruining the series for myself

>> No.23208787 [View]

the only ones I care about anyway are first 3 and then the 4th as a distant last
everything after that was Herbert playing with dolls and so far removed from anything we actually cared about
also when literal Hasidic jews showed up in Chapterhouse for no fucking reason

>> No.23179416 [View]

Yeah Chapterhouse kinda stinks and ends on a cliffhanger, you're not missing too much.

>> No.23178948 [View]

Heretics of Dune
I wish I stopped at God Emperor, but I'm too far in that I don't want to just drop it. I will probably skip Chapterhouse though.

>> No.23176746 [View]

I called it quits halfway through Heretics, the mind control sex stuff got too weird for me and it was starting to feel like a slog. Is chapterhouse any better?

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