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/lit/ - Literature

Search: wuxia

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>> No.21851661 [View]

>centralized control
The chinks call them paper tigers
Every society was like a californian university, the last murder in the planet happened 23 years before that event
They even stand by the books, maybe they're hoping to put chink media in the spotlight even if it means compromising. Their manxuas, animes and wuxia novels flopped hard after all

>> No.21811928 [View]
File: 2.95 MB, 3393x3598, Chinese Classics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no official /lit/ Wuxia chart
Kisama! I'll j-just go find it myself, baka! Actually, it might be fun to try find Wuxia I like and make a chart one day in the future.

>> No.21803483 [View]

Lol seething incels itt would NOT like to see me use my kung fu (mantis style, crane chop) on they dumb ass. Wuxia reigns supreme.

>> No.21794554 [View]

I wanted to learn Mandarin but it takes 2.5 years to get good. I might try learn it still but I’m going to focus on old Wuxia kino

>> No.21778135 [View]

Ever read stuff on Royal Road? It's the same thing from the other side. Western authors trying to synthesize wuxia tropes into their own fantasy.

>> No.21773892 [View]

>>Knights relying on drugs derived from animals/rare plants in order to perfect their bodies and become stronger
>If you’re familiar with Wuxia, this is almost exactly the same concept as inner strength, translated into a western fantasy setting
Never heard of berserkers?

>> No.21773877 [View]

Whites aren’t human. That’s why all “fantasy” is about being seduced or raped in the West. In Xianxia, Wuxia, and Ming Dynasty fantasy, the vice ridden characters are animals or demons, whilst the virtuous ones are Han Chinese.

>> No.21772991 [View]

Guy and Lee are just wuxia protags.

>> No.21772937 [View]

God, reading the Chink idea of western fantasy’s even more schizo than reading xianxia or wuxia, because at least those two genres are foreign enough so that you will never notice if anything’s too weird or crazy; because you’ll attribute it to genre itself. However, all readers who have read fantasy are somewhat familiar with the broad strokes of it; the tropes that make the story. So it feels even crazier to read the Chink’s take. Concepts are so often changed in either the most subtle or extreme of ways. And I’m not even talking about MTL. I can read Chink, so whenever I go to 69shu or some other website to read the raws, it’ll always get to me how odd the tropes get.

Here are some examples of these weird things they do:

>Wizards calling non-Wizards mortals
No, this is not MTL failing to translate muggle, muggle is a very specific set of two characters when transliterated to Chinese. They literally use the character for mortal.
>Knights relying on drugs derived from animals/rare plants in order to perfect their bodies and become stronger
If you’re familiar with Wuxia, this is almost exactly the same concept as inner strength, translated into a western fantasy setting
>Wizards valuing equivalent exchange/cannot break deals, etc.

There are many more, but these are but three of some of the most common tropes I’ve seen.

>> No.21764076 [View]
File: 30 KB, 569x539, 3202329C-6344-4909-B458-DD9BBED6EF86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pirated all the Delphi Classics, Wuxia Fantasy, and Ero Guro Manga I could find, but now I swear I downloaded a worm that has fucked up my computer and potentially put me into a botnet. What do?

>> No.21744734 [View]

Traditional/Simplified is basically just a matter of font. They write 'horse' as 馬 in Taiwan, and 马 in mainland China, but both are pronounced "ma" and mean the same thing.
Classical Chinese is the old version of the Chinese language. Similar to Latin, which was the written language even when it evolved into French and Spanish, Classical Chinese evolved into Mandarin, Cantonese, etc but was used as a written language.
Learn Indonesian. It has no plurals, no noun/verb/adjective agreement, no verb tenses, no noun cases, no set word order, and is spoken natively by only 20% of the population. It's amazing they can get away with so little complexity. If you use a dictionary, you could read a novel in it right now.
They also have some good books about their history as a Dutch colony, and they have a genre called 'cerita silat' which is like wuxia/anime.

>> No.21709925 [View]

Holy shit. Is *anyone* here writing something that isn't one of the following?:
>to be self-published

>> No.21702756 [View]

>Read Journey to the West expecting literary work
>End up getting comedic xianxia where a literal monkey trolls the entire pantheon of Chinese Gods until the Jade Emperor has to ring up Buddha for god tard wrangling

>Read Romance of the Three Kingdoms expecting literary work
>Instead get proto-Wuxia where everyone’s betraying each other, one character literally uses a stone to set up a formation that somehow btfo’s an entire army, and everyone badly

>Read Water Margin expecting literary work
>Literal Wuxia story about a group of guys hanging out, becoming bandits, casually becoming cannibals, which quickly snowballs into a rebellion against the government

The more I’ve delved into Chinese literature, the more I’ve come to realize just how many tropes and plot beats have been recycled by many modern wuxia and xianxia writers.

>> No.21684293 [View]

>interesting wuxia
Oxymoron, moron.

>> No.21682883 [View]

>apart from some wuxia/xianxia i have never read anything with a ''normal'' chinese setting that involves war, that's what interested me, it would be better if it didn't have magic, shamans and gods, but it still had me hooked and i wanted to read the rest .
Maybe try the Hand of the Sun King? It's fantasy so Chinese the main empire is called the Sienese empire, but it's also written by a westerner with shockingly little amounts of yellow fever.

>> No.21682735 [View]

>Actually read cradle
>It's an interesting wuxia-themed fantasy completely ruined by the author's wankery over power levels and character stats.
Are all "progression" and "litRPG" stories like this? Cradle's the only one I've ever read, and it feels like the author is trying to write a story set in a videogame rather than another world. Exceedingly autistic.

>> No.21682711 [View]

>apart from some wuxia/xianxia i have never read anything with a ''normal'' chinese setting that involves war, that's what interested me, it would be better if it didn't have magic, shamans and gods, but it still had me hooked and i wanted to read the rest .
Really? I hated Poppy War. It wasn't anything with a "normal" chinese setting. It's some stupid Asian American writing stereotypical shit she heard about China and applied it.

>> No.21682651 [View]

do you really have to think about something you do every day? do you have big thoughts right before brushing ur teeth in the morning? do u have to think for hours about what you will have for breakfast?

is just a silly site, ofc i wont waste my time thinking really hard about what i post here

apart from some wuxia/xianxia i have never read anything with a ''normal'' chinese setting that involves war, that's what interested me, it would be better if it didn't have magic, shamans and gods, but it still had me hooked and i wanted to read the rest .

>> No.21649590 [View]

I need something with a good female wuxia/xianxia protag. Does not have to be yuri,

>> No.21643135 [View]

Posts in pastebins, wackass wuxia, and wattpad. I know that last bit is where some mad lads post their OC shit, but wasn't that fanfic central years back?

>> No.21637402 [View]

This dude is an IRL wuxia protag

>> No.21637275 [View]

All their shows have to stick to ccp doctrine, wuxia isn't the exception.

>> No.21637078 [View]

yeah because ccp is pozzed, have you seen their (wuxia) tv shows? Absolute garbage, ticks every box on a commie brainwash checklist. Also that retard who reported RI got a tv show (and its absolute shit)

>> No.21637030 [View]

Why do I have to battle bakkershill when roastie shills get a free pass?

Wuxia is pozzed by ccp

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