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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.17910941 [View]

Writing a fixfic for Franxx that got too big. It is separated into three parts. I worked on this structure for years.

Part 1, the surface:
Heavy rewrote of the first half of Franxx that includes face to face encounters with the small owl guy, who has a much bigger and depressing role in the story.
Papa is humanity's leader and he's actually what you can describe as a perfect human. His first appearance has him in a mystical garden, which he personally grew, as he gently sings to himself. Overtime, you see how emotional he gets. For example. In one scene, he shows 02 a ring of his deceased loved-one, pretending that the ring itself hold no meaning. As 02 snatches it with clear intentions of breaking it, Papa yanks her off the grounds then proceeds to choke her in front of the children.
A top Beyonder soldier (VIRM are heavily reworked into a new race) is the final threat of this part. His race isn't revealed, but it's clear that Papa, the Vice, and the small owl guy consider him a 'filthy traitor'.
Part 2, underground horror:
001 makes her first action appearance. The small owl guy's death has an impact for Papa and a new APE member. Once the gang goes underground with the Nines. 001 kills Goro and puts Zeta, nine alpha's partner, into a state of insanity. Alpha and Ichigo pair up on account for Ichigo sacrificing her humanity in order to do so, seeing this as her necessary sacrifice for humanity and indirectly causing Goro's death. Nine Alpha becomes very curious about 001. He believes that in 001's memories, he was seeing Papa in ancient times holding 001's hands, which are white for some reason.
The newly introduced APE member is revealed to be Hachi and Nana's friend, whom they don't recognized, in the parasite days, meaning that she is the first parasite to become an APE member.
Papa takes off his mask. He is a human man with a strangely young appearance and voice. This happens because he doesn't want the Nines to die before seeing who he actually is. Plus, Hiro flat out doubts Papa's humanity until he takes off his mask.
001 will be revealed as the mysterious woman that watched over 02 secretly in the flashback episode, which happens upon her defeat with her created daughter in the Apus (name might change).
Part 2 ends in a insane ending battle where Papa fights to the death with Hiro and 02. The fight progresses from a giant mecha fight to a person-size chase scene within the broken down Apus. Papa uncovers his mechanical wings that pretty much work like Hawk's quirk from MHA (I love that fucking power), which makes him look more angelic.
The final fight ends with Papa being violently thrown out of the Apus by 001 on the last of her strength. Papa retreats with the nines, but Nine Alpha rebels against Papa's orders and stays behind with Ichigo.
Part 3, war between Gods and Mortals:
001 is given mechanical help from the two remaining APE members.
001 demands to see 02 and askes her about the picture book-

>> No.17911003 [View]

Is this Nigger speak?
Just write the material you think is the core of the story and its plot. There is no need for scenes without a future or clear purpose.
I actually find it surprising that pointless scenes can be made so carelessly when stories usually focus on a specific goal in mind. Even comedies follow a tight story structure to make the jokes flow, whether simple or complex.
You can separate huge chunks of the story into huge sections if needed, especially if they are long enough to be a book in itself.

>> No.17911046 [View]

I wish we had the pol anon system. I would interested in identifying each anon from the rest without resorting to namefagging. It would made things easier for conversation.

>> No.17911048 [View]

I'm sleepy.

>> No.17911077 [View]

How difficult was it?

>> No.17911087 [View]

I spent three years drafting a big fanfiction. Who wasted their life the hardest?

>> No.17911091 [DELETED]  [View]

You fucking nigger.

>> No.17911102 [View]

>I also wrote it to be something people would have fun reading and not trying to be too fancy or intellectual-sounding.
I tend to land onto the latter naturally. I don't have woke nonsense, but damn I get too realistic and theoretical in my work.

>> No.17911125 [View]

>namefagging has never been a good idea, for countless reasons. if you want that you might as well go hang on reddit.
Yeah, but these boards sure aren't applying the solutions we already found. It's weird that 4chan is outdated by its own standards. Seriously, why haven't we used the pol id system here or other boards?
>I wrote fanfiction, what's wrong with that?
Nothing. It's just I really hated Franxx. hated the anime so much, I said to myself, "fuck it, I can do it better."
Later on, I started to realize that a show like Franxx should've been made and be written for European men. You have the show's best qualities be tied to European culture. Then, all these strengths got bastardized by nip culture or pure idiocy.

>> No.17911167 [View]

>People have short attention spans nowadays
That's literally by our society's design. We shouldn't favor the tasteless because it contributes to the poison. Allow minds to open and expand like the books of old. It's literally the purpose of them. The books we have now lack any sense of realism or honesty that grounds the world together, pushing every subject to the very idealism that leads into Brazil. Besides, those short eaters aren't going to survive the silver squeeze. Let's be realistic.

>> No.17911185 [View]

What makes a book pretentious?

>> No.17911209 [View]

Christ. That sounds so ***ish.
I have to talk about stuff like genocide and the subversion of religion within my story because they are important pieces. I wonder if pretentious is done because they want their fictional and subversive ideas to be taken seriously. Not out of ego, but of malicious intent.

>> No.17911217 [View]

I am saying that the new audience are likely too stupid to survive. Therefore, they aren't worth the consideration.

>> No.17911224 [View]

>The Secret, a self-help book which promises to hold THE, T H E, T-H-E secret, but turns out to be basically a rehash of "i think i can i think i can"
That sounds like the piece of literature is made with ulterior motives in mind. That message is very consumeristic in my opinion.

>> No.17911228 [View]

>There's no point leaving it on otherwise, and I've seen the consequences of doing so firsthand, so.... yeah, nah.
What kind of consequences?

>> No.17911304 [View]

What are you writing about?

>> No.17911305 [View]

How did we end up in this mindfuck of a paradox?

>> No.17911399 [View]

>I don't want to say desu, you might steal my idea. What an intrusive question. Please, respect my privacy.
>Just leave the general, clearly you're unwanted. Perhaps you should post in /awg/? Anime writing general with the other amateurs.
You talk like a weeb. You complain about your stories, yet are too afraid to show them because 'idea theft' and privacy. However, I come here revealing my work, asking questions on how to handle stories, and discussing my theories over literature. I am not asking much from anyone, but that is stupidly snobby from you. All I just want is material to look into and discuss.
Also, why would I go on that board when this is my thought process? >>17911125
The matter of convivence is too hard for a normie to understand. Look above, that's exactly why I do this.

>> No.17911457 [View]

Are you seriously suggesting that literally all of them are somehow on your side? This is literally the retarded reddit and discord mentality.
We are not friends. We don't know jack shit about each other and will never know jack shit about each other. I don't care if you know about me, all I want is general literature shit and having fun. This is 4chan, unlike many other sites, we will never be friends. Embrace that.

>> No.17911493 [View]

Speak for yourself.
Get a taste of yourself.
I am your reflection.
Self-projecting much?
You wish I was anything like you.

>> No.17911504 [View]

>>we won't have an interpersonal connection
>>but I will ascribe a character to my actions for everyone to form an opinion on
>>I have the option to retain anonymity and prevent this, protecting the purity of discussion
>>but I won't because daddy didn't hug me enough and I desperately need attention

>> No.17911587 [View]

>It was fun but we were already at nearly 60% shitposts and beginner blogs to actual discussion
Ironically, it's mainly because we don't know which poster is who.
We don't need names, just rng tags so we don't have to go "well, I'm actually THIS ANON."
It's cute in the start, but then it gets increasingly grating because it keeps happening in the same damn thread. What do you expect from a thread system that is too anonymous and a culture that gets too pissy over random names and literal rng tags that are programmed to be thread exclusive and gibberish.
If you can't bother with basic conveniences, the contributing posters will be inclined to fuck off and the shit posters will have a field day doing any kind of bullshit. I find it too structure less for any legit creative threads to thrive, especially when the progression of creative materials are supposed to be discussed.

>> No.17911629 [View]

I sincerely hope the person behind this gets to write the dialogue of nerd characters. (Just imagine it.) Hell, I would want him involved with my stuff because I actually do have a character that exactly talks like this. If he is still around here, I would like to ask for some advice on how to create this kind of wacky dialogue.

>> No.17911681 [View]

>Not that anon but he's right, you might as well go to reddit.
No bitch. Reddit works with profiles, character icons, some gay point system, and is highly interconnected with the threads. With pol's system, every thread exist within its own universe and hardly ever interconnects with other threads, unless it's about lucky numbers, based post, or specific events being referenced. It's very constructive and enjoyable to use.
Your ideas are incredibly in-experienced and highly flawed. Hell, even this phrase
>Because most people don't want that and it would defeat the whole purpose of an anonymous imageboard.
is wrong. Pol is the most popular board on the site and they don't ever complain about the tag system. They love using it to identity each anon on the thread (by their post on said thread) and discuss serious or hilarious topics. After the thread is over, everything restarts.

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