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/lit/ - Literature

Search: hobb

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>> No.22785050 [View]

>Hmm what should I name the antagonist of my story?
>Ah I know, I shall call him Lord Evol Badman, yes Hobb you've done it again

>> No.22785032 [View]

hobb is based, nigger

>> No.22784902 [View]

>nyt bestselling serries
>quote by Robin Hobb
It's bad.

>> No.22773581 [View]

has one of the dumbest and most infuriating endings I've ever read
fuck robin hobb

>> No.22763332 [View]

Hobb's characters are dogshit and dull, thoughever

>> No.22763241 [View]

hobb and it's not even a contest

>> No.22761306 [View]
File: 626 KB, 2560x1706, 40939-1-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The official Mom Protagonist SFF List.
I apologize for the lengthy (ie autistic) list. I may update it later.
>Caught in Crystal (1987) by Patricia Wrede
>The Interior Life (1990) by Katherine Blake
>Raven's Duology (2004-2005) by Patricia Briggs
>Wolfblade Trilogy (2004-2005) by Jennifer Fallon
>Bridge of D'Arnath (2004-2005) by Carol Berg
>The World Gates Trilogy (2004-2005) By Holly Lisle, She wrote Minerva Wakes and the Arhel trilogy, those two books also have mom mc
>Dragonsbane (1985) by Barbara Hambly
>Paladin of Souls and Vorkosigan saga by Lois McMaster Bujold
>Sunrunner Saga (1988-1993) by Melanie Rawn. Mommy Sioned best yandere girl
>The Empire Trilogy (1987-1992) by Janny Wurts
>Liveship Traders (1998-200) by Robin Hobb
>Birthgrave (1975-1978) by Tanith Lee
>Heart of Bronze (1997-1998) by Matthew Stover
>Karavans Trilogy (2006-2012) by Jennifer Roberson
>Skinwalkers (2014) by Wendy N. Wagner, about an ex-pirate Axe wielding mom!
>Frostfell (2006) by Mark Sehestedt
>Legacy of Steel (1998) by Mary H. Herbert
>The Traitor Spy Trilogy (2010-2012) by Trudi Canavan
>Sevenwaters Trilogy (1999-2001) by Juliet Marillier
>Blood songs (1987, third book in the Frost trilogy) by Robin Wayne Bailey
>Bloodsong Trilogy (1985-1986) by Asa Drake
>Gypsies (1988) by Robert Charles Wilson
>Child of Time (1991) by Robert Silverberg
>The Wayfarer Redemption (1995-1999) by Sara Douglass, by book three almost every character is pregnant, after book three there's a 20 year time-skip so all the mcs have grown-up children
>The Forgotten Beasts of Eld (1974) by Patricia A. McKillip
>The Keys to Paradise Trilogy (1987-1988) by Robert Vardeman, trio of mcs all of the same importance, veterans of the Trans-War that ravaged the country, one of them is a cat-girl who saves a slave kid and adopts him
>Bitter Angels (2009) by C.L Anderson
>The Great Wheel (1987, book three of the Tredana Trilogy) by Joyce Ballou Gregorian
>Daughter of the Bear King (1987) by Eleanor Arnason
>Night-Threads series by Ru Emerson, portal fantasy about a druggie mom, her sister and her teenage son.
>Frostflower adn Thorn (1980) Phyllis Ann Karr
>Fifth Millenium by S.M. Stirling, Shirley Meier, and Karen Wehrstein
>Spellsong Cycle (1997-2002) by L.E. Modesitt Jr
>The Sword of Lyric by Sharon Hinck, christian portal fantasy about a soccer mom and her son fighting against Not-Satan
>Cradle of Sea and Soill (2020) by Bernie Anes Paz
>Boneshaker (2009) Cherie Priest
>The Gap Cycle by Stephen Donaldson, absolute grimdark kino but like most of Donaldson's work it has a happy ending, the main characters just have to go through hell to get it.
>Dragon Gate by Lindsay Buroker, a six book epic about a Mother-son duo
>Memories of Ice (2001 Book 3 of Malazan Book of the Fallen) by Steven Erikson
>To Sail Beyond the Sunset (1987) by Robert Heinlein
I'm open to any suggestions for SFF books with mom mc
And Kate Elliott's new Mom protagonist book the Keeper's Six.
BakkerWolfeVance is king etc.

>> No.22760650 [View]

George Elliot
Jane Austen
The Brontes
Ann Radcliffe
Sylvia Plath
Robin Hobb
CJ Cherryh
Virginia Woolf
Harper Lee

Plenty more but if you don't have at least half of those at the very tip of your tongue whenever you think about authors? You're probably halfway illiterate. There are next-to-no male authors who wrote anywhere close to as well as Austen at her best. Maybe you can make a case for Joyce, and some people probably want to stretch that to Lawrence or Dickens. But that's it.

>> No.22724567 [View]
File: 51 KB, 332x500, 513zsi-TOeL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone recommended this a while back, and I'm about half way through it so far. Incredibly well written. I pray there is no cuck shit later on like Robin Hobb's steaming pile of crap.

>> No.22708604 [View]
File: 63 KB, 562x1000, 817bDp6IJZL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Reality Dysfunction is one of the only texts I've ever read that has made me want to physically destroy the book. I remember reading it whilst waiting for a train, and felt enough contempt for the absolute bollocks the book was turning into that I wanted to throw it onto the tracks.
Genuinely, I haven't read a book that is anywhere near as bad; except maybe that pile of shit by Robin Hobb 'The Assassin's Apprentice'. Actually, Hobb's book is a work of genius by comparison.

>> No.22687523 [View]
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate when characters are like
>I lost, I am so pathetic and weak waaaaah
>bully #1652965 said some random bs and the character makes it a personal attack to their fragile egos
Maybe I've read too much YA but I'm so tired of this shit. Is it too much to ask for a character that acts like an adult? Don't mention the usual, Robb, Bakker etc. People there are also a bunch of fucking retards (ESPECIALLY on Hobb's books)

>> No.22666190 [View]

I hesitated to show that instead of Robin Hobb.
It's terrible

>> No.22665827 [View]
File: 144 KB, 543x581, rh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are modern editions ugly?

(It's not only with robin hobb).

>> No.22660291 [View]

In my edgy phase I would read stuff like Baker, RI, Robin Hobb and the like. But now? All I want from fantasy is fun. Elven women harem and happy endings is all I need.

>> No.22653422 [View]

Silverberg: 88
Atwood: 83
Haldeman: 80
Modesitt: 80
Cook: 79
Martin: 75
Gibson: 75
Simmons: 75
Bujold: 73
Card: 72
Hobb: 71
Kay: 68
Williams: 66
Watts: 65
Salvatore: 64
Erikson: 64
Hamilton: 63
Stephenson: 63
Gaiman: 62
Egan: 62
Collins: 61
Wells: 59
Rowling: 58
Reynolds: 57
Leckie: 57
Bakker: 56
Chiang: 56
Scalzi: 54
Abraham: 53
Weir: 51
Miéville: 51
Jemisin: 51
Cline: 51
Rothfuss: 50
Dinniman: 48
Abercrombie: 48
Bardugo: 48
Howey: 48
Sanderson: 47
Liu: 47
Baldree: 46
Lynch: 45
Y.H. Lee: 44
Mandel: 44
Palmer: 42
Islington: 42
Muir: 38
Martine: 38
Maas: 37
Brown: 35
Roth: 35
Kuang: 27

What are some examples of young and successful SFF writers? Who are the luminaries and prodigies these days of the current era? Do the elders yet reign supreme?

>> No.22644877 [View]

Steven Erikson
Stephen R Donaldson
Mervyn Peak
Jany Wurtz
Ursula LeGuin
Jack Vance
Robert E Howard
Fritz Lieber
HP Lovecraft
Mary Shelley
Robin Hobb
Matthew Stover
Greg Keyes/J Gregory Keyes

>> No.22643687 [View]

Seventh Decimate was pretty good but it does pull the First Law kind of trick of making you read a prick and then revealing that they actually haven't had any character growth at the end.
Second book in the series opens up to multiple povs and is just generally better too
Also Covenant is his best series by some margin, people just pussy out way too early on it. It's like Hobb, you gotta sit through the awful shit (although in Covenant it's him being a misandrist rather than Hobb's making the protag suffer) to get to the point where it's paid off

>> No.22631326 [View]

Hobb has a strong claim to being the best fantasy writer alive. There's also like a 40% chance you'll hate her.

>> No.22609921 [View]

The queen of melancholy and sadness would probably be Robin Hobb. You wouldn't want to be a character in one of her Elderling books, they do not have a happy time.

>> No.22582183 [View]

The chronicles of Narnia
His Dark Materials
Hunger Games
Any book by Robin Hobb
The Hobbit

Similar setting:
A Deadly Education
The Magicians

Honestly you won't find the same warmth feeling you get from reading Harry Potter. There is something special about them that trascend the quality of the books.

>> No.22572746 [View]

The most infuriating teenage romance shit was in Robin Hobb's Rainwilds Chronicles.
>novels are supposed to be about people taking a bunch of dragons to an ancient city filled with the wisdom of the ancients
>instead it's about love triangles
>when the books aren't about love triangles they're about how every gay man recognizes every other gay man as a homosexual at first glance and immediately wants to have sex right then and there
I hate it

>> No.22550909 [View]

All the cuckery in the second apocalypse is framed as one dude fucking over someone else. Its framed as wholly negative and causing mental anguish.

Its also not from a fucking first person MC pov, which is what makes the Hobb example particularly shitty.

>> No.22550754 [View]

One part of a 21 book series
Bakker has more plot relevant and constant cuckoldry than hobb does

>> No.22546647 [View]

>free of cuckery?
Yes, tawny man is beautiful and imo is where Hobb's writing peaks. To this day in my headcanon i consider The Fitz and the fool trilogy an alternate future lol

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