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/lit/ - Literature

Search: neon genesis evangelion

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>> No.23423664 [View]
File: 1.18 MB, 1347x1944, Pierre_Bourdieu_(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bourgeoisie glorified suffering for its own sake, they were in a position to exercise such conspicious consumption and flaunt their privilege. Consuming "Art" is not unlike wasting land to show off your wealth via lawns. Over time the modernist method developed and gave significance where there was none, portraying "high art" as a set of ever-elusive puzzles that can only be discerned by the educated few. Yet the bourgeois theory of art claims that individual interpretation is ultimately key, contradicting its elitism. Contradictions of ideology are par for the course, but it is embarrassing that Adorno could not see its presence in this case.
During the course of the 20th century, economic and cultural capital were decoupled. This allowed each camp to claim the hegemony of the other: you cannot criticize the rule of the cultural elite because they pose themselves as the opponents of "the culture industry", i.e. the capitalists, the successful Tom Clancies and Russo brothers of the world, who ostensibly wield power over the oppressed humanities professors. But the lens of cultural capital allows us to see what every working class person knows: that the cultural sphere is ruled over by another elite, perhaps even more invisible, and all who hope to climb the cultural latter must accumulate cultural capital by conforming to their judgements.
Why is anime enjoyed more than literary fiction? Video games more than arthouse cinema? "The masses have no taste", is the automatic reply that we have all (i.e., these same masses) been trained by this invisible enemy to recite. Could it be that the "guilty" pleasures of genre are, perhaps, simply pleasures? Could it be that, as it turns out, most people are intelligent enough to survive in a capitalist hellscape, to participate in the tiring gruel of the political cycle, and so are in fact not as mindless as the cultural elite would have us believe with their Orwellian inversion? Could it be that Neon Genesis Evangelion is simply superior to Yi Yi?

>> No.23212924 [View]
File: 318 KB, 523x632, 2024-03-23_21h23_50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guenon fails to take human nature into account, the reign of quantity and the signs of the times is basically a tirade againt Guenon's personal inability to get with the times and embrace change, imagine if everybody had done what Guenon's suggests in the book, we wouldn't have the internet, major advances in Genomics and medical science, clean water for billions, the Nissan GTR, Neon Genesis Evangelion and Metallica. Would we all live in a village and grow our own food and happy to do so, dying at the ripe age of 40? probably, but for how long? Boredom and the drive to reach for the stars is inbuilt into our programming, for better or for worse.

>> No.22223956 [View]
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Thematically, this is essentially the same story as Neon Genesis Evangelion.

>> No.21886237 [View]
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>Mishima never got to listen to David Bowie
>Mishima never got to see Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters
>Mishima never got to see Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence
>Mishima never got to see Conan the Barbarian
>Mishima never got to see Akira
>Mishima never got to see Neon Genesis Evangelion
>Mishima never got to read Hunter x Hunter
>Mishima never got to read JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
>Mishima never got to browse exhentai
>Mishima never got to browse 2chan

>> No.21651920 [View]
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This is just Neon Genesis Evangelion except it's a 1000 page book with boring and dry monologues and zero action.

>> No.21594028 [View]
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Welcome to "The Funnel", a mind-bending graphic novel that explores the blurred lines between reality and fantasy. This first book of a seven-part series follows the journey of two sisters named Salazar ("Sal") and Alela ("Al") Coffy living in the small town of Lieh, where nothing is quite as it seems. Set against the backdrop of a cicada-filled midsummer and a local county fair, the story delves into the psyche of its characters as they navigate the supernatural and the power of language to shape and obscure meaning.

Sal, the younger sister, spends her days idling with friends and tagging along with Amy Voces, a wise and beneficent mage who lives on the far side of town. Alela, on the other hand, spends her time hiding in the woods and seeking escapism through drugs. Both sisters are unaware of the mysteries that constantly surround them and the fact that their entire understanding of reality is about to change in the worst way imaginable.

Featuring bright, detailed, psychedelic art reminiscent of 1960's underground comics and arranged via innovative panel compositions that evoke a hazy, dreamlike atmosphere, The Funnel combines elements of fantasy, horror, and magical realism to explore themes of grief, identity, and the search for meaning in a nonsensical world. Fans of Sandman, Twin Peaks and Neon Genesis Evangelion will find themselves entranced by this visually striking and thought-provoking story.


>> No.21469368 [View]
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Two threads asking for manga suggestions deleted on /co/.
I don't know if i would get a better treat here. I know the place is the other board, but...
Could you recommend mangas for a starter? Science-fiction & fantasy preferred. Substance over style. I'm currently reading Neon Genesis Evangelion and i'm liking it.

>> No.21372270 [View]
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Is literature superior to something like Berserk or Neon Genesis Evangelion, and if so, why

>> No.21261693 [View]
File: 1.86 MB, 3310x4597, pexels-wesley-carvalho-3622619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to slit my throat because I always abuse anyone who is close to me.

A bit like Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Any tragic books with characters like this who get their just deserts in the end? I need suicide fuel to motivate me

>> No.20956480 [View]
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Favorite anime: Neon Genesis Evangelion
Favorite cartoon: Bojack Horseman
Favorite album: In Rainbows
Favorite movie: Blade Runner 2049
Favorite video game: Dishonored 1

What book should I read based on that?

>> No.20438407 [View]
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Is Der Ring des Nibelungen the Neon Genesis Evangelion of literature?

>> No.19737631 [View]
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what's the /lit/ equivalent of Neon Genesis Evangelion? meaning which authors hide mediocre writing behind regurgitated philosophy 101 drivel?

my best guesses are Hermann Hesse, DFW, and Dostoevsky

>> No.19723087 [View]
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Ernst Junger lived long enough to see the release of Neon Genesis Evangelion. Is there any evidence that he watched the series and what did he think of it?

>> No.19624495 [View]
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>wasted entirety of yesterday evening on mindless internet browsing
>woke up this morning
>browsed internet on phone
>drank coffee while applying for jobs
>went to gym to do light cardio
>ate regular food at home
>felt strangely thin because I had gone almost two days without junk food
>intended to go to shops to walk around but wasted time online instead
>went to shiny supermarket, bought binge food (intended to only buy pepsi max at first)
>binged at home, now feel fat again
>now wasting time online
>will either play vidya or read a book

Welp, that's my Christmas Eve.

I'm thinking of finally watching movies in the christmas holidays. I have the great beauty on my laptop but haven't watched it yet. I remember going to see it in cinemas in 2013 but the cinema was shut for some reason, so I couldn't.

I have seen some of the cooler twitter users have anime avatars so I might watch Neon Genesis Evangelion but I doubt I'll get through it. Apart from some studio ghibli films I watched during the summer of 2009 or 2010 on tv, I've never liked anime.

That's my life, having to work hard to move from bottom feeder internet timewasting consumercuckoldry to a slightly more thoughtful consumercuckoldry.

I'm applying for jobs like crazy because my manager dislikes me at my current one and I think wants to fire me. I have interviews and I'm waiting for interview results. But I don't feel good. I'm ugly and I think the way I speak may be triggering to some people. I think I may speak in a fucked up manner, almost like the only parts contributing are my mouth and nose, rather than my chest, if you know what I mean.

I recently bought some physical books. I thought about buying Demons, and I thought about reading A Christmas Carol during this period but since those authors have bored me in the past I've decided not to read them until I feel like it won't take effort.

>> No.19620186 [View]
File: 70 KB, 214x204, Bildschirmfoto 2021-12-03 um 18.10.02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey everyone! I am going to keep it “short”: I’m looking for a certain kind of book/ author similar to Houellebecq’s atomised or dazai’s no longer human. This might seem like a pretty specific request but these two books were by far the first books for 3-4 years that actually caught me in! As soon as I had started them I just couldn’t stop reading - albeit for slightly different reasons (dazai for his protagonist and his set of thoughts, houellebecq for the whole provocative and critical stance on society and people as such). I can’t really explain it but both books had this very specific “aura” or “vibe” - I don’t know how to word it…
Also, I already tried other works of both of them, but unfortunately it didn’t do the job for me. Sorry for being cryptic, but I didn’t know how to approach this

Maybe that takes it even further away from being answered by anyone - but I had a similar feeling of excitement and enthusiasm whilst watching neon Genesis evangelion

>> No.19215361 [View]
File: 153 KB, 840x875, Leopardi,_Giacomo_(1798-1837)_-_ritr._A_Ferrazzi,_Recanati,_casa_Leopardi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The neon genesis evangelion of authors

>> No.19168776 [View]
File: 729 KB, 1556x2397, paglia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do some right wing people want me to read a thick-as-a-brick TL;DR schizopost from a pedophile tranny who is a member of NAMBLA? And why is Paglia not hated, censored, and cancelled for her embrace of pedophilia? I can not advocate for my race as a white person in my fatherland and sell what I have to say on AmaZOG, but pedophiles abound and are promoted. Nietzschean pedophiles like Paglia must increase with proportion according to how much power they have in the world power system. From what I understand of Freud's fixation on the sexual (including "child sexuality", which Freud has convinced people is a thing) and incestuous, and Nietzsche's dealing with "positive nihilism", pedophilia does seem like a logical outcome of fixating on those two thinkers though. Nihilism and will to power are the justifications for the attractions that can be intellectually justified with lazy appeals to Freud, who I guess really knew what he was talking about because his cokehead fancies are taken as gospel by so many people.

Paglia, in the first few pages, exposes herself as someone who sees """"gender"""" (a psychological construct from the 20th century) as horribly restrictive. Since gender was invented in modernity and has been exacerbated by novel technologies, reading all of the history of art through the lens of "gender" doesn't seem to make much sense. It's like she's trying to misinterpret by revolving her analysis around concepts that did not exist. In one example of a discussion of some statue, she calls the statue androgynous because the neck is curved. As if every artistic choice that has ever been made throughout all of time is an expression of this new and false idea of "gender". As an artist, a musical one, so admittedly one of the more "abstract" arts, let me make it perfectly clear that artistic choices are very often based on intuition and surface appeal, i.e "it looks cool", or "that sounds good". The best example of this intellectual arrogance is the analysis of the use of crosses in Neon Genesis Evangelion. There was much debate on the meaning of certain explosions in the show taking the shape of a cross until the creator came out and just said he thought it was cool-looking and it fit in well with other visual themes of Abrahamic religion, which have a foreign appeal to the nips in the same way something like Buddhism has an appeal to people who work in offices in America. Maybe these choices are kaleidoscopic imperfect reflections of divine will or something, but in the moment, making practical, definite choices about aesthetics repeatedly is just what artists have to do. Sometimes you have the idea to do one thing and, through play, something more appealing is discovered and "seems better" so the old idea is abandoned. Maybe sometimes the neck is curved because the sculptor made a mistake and didn't want to throw out an otherwise perfectly fine hunk of marble or whatever.

>> No.18107206 [View]
File: 134 KB, 1080x387, Screenshot_20210425_120146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this true, /lit/? Nge stands, of course, for the anime masterpiece neon genesis evangelion.

>> No.16875948 [View]
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What is the literary equivalent of Neon Genesis Evangelion?

>> No.16750347 [View]
File: 30 KB, 290x320, 7c19621b40c68dcd38d0a32f08eec8fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any books for the "hell of your own making" archetype? Books where hell is not a real place but a mental state (or physical state if affairs) which has been brought about by the inability to overcome flaws in your own spirit? Like Neon Genesis Evangelion just a book

>inb4 "this is all literature" posts

>> No.16584828 [View]
File: 34 KB, 425x427, 81O+utn+wiL._AC_SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>like reading prose fiction ever since my childhood
>start to get into history since it provides context and illuminates on things/people/events referenced in books I've read
>start to get into comics that are sort of related to history (like Tintin and Asterix)
>then get into manga because it's related to comics
>then get into anime because it's related to manga
>after that start reading up on Greek philosophy and Christian theology because of Neon Genesis Evangelion
>start getting sucked into Modern philosophy (especially Kant) since they naturally come after the Greeks
>start thinking of studying German to read Fichte and Hegel in their original form
>end up stuffing myself into the language learning hole instead
>study Japanese
>realize there's nothing good written in Japanese except for porn comics
>end up coming back to reading about history, except in German
>still haven't thought of how I could get back into reading literature
>inb4 "You're hopeless" or "STFU".

>> No.16411509 [View]
File: 308 KB, 490x457, evangelionsphinx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the literary equivalent of Neon Genesis Evangelion?

>> No.15499226 [View]
File: 1.33 MB, 2752x1880, novel concept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: We try to paint a picture of what our novels are vaguely about with some key aspects represented in photographs. Mine tries to show my postmodern novel (now in embryonic form): a doomsday novel set in the near future with an alien invasion and particular religiosity attached to it. Basically, it works within the tradition of HG Wells, the Bible, DOOM and Neon Genesis Evangelion. I hope that shows you what kind of barriers I want to break in terms of low and high art.

>> No.15228586 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 51 KB, 640x480, 2365721186_21d28bee2e_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend me books to deepen my understanding of Neon Genesis Evangelion.

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