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/lit/ - Literature

Search: behead satans

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>> No.11769579 [View]

I'm impressed /lit/ wrote anything at all. I mean if /pol/ can put out Behead All Satans, shouldn't we have some books?

>> No.11771536 [View]

Female version of Behead all Satans

>> No.11775261 [View]

I agree but to be fair he's the only one who managed to leverage his spamfaggotry into a career unlike the behead all satans guy, roberto, or that more recent spammer. That's almost respectable in a way.

>> No.11775498 [View]

I feel like people don't give spamcore memelit the chance it deserves. I read Behead All Satans and actually liked it. Yurope 2 is a masterpiece. The Magnificent Third Rail was fun, etc.

>> No.11776302 [View]

Goonan was before my time.

Roberto made some botched attempts at promoting his longer book despite his short memefest called Tao Lin on a Tricycle getting a few decent reviews.

Behead All Satans got/still gets spammed a lot here which pissed people off, but if you can get past the impulse to shit on it because it's a spammed memebook written from the perspective of an edgelord with pol9k sensibilities, it's much better than you might assume it'd be.

Yurope and Yurope 2 aren't posted as much anymore but look them up, they're masterworks of shitposting.

>> No.11777258 [View]

Industrial Society and its Future
My Twisted World
Behead All Satans
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Some People Who Were Naked
Yurope 2
One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish

In that exact order.

>> No.11777296 [View]

Probably the behead all satans guy. He seems like he'd shitpost this kind of stuff here all day every day.

>> No.11777402 [View]

no, it's not him. the behead all satans guy spams lemurmemes.

>> No.11786405 [View]

Behead All Satans

>> No.11787749 [View]
File: 490 KB, 947x916, BAS_CIAniggerglowing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behead All Satans

>> No.11792228 [View]

Behead all Satans has such a fucking garbage cover

>> No.11807835 [View]

does behead all satans have a plot to follow or is it a "post modern" meme like everything else in this thread. yes i'm aware i'm probably replying to the author just shilling it here as usual

>> No.11813375 [View]

> another Behead All Satans thread
> OP establishes no basis for discussion
> OP just rants about mods doing their job

How about instead of shitposting some meme fucking e-book, actually invite people to discuss it if you've actually read that shit, which nobody has because they take one look at the title and see the fucking lemurs and they laugh and post another rare pepe because haha real meme shit. Fuck off back to /b/.

>> No.11813390 [View]

No one can be told what Behead All Satans is. You have to see it for yourself.

>> No.11814263 [View]

I think Behead All Satans is a pretty cool book. eh has words and doesn't afraid of indented paragraphs.

>> No.11816871 [View]

My Diary Desu
The Bible
Behead All Satans
Tao Lin's Taipei
The Legacy of Totalitarianism in Tundra

>> No.11816988 [View]

Behead All Satans and Some People Who Were Naked deserve it more than any of the milquetoast pleb shit there.

>> No.11819938 [View]

If anyone has the full /lit/ guide to fucked-up literature please post is becuase I only know a few, but here’s some to get you started.
>The Magnificent Third Rail
>Animal Money
>Behead all Satans
>Eden Eden Eden
>The Torture Garden
>The Tunnel
>Bastard out of Carolina

>> No.11823938 [View]

Behead All Satans
Tao Lin On a Tricycle
The Ego and Its Own

>> No.11825056 [View]

what is the plot of behead all satans?

>> No.11827248 [DELETED]  [View]

Behead all Satans is ironically amazing

>> No.11832763 [View]


>> No.11833315 [View]
File: 3.85 MB, 2448x3264, The Spam Trilogy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an part of Behead All Satans where Canadian government subsidies for the arts are mentioned as leading to shit too.

>> No.11833399 [View]

Roberto: founding member of the Spamcore Collective, and the world's first Behead All Satans scholar.

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