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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.9340806 [View]


>> No.9340805 [View]

don't impersonate me then you little fuck

>> No.9340799 [View]

do you have a copy of the DSM-V handy?

>> No.9340797 [DELETED]  [View]
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Guys I think rapture killed himself.

A moment of silence please...

>> No.9340790 [View]

stop impersonating me you faggot

those are NOT my brother's books

>> No.9340770 [View]
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this , of course should say assorted theory IV

assorted theory V

>> No.9340767 [View]

stop impersonating me you guys or I'll stop sharing pictures of books I haven't read

>> No.9340759 [View]


>rapture maintains TWO trips

>> No.9340738 [View]


What is your profession? How do you have so much time to address me? The amount of utter love I feel from you is a little overwhelming- to invest so much of yourself to-what?-prove me wrong?

>> No.9340730 [View]
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assorted theory III

>> No.9340712 [View]


Dude you're literally taking my name at this point. Am I such a god to you that you can't even carve out your own name?

This is truly something inhuman...

>> No.9340708 [View]
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assorted theory III

>> No.9340698 [View]
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assorted theory II

>> No.9340672 [View]

i used to post in these threads, pretending that it was merely for the aesthetics; but then i actually started reading the books i only showed off and sorta became ashamed at the whole conspicuousness of it

so basically i replaced one form of self-righteousness for another. it's odd to me: the more educated i actually become, the more i both leap to judge and hesitate to judge, all the matter convinced that my "transcendence" from posting in vainglorious bookshelf threads is really a matter of moral improvement, and that this entitles me to certain forms of scrutinizing others that they are not privy to viz. me.

but this all bores me, the deepening of my own narcissism, the endless cycle, etc. the great irony is that the further i distance myself from forms of vanity (like showing off books), the more i encounter a strengthened narcissism, where i feel that i'm finally "getting it right" and therefore am better than anyone else on that front, etc.--and can on those grounds write judgmental posts in otherwise innocuous and harmless threads, signalling only a lingering desire for attention. like i'm aware of it all (kierkegaard might say: i live in sin, not ignorance), but it doesn't even matter...

is anyone else similarly bored of their own sanctimonious nature? what do i look to/read to finally expunge this type of self-burden?

>> No.9340660 [View]
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assorted theory I

>> No.9340595 [View]
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lit/poetry LX

>> No.9340584 [View]
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misc uncategorized

>> No.9340460 [View]
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lit/poetry LIX


i love bonnefoy! are you french?

>> No.9340453 [View]
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lit/poetry LVIII


some people are just born worse than others. one would hope that life and education would undo what nature had originally fucked up--but society can only offer so much.

there is nothing left with them save for ash and dust.

>> No.9340445 [View]
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lit/poetry LVII

>> No.9340439 [View]
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lit/poetry LVI


ok, i've engaged you, i've asked you questions, i've tried to figure out what is it the base of your incredible insecurity. you have no answers (surprise!) beyond just more immature lashing out. you will forever hate me for no good reason--so be it. i am done, and will ignore you from here on out.

>> No.9340419 [View]
File: 2.61 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1100 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lit/poetry LV


holy shit this is incredible...atop your anger and insecurity there is now delusion.

explain to me the basis of your insane and persistent anger or just fucking drop the subject entirely. there is no human reason to act like you do beyond insecurity and jealousy. you have been unable to express yourself in any meaningful way up until this point. this is truly becoming a thing to behold...


check the fucking IP addresses, you fucking idiot. you realize there are digital ways to disprove you? i love how, by definition, any defense of me is of course me samefagging. sure.

>> No.9340402 [View]
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lit/poetry LIV

>> No.9340384 [View]
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lit/poetry LIII


fantastic. i'm actually writing a chapter on arendt for my dissertation--particularly how her ideas of judgment play out against 50s/60s american politics, and further how her idea of "the lie" interacts with vietnam.

did you like the human condition? what do you make of her notion of "action"?

i'd really love to hear more about what you think of her thought--it seems to me that you aren't the biggest fan? but you've also read a great deal, so i can't imagine that you've written her off entirely...


i really don't know what else to say at this point. it is so painfully obvious that your jealously over my material prosperity has led to just a flagrant gnashing; you have made no attempt to address any intellectual or academic point--which many other posters have. it is clear that you have nothing and are nothing in this world. read eric hoffer's "the true believer"--i think you will find a lot of what you are in that book.

truly my heartfelt sympathy extends to you. may you find peace from the abject worthlessness that is your life.

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