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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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898807 No.898807 [Reply] [Original]

Greetings from /a/. Why must there be such hostility between our two boards? As a peace offering I offer you some doll lesbians.

>> No.898810

The gods do not care for your sacrifice

>> No.898816


>> No.898822
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...please reserve your judgment oh denizens of /jp/. I bring you more lesbians. Surely we can agree that lesbians are win

>> No.898828

Doesn't matter who or what you are. If you've been to /a/ you are infected and there is no cure.

>> No.898829
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More lesbians

>> No.898833

If you said /u/ and brought lesbians it would've been fine, but I'm not catching your /a/IDS. Get back to your colony, leper.

>> No.898834

Then you are a newfag, everyone who /jp/ came from /a/.

>> No.898835

/jp/ is not for playing swapsies and peace offerings.

>> No.898836

hostility? That would imply that /jp/ gives a shit about /a/.

>> No.898837

Just don't say you're from /a/.

>> No.898838


Why is my waifu kissing that junk?

>> No.898839

Doesn't count. That was a different /a/.

>> No.898840

Weren't you all once citizens of /a/ before the split? /jp/ is made from those who split from /a/, therefore the infection exists within /jp/ itself.

>> No.898842

who came to /jp/*

>> No.898843

The only sacrifice acceptable is a virgin for the volcano god.

>> No.898847


>> No.898849

No it isn't. /a/ is still the same pile of fail, just now with different shit.

>> No.898854


Divergent evolution.

>> No.898858

We were what was good in /a/. When we left, it went to total shit, as you can tell nowadays.

>> No.898863
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Peace be upon our two boards. We are both interested in things originating from Japan.

>> No.898861

Can we have some of the first pile of fail instead of this, then? It wasn't as boring.

>> No.898872
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>> No.898876

ITT Faggotry

>> No.898883


You can lie to yourself, but you can't lie to me.

>> No.898895

Oh really? /a/ may still have power level discussions and mai waifu shit but /jp/ has that "lol touhou only" mentality setting in. Enjoy your /touhou/ board.

>> No.898905

I never dwealt within the twisted wastel/a/nds, filled with mutants, vampires, and eat-men.

You presume too much, anon!

>> No.898909

I just clicked /a/ out of curiosity...

Half of the threads are about Code Gayass, there's one /r/equest, some GL copypasta, a fukken thread about pokymans...

It's fine if you want to stay with us wee/a/boo. But I'm not going back to /a/ and that's final!

>> No.898915

In other words, you have no idea what happened but you gladly came in from /b/ to kill /jp/ with boring.

>> No.898922

One part /touhou/ + one part /vn/ + one part /idol/ + some miscellaneous stuff = /jp/

>> No.898923

/a/ posts about /jp/. /jp/ posts about /a/. The split happened months ago. It's time people moved on and stopped acting like prepubescents. Difficult task, I know...

>> No.898925


/a/ is a hive of "5 MINDCRUSH XD", waifu roulette, code geass, and Bleach.

I mean seriously, there's a goddamn Naruto meme that isn't even derisive now. What the fuck?

>> No.898926

That's just the summer flu you're seeing. Once they all go back to school it will be Touhou dominated once again.

>> No.898928

>Enjoy your /touhou/ board.

Don't mind if I do

>> No.898933


Thanks, I will. Enjoy your 5's and your countless Cirno imitators and your camwhores, /b/-lite. But hey it'll be all something else next season instead of staying all Geass, so /a/ is better because it changes topics!

>> No.898934

Offer some Touhou or GTFO.

>> No.898935

Funny thing is the split was rarely discussed until recently.

>> No.898941

Because of the summer newfags.

>> No.898943

shit forgot to sage

>> No.898945

As if VN's and J-idols weren't always around. Don't kid yourself into thinking FSN and Tsukihime weren't always around. Ever17? YMK? Seriously.

>> No.898950

They were always around, but it wasn't more than a couple of posts adrift in a sea of Touhou.

>> No.898955

Hostility is deserved.

>> No.898956

They were always around, but it wasn't more than a couple of threads adrift in a sea of Touhou.

>> No.898957


/jp/ doesn't really post about /a/ until someone brings it up. Usually via an /a/ invasion, or just one of those attention whoring refugees who posts those shitty "hi guys i just realized /a/ sucks please welcome me with open arms i don't know what /jp/ is about but let's be friends" blog posts and gets told to get the fuck out with his /a/IDS.

Which brings up the question of why, if their board is so superior, they keep spending so much time bothering us here.

>> No.898959

Yeah, we had like 2 other crossboard portal threads the other day started by some faggot who thought we cared about what /a/.

>> No.898961


Ever17 was actually the second thread on /jp/ after the Cirno thread, if I remember.

Idols didn't come into effect for a few hours, however.

>> No.898968

No sir, I do not like you posting drawings of my favorite canon straight characters as lesbians. gb2/u/

>> No.898970

/a/ is shit, and it will only get shittier.

>> No.898972


Oh please. We have those posts here sometimes too. They're never serious. They're trying to be ironic. Weak, but still trying.

>> No.898982

There is no hostility between /a/ and /jp/. We're not enemies.

We were the guys making ronery threads, discussing Japanese shit unrelated to animu and mango, poasting shit about visual novels and making Touhou dumps. Moot created this board for us to keep our shit in one place so we don't need /a/ anymore.

You can go back to your Yugioh roleplay threads, forced memes and trolling whatever is the popular anime of the season.

>> No.898984

/jp/ is heading down that way too. You will be flooded with newfags who go "ZOMG CIRNO WA KAWAII DA NA!!!!!!!!!!!" and discussions about "LOL HOW DO I GET THIS GAME WORKING" will choke your board.

>> No.898989


It has all the hallmarks of an obvious troll post, but that's the thing about /a/, you can't be sure anymore.

That said I still don't think it was a good example. There are sure to be better, more obviously genuine examples you can find in a minute on /a/. Not that I will ever spend a minute on /a/ until someone invents a time machine.

>> No.898990

Which would easily be solved if people learned to ignore threads. Saging only worsens the problem. If you ignore them completely, they'll just give up. Just look at this thread. If people just ignored it to begin with, nothing much would happen. Then again, /jp/ is a bit slow at this moment so I'm guessing people are just board.

>> No.898994

I thought we were already. Next wave is blogs, japanese girlfriends, and unwarranted personal advice threads full of internet drama.

>> No.898997


We already have these... The difference lies in the number if idiots biting the trollbait. We have much less of these.

The one thing I like about /jp/ the most? I can still see what I posted three days ago. Fast paced boards are shit.

>> No.899003

And from there it'll all be "How do I get into JET", or "How much are Japanese visas" etc etc etc

>> No.899004


It's impossible to get everyone to ignore them, though. No matter how obvious, even if it's a troll thread that gets posted every single day, people will always respond to it. I wish everyone could just report and hide the Makoto threads like I do, but wishing doesn't make it so.

>> No.899009

Right now I can't even find much of anything I posted before last night. Seems to be the extent of page 10 unless the thread was exceptionally long.

>> No.899014

Never once ben to /a/, I migrated from /v/, which I never posted on because they're all retards.

I cannot read that without the dungeon keeper voice in my head. Cannot do it.

>> No.899016

This thread fucking sucks.

>> No.899017

Law of the internet; everything turns to shit given time.

>> No.899019


My point is that the board doesn't move fast enough that I have to look for the thread I just started down to page 2 or 3 if I forgot to put noko on the namefield.

>> No.899020

And finally, fat fucking camwhores with internet disease posting their saggy drooping tits at odd angles with hundreds of replies that aren't sage.

>> No.899025

Indeed. Every board will go the way of /b/.

>> No.899028


I've seen some recent troll threads that were completely ignored. It has happen and will if people just did their share.

>> No.899034

We still have our moments of fail faggotry. Anyone remember that thread a couple days back with the fat kid being beat up by that gang of girls? Turned to misplaced nationalism fast.

>> No.899045

Nope, I hid the thread and enjoyed my /jp/ that day.

>> No.899048


>> No.899050


This stuff has for the most part been happening on a small scale. No actual camwhores yet, but I've seen normalfag advice threads and "I'm a girl look at me I'm a girl!" threads go by with a shocking dearth of sages.

There are people here who want this to be /b/ with a hint of eastern flavor. They need to be found and slowly disemboweled.

>> No.899054

I don't remember any nationalism, but I do remember a bunch of internet toughguys who swore they could take them all on.

>> No.899059


That thread wasn't so bad in the grand scheme of things. It taught me that the persistent shitposting Anonymous with the poor English is Polish, and very butthurt about it. Better recent examples of "the apocalypse is coming" type threads include: the one about skirts, and I'm in Japan ask me anything. The two of them... so horrible. Harbingers of a grim post-apocalyptic future where every board is a /b/ wasteland.

>> No.899060

>.There are people here who want this to be /b/ with a hint of eastern flavor.

It does remind me a little of /b/. The real old /b/, of course, when it was still a place for weeaboos to post whatever futaba fad was going on at the time.

>> No.899073

I find the cross board faggotry like posting Nanoha shit in /jp/ is gonna be /jp/'s downfall. If that shit becomes commonplace, some bypasser from /a/ who accidently clicked on /jp/ will think "lol they have anime here too" and make /jp/ into a new home.

>> No.899078

You mean when all anyone did was copy 2chan and 2ch, and Japanese IPs constantly broke 4chan?

>> No.899091
File: 132 KB, 800x600, カタハネ26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did this thread go from lesbians to text? Where are my lesbians? Behold! A doll lesbian and a human lesbian, together.

>> No.899102


I don't see how they can think that.
If you're gonna claim that, then you might as well say that since we have touhou and type-moon, they'll think the same.

>> No.899111

You see this thread. /a/'s faggotry has already begun to spread here.

>> No.899124

fail for not knowing how to sage newfag

>> No.899126


Way to sage.
No Anon, you are the faggotry.

>> No.899131


The skirt one was just blown out of proportion. So what if a "girl" posts on /jp/? As long as she's not overly attention-whoring herself, it shouldn't be a problem and before you say anything, the post wasn't anything too bad. It was a simple "I don't like wearing skirts" statement which should've stopped there. Instead, some anon just felt like freaking out.

>> No.899137


/jp/ claims this "Shimoon" series as our own. Do not steal.

>> No.899144

Misogyny is inherent within 4chan. That's why in that "Do you plan your faps" thread a shitstorm happened when a girl answered.

>> No.899146


This is my main objection to the MMfags. On their own, they're mostly tolerable. I dislike their shit but they keep to themselves and stick to one thread at a time for the most part, in fact most of /jp/ could benefit from a lesson in etiquette from them. But their presence here when they rightfully belong on /s/ or /mu/ signals to morons that this is the place to post "ITT: HOT ASIAN TITS" or "i love dir en gray and gackt how about u guys" or "how do u fuck jap chicks i herd they have sideways vaginas and never shave i know theyll all want my white cock and shit will be so cash" and that is not cool. There were actually seven 3D threads on the front page a few days ago. Fucking seven.

>> No.899156

On that note can we please fucking stop with the Aya threads?

>> No.899158


If you don't understand why it's not okay to say you're a girl, you're not smart enough to browse /jp/. Try /a/. Or /r9k/, I hear they're all about that kind of shit.

>> No.899170

Except they never said they were a girl. All they said was they didn't like to wear skirts.

>> No.899172

I think anything like "do you plan your faps" is pretty goddamn retarded in the first place.

>> No.899188


It's being carried out to a fault. One of the reason why people post on an anonymous board is so that they can be judged on their posts. If it's relevant, it shouldn't be disregarded. There's a huge difference between a "hi, i'm a girl. how's it going, /jp/?" and a "I don't wear skirts because I feel uncomfortable around people."

>> No.899194

/jp/ is becoming /b/.

>> No.899195
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>> No.899197
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Lesbians in a lesbian thread.

>> No.899201

Hostility? /jp/ minds its own business until /a/ decides to troll - or at least, make a dozen uninspired "X sucks" threads that people ignore.

Even when destroying the paintchat it’s just scribbling over things and spamming. Show a bit of fucking passion.

>> No.899214


Clearly you did not read the thread. I don't blame you because the first subtle indication of "i'm a girl" is when I hid it too. But later on in the day when I had almost every thread on the front page hidden I started unhiding them out of boredom. It got quite a bit more blatant than that. Many, many outright "I AM A GIRL I HAVE A VAGINA THIS IS THE PART WHERE YOU GIVE ME ATTENTION" posts and resultant white knight faggotry. It was unspeakably awful and if you say it was blown out of proportion, you didn't see it or you're retarded.

>> No.899221

I usually browse /a/. /jp/ is just inaccessible. Never mind the fact that LITERALLY all that I see posted is Touhou and VN fanart. Your fucking board doesn't fucking live up to its fucking name.

>> No.899227
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>> No.899236


No, I saw what happened afterwards. I'm just saying that it could've easily been avoided if people didn't act like retards.

>> No.899244
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>> No.899242


There is a difference, but neither is acceptable.


Successful retard shield is successful. I wish ours was half as good as /tg/'s, though.

>> No.899246

> But later on in the day when I had almost every thread on the front page hidden
You're too soft, Anonymous.

I can hide all the threads in less than ten minutes after assessing their faggotry.

>> No.899266

My good sir, I am desiring to know where it is you found this profoundly erotic piece of internet sluttery.

>> No.899264

>Your fucking board doesn't fucking live up to its fucking name.
If you're looking for some SUGOI NIPPON threads, then I'd suggest that you don't come back.

>> No.899272
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One of them is a trap but I think we can all agree that is fine too.

>> No.899281

I didn't come to /jp/ looking for touhou and vns. I came here to look for shit that actually had to do with Japanese people.

>> No.899286


Lots of things could be avoided if you could magically prevent everyone in the entire world from being retarded. But, you can't. So until you gain magical mind control powers and can ensure there will be no white knight faggotry or anything resulting from it, it's not okay to reveal your gender.

Not here, anyway. I'm pretty sure /b/ and /r9k/ love that shit.

>> No.899295

So is it trap + lesbian or does she know it's a trap? Either way that's pretty hot.

>> No.899299

Then you came to the wrong place. Sorry to disappoint you.

>> No.899301


Well that was a dumb idea

>> No.899307

Then name your board /Touhou/ or /VN/

>> No.899317

Go to /trv/ if you want Japan-related threads.

>> No.899321


moot couldn't come up with a name that covered both

>> No.899323

Take it up with Moot. He named it, then said it was for Touhou and VNs.

>> No.899327


I'll get right on that. Sorry for the misleading name, I was drunk that day.

While I'm at it, I think I'll change the rules to be more accurate and ban the Aya troll.

>> No.899341


No, I think that would be you.

>> No.899336

This is the cancer killing /jp/.

>> No.899347
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What, you mean this?

>> No.899350
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エスカレーション 狂愛のフーガ

She knows it's a trap. There's only one scene in the entire game that I can recall where the protagonist and a girl kiss without her knowing that it's a trap yet.

>> No.899358


we are slowly becoming /b/...

>> No.899367

See that's the point that so few people who troll against Touhou and VNs don't seem to grasp. There's /a/ for anime, /v/ for video games, /trv/ for general knowledge about japan, /s/ and /cgl/ for idols and cosplay. Even Miku belongs on /mu/

The ONLY thing that's left over after you take things to their respective board would be figs and Moot refuses to make a fig board.

So either /jp/ was created to give VNs and Touhou a home because /a/ and /v/ rejected us or /jp/ serves no function.

After saying this, I will stop feeding the trolls.

>> No.899377

Remember when /a/ was good?

>> No.899387
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>> No.899386

Wow, thanks so much man. I wish I had lesbians to offer but I killed my computer the other day ...

>> No.899396


I wouldn't go so far as to say Miku = /mu/, but everything is pretty much there.

>> No.899397


Only at night. If it was ever good during the day, then no, I do not remember that.

>> No.899405

That was YEARS ago

>> No.899409


Not really. Those threads always "coincidentally" appear after we have bitching threads.

>> No.899399

Slowly? Happened pretty fucking fast at the start of the month!

>> No.899415

Just so you know, it's less fuzzy lovelove lesbians and more incestuous rape with blade-tipped strapon lesbians.

>> No.899423

I never really stayed at /a/. I tried lurking there for about an hour but all those Mai waifu threads were too much for me. Though I did get concerned when I saw one of those here in /jp/...

>> No.899439

Everything will be alright as long as we never have a numbers thread.

>> No.899449

Don't jinx it...now some fucking /a/ troll will start one.

>> No.899453

/a/ its the enemy.
If you dont know the pain, back to /a/ please

>> No.899457

Does anyone remember that time during night-time /a/ where we were discussing quantum physics and the world's state in terms of natural resources? Good times...

>> No.899460
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>> No.899452


People who troll VN and Touhou threads are the most useless of all because they're satisfied in bitching instead of posting what they want to see on this board.

The internets are serious business...

>> No.899470

Speaking of night-time /a/, is there ever a night-time /jp/ where we discuss things like political make up of Gosenkyo? or the ramifications of Holy Grail war on contemporary theology?

>> No.899485

No...but if there were threads like that I'm sure it would turn into a /n/igger thread

>> No.899477

/jp/ is the same all day. It just gets slower, at night.

>> No.899479
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>> No.899487

Anything political is usually nationalist faggotry and anything FSN is usually powerlevels. Feel free to post it though. I'd read it.

>> No.899489

Oh dear God, searching for a download NOW

>> No.899493


>> No.899497

There used to be intense discussions on border composition and danmaku physics around 5AM est, but this was early on.

>> No.899498

So are role-play threads a cancer killing /jp/ or are those alright?

>> No.899501

They're cancer

>> No.899504


Not really, no. /jp/ is far too slow to have a nightshift. Post quality remains static, but at say 3 AM EST you can sometimes pound F5 for a few minutes straight without seeing a single new post.

Although those religion threads do pop up from time to time, which is nice. But no, no form of nightshift has existed since the death of /a/. Which is really sad, but such is life.

>> No.899508

Roleplaying threads are still bannable even though the sticky is long gone.

>> No.899509

I seem to remember some intelligent shit about what legendary figures could fill in for Archer, Saber etc etc. some time ago. Good shit. I had to crack open my mythology book to keep up.

>> No.899510


That would be fanfiction and fanfiction is B&.

Seriously, maybe that AoC beaner could do something like that for us...

>> No.899524

How about who would you fuck and raping threads?

>> No.899525

I won't denounce it completely, but if this RP consists of only I'M SUCH A NINE and WHAT A SLUT, then it's better to post something else.

>> No.899526
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>> No.899531


>Anything political is usually nationalist faggotry and anything FSN is usually powerlevels.

This reminded me of a pair of old nightshift /a/ threads. One wound up being about the political climate of the Balkans, one was about various awesome mythology shit. I believe they both sprang from FSN threads, but I'm not sure about the Balkans one. God, I miss those days.

>> No.899532


Those are bad. Better do that in /a/.

>> No.899533

Cancer. Amusing but still cancer.

>> No.899534


They were, are, and will always be cancer. AoC is a faggot, too.

>> No.899544

We should seriously convene every 15th of the month to take account on the state of /jp/ and hopefully get it back on track. See as so much cancer and shit threads still pop up.

>> No.899548
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>> No.899557

I think they are fine if it's done right. But 99% of the time it is fail.

>> No.899574


No, it's never fine. It should be saged on sight and banished. If you like that shit, then go to gaia or wherever GM was exiled to where they accept that trash.

>> No.899581

You can't change other people. You can only change yourself. Just don't act butthurt and everything will settle down.

>> No.899585


I find the idea of a /jp/ summit greatly amusing. Like all the leaders of the various factions getting together to talk diplomacy and work out concessions and shit.

"Okay, Type-Moonfags, if you stop making fun of our faces I will get the Keyfags to stop saying FSN is shit. The Touhoufags will condense their threads in return for mahjong lessons from the tenhou guys. Everyone agrees the MMfags are not allowed to vote or own property? Excellent, meeting adjourned, see you next month."

It's a dumb idea, but it's funny to think about.

>> No.899588

heheheh the kawaii neko-sama is so funny in this picture ^ _ ^

>> No.899594

Hold some mock sessions then. It should null the boredom in between SWR games.

>> No.899606

If that happened, I'd think I'd join the Unaffiliated, But Concerned Faction (UBCF).

>> No.899609

As one of the MMfags that posts here, I mostly agree with what you said. But I have to say that this board needs more 3D, as it is now this is like a Japanese /v/.

>> No.899611

It isn't.

>> No.899617


First we need a map of the various factions. Then I want to actually play Diplomacy. Touhou is Russia.

>> No.899622

>or the ramifications of Holy Grail war on contemporary theology?
We do have some very religion-oriented threads on night-time /jp/. You should come check them out some time.

>> No.899631

I still post on /a/ lol.

>> No.899643


How can you agree with what I said and say we need more 3D? Isn't that like, the opposite of what I said? Because as the one who said it, I'm pretty sure my stance was that we need less 3D.

>> No.899645

Meirin fanclub gets China.

>> No.899649

/a/ is complete shit, there has been a ginormous influx of gaiafags and newfags. I really doubt that they will ever recover, even after Summer. No one even says anything about horrible grammar or shitty emoticons anymore. It seems like I'm the only one that does still, but when I do I just get flamed like crazy for it.

>> No.899652

No, it needs much, much less 3D. It's too much like /s/ and /b/.

>> No.899666
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Hell, why not have one now?

>> No.899670

MM and H!P should gain diplomatic immunity since they've been peaceful since the beginning of /jp/. The rest of the 3D should be limited or purged completely.

>> No.899672

Do you honestly think this board needs more 3D? Has your head been shoved so far up your ass that you can't even see the constant 3D imagedumps on the first page? You want more 3D? Go to /s/, it really is the LAST thing this board needs.

>> No.899674


Who? And China wasn't in Diplomacy. Diplomacy is WWI Europe.

>> No.899676

3D isn't necessarily a bad thing.

>> No.899701


If you think that, you don't belong here. There's a whole board of 3D over in /s/, you should try it.


They are mostly okay, but their mere presence increases the likelihood of new idiots thinking this place is the Japanese /s/. If we could hide them in a basement somewhere so they stayed completely self-contained and no one would see them on the front page and get the wrong idea I'd have no problem whatsoever with them.

Except that dc faggot. That motherfucker needs to die.

>> No.899706


Yes it is.
Did you not read the post you're agreeing with?
It attracts the worst kind of weeaboos.

>> No.899703

It is when all the threads are, also, stop bumping this piece of shit thread.

>> No.899710
File: 50 KB, 640x480, 1214517972985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.899723

The worst kind of weeaboos are the ones who buy the masturbation aids and pillow cases.

>> No.899728


>> No.899732

>176 posts and 18 image replies omitted

>> No.899733

Go back to /a/

>> No.899739
File: 295 KB, 1920x1200, 1214518213946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind 3-D if it's stuff like landscape photos, photos of casual people doing normal things, stuff like that.

But if it's imagedumps of models or Japanese celebrities...

>> No.899746


Further proof that you are the worst kind of weeaboo.

>> No.899750


If that's what you seriously believe, you're part of the problem.

Failures like that at least have a sense of shame. They can contribute to a discussion without needing to act like a retard.

The last thing this board needs is the "OMG I WISH 2 BE JAPANESE THE WOMEN R SO HOT" breed of weeaboo.

>> No.899753
File: 164 KB, 800x800, 1214518379310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the fags that didn't catch up yet:

See the old /b/ guy right there? That's /jp/.

>> No.899756

I don't know... It'd be kinda sad to see such an old part of /jp/ disappear. Their existence pretty much shows that different /jp/ factions could coexist peacefully, 3D or not.

>> No.899762

I seriously thought /jp/ was in a better state than this but...after reading this thread, I'm slowly losing hope.

>> No.899779


Well, I'm certainly not actively trying to push them out or anything. But at the same time, I'll never fully accept them. Even though they may be able to fit in here to an extent, this isn't really the right board for them, and they do have a hand (however indirect) in the occasional flood of shitty 3D threads we get.

>> No.899785

you forgot your sage, here, take mine.

>> No.899814

Speaking of faggotry, we need to get rid of all the shitty copypasta like the Happy Birthday Alice shit.

>> No.899810

Protip: 3D includes more than just /s/ posts.

>> No.899818


Protip: That's been established.

>> No.899821

I just counter that with the "You're the worst kind of Alice fan" pasta.

>> No.899822

You're just adding to the fail

>> No.899830

Aya threads don't count; that's just faggotry that doesn't belong anywhere.

>> No.899831

No, I'm just showing everyone what's wrong with the ronery Alice fans.
