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Search: "maps of meaning"

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>> No.21257300 [View]

Maps of Meaning maybe, if you can't just get into collected works of Jung. But at $80 I'd much recommend a thorough reading of Jung that can be had for free.
12 Rules and Beyond Order are pop psyche travesties and betray the worst sin of Peterson as a psychologist: he does not teach psychology itself to the masses, but condescends to idiotic maxims and aphorisms which only serve as sounding boards for the projections and transference of his audience.

>> No.21241806 [View]

12 rules for life is written for a popular audience. read maps of meaning

>> No.21236520 [View]

Maps of Meaning is a gold mine of clowning material, it seems. I remember seeing some leftists shitposting about another section of the book where Peterson describes a dream about his grandma asking him if her pubes are soft or something like that. Not sure if I should be appalled at Peterson's lack of common sense for putting that to paper, or admire his courage for doing so.

>> No.21225347 [View]
File: 32 KB, 600x612, 912F4BC6-7450-4F1D-A1F8-0B7F28FBF7FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After all this don’t forget to read the final boss of philosophy, Jordan B Peterson’s Maps of Meaning.

>> No.21207413 [View]

People persecuted him as a 21st century Jesus Christ and he and his apostles were forced underground. His message is still spreading despite the attempts of the mainstream to silence him. Maps of meaning will be the Bible of the millenium.

>> No.21066148 [View]
File: 9 KB, 160x240, 580526B8-605B-496F-8875-0E38928A8610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's literally a schizophrenic. Like, diagnosed. Maps of Meaning is also something a schizophrenic would write. He mentioned how he entered a months-long period of irrational fear and instability from simply drinking a glass of apple cider. That makes no sense until you realize it was simply a psychotic break.

He thinks himself "mostly healthy" and not a schizophrenic so he won't accept treatment because he thinks he's "onto something" (only partly, out of luck, because on a deeper level he doesn't get anything, he didn't even know what Marx was about until that debate with Zizek) and it's just that some "lobby" is "out to get him." The worst thing is how his family, Mikhaila especially, enables his suffering. I can only imagine how bad her upbringing must've been. She's probably scared of him and was forced, by him, to think he's "ok"

This man doesn't deserve attention and publicity, he deserves treatment and peace.

>> No.21059077 [View]

Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief

>> No.21050640 [View]
File: 89 KB, 940x528, jordanpeterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I readed maps of meaning and think it be a goodly introduction into a framework jungian for the understanding of the our universe, Jungian psychology is not meaned for the masses but it is true, now this fact reminas a constant in our daily to daily lives. I think his bookle proffers a goodly and above all soft leading to the of Jung theses

>> No.21030769 [View]

Uhh, I think you got things a bit wrong, buddy. The dragon of chaos is not a metaphor for Peterson, it's his fabrication and the incomprehensible graphic I posted is taken from Maps of Meaning.

>> No.20967693 [View]

It's clear enough that JP was struggling with his narcissism from pretty much the moment he became internet famous, talking about shit he had no clue about and trying to stay relevant in ways that were just plain absurd, but benzos+twitter really pushed the poor sucker over the edge.
In some parallel universe, JP is still spending his time being a clinician and lecturing about the history of psychology and modern ways of understanding spiritual experiences. Some of his lectures are on youtube, and some people seem to really like them. In this world, /lit/ also discovered maps of meaning, and the schizo graphs became a similar kind of meme to what they are here, though there are more creative edits from anons either half-mocking their own beliefs or parodying various philosophical positions by turning them into peterson graphs.
It is a better place in a lot of ways.

>> No.20949315 [View]

that isn't in maps of meaning faggot face

>> No.20949294 [View]
File: 89 KB, 940x528, jordanpeterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I readed maps of meaning and thought it was an exhilarating adventure through the reesesses, of the human mind. Some of the personal antidotes get quite dense but man I don't understand why people on here don't like him. he's on our side when you look at the big picture

>> No.20937586 [View]

Yes, things that your parents told you, but your parents don't expose themselves to you like he exposes himself on the internet. You are missing this part. At least, this is why I started watching him and reading his books, his Maps of Meaning is a great book to understand those things. I have read the first 3 chapters and they were great. I still have to finish it.

>> No.20933810 [View]

He's greatly influential on pop culture, maybe the one internet character I've heard people talk about in my still culturally isolated country, quite positively also, but his entire shtick is histrionic prot preaching, so his influence on actual philosophy or literature will be very limited if any. Maybe there's more to him in Maps of Meaning? Idk.

One cultural trend that I think he's somewhat responsible for is the late glorification of normie life. It's a mystery why he's called a hero of the incel community, admittedly I've listened to few of his lectures, but I distinctly recall one where he was essentially calling for all them to be put down as aberrations, irrevocably incompatible with Being (clean your room or else). So you now find most internet groups (on the right) trying to paint themselves as the normies (well-adapted), or even as overnormies (the most beautiful, the most initelligent & successful).

In general he's very gay, mb a much needed father figure for some losers, but otherwise the kind of conservative who wants to go back to the 00s & would demand you don't divorce a woman who cheated on you, it's actually your fault and your DUTY!

>> No.20930630 [View]

Maps of Meaning

>> No.20927523 [View]

>Why was he wrong about literally everything?
He wasn't. Will to Power as the principle of all motivation is as simple as Peterson's theory in Maps of Meaning that states all positive emotion is experienced as the individual facilitates a goal. All values are relational because everything that is "relevant" has to be connected to something else it affects, which means it is as relevant as it is powerful. Master and Slave morality are as self-evident as the fact that some people pursue goals and some people run from obstacles.
>Also, why is he associated so heavily with the right wing when every leftist professor loves him?
Jordan Peterson is influenced by Nietzsche but openly rejects the Will to Power and the idea that all values are relational. The right basically sees him as a self-improvement guide but they ignore his emphasis on following passion and identifying higher nobility with the type who will harm themselves in devotion to what they love. They unironically think master morality means "clean your room, get a job, talk to women".

>> No.20915158 [View]
File: 219 KB, 683x1023, St-thomas-aquinas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truth be told, Peterson is more intelligent and more articulate than 99% of the people who use this board, let alone the site in general. They dunk on him and call his well-explained ideas basic and "mid" to feel intellectually-superior, when in reality Peterson would destroy any of you neckbeards in a debate.

Maps of Meaning was good, I'd recommend watching his Biblical series on YouTube while studying the Bible for a better understanding of its themes and narratives. They're very long, but the series is an excellent companion to the Summa Theologia. https://youtu.be/f-wWBGo6a2w

>> No.20903743 [View]

maps of meaning. was like 90 leafbucks

>> No.20903393 [View]
File: 70 KB, 1024x768, 1661275269130591m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, his textbook Maps of Meaning is not original at all with regards to its content but it is highly creative and valuable respecting its form. He collated a truly titanic amount of very difficult information by pulling it out of some insanely abstruse theory and wrestled it all together into something approximating an instruction manual for analytic comparative meta-mythology; in other words, it's a handbook that teaches you how to speak and read the language of dreams.

Very impressive work for the age at which he accomplished it.

Regardless of every other silly and idiotic thing he does in the public sphere, acting as if he is stupid is simply foolish.

>> No.20900057 [View]

If you're going to go down that road then I'm sure you have a very well thought out argument as to why Maps of Meaning is so lacking in quality that it can hardly be called literature.


>> No.20899786 [View]

Maps of Meaning is fine; people are (probably) complaining about his public persona after the pronouns stuff. Personally I think he bit off more than he could chew and was co-opted as a mouthpiece for a lot of things he wasn’t particularly good at talking about.

>> No.20899609 [View]

Maps of Meaning is a book, you flabby ape.

>> No.20899590 [View]
File: 89 KB, 940x528, jordanpeterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly what's with the hate for this man? I've luked here for years and only ever seen hate thrown in his general direction. I just finished maps of meaning and it's a decent introduction to more complex Jungian concepts you can read more up on in Aion and Man and his Symbols. Honestly, what's wrong with introducing Jungian psychology to a broader public hungry for meaning in a world that offers them nothing but ahistorical notions of social justice and trivial bullshit like pronouns?

>> No.20898541 [View]

Read Tolkien’s essay “On Fairy Stories” for perhaps a different perspective on escapism and what is so appealing about fantasy.

As for life advice, I guess just introspect and try to find out why you feel compelled to constantly escape into fantasy. What is it about the fantasy setting that entices you? Try to find that thing in your life or alter your life to be more like that. Or is it just a hatred of the modern world? Then try to make your experience less like the modern world, minimize that aspect in your life. Is it just a general ennui with the mundanity of life? Read Jung, Campbell, and Peterson (Maps of Meaning) to uncover the archetypally mythological nature of everyday experience.

If none of that works, just carry on and derive what meaning and fulfillment you can from your reading.

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