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7595499 No.7595499 [Reply] [Original]

Did you ever kiss a little girl? How was it?

>> No.7595508

Like sugar and spice

>> No.7595510

I wish I could remember.

>> No.7595545

sorry, i lost me first kiss to my cousin's classmate, who was 17 at that time when i was like 12. it tasted like persimmons with a hint of tobacco. a few months later, i lost my virginity to her anus.

>> No.7595590

Before you post, ask yourself: "Will other users enjoy my post?" if the answer is no, you shouldn't post it.

>> No.7595623

sorry, but the post reminded me of my childhood in tatters. i have just got to share the pain. thanks for reading.

>> No.7595630

If sisters count, yes, daily.

As far as how it is, I'm going to go with dangerous. She prefers the "flying leap" method and doesn't generally give much in the way of warning.

>> No.7595633
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>> No.7595662

we bumped together with our teeth
wasn't enjoyable
i was 7 or so

>> No.7595675
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I really want to try. I bet it'd be really nice.

>> No.7595685
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But it would have to be a french kiss.

>> No.7595688
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So nice~

>> No.7595694

I really dislike how Asians look.

>> No.7595701

This indeed, I remember being caught by her parents and pulled away then given a talking too, and that it was on her driveway. But I don't remember the actual kiss.

>> No.7595703


Yes, quite a few times, but I was also a little boy at the time. I clearly remember being mobbed by these two girls in primary school, Annette Griffen and Karen Mitchell.

.... Wonder if they grew up to be fat, disgusting whores...

>> No.7595705

My host niece sat in my lap at a baseball game during my exchange in japan.

She was a bit of a crybaby so I didn't really like her, but it was nice. I kissed her hand as a joke, so I guess that counts.

Her much more mature and quiet sister never really warmed up to me ;_;

>> No.7595710

Why's that? They're so cute and their skin is very smooth.

>> No.7595715

They're just above black girls to me.
Don't know why, exactly. Their facial features are just a turn off.

>> No.7595732


To each his own I guess.

>> No.7595755

I remember when I was maybe 7, this girl I think 12 years old try to get me to kiss her in the "adult way", but I was so stupid I didn't know what I was doing (I suppose it's understandable since I was 7), obviously I didn't enjoy it... but now however, would be a different story ;)

The bitch prolly stole my first kiss... ;_;

>> No.7595784

I remember when I was 7, at kindergarden me and this girl went to an empty part of the building and "kissed" inside a closet. Then a teacher found us and started shouting and making a huge deal out of it and it was quite traumatic, we didn't know what the fuck we were doing really but the teacher threw a fit anyway and called our parents etc. The girls name was Natalie.

>> No.7595793

No wait, it was Nadja...

>> No.7595802

No. Never even held hands with a girl.

>> No.7595811

My little sister used to kiss me a lot when she was like 7, after a while I had to start giving her my cheek instead of my mouth because I was starting to like it in a sexual way.

>> No.7595826

How old were you?

>> No.7595830

I wouldn't have been able to stop in such a situation. You're pretty amazing but also pretty stupid.

>> No.7595834

Back when I was a young lad in boy scouts, another boy kissed me out of the blue. It was a bit weird.

>> No.7595842

She was 12, I was 13. Didn't feel special because it was a closed mouth kiss and all I felt for her was lust.

>> No.7595846

When I was 3. Both of us were 3.

>> No.7595851

She was 12, I was 17. The most beautiful moment of my existence. I miss her a lot.

>> No.7595930

I just realized I haven't kissed anyone, and nor has anyone kissed me in more than 10 years...

Oh well.

>> No.7595939

I don't want to talk about it.

>> No.7595951


I bet you don't.

>> No.7595965

This thread is sad, but not all too suprising coming from you /jp/

>> No.7596161

No, bad-fake-kun.

>> No.7596172


I was 15.

>> No.7596538

being the little girl

got raped

feels bad man... (sadfrog.jpg)

>> No.7596573

No but I patted a little girls head last month. She was cute. I liked how she wanted to get my attention by jumping around. When I helped get her doll from a table, she shyly said thank you. I hnnngh'd a little.

>> No.7596594

There used to be a little girl next door that I would 'do things' with. She liked me touching her.

I was the same age as her, 5

>> No.7596592

OP you need to specify into details about stuff like this. Kiss on the cheek? On the hips? Front head? I had experience on those except on the lips and whatever else I did not mention.

>> No.7596600

>On the hips

>> No.7596619

>Hey onii-san can you lift me up to get that book I couldn't reach?

>> No.7596626

Oh, that's disappointing.

>> No.7597058

I regularly make out with little girls.

>> No.7597085
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No I've never kissed anyone that wasn't family and 40+ years old.

>> No.7597157

I used to hide behind a large dollhouse at the daycare I went to and suck and lick the breasts of barbie dolls. I guess at the age of 8 this was a bit strange to the girls so they never really even looked at.

>> No.7597176
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How much I remember I didn't.
Why would I kiss a little girl now?
Am I not too old for hat?

>> No.7597724
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Any more stories?

>> No.7597774

Annette Griffin from Northeast Ohio? If thats the same one Im thinking of, then yes, pig disgusting.

>> No.7597779

In kindergarten I made out with another little boy and we rolled around naked touching each other. Was more of an odd thing that happened spur of the moment. I don't know why or how it happened.

In the same year I kissed a girl. I'd rather not finish that story.

>> No.7597802
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Not a kiss, but...

I once had a Chinese girlfriend (long ago...)
Her two cousins were 11 and 13 at the time.

For some reason the 11 year old REALLY liked me right from the start.
She was totally cute and we played a lot of Playstation together, I burned her anime on DVD and shit like that. The sad thing is... apart from my incurable asian fetish, I kind of like little girls too and I absolutely adore cute feet...

So one day when we layed on my gf's bed and played vidya, she was in her pyjamas and suddenly she put her little feet on my lap while she was playing Need for Speed. Being a racing game, it was really distracting for her, so I slowly put my hand near her toes "accidentally" touching them. I left my hands there for a good while and after I thought she wouldn't mind, I started to play with her toes. All of a sudden her head turned to me and she looked at me strangely...

All I thought was: "Oh shit... NOW I'M FUCKED! She's gonna jump up from the bed, run downstairs screaming, my gf will break up with me, the family will sue me or some shit".

But surprisingly she smiled at me. :D
It only lasted for an hour or two, but on that day, we alternated at Need for Speed, and everytime it was her turn to play, I gently massaged her little soles and let me tell you it was the most awesome day of my life!!!

>And yes, I would have loved to suck on her toes and stuff, but hey... I'm happy with what I got.

>> No.7597802,1 [INTERNAL] 

still it is here

>> No.7597802,2 [INTERNAL] 

its not crime

>> No.7597802,3 [INTERNAL] 

become, it patron

>> No.7597802,4 [INTERNAL] 

give it money?
