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/lit/ - Literature

Search: hobb

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>> No.23119143 [View]

Heard of all those except for Weil and Hobb. What are some books of theirs I should get into?

>> No.23119102 [View]

Little Women (not Good Wives)
Tao Te Ching and Dhammapada
Simone Weil
Gene Wolfe
Robin Hobb

>> No.23091453 [View]

Farseer is great if you like getting kicked in the balls. That's most of Fitz's life, and it gets so bad I wonder if Robin Hobb hates him, but like with similar stories, it's inspiring that he never quite gives up and he is pretty deeply written as a lead in an equally fleshed out world. On the other hand, it's stomach-turning to see how his closest friends treat him half of the time.

>> No.23078408 [View]


If these beloved fantasy novels are adapted for TV or film, they could surpass the popularity of George R.R Martin's Game Of Thrones.....

Mistborn Series by Brandon Sanderson is one of the best fantasy novel series of all time

The Kingkiller Chronicle - Patrick Rothfuss (one of the most inspiring epic fantasy sagas, it's been called the next Game of Thrones)

Throne Of Glass Series - Sarah J. Maas
>or her other popular fantasy series, A Court of Thorns and Roses

as well as
The Farseer Trilogy - Robin Hobb
The Broken Earth Trilogy - N.K Jemisin
The Infernal Devices series by Cassandra Clare
Gentlemen Bastards Series - Scott Lynch
The Burning Series - Evan Winter
The Folk Of The Air Series - Holly Black

>> No.23040107 [View]
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What does the industry think of Bakker? E.g. there's a review by Hobb on pretty much every major fantasy book on Goodreads, but the only "industry" review I could find was picrel

>> No.23014693 [View]

NTA, I was going to make a jokepost about Sanderson's characters, but I think GURM, Bakker, and Hobb all write fairly good characters for their genre.

>motivations and histories aren't revealed through the text, instead they are all on 20 page backstories submitted to the GM before the game
The audience is not the problem here.

>> No.22995693 [View]

> Hobb
Now that's the series that filtered me. Mushy assassins just don't pull me in.

>> No.22995157 [View]

First for Robin Hobb enjoyer. Farseer Trilogy is so good.

>> No.22995145 [View]

Alright, I'll give it another shot when I'm finished with Robin Hobb.

>> No.22993271 [View]

>Robin Hobb
I am reading her presently (Farseer Trilogy). Her capacity for writing layered, conflicted characters is pure kino.

>> No.22991037 [View]
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>mogs all modern fantasy by herself
You have read Robin Hobb books, right /lit/?

>> No.22970790 [View]

>>>Robin Hobb
he said Good

>> No.22970525 [View]

My friend is a consoomer, he and his gf read YA fantasy and stuff by Robin Hobb.

>> No.22954755 [View]

Tell me about Robin Hobb's books.

>> No.22929151 [View]

>Especially as a white male?
Getting published is simultaneously really easy (tons of garbage gets published) and really hard (getting your foot in the door the first time).
If you're being honest, most people who want to be published don't just want to be published, they want to be remembered as great writers. With that in mind, think of the most popular fantasy authors right now. You probably thought of a list composing entirely of white guys. How many POC/Women have broken through pop culture barrier in the fantasy genre? Le Guin, Robin Hobb, Octavia Butler who are all oldfags. Newfags? Umm... N.K. Jemisin, Ken Liu, R.F. Kuang? That's 3 current writers compared to Sanderson, Martin, Rothfuss, Abercrombie, Erikson, Riordan, Bakker, Tad Williams, Guy Gavriel Kay, John Gwynne, Nicholas Eames, Jim Butcher, the list could go fucking on.
If you think that great writing shouldn't be political (Divine Comedy lmao) then put your money where your mouth is and write a normal fucking story without shoving your cringe-fest pseudo-philosophical bullshit agenda you ripped straight from fucking 4chan.

>> No.22928650 [View]

Did you consider any of the the 30+ I posted my thoughts about here?

I assume you mean that they didn't feel like real people, as in they weren't three dimensional. I get that, but not as a quality particular to women. I haven't read Hobb and I don't know that I will unless I have some reason that I do so without wanting to, so I can't comment to that specifically.

>> No.22928552 [View]

I really liked the concepts and ideas in this series, but the characters felt like cardboard cutouts that the plot just happens around. The only books written by a woman that I've read that didn't feel like that was the Farseer trilogy by Robin Hobb.

>> No.22903443 [View]

I know almost all fantasy is dogshit, but wish fulfillment is only good for so long before it gets boring as shit. I read a lot of jap isekai, xianxia, litrpg etc, and I can't stomach them anymore. It will eventually catch up to you, just wait. Also, Robin Hobb is trash.

>> No.22903369 [View]

How did you end up with Hobb of all authors?

>> No.22903306 [View]

Robin Hobb is one of those tumblr fanfiction girls who are obsessed with writing angst and whump only she's older.

>> No.22903296 [View]
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>Constantly get told to read a proper book instead of isekai jap stuff
>Get recommended Robin Hobb's stuff.
>The mc gets abused, humiliated, ntred by his own adopted dad, and is absolutely retarded throughout the entire story
Yeah i think i'm gonna go back to reading isekai desu.

>> No.22894222 [View]

Hobbit, LotR, Silmarillion, Unfinished Tales by Tolkein (wish there was a name for these four books and just these four)
Elderlings by Robin Hobb
Second Apocalypse by Bakker
Drizzt by RA Salvatore
Song of Ice and Fire by GRRM

>> No.22834206 [View]

Did a fair bit of looking into this a few years ago and this is most of what I've read:

Seconding the Empire Trilogy, great starting place.
Hist Fic: Accursed Kings
Portal Fantasy: Merchant Princes
Fantasy: Swordspoint, Queen's Thief, Hobb's Assassin books, Basically every GGK book
Scifi: Vorkosigan (her fantasy books probably fit too although I wouldn't classify them as primarily about this)

Addition recs: Dagger & Coin and Long Price by Abraham, Traitor Baru
Don't like much but fits: Goblin Emperor

Also if you're prepared to read chinese webnovels they love this shit, for actually good ones there's Joy of Life by Mao Ni (and it's kind of a theme in his other books), Grandmaster Strategist and The Rebirth of the Malicious Empress of Military Lineage (this one's so good initially when the protag is in an awful situation and has to scheme out of it with barely any resources)
Finally if you want to read old novels The Tale of Genji is a great fit

>> No.22806990 [View]

Having a tight curated personal library of things that speak to you is sensible. Having something more fleshed out for research (or just wide ranging 'hobb'y interests) or building with an eye to sharing with the next generation is the other side of it.

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