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/lit/ - Literature

Search: ligotti

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>> No.21204301 [View]
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Redpill me on Thomas Ligotti

>> No.21202202 [View]
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You Asked For This Edition

Notable Authors: H.P. Lovecraft, Thomas Ligotti, Robert Aickman, Clive Barker, Edgar Allan Poe, Algernon Blackwood, Shirley Jackson, Richard Matheson, Stephen King, William Peter Blatty, Robert Bloch, Bram Stoker, Mary Shelley, Edogawa Rampo, Arthur Machen, Ambrose Bierce, M.R. James, Sheridan Le Fanu, Brian Evenson, William Hope Hodgson, Clark Ashton Smith, Frank Belknap Long, Ramsey Campbell, Caitlin R Kiernan, Laird Barron, Jack Ketchum, Stefan Grabinski, Peter Straub, and many many more

Discuss your favorite horror tales in both short and long form. What have you read lately? What do you want to read? What's a work of horror fiction or an author who you want to recommend?
Previous threads (because I forgot to link it last time):

>> No.21036391 [View]
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Notable Authors: H.P. Lovecraft, Thomas Ligotti, Robert Aickman, Clive Barker, Edgar Allan Poe, Algernon Blackwood, Shirley Jackson, Stephen King, William Peter Blatty, Robert Bloch, Bram Stoker, Mary Shelley, Edogawa Rampo, Arthur Machen, Ambrose Bierce, M.R. James, Sheridan Le Fanu, Brian Evenson, William Hope Hodgson, Clark Ashton Smith, Frank Belknap Long, Ramsey Campbell, Caitlin R Kiernan, Laird Barron, Jack Ketchum, Stefan Grabinski, Peter Straub, and many many more

Discuss your favorite horror tales in both short and long form. What have you read lately? What do you want to read? What's a work of horror fiction or an author who you want to recommend?

>TQ: Halloween is coming. What are your favorite books or authors to celebrate this special time of year?
Previous Thread: >>20976838

>> No.20976838 [View]
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Notable Authors: H.P. Lovecraft, Thomas Ligotti, Robert Aickman, Clive Barker, Edgar Allan Poe, Algernon Blackwood, Shirley Jackson, Stephen King, William Peter Blatty, Robert Bloch, Bram Stoker, Mary Shelley, Edogawa Rampo, Arthur Machen, Ambrose Bierce, M.R. James, Sheridan Le Fanu, Brian Evenson, William Hope Hodgson, Clark Ashton Smith, Frank Belknap Long, Ramsey Campbell, Caitlin R Kiernan, Laird Barron, Jack Ketchum, Stefan Grabinski, Peter Straub, and many many more

Discuss your favorite horror tales in both short and long form. What have you read lately? What do you want to read? What's a work of horror fiction or an author who you want to recommend?

Previous Thread:

>> No.20950937 [View]
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Notable Authors: H.P. Lovecraft, Thomas Ligotti, Robert Aickman, Clive Barker, Edgar Allan Poe, Algernon Blackwood, Shirley Jackson, Stephen King, William Peter Blatty, Robert Bloch, Bram Stoker, Mary Shelley, Edogawa Rampo, Arthur Machen, Ambrose Bierce, M.R. James, Sheridan Le Fanu, Brian Evenson, William Hope Hodgson, Clark Ashton Smith, Frank Belknap Long, Ramsey Campbell, Caitlin R Kiernan, Laird Barron, Jack Ketchum, Stefan Grabinski, and many many more

Discuss your favorite horror tales in both short and long form. What have you read lately? What do you want to read? What's a work of horror fiction or an author who you want to recommend?

>> No.20919234 [View]
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Notable Authors: H.P. Lovecraft, Thomas Ligotti, Robert Aickman, Clive Barker, Edgar Allan Poe, Algernon Blackwood, Shirley Jackson, Stephen King, William Peter Blatty, Robert Bloch, Bram Stoker, Mary Shelley, Edogawa Rampo, Arthur Machen, Ambrose Bierce, M.R. James, Sheridan Le Fanu, Brian Evenson, William Hope Hodgson, Clark Ashton Smith, Frank Belknap Long, Ramsey Campbell, Caitlin R Kiernan, Laird Barron, Dan Simmons, and many many more

Discuss your favorite horror tales in both short and long form. What have you read lately? What do you want to read? What's a work of horror fiction or an author who you want to recommend? Go as obscure as you want

>> No.20916892 [View]
File: 300 KB, 1000x869, 4D7B0153-082A-440C-8877-A79FB326FB94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notable Authors: H.P. Lovecraft, Thomas Ligotti, Robert Aickman, Clive Barker, Edgar Allan Poe, Algernon Blackwood, Shirley Jackson, Stephen King, William Peter Blatty, Robert Bloch, Bram Stoker, Mary Shelley, Edogawa Rampo, Arthur Machen, Ambrose Bierce, M.R. James, Sheridan Le Fanu, Brian Evenson, William Hope Hodgson, Clark Ashton Smith, Frank Belknap Long, Ramsey Campbell, Caitlin R Kiernan, Laird Barron, and many many more
Read sticks edition
Discuss your favorite horror tales in both short and long form. What have you read lately? What do you want to read? What's a work of horror fiction or an author who you want to recommend?

>> No.20914914 [View]
File: 42 KB, 294x450, B4CACE65-0FBD-4603-8884-1167B86D3286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the worst things I’ve ever read. I spent 20 dollars on this too.

Most of the stories are terrible but shout out specifically to the one ultra cringe heroic fantasy where Ligotti not so cleverly reimagines himself as a jester wearing sunglasses and wielding swords on a quest that is a not so thinly veiled metaphor for him becoming an antinatalist.

The moral of the Ligotti’s story, with no exaggeration here, is that all human beings should immediately commit suicide at there soonest and most accessible convenience.

Never taking a /lit/edditor recommendation again.

>> No.20911947 [View]
File: 43 KB, 265x382, Hounds_of_tindalos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't seen a full on horror general in a hot minute.

Notable Authors: H.P. Lovecraft, Thomas Ligotti, Robert Aickman, Clive Barker, Edgar Allan Poe, Algernon Blackwood, Shirley Jackson, Stephen King, William Peter Blatty, Robert Bloch, Bram Stoker, Mary Shelley, Edogawa Rampo, Arthur Machen, Ambrose Bierce, M.R. James, Sheridan Le Fanu, Brian Evenson, William Hope Hodgson, Clark Ashton Smith, Frank Belknap Long, Ramsey Campbell, Caitlin R Kiernan, Laird Barron, and many many more

Discuss your favorite horror tales in both short and long form. What have you read lately? What do you want to read? What's a work of horror fiction or an author who you want to recommend?

>> No.20890888 [View]
File: 246 KB, 1020x1360, 71kkwASACkL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notable Authors: H.P. Lovecraft, Thomas Ligotti, Robert Aickman, Clive Barker, Edgar Allan Poe, Algernon Blackwood, Shirley Jackson, Stephen King, William Peter Blatty, Robert Bloch, Bram Stoker, Mary Shelley, Edogawa Rampo, Arthur Machen, Ambrose Bierce, M.R. James, Sheridan Le Fanu, Brian Evenson, William Hope Hodgson, Clark Ashton Smith, Ramsey Campbell and many many more

What are you reading, and what are your favorites? What's a book you really want everyone to read? What authors are your favorites? Let's discuss the scariest literature.

>> No.20876614 [View]
File: 483 KB, 600x800, qlSTKtHf_2305222249081gpadd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notable Authors: H.P. Lovecraft, Thomas Ligotti, Robert Aickman, Clive Barker, Edgar Allan Poe, Algernon Blackwood, Shirley Jackson, Stephen King, William Peter Blatty, Robert Bloch, Bram Stoker, Mary Shelley, Edogawa Rampo, Arthur Machen, Ambrose Bierce, M.R. James, Sheridan Le Fanu and many many more

What are you reading, and what are your favorites? Let's discuss the dark and the scary.

>> No.20851186 [View]
File: 125 KB, 568x702, Cthulhu_sketch_by_Lovecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't seen a full on horror general in a hot minute.

Notable Authors: H.P. Lovecraft, Thomas Ligotti, Robert Aickman, Clive Barker, Edgar Allan Poe, Algernon Blackwood, Shirley Jackson, Stephen King, William Peter Blatty, Robert Bloch, Bram Stoker, Mary Shelley, Edogawa Rampo, Arthur Machen, and many many more

What have you been reading, and what are your favorites?

>> No.20845734 [View]
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I've read the complete works of Michelstaedter, Zapffe, Cioran, Albert Caraco, Ligotti, David Benatar, Ulrich Horstmann, Julio Cabrera, Guido Ceronetti, Pascal, Chamfort, Mainländer, UG Krishnamurti, Al-Ma'arri, Omar Khayyam, Sophocles, Georg Trakl, Paul Celan, Frank Standford, David Park Barnitz, Baudelaire, Pavese, Leopardi, Sylvia Plath, Lautreamont, Dazai, Celine, Pessoa, Dino Buzzati, Beckett, Kafka, Akutagawa, Thomas Bernhard, Sadegh Hedayat, Roland Topor, WG Sebald and Houellebecq. What should I read next?

>> No.20844894 [View]
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What is weird fiction?

Weird fiction isa subgenre of speculative fiction originating in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Weird fiction either eschews or radically reinterprets ghosts, vampires, werewolves, and other traditional antagonists of supernatural horror fiction.

Notable Authors: Thomas Ligotti, H.P. Lovecraft, Robert W. Chambers, Robert Aickman, Michael Cisco, Mark Samuels, Brian Evenson, Michael Shea, Robert Bloch, Frank Belknap Long, William Hope Hodgson, Chiaki Konaka, Junji Ito, Gemma Files, Matthew M. Bartlett, Jon Padgett, Clark Ashton Smith, Ramsey Campbell, Laird Barron, John Langan, Nathan Ballingrud, Matt Cardin, Christopher Slatsky, Richard Gavin, Brian Hodge

What have you read lately?

>> No.20831620 [View]
File: 14 KB, 220x272, DD7AC716-B1D3-4F31-A75C-052785C7325E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can suffering be used as a self-evident concept, such that it grounds ethics? Many moral philosophers have tried to identify good with some other value. Perhaps it is better to identify suffering as the negative imperative of all action: self-suffering and the suffering of others. Although one can ask the question: “why is creating or experiencing suffering bad?” I feel the very concept of suffering and it’s instantiation requires negativity and avoidance to be considered in its use, or else suffering becomes a meaningless term. In this way, I feel it’s possible to construct a human-oriented ethics based on suffering as a universal (humanly universal) negative imperative from which all human action should avoid and minimize. Many hold the opinion that struggle is necessary for imbuing human life with purpose and happiness, viewing pleasure and happiness as a mutually conditional dichotomy, but this, I feel, still allows one to say “eliminating suffering is our moral imperative” because, if we take existence as a problem (in the vein of Schopenhauer, Ligotti, other pessimists), then there is no shortage of agent-independent factors, including the problem of being itself, to always cause suffering and pose problems to be solved. Suffering is plentiful in life, and there is no imperative for human action to contribute or be indifferent towards it. Thoughts on this? Can suffering be ontologically grounded as a negative imperative? Any relevant passages on this?

>> No.20733094 [View]
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I was recently reading Death Poems by Ligotti and you can say that those poems are Rupi Kaur or Bukowski core but man there something so weird about them when repeat them in silence of an afternoon or midnight, something strange which I can't pinpoint. In his story Purity the protagonist start hanging at the house of this "/mu/ meme oooo massa you gon make me squirt" type black woman and he brings her a sausage, she dips the raw sausage in the fucking Mayo jar and swallow that shit. The protagonist go this "bathroom" which is a dark, very dimly lit living room and in place of toilet there a hole in the root and down at floor feces and broken bottles could be seen. Then protagonist just stand against the wall and start imagining what would have went on in this when people were living in it.

Fuck man, it's just weird in the truest sense. What do you think?

>> No.20635372 [View]
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What did you think of Songs of a Dead Dreamer by Thomas Ligotti?

I enjoyed Conspiracy, and also Teatro Grottesco. But a couple of stories in I'm not enjoying this one as much. The dialogue particularly seems rather stilted, though I'm not sure whether this is intended.

>> No.20631829 [View]
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looking for books/stories with descriptions of destitute and abandoned architecture. Ligotti has a few stories in which he describes run down and vacuous spaces.

>> No.20465592 [View]
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Can you guys recommend other authors in a a similar vein to Thomas Ligotti?

Woke up in the middle of the night and could not sleep so I relistened to I have a special plan for this world. It always gets me into an at the same time intensely contemplative yet detached mood.

(Looked in the recommendations for horror first, but did not necessarily find what I am looking for)

>> No.20413208 [View]
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I like these guys. Who else should I be reading?

Kenneth Grant

>> No.20411094 [View]
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Ligotti was right, and everything else is a cope. Consciousness, qualia, it's a sick curse. You know it and you're coping.

>> No.20301051 [View]
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horror lit recs
I like Ligotti and Lovecraft, where should I go from here?

>> No.20293556 [View]
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Ligotti on why pessimists don't kill themselves.

>> No.20284043 [View]
File: 528 KB, 1125x1544, 5CFEFB24-3DD7-43DB-B264-F2183984711E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More authors like thomas ligotti?

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