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Search: Solved metaphysics ended

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>> No.22711861 [View]

Nietzsche is a fucking drooling retard. You can’t answer the problem of the one and the many without some recourse to some form of Platonic metaphysics. Plato is the culmination of a line of Greek philosophers who tried and failed to put forward a theory of everything. He was the first one to really consider Being as such a problem to be solved, and refuted the silly physicalism of (most) of the presocratics. He represents a massive step forward in philosophy.

Plato was a real philosopher, a real inquirer into Being and metaphysics. Nietzsche was a crazed ranter who could not into abstract thought or logic. The reason he is so popular is because he was a sensationalist and not a serious intellectual.

It is Nietzsche, not Plato, who represents his culture’s decline. The literal divine tradition of German idealism ended up culminating in Nietzsche, a babbling syphilitic.

>> No.19848603 [View]

if you want a true answer :
Metaphysics as a science ended with Immanuel Kant and his Critique of pure reason... the problem of synthetic judgements a priori is not solved until today... our Zeitgeist is still Immanuel Kant... there was noone better after him !

>> No.15152706 [View]

Big Yud ENDED philosophy, metaphysics, science and God. He solved existence. I love how everyone else tries to cope but muh obese. So what! Yudomizer cannot be bested. He cannot be beat boxing, in racing norn in chess. He cannot be not. He - won - the - game - period, full fucking stop, check mate, close the book, back your bags, END OF STORY.

>> No.14644899 [View]
File: 944 KB, 960x720, Guénon I Am Brahman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>All of those accomplishments and yet it all amounts to nothing because he was refuted by Guénon (pbuh), how sad. One can only hope that in the next life which his subtle body transmigrated to that Kant was able to achieve some sort of personal contact with or initiation into the primordial Tradition better late than never!
>Absolutely seething, Guénon (pbuh) is incredibly influential in Russian and the Islamic world, and increasingly in the West. Just about every worthwhile 20th and 21st century thinker was influenced by him.
>This lol, it's like they don't know that everything they're writing was already retroactively refuted by Guénon (pbuh), it just goes to show that none of these bozos have read him
>No one's forcing anything. WE are the ones making threads to talk about Guénon (pbuh) in, YOU are the one who made the decision to come into here of your own accord to throw a fit, you didn't have to enter into this thread, nobody forced you to. If the venerable Guénon (pbuh) makes you so upset then I suggest you stay out of the thread or return to r/books where the discussion is more suited to your level
>every element that you claim went into Traditionalism was actually retroactively refuted by Guénon (pbuh) ironically enough, from Kant to Orientialism to Protestant theology, Guénon (pbuh) destroyed all of them with his superb logic and insight.
>You can't, the best you can do is just to subtly make your system agree with Guénon (pbuh) so that it's not vulnerable to retroactive refutation.
>Guénon (pbuh) ended philosophy and solved metaphysics, he became a Sufi because that was his preferred method out of the multiple paths available in various religions which can be used to approach the supreme and eternal truth of non-duality, perhaps best exemplified by the writings of Sri Shankaracharya (pbuh)
>This is actually good advice
>STJ is cool, but Guénon (pbuh) is right that western paganism is dead and cannot be revived, there is no tradition of metaphysical knowledge or spiritual instruction belonging to it which has been passed down to our time, it's unironic larping, unfortunately.
>holy based
>Shankaracharya (pbuh) is infallible, the Tibetans flee before his brilliance. You won't find anything in the Tibetan corpus refuting him, as the Tibetan corpus is heavily based on Yogachara (which was refuted by Shankaracharya (pbuh)) and Madhyamika (which was refuted by Richard Robinson); and the remaining Tantric stuff is mostly crypto-Shaivism.

Holy based...

>I like how you have to emphasize the 'we' by putting it in caps, as if to desperately convince us that there isnt a single schizo making the exact same patterned posts.
HE was just using dualistic language so someone such as yourself would have even the slightest chance of grasping the Truth outlined in that post.


>> No.14644732 [View]
File: 541 KB, 1280x720, 1580101392136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of those accomplishments and yet it all amounts to nothing because he was refuted by Guénon (pbuh), how sad. One can only hope that in the next life which his subtle body transmigrated to that Kant was able to achieve some sort of personal contact with or initiation into the primordial Tradition better late than never!
Absolutely seething, Guénon (pbuh) is incredibly influential in Russian and the Islamic world, and increasingly in the West. Just about every worthwhile 20th and 21st century thinker was influenced by him.
This lol, it's like they don't know that everything they're writing was already retroactively refuted by Guénon (pbuh), it just goes to show that none of these bozos have read him
No one's forcing anything. WE are the ones making threads to talk about Guénon (pbuh) in, YOU are the one who made the decision to come into here of your own accord to throw a fit, you didn't have to enter into this thread, nobody forced you to. If the venerable Guénon (pbuh) makes you so upset then I suggest you stay out of the thread or return to r/books where the discussion is more suited to your level
every element that you claim went into Traditionalism was actually retroactively refuted by Guénon (pbuh) ironically enough, from Kant to Orientialism to Protestant theology, Guénon (pbuh) destroyed all of them with his superb logic and insight.
You can't, the best you can do is just to subtly make your system agree with Guénon (pbuh) so that it's not vulnerable to retroactive refutation.
>whats the desk about him?
Guénon (pbuh) ended philosophy and solved metaphysics, he became a Sufi because that was his preferred method out of the multiple paths available in various religions which can be used to approach the supreme and eternal truth of non-duality, perhaps best exemplified by the writings of Sri Shankaracharya (pbuh)
This is actually good advice
STJ is cool, but Guénon (pbuh) is right that western paganism is dead and cannot be revived, there is no tradition of metaphysical knowledge or spiritual instruction belonging to it which has been passed down to our time, it's unironic larping, unfortunately.
holy based
Shankaracharya (pbuh) is infallible, the Tibetans flee before his brilliance. You won't find anything in the Tibetan corpus refuting him, as the Tibetan corpus is heavily based on Yogachara (which was refuted by Shankaracharya (pbuh)) and Madhyamika (which was refuted by Richard Robinson); and the remaining Tantric stuff is mostly crypto-Shaivism.

>> No.14571970 [View]

Same reason nobody has ever been able to defeat Trump in an election. He and Derrida both are part of the orange master race. Watch all the pathetic replies you'll get. They all say the same thing. ORANGE. MAN. BAD. Derrida solved metaphysics and ENDED philosophy. I love how some people try to cope "r-reading Derrida is too hard because I can't subvocalize or read out loud". Lmao give me a break. Daily reminder that if you haven't read Derrida you'll never deconstruct a single thing your entire life. True philosophy is love of wisdom as the word etymologically means in Greek and this wisdom and the last person to ever understand it, take it apart, put it back together again and still love it was Jacques Derrida.

>> No.14561609 [View]

Rene Guenon (pbuh) solved metaphysics and ended philosophy

>> No.14534929 [View]
File: 10 KB, 190x272, al-Insān al-Kāmil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because he solved metaphysics and ended modern western philosophy

>> No.14448716 [View]

It's weird actually, the whole thread is there, but only the earlier replies appear using the search function




>> No.14440675 [View]
File: 254 KB, 1002x656, PNRMEME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>solved metaphysics and ended western philosophy
It's simple: assume that the entire field of one's experience is a field of creative evolutionary activity. Then the entire world comes alive as an ecosystem of organic events that one can interact with as such, and pretty soon you're actually *doing metaphysics* instead of merely speculating about it.

>> No.14437396 [View]

>If only you had read Guenon's whole oveure you could have explained to him how Guenon solved metaphysics and ended western philosophy
lol shut up

>> No.14437362 [View]
File: 121 KB, 1920x1278, 1d21b73ed3c949d1e95e782a2e486b5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>solved metaphysics and ended western philosophy
how can a single man be so based?

>> No.14437356 [View]

>didn't read Guenon
>made to look like a fool because you name-dropped someone whose ideas you barely knew

If only you had read Guenon's whole oveure you could have explained to him how Guenon solved metaphysics and ended western philosophy, it's a shame really but you have only yourself to blame

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