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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 173 KB, 500x376, 5423237701_4eac11afd6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7283820 No.7283820 [Reply] [Original]

Discussion general.Your impressions about the game, hints, and more.

Previous thread >>7280334

>> No.7283828

FFA mode confirmed?

>> No.7283833

>There were some retards in the first thread complaining about the game being so easy that you could faceroll your keyboard and win. Turns out, they were playing the game on IWIN mode, aka choosing the last option on the Event window, which gives you a ninja that can give you thousands of resources/tech every time you select it.
Atlas, so good.
Nope, you just play as CORE

>> No.7283834

Some people are still playing it? I thought people would get tired after a while.
So mediocre

>> No.7283836

Never used the ninja, it was still piss easy.
It's you guys who can't understand moon who have trouble since you can read what ship to use for what situation.

>> No.7283843

When I tried selecting the final option I get a game over.

Just to be sure, the ninja thing will be obvious, right? I don't want to select it by accident.

>> No.7283853
File: 78 KB, 368x213, ships hp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Previous Thread questions:

>So it seems like Germany goes down on Turn 30. Any advice on how to save loli Hitler?

I thin you need to finish off Rusia before it´s too late and also ally with Germany, but i´m not sure about the last.

>(see picture) Are these just cushions to your HP? I see no benefits to having cargo freighters or cruise ships in your fleet.

They are also useful if you equip them to the 4 generics and make them go to planets that you have just conquered for public order and resources when it get´s full.

Also, give two of the first one to Tanaka early and will have a little more health to resist every attack when you face China

>> No.7283854

It's better than Kamidori at least

>> No.7283857
File: 16 KB, 186x220, cg00008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No FFA mode
>No option to play as MEXICO HANNIES
>No option to play as MONGOLIAN RANCE KHAN


>> No.7283861

It´s a solid 7.5 game.

It could have been much, much better but it´s still a good game, only that people were expecting a Sengoku Rance and got a similar version to Daibanchou.

>> No.7283863

Except Daibanchou was better.
Actually even Kichikuou Rance was more in depth.

>> No.7283865

So are the generics only good for public order? Should I build a bunch of cruise ships and send them to the ones I recently conquered, due to the warnings of unrest?

And should I always have my leader in the frontlines? I just got raped by a Chinese needle ship and need to rethink my strategy.

Also in the beginning since I dont know much Japanese, when Gamerica comes for you and increases the cost of your ships 10%, is that the same from like the Ashikaga clan thing, if you refuse they declare war on you etc etc?

>> No.7283867

Sengoku Rance didn´t have a FFA at the begining, so it´s still posible that they could do a patch for it later.

Also, that reminds me that i hear that a patch for Daiteikoku was out. Anyone knows about it?

>> No.7283870

discovered endings so far:

True Japan unification route: Agree to the Japanification plan. Now when you conquer a territory it's icon will change to a cherry blossom after several turns. Do this for all territories and you get this ending

Adolf Ending: Beat Germany last. This is harder than it seems because Russia will steamroll through Germany.

Scarlet ending. (a.k.a getting your wife back)
This is bit complicated
Ally with Axis
Let Germany be defeated following the plot
Agree to Doenitz's plan to save Adolf
Clear enough events to get her confidence back
Suppress natural disaster 3 times. You will be locked into Scarlet route after this. This is hard because natural disasters tend to have hight stats. It's possible that you also need to capture the blonde American. (she's your in-law.. kinda..)

>> No.7283875

How should I deal with the insane boss invader monsters with 4000+hp? Just ignore them? Or does fighting them help make them go away?

>> No.7283876

Daibanchou sucked. The constant reloading that you had to do because of how retarded it was to efficiently clear characters combined with lolRNG combat made for a "game" that only the severely autistic could enjoy.

>> No.7283879

>So are the generics only good for public order? Should I build a bunch of cruise ships and send them to the ones I recently conquered, due to the warnings of unrest?

Yes, because they a -40% in everything, so it´s better to leave them to surpress the conquered territories.

>And should I always have my leader in the frontlines? I just got raped by a Chinese needle ship and need to rethink my strategy.

You need the lider, yeah. If he acts too slow, try giving him the basic ships at the begining to increase his laser attack and speed

>Also in the beginning since I dont know much Japanese, when Gamerica comes for you and increases the cost of your ships 10%, is that the same from like the Ashikaga clan thing, if you refuse they declare war on you etc etc

If you refuse the first one, they will declare war on you later on (turn 7-9, don´t know) but you can also go to war with them in the begining of the turn event at turn 5, accepting the proposal of war.

>> No.7283883


You need generation 5 ships to even stand a chance

Huge space monsters deal damage to all of your shihps

>> No.7283884

You weren't obligated to clear characters, and I had to reload more in Rance, especially with the luck based "character death" and Assasinate, ect.

>> No.7283885

If you agreed to the Japanification plan, does that lock you out of the Scarlet ending?

>> No.7283888

Actually Kichikou Rance was better than Daibanchou in every way and also Daiteikoku has new kind of gameplay in the series, so i think they are mostly equal.

>> No.7283889


I'm not sure. Doesn't Axis break your alliance if you do that?

>> No.7283894

It might, come to think of it. The Japanification plan is that part when Mikado writes about the Great Japanese Empire or something, right?

>> No.7283901

Yeah, because it's not like units in Rance VII were, Takeda Blitz aside, rarely annihilated when you deployed them with good footsoldiers.

Because it's not like units in Rance VII only had a chance to die, as opposed to having a 100% chance of dying like in Daibanchou.

Oh wait.

>> No.7283903

Well there is no character clear in Daiteikoku which is even more retarded.

>> No.7283911

Fuck no, Kichikuou Rance is much better than Daiteikoku in every ways;
The new kind of gameplay fucking sucks.

>> No.7283915

How I do enjoy sending that girl int a heavily fortified planet only to watch her get blown to bits.

>> No.7283920

Precisely, that's the point. Daibancho had less chance, it was more of a stragegy game, as opposed to the randomness in Rance. It's designed to be played so you keep the characters alive, and you didn't need to send weak units to fight and could run, whereas Rance is designed to go all out...except there's a random chance of losing the unit forever so you have to reload.

>> No.7283925

Actually there is and it even factors into the gameplay, giving new abilities.

>> No.7283928

how do we save loli hitler

>> No.7283929

>I think they are mostly equal

I was implying Daiteikoku and Daibanchou, not Kichikou and Daiteikoku

>> No.7283932

>Daibancho had less chance involved
>it was more of a stragegy game than Rance VII

You just went full retard.

>> No.7283934
File: 11 KB, 156x185, 156px-Sengoku_Rance_-_Uesugi_Kensei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daibancho was more of a stragegy game than Sengoku Rance

>> No.7283935

Fucking ATLAS scrubs. Do you not see the notification that sometimes pops up after you H a female?

>> No.7283938

Can you make them go away by doing some damage, or do you just have to wait until they drain all order in the area?

>> No.7283941

That mean nothing, by character clear I mean actually having story arc about characters.
In Daiteikoku they are really minor.
Stop eating the half-assed shit they give you faggot

>> No.7283943
File: 27 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Better strategy than SR


>> No.7283949

> by character clear I mean actually having story arc about characters.
backpedaling with all your might

>> No.7283950

I certainly feel it was. You had to micromanage your units more, and you knew exactly how much damage you would do, could take from each enemy, ect. However it was also a weakness in that you could do the same thing each playthrough.

Rance was more just hoping you could nuke the enemies before they nuked you, or your assassinations worked, and then even when everything goes well your characters could randomly die permanently.

>> No.7283951

If you want half-assed shit, go play Kamidori

>> No.7283954


>> No.7283955

>tell people to stop praising the hell out of half-assed games
>samefag over and over again about how Daiteikoku sucks and the new eushully game is God's gift to mankind and not a generic grinding game with (mostly) bad character designs

Stay classy, hypocrite.

>> No.7283956

It's funny because it's obvious it's the same guy. You can enjoy Daiteikoku without the need to sling shit on other gameplay games, you know?

>> No.7283957

I never mentioned Kamidori in these threads.
Stop being such a paranoid fag please, I couldn't care less about your shitty rivalry.

>> No.7283958

Yeah, because it's not like you could just send in Rouga when you ran into something you needed steamrolled, right?

Oh wait.

>> No.7283960

I think FFA might be added later.
IIRC sengoku rance didn't have one at the start.

>> No.7283967

+Gamplay is well paced and addictive
-Story is mediocre, characters are mostly bland, writing is neither funny or witty

+Good story and characters, enjoyable Alicesoft type humor
-Gameplay is bland, pacing is really bad, get boring quickly

Depend on what you want, I'd take Sengoku Rance over both easily

>> No.7283968

No, just no.

>>7283854 It´s a troll
>>7283951 It´s me
>>7283955 It´s other guy

Because normally people that tell this game is shit is also people that say Kamidori is glorious, that´s why. Or at least that´s what i think.

>> No.7283969

Daiteikoku won't have a FFA.
The map is too small for that and there are too few nations for that

>> No.7283972

>Because normally people that tell this game is shit is also people that say Kamidori is glorious, that´s why. Or at least that´s what i think.

It's far worse in the 2ch threads, it's normal considering they were both released around the same time anyways

>> No.7283974

Now I've seen it all. /a/v/ atlas using rance newfags calling Kamidori, a game they haven't even played, shitty because people criticize their precious Alicesoft title.

>> No.7283981
File: 19 KB, 352x127, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anyway I can get rid of unwanted admirals?

For example take this guy. I don't want a fucking high schoolgirl rapist in my team.

>> No.7283985

Sengoku Rance has 19 factions and 31 territories
Daiteikoku has 12-14 factions and 40 territories

I think is enough

>> No.7283986

Huh? The map is larger than Sengoku Rance.

>> No.7283988

Daiteikoku is going to have FFA, because Rance VII and BBA both had FFA. In fact, I'm pretty sure the reason they changed the Event system from how it was in previous games is to adapt it more readily to an FFA mode.

>> No.7283989

A FFA would be pretty bad in this anyways.
It's not like anything will change, the ships will be the same

>> No.7283995

Nvm. Had to get rid of him by a choice in the event phase.

....Do I miss out on any future H-scenes because of this?

>> No.7283998

There is an event where you can get rid of him if you choose him in the conversation phase.Choose the second option

>> No.7284000

>guiz its not going to have an FFA
>it will? oh well that doesn't matter becuz it sucks anyway

You're backpedalling so hard I could swear you're trying to learn to swim

>> No.7284004

The map may seem larger but due to the fact that territory can be captured extremely quickly, it feel far smaller.
If you were to cut all the event phase, you could probably conquer the entire map in less than 1 hour.

>> No.7284005

>This is harder than it seems because Russia will steamroll through Germany.
I was steamrolling Russia when white hole happened, anything to counter that?
I have tried advancing from the south, but apparently you can't send troops through friendly territory in order to defend them.

>> No.7284006

I think Daibanchou doesn´t have a FFA mode, only Hard and Extra difficulties.

nice dubs

>> No.7284010

And why is that a problem?
It's only FFA, doesn't have to be long.
Actually being short would make it more fun.

Daibanchou has Chaos mode though

>> No.7284013

...Except for the whole "gathering resources, upgrading your ships, and repairing damaged units" part. Even if you ignore Events and use the ninja, you can't beat the game in an hour.

Have you not played Chaos mode? It's FFA with the characters you've fully cleared in your previous runs.

>> No.7284014

With the Extra i was meaning Chaos but i didn´t remember the name.

>> No.7284016 [DELETED] 

>DAT Shounen

>> No.7284018

How is Japan reacting to it?
Are they shitstorming?

>> No.7284022

There was much shit storming in the 2ch threads.
It's simply disappointing, but many of the replies read like typical trolls, so I'm not sure if I'm overestimating it.

>> No.7284023

Its current rating on EGS is 55. Closer to 50 if you remove the two "lol 99" votes. You tell me.

>> No.7284025

Should I build Fish Factory Cities or should I just focus on tax city building?

>> No.7284026

Japan shitstorm everything. Is not a surprise.

What i´m wondering is how much as this sold.

>> No.7284027


>> No.7284028

how the fuck do you attack someone fuck!!!!!!!!!

this game sucks

>> No.7284030

>+Good story and characters

Pull the other one, it has bells.

>> No.7284034

lol u butt devastated.

Click your planet.
Click the bottom right button that says Move/Transfer
Click the planet you want to move to
Select the ships you want to send.

End turn.

>> No.7284035
File: 31 KB, 175x152, You_cannot_grasp_the_true_form.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot grasp the true form of your trolling

>> No.7284036

>make them go to planets that you have just conquered for public order and resources when it get´s full
Getting resources is not automatic?

>> No.7284039

You don´t get resources from planets you have already conquered if it isn´t full blue, so you have to leave some characters there.

>> No.7284040

I fail to see how this game warrants a lower score than Shaman Sanctuary.

>> No.7284042

It's funny how you can be condescending and retarded at the same time.

Protip: Shift + click

>> No.7284043

Wait, by Adolf ending, does it mean you get a happy end with Retia or something? I can bear if the game doesn't have Retia femdom, but I need my Retia end.

>> No.7284045

Dissapointed rage faggots

>> No.7284046

Poor baby still can't accept that the little darling he's been jerking off to for the last year is terrible.

>> No.7284048

This thread, the last one, and the one before are all fucking horrible. Take this shit back to /a/ please, you can keep it for all I care.

>> No.7284050

How do you lower the percentage of cost for ships?

>> No.7284051

If this get´s a lower score than Shaman Sanctuary the answer is obvious

>> No.7284052

Anyone have a mirror for the 1.01 patch?
I can't access alicesoft's website.

>> No.7284053

Join forced with Germany, and those useless pigs.

>> No.7284054

Buying new ships from the girl with a cat in the head. At least for me

>> No.7284056

That's not buying, that's inventing.

>> No.7284060

>No Goebbels route
>no pregnancy cgs of her
>no penetration

>> No.7284061

Kamidori and Sisters are well liked and don't get shitstorms.
Even Eustia that isn't as amazing as it seemed like after the trial doesn't get shitstorm since it's still good enough.
Daiteikoku gets shitstorms because it's shit.

>> No.7284062

Shh. Don't ruin the fun for the Atlasing morons. The longer they're distracted by this garbage, the longer they'll stay away from good things.

>> No.7284065

Eustia's actually been pretty funny to watch the reception. It's basically been a lot of people shrugging and going "August wwwwww"

>> No.7284067
File: 45 KB, 187x222, Ran .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TADA´s face when you cry

>> No.7284075

Take this shit to /a/.

>> No.7284079


1.  穢翼のユースティア 初回版
2.  神採りアルケミーマイスター
3.  大帝国
4.  sisters~夏の最後の日~ 初回版
5.  11eyes-Resona Forma-
6.  鬼ごっこ!
7.  つよきす3学期 初回版
8.  デュエリスト×エンゲージ 初回限定版
9.  fortissimo EXA//Akkord:Bsusvier 限定版

10 ぜったい絶頂☆性器の大発明!! ―処女を狙う学園道具多発エロ― 初回限定版
11 シークレットゲーム CODE:Revise
12 White~blanche comme la lune~ 初回版
13 めちゃ婚!
14 ヴァニタスの羊 初回限定版
15 relations sister×sister.
16 SHUFFLE! Love Rainbow
17 とらぶる@すぱいらる! 初回限定版
18 いじらレンタル~エロあまおねえさんに貸し出されちゃった!!~
19 神楽早春賦
20 Marguerite Sphere -マーガレット スフィア- 初回版

>> No.7284080

Peaceful discussion about a game I don't like? People enjoying themselves having a good time? HERESY!

>> No.7284082

>Kamidori and Sisters are well liked and don't get shitstorms

Kamidori is copypasta of Himegari with DERP history,MC and heroines, worse atmosphere than the previous game and generics design but with little improvement. And we now how much Japan likes copypaste games. Dynasty Warriors for example.

Sisters is good though.

>Even Eustia that isn't as amazing as it seemed like after the trial doesn't get shitstorm since it's still good enough

Tipical August game.

>Daiteikoku gets shitstorms because it's shit
It get´s shitstorm because people were having high expectacting and were faced with and average game.

>> No.7284085
File: 6 KB, 175x191, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one understands the Japanese language better than me. I must mock all the heathens who don't appreciate this beautiful culture ne Ayumichannnn~

>> No.7284089

Now i know why people are raging so much

>> No.7284090

no one said anything about culture, nice delusions
and we aren't the ones forcefully playing a game without knowing how it works even though it's all written under your nose

>> No.7284092

I don't care about your opinion, I was just saying what the reception of these games were in Japan.
Though some of your complains are really, really retarded.

Of course Kamidori is a rehash of Himegari, it's the fucking spiritual sequel. It refined the gameplay, added some new things to make the experience more interesting, this is what people asked and this is what Eushully delivered.
Daiteikoku is also a sequel but rather than refining the gameplay it feels like a step down compared to the previous iterations, that's why people shitstorm.

>> No.7284093

I don't get it, is Daiteikoku really shit?
I'm kinda enjoying it so far.
It could be better yes but it's not shit.

Though I don't really like how the game forces you to savescum.

>> No.7284094

We all thank you for speaking on behalf of the Japanese people. Do you bring any other messages on their behalf for us? What do they have to say about the crops this year? Will we have a bountiful harvest?
God, you're a fuckwit.

>> No.7284095

Absolute Shit?
People expecting better because it's a new iteration with loosely similar nechanics to previous strategy games of the company yes?
Think Dragon Age II, Deus Ex new games, Diablo III, Dungeon Siege III and so forth, to get the idea

>> No.7284096

I admit I invade planets, check the HP of my enemies, then reload the save to build ships just to barely overpower them instead of overkill.

>> No.7284097

Basically, it could be worse, but it's often hard to imagine how.

>> No.7284099

>Mistake buying instead of inventing

If you aren´t going to say anything to help, just the shup the fuck up.

>> No.7284100

Well there's really no other way, unless you abused the ninja and built tons of shit.

>> No.7284104


Alice-Soft went full retard with this game.

It was obvious since early trailers that loli Hitler and Stalin are by far the most popular characters. Everybody wanted their routes or choice to play their countries.

See what we got instead.

>> No.7284106

Number of sales?

>> No.7284107

i'm not the guy who said "don't tell them it's inventing", fyi.
but it's really pathetic seeing people playing shit they can't read and begging for help here, i really don't see why you would do that

>> No.7284109


>> No.7284110

Sigh... what happened to taking it easy?

>> No.7284111

an explaination I heard was that there was supposed to be more focus on other factions but it got lost in development hell.

>> No.7284112

Cocksucking /a/ rance kids happened.

>> No.7284113

/jp/ was not prepared for /a/ invasion.

>> No.7284114

Fuck you and your kind. Pseudo-hipster trash.

>> No.7284116

We are perfectly capable of having shitstorms on our own.

>> No.7284117

I admit that i don´t understand moonrunes, but i didn´t come here to be a "HELP ME PLEASEE" person, though i don´t mind helping anyone.

I actually thing the game is obvious and i didn´t have any problems understanding the plot even with shitlas. And seriously people raging for that simple mistake is just stupid.

>> No.7284119

I never said Rance sucked. I'm implying that Rance attracts the lowest and stupidest kind of eroge fans, such as you.

>> No.7284120

It makes them feel better about themselves. Just leave it at that.

>> No.7284121

To be honest the game would've been better if we aren't getting endlessly bombarded by other faction's events. We're playing as Japan, not watching other factions play.

>> No.7284124

In other words you're implying people who play Rance for the gameplay and story elements instead of fapping material are the stupidest ones.
Do manking a favour and go fuck yourself with a rusty rake.

>> No.7284126

Actually, we atracted the Eushully childs here, so it´s getting worse than that.

>> No.7284128
File: 49 KB, 360x360, 0,0,160,1721,360,360,01f84304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All hail Manking!

>> No.7284130

>Protip: Shift + click
Any other shortcut you know?

>> No.7284133

>In other words you're implying people who play Rance for the gameplay and story elements instead of fapping material are the stupidest ones.
What.. maybe you should read the previous Daiteikoku and Rance Quest threads to get what I mean by attracting the shittiest fans in the eroge fandom. Plus I think your caps-lock-greentexting tells enough of the rance fanbase.

>> No.7284134 [SPOILER] 
File: 21 KB, 320x240, Statler_Waldorf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know one thing that Daiteikoku did do really well?
I can't think of anything either.

>> No.7284137

Says the guy who just heard for the first time of the company in Daiteikoku threads.

>> No.7284138

see >>7283967

>> No.7284140

Since both games relies heavily on gameplay, the choice is obvious.

>> No.7284141

The who in the what now?
>maybe you should read the previous Daiteikoku and Rance Quest threads to get what I mean by attracting the shittiest fans in the eroge fandom
By all means please elaborate what you mean.
>eroge fandom
Rance is not an eroge, will never be, and doesn't attract this "fandom" through fap material but other elements.

>> No.7284144
File: 35 KB, 180x200, 1301490332261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rance is not an eroge

>> No.7284145

See >>Hahahahahahahahah fuck no you'd have to be retarded to think that.

Oh, is my link broken? If you honestly think that DTK has a good plot, pacing, or characters, there is no hope for you. In three threads now, I have not seen a single person say anything meaningful or express any like towards any characters except Rance, Goebbels, Adolf, and maybe Muccilini. Nothing about the protagonists, nothing about CORE, nada. Great cast. One that nobody gives a shit about.

>> No.7284146

>He thinks is the first time i heard about Eushully
>I played Ikusa Megami Zero,Verita, Himegari and Kamidori and Himegari is one of my favorites

I think the gameplay is good but the fanbase is just stupid. Don´t get me wrong

>> No.7284148

Now now. Be nice. It must be difficult to be online and posting without a functioning brain. We must treat him like the precious treasure that he is.

>> No.7284151

That's because Goebbels is my daiteikoku waifu.

>> No.7284154

>The who in the what now?
Assuming you're the same guy as here >>7284114, you should really drop that shit.
>By all means please elaborate what you mean.
Archive, use it.
>Rance is not an eroge, will never be,
So I'm talking with someone who hasn't got the slightest clue of anything?
>and doesn't attract this "fandom" through fap material but other elements.
Porn plays a major role in attracting players. You could as well play normal games if didn't have porn.

>> No.7284164


>> No.7284166

What the heck is up with the shamaness girl with stripes on her face? She showed up in events, had sex with Togo, but now has joined Soviet Union and has 7000 hp and nearly 2000 attack! Why she betray me ;_;

>> No.7284167

Maybe she's a whore and you didn't satisfy her enough ;_;

>> No.7284171

Not him, but I must say that I liked the Vikings.
And yes I can do without feeling hurt from them having portrayed them as big, hairy, sluggish, pedo-loving-folks in goat-"fur".
Cause you know, they had character. And the princess was also amazing.
They had some contrast to them as opposed to the others in the game, and I liked them.

>> No.7284178

The protagonist is shit, his daughter is pretty generic too.
Actually the Japanese side as a whole fucking suck.
Adolf and Goebel are the best characters, their side is pretty good as a whole though FUCK YOU HIMMEL
Gamerican side is pretty average, I never got interested in their events.
Aeris side is pretty good but it almost feel like they belong to another game.
For random characters, the vikings were amazing.

I would say the cast is mostly average, too bad the main character and Japan as a whole fucking suck so much

>> No.7284184

Viking-chan is so cute ;_;

The Aeris artstyle was different, it reminded me of Shirou Masamune art.

>> No.7284185

the reasoning was that japan is boring and the other factions have so many events because you were supposed to pick one and or something and you would get their events

>> No.7284186

We will never get a Daiteikoku "gaiden", the game as it should have been, right?
Cause it would play much the same and not sell as good, right?

>> No.7284188

Yeah shame her CGs were shit. I was really interested in her. Same goes for Stalin.

>> No.7284193

What was so bad about them? At least she had something besides generic sex, and she made a funny face in the second one.

>> No.7284200

Something about the guy in the big furry costume is unsettling to me. The first time I saw it I thought she was getting fucked by a giant furry animal and bestiality is just no.

>> No.7284203

>Steam roll into Russia with 1/3 of my forces while another 1/3 pushes into California and the final 1/3 push through to India.
>Event in central russia cuts off the space lines completely stopping my movement and sending my forces back to Japan
>"Oh I guess I need to find another way around"
>Try to push through California with 2/3 of my forces
>Take California and USA goes Neutral
>"Well that was easy"
>Russia path opens up again
>Leave California empty since they are now neutral.
>Suddenly USA attacks again

All of my hate

>> No.7284210

average alicesoft fan

>> No.7284211

Aside from everything we already know poeple have complained about.
I still do enjoy the game.
I am however, sort of bummed, that there is no way of retreating when you attack.
It is even weirder to me, cause, when they attack you, you do have the option to abandon.
A patch of any kind, to bring some kind of attrition into the game, as say, battles that can go through halfway, could very possibly be a major upgrade to the game.

Then again, I wonder if Alice Soft knows what to do with the game as of now. It is probably very different from what they wanted it to be.

>> No.7284230

Yeah, the current battle phase is retarded.
You can't change battlefields and when you ran out of ships you can't do anything except to suicide the army.

It feels really incomplete.

>> No.7284244

The not being able to move thing is one thing. But not being able to retreat when shit hits the fan is another. It wouldn't even have to be smooth. The shittier the situation the more you could lose from it.

>> No.7284252

Some people said one should build fisheries, for money or something.
How do you know what is what though? And what do the others do?

>> No.7284319

There is one good thing about Daiteikoku.

It made Rancefags realize that Rance is a tremendous annoying faggot when he's not on your side.

>> No.7284341

Is there any CheatEngine code to allow multiple events in a turn?

>> No.7284420

How do I get around this battle effect when fighting CORE where all my attacks get reduced to 0 damage?

>> No.7284481

It didn't. Him appearing was very cool. I would've loved to play him in an FFA game.

>> No.7284489

I don't know he was pretty easy to kill. Plus that white hair loli is mine!

>> No.7284694

Christ trolls trolling trolls and trolls trolling trolling trolls.

I'm the guy that got the adolf ending and I like the japan route much better even if it's anally fucking me right now. In the adolf route the only japan events that fired automatically were name changes and wish granting while the other 99% of stuff happening was between aeris/hitler/soviets so it just felt like you're this silent underdog that is slowly creeping up on everyone that no one gives a fuck about until you're sieging their captial. However in the japan route there's like an event firing every other turn whether it is just dating the empress or having meetings so you feel like you matter.

As for how to get into adolf route:
What I did was agree to the alliance, and rejected going to war with the soviets. I saw hawaii and lol'd and then reloaded and focused instead on taking aeris. And by luck, the turn that adolf collapses from fatigue I conquered that aeris planet next to the planet that rommel was stationed at. Basically adolf revives from her sickbed because of the news of her japanese allies kicking the shit out of aeris. Then soviet basically gets streamrolled by adolf, and I finished off aeris and gamerica. Core never triggered because I took washington from behind. And then more shit happens and you get adolf ending.

>> No.7284712

English patch coming out today, right?

>> No.7284718

And time does matter. You basically want to take as much planets as fast as possible because getting next gen ships is based on how much planets you have. You either need the gen 3 ships or mika on toga's ship to take hawaii but I wouldn't recommend touching hawaii anyway since it triggers the core shitstorm.

Building the fish thing only gives you a fish unit based on what planet it was. Imo the only good fish unit is the whale that you get if you build one at the monster princess planet. It has a shit ton of hp and requires 0 command points. So it's perfect for your <400 command admirals with an empty ship slot. You want to build a mine in resource rich planets, a lab in research rich planets, and shipyard pretty much everywhere you can. Oh and a +20% experience for female commander early on.

>> No.7284721

Daiteikoku > any Rance game

Deal with it.

>> No.7284724

Except for two, genre/gameplay focus is radically different for the rest, making the comparison retarded in the first place.
And Daibanchou>Daiteitoku

>> No.7284723 [DELETED] 

Where's the download for this game?

>> No.7284731


>> No.7284740


>> No.7284746

How about Daiakuji?

>> No.7284757


More importantly, will there be apocalyptic space warfare or not?

>> No.7284772

English script patch where?

>> No.7284785

can someone plsplspls translate this game :D

>> No.7284796

This script is funny- well, at least the CORE part.

Rapebots are the ones responsible for massacres and rape a la Nanking and the Japanese fleet heroically swoops in and saves all the Gamericans.

>> No.7284813

it got released few hours ago already, just google daiteikoku and english patch, it should be among the 5 first results

>> No.7284816

oops sorry caps lol XD

>> No.7284820

I hope Rance 8 funding doesn't suffer due to shitty sales or something. I heard they put like three times the money into this than any of their previous games because they had to remake it so many times.

It would be cool if they never made this and put all the resources into Rance 8.

>> No.7284823

They really don't need to put many resources into Rance games. It's a series you normally play for the story. I've had several guys from Japan who started playing it from the crappy 5D after all.

>> No.7284825

3 times the funding?! Did you see half the character faces? If it was intentional "art direction" it's still a horrible choice.

>> No.7284827

Again, the differences in character designs were due to the massive Alicesoft artist army used to make it.

>> No.7284828

>3 times the funding?!
It doesn't mean all of that funding got used, it just means they wasted a fuck ton of money. IIRC they were going for a real time engine, then scrapped it completely mid-development and rebuilt it turn-based

>> No.7284829

It was some ridiculous number. That's probably why the reviews are so bad, Alicesoft spent the past couple years hyping this by spouting off how much money and key employees they were putting into it, so everyone was expecting the greatest thing ever.

>> No.7284834

This pretty much. All the money was wasting on changing the direction of the game too many times, which is why it feels so unpolished and incomplete. Because they didn't know what they wanted to do with it.

>> No.7284853

then it's a pretty horrible choice imo. those derp faces look like they belong in the 90s

>> No.7284881

They should've just stuck with Orion instead, as he's their best artist overall.

>> No.7284918

Alicesoft PR
Change and turmoil makes us stronger. Long development times mean that the game will be even better.

Development hell and turmoil make us suck, just as they do for everybody else.

>> No.7284970

I hope alicesoft stops making games after rance quest

>> No.7284978

why should they? They make decent games every now and then, I'll take 1 good game every 3 over no games at all.

>> No.7284982

keyfag detected

>> No.7284987

What I foresee them doing is rehashing their old popular games and engines as a "return to greatness." It worked wonders for Nintendo. I wouldn't be shocked in the slightest if they rushed out another in the Escalayer/BBH style games or pushed out Daiakuji/BBA 2 where Akuji/Rouga takes on the world.

>> No.7284993

You clearly have no idea how much abject trash Alicesoft makes that nobody here even brings up.

>> No.7285007

Ok, make that 1 out of 10 then. Point is, they did make a few enjoyable games and wishing for them to go completely bankrupt is just silly.

>> No.7285011

Ok, so I just started this. How do I save in this game? There's no save/load menu during the scenes I was in.

>> No.7285018

Open the System menu, Padawan.

>> No.7285039
File: 129 KB, 804x643, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This? No save there.

>> No.7285045

No, the OTHER System menu, but since you at least tried, you can only save on the map.
I don't think I realized before that there are two. Great fucking design, Alicesoft.

>> No.7285062

yeah alicesoft is pretty shit anyone with half a brain acknowledges this

>> No.7285064

Wow. This...this game kinda sucks.

I am disappoint, Alicesoft. Most hyped game of the year, and Daiteikoku turns out to be another Daikatana.

>> No.7285080

"Alicesoft's about to make you their bitch."

>> No.7285131

Welp. I just played like 10 turns of this game so far.

What pisses me off is this is more of a, remember what happens game. Seriously all I have to do is go into the battle phase, memorize what the fuck the HP and speeds are, then set my ships accordingly.

No other room for error.

Back to Kamidori I guess. :(

>> No.7285200

Well I'm fucktarded. I just realized that the first icon is not engines like everyone said, it's radar.

So that explains what that one girls "Scouting +60%" is for.

>> No.7285325

What does scouting/radar do really?

>> No.7285334


>> No.7285389 [DELETED] 

Is this like Daibanchou where there's tons of recruitable characters?

>> No.7285412


In other words, your ships "track and target" the enemy faster, so you get the initiative if you have a higher radar bonus.

Also, those repair ships that heal +10%, is that planet wide or just for the person that they're commanded under?

>> No.7285427

Is there any way to influence who gets attacked? I find that some characters with low "leadership" are useless because their HP is always too low, and they get one-shot.

>> No.7285429
File: 785 KB, 1152x648, Topayornottopay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you guys do?

>> No.7285434


Think of the combat system like this:

Each weapon has a "range" so that's why they fire in the order they do. Whoever has the highest "radar" has the biggest accuracy modifier, so they can shoot from the furthest away (as they accelerate towards each other).

As to why it resets at the next round at maximum range; shits and giggles.

>> No.7285437

Put them in submarines. As long as the unit only has subs and there are non-sub units still alive in the battlegroup, they can't be attacked.

>> No.7285446

What does it say?

>> No.7285451

The recruitable characters is less than DaiBanChou. And there's no 5 character stars to obtain.

Most of the upgrades I've seen are in the form of +30 to leadership.

I won't say it's bad or good; it's really different.

>> No.7285478

You pay off her debt

10000 res for a 420 leadership character is a good trade, imo.

>> No.7285506

What exactly does Command/Leadership do?

And why the hell does Tanaka have less than my generics?

>> No.7285507


I say pay unless you're on the japan route where you are hurting for cash and have more than enough admirals. She's a pretty good admiral and you also get the indian boy once you do like 6 events with her.

Seriously, I'm drowning in admirals here. Most of aeris is in my army and the two soviet lolis are chilling in tokyo because they are damn near useless as admirals.

>> No.7285514
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>> No.7285516

Herpderp never mind. I just figured out for myself.

Gives them more ships to work with.

>> No.7285520

oops, forgot text
Did I read this ability correctly? You rage your opponent into dealing 2x the damage?

>> No.7285522

Are there any repercussions of recruiting the Shibagami?

He seems to start off pretty well as a second line of offense.

>> No.7285550

You inflict double damage when opponents attack you though. I hate it.

>> No.7285575

Seriously if you guys like Kamidori fine, I haven't played it but I believe it's a fine game, but for fucks sake let those who are actually enjoying this game discuss it in peace.
It's like I am on fucking /v/

>> No.7285586
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>> No.7285591


>> No.7285595
File: 106 KB, 800x600, 大帝国_20110429_151123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And so, the tyranny of CORE is brought to justice by your readily and friendly empire of Japan

I love this game so much. Bringing down the child rapists and killers feels like a great achievement.

>> No.7285610

I am going to wait till at least some decent guides appear on the wiki, my japanese is fucking horrible and atlas translations are barely understandable

>> No.7285613
File: 28 KB, 227x400, Daiteikoku-Shibagami-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't let you do that, Star Hound.

>> No.7285656

Wait, what? The ability on those gunboats makes you take 2x damage?

>> No.7285676

You and your opponent

>> No.7285691

how many event phases need to be spent on him to recruit this guy?

>> No.7285694

Only one

>> No.7285698

so worth it

>> No.7285703


>> No.7285704

japanese wiki

>> No.7285708

What happens with Rance Khan in this game? Does he die or something?

>> No.7285723

Man I got depressed when Yamamoto died. It made me more depressed when the buxom nurse is wearing his costume.

>> No.7285727


Welp. Now I know to be careful with him.

That sucks. He was my Secretary of Oppression too.

>> No.7285731 [DELETED] 

Other than Rance are there any other other game Alicesoft characters?

>> No.7285733

Opps sorry about that. I assumed everyone would know since the nurse is always with him.

>> No.7285748

It seems like the less he is damaged, the longer he will survive.

I had him alive until lvl9 (and the levels carried to the nurse instead)

>> No.7285764

How about the bonus attacks?
I got the nurse at level 5 and she starts off with +0% bonus for the first 3 frames

>> No.7285770

Well mine's level 9 and she has 16% bonus for 3 frames

>> No.7285782

I see, just wondering if she inherited the level lower than 5, perhaps she starts off with minus attack or something.

>> No.7285882

What's the quickest way of bringing captured planets to full loyalty (so you get income)? I've been putting the generic admirals with 1 crappy ship all on one planet to try to make one go as fast as possible, but it's still really slow. Will more ships make it go quicker?

>> No.7285910

I did, but I'm cheating money.
She has high command points, so it might be worth it anyway.

>> No.7285912

What gives? I hate to ask for it, but does anyone have a link to the patch?

>> No.7285914
File: 84 KB, 751x618, I am very sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the picture.

>> No.7285939


>> No.7285966


>> No.7285970
File: 194 KB, 800x600, 大帝国_20110429_164857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw you get wiki to the British Empire

>> No.7285983

It's not a script patch, it just translates the interface and in-game messages. The script should be out tomorrow. Christ, learn some patience.

>> No.7285984

Fuck that Core faggot. He's an asshole.

>> No.7286005

Yea, I'm so discouraged right now. How many times must I kill them off?

AND FUCK the other human nations. While I'm fighting off core, they're dividing my attention on the other side of the universe. Cool script, Alicesoft.

>> No.7286014

>they're dividing my attention on the other side of the universe
I was fucking wondering about that too. I lost 3 planets in a process. Shouldn't we bury our hatchet and fight the common enemy? Nope. No such thing in Alicesoft.

>> No.7286015

EGS scores have scared me away from Daiteikoku, but the hype made me want to go back and play Daiakuji and Daibanchou.

Someone, please. How the fuck do I make Daiakuji work? It installs, but I get a message telling me to insert a real disc into the CD drive whenever I start it; if I ignore this and play anyway, the game has no sounds. It's the kind of thing I'd normally look for a NoDVD to fix, but there is none to be found.

>> No.7286019

wtf was that? Nothing still.

>> No.7286026

Why don't you actually try it and form your opinion based on that? Or are you one of those people that thinks Code Geass is the best anime ever because some retards on ANN/MAL voted for it?

>> No.7286036 [DELETED] 

>form your own opinion

>> No.7286040 [DELETED] 

>newfag response
>think you've just made an statement.

>> No.7286044


Well the thing is they would literally have to get through you to fight core. Once Soviet kill the germans the only way they can keep expanding is right through your capital. And aeris doesn't go through spain so they would have to destroy you first.

Also mfw when in king core route the only use for female slaves are as decoys.

>> No.7286046

Wait, the english translated script?

Fuck yes.

>> No.7286048

Daiakuji is meant to run off a CD and has all kinds of bad programming because of it. The sound is the main issue, but if parts of the config get messed up, it fucks up the whole thing too. The first time I tried installing it, it was fucked beyond belief, then I tried again a few months later and it worked fine minus the sound issues.

>> No.7286050

Speaking of Core, why the fuck do they have penis? I almost burst out laughing when they were raping.

>> No.7286070

Normally, I wouldn't trust review sites, but EGS has a long track record of being at least fairly accurate. There are no bad games above 85 on EGS, and there are no good games below 60 on EGS. Even with the bias against nukige, the good nukige still score in the 70s. Daiteikoku getting a 55 says a lot, especially considering that number is more than likely inflated by first day purchase fanboys. I wouldn't trust EGS to tell me X game is better than Y game because of a difference of a few points, but it's not just a matter of taste when a game consistently gets 50s and 60s.

>> No.7286075

Ya, I can play it if I ignore the sound issues too, but no sound is a deal breaker. What's odd, though, is that I get the boops from clicking menu icons. It's just everything else that's missing. No sound effects, no music, no voices (not sure if it had voices to begin with, though). It just feels really lonely trying to play it.

>> No.7286086

Is Rance or a Rance-look-alike in this game?

>> No.7286092


Well, someone has to be the counterpart to WWII's war criminals and Japan's out of the question. If it's androids made in Gamerica, no one would feel affiliated.

>> No.7286105

what is egs?

>> No.7286121

You get that with old DOS games that try to load system sounds too.

Look on the bright side, it's up to a mighty 63 now. Just a little more, and it'll pass Shaman's Sanctuary But the details page hasn't updated yet, so you can't see if it's just a bunch of "99wwwwww"s again like the ones before.

>> No.7286130

Oh god.. goddamn Aeris got that flying dragon. Any tips to kill that dragon?

>> No.7286131

It got a lower score than Shaman Sanctuary. No way that's accurate.

And besides, there's way too few data. You really shouldn't trust EGS rating when it has less than 100 votes.

Wait until the people that actually played the game to vote on it. I believe it's going to end up in the 70s-low 80s score.

I can't really see it scoring higher than that because of the retarded battle phase that promotes savescumming.

>> No.7286144

What is Shaman Sanctuary and why is it so bad?

>> No.7286145

If it went that high, it would be one of the top 5 Alicesoft games on EGS. The Japanese don't score like Americans where anything under a 9 means a niche title.

>> No.7286148

>I wouldn't trust EGS to tell me X game is better than Y game because of a difference of a few points
Did you miss this line he wrote? Fact is, it's still within the point range it deserves to be.

>> No.7286157


>> No.7286158

And? I'm telling there's way too few data to make that judgement.

>> No.7286165

Well I don't really see how people will all of a sudden give more points than 50-60 upon completing the game when the gameplay stays just the same throughout. I really doubt it's going to raise above than 70

>> No.7286169

And he's saying that almost always, scores are initially inflated with popular votes, so it's very reasonable to expect that the score's going to drop, not go up as the non-rabid fans finish it.
And now comes the spurious argument about expectations being too high.

>> No.7286176
File: 69 KB, 476x306, 1303084878263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dual says:
>December 1, 2010 at 5:08 pm
>Alicesoft mid-budget games are rarely good. Their next big hit will be Dai Teikoku.

>> No.7286178

Why is Alicesoft so fucking xenophobic?

They're the only H-company I know that blocks foreign IPs from entering their website.

Not even rape masters Illusion or Black Lilith do the same.

>> No.7286189

>They're the only H-company I know that blocks foreign IPs from entering their website.

Heh, someone is living a sheltered life, I see.

>> No.7286190

There are a few others that have started doing it recently, but I can't remember which off the top of my head. Useless to say, I know, but they are out there.

>> No.7286194

Not really, the vote distribution is all over the place. The game is polarizing.
It's not like everyone voted 60.

I think it's going to go up, once the shitstorm died down and people that actually played the game vote on it.

>> No.7286205

>sheltered life

Sheltered from Eroge yes.

>> No.7286206
File: 172 KB, 800x600, 大帝国_20110428_033458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is Alicesoft so fucking xenophobic?
I really wish people would shut the fuck up about this already.

>> No.7286218

>EGS has a long track record of being at least fairly accurate

Yeah, no. The fact that they rated FSN at 90 speaks worlds about how shit their tastes are.

>> No.7286222

>Why is Alicesoft so fucking xenophobic?
They are NOT xenophobic. If you play this game, though, you'll easily understand why they have slapped a fat "JAPAN SALES ONLY" disclaimer in front of it.
We really don't need another Rapelay incident. It's not worth the risk for them.

That is the same as why I can see why doujin shops will rarely ship overseas, but HATE IT at the same time.

>> No.7286229

Maybe you should look at the vote distribution on EGS before making asinine and incorrect claims.

>> No.7286232

The fact that you brought F/SN up just proves that they have good taste, as F/SN is highly enjoyable and deserves 90+.

>> No.7286233

Well, you COULD argue that's xenophobic, since they convey the message that foreigners badmouth Japanese for their penis size.......which many actually do.

>> No.7286244

So wait, if the game portrays foreigners as racist scums, that means Alicesoft is xenophobic?

>> No.7286246


>> No.7286249
File: 130 KB, 1039x576, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe "xenophobic" was too harsh of a word seeing as the automated defense reaction by saying it.

And regarding "Japan Sales Only", I think almost every game has that anyway.

>> No.7286253

No. That portrays foreigners being generalized as racist and Japan being the poor victim of the racism.

Therefore... racist.

>> No.7286261
File: 14 KB, 143x311, dai-vote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... This is not polarizing?

>> No.7286262

Why the fuck do you care what some random Japanese think of foreigners? Last I checked, we aren't weeaboos like /a/.

>> No.7286265

I said fairly accurate. FSN is a good game, even if it doesn't deserve a 90.

>> No.7286268

US games have that hidden on them somewhere too. It's just covering their asses in case something is illegal in an non-official distributor company. See: Fallout 2, Britain, and child violence. Plus taxes, copyright, licensing and shit.

>> No.7286271

I don't even understand why rapelay was a big deal. it was just some women's interest group bitching not an legitimiate political party right?

>> No.7286272

So if the Japanese faction was the racist one in the game, would you not call Alicesoft xenophobic scums(actually many did this)? What if the other nations weren't racist and only Japan was? You would condemn Alicesoft for adding racial and nationalist bullshit in the game. I swear to god some of you cry about everything Japan does. Lay it off already, you can't be this butthurt.

>> No.7286274


>> No.7286277

He's a Chinese/Korean. They always care what the japs do.

>> No.7286282

Last time I checked /jp/ people were getting mocked about using Atlas and not using their innate Japanese skills to get through H games.

>> No.7286287

Yes. Just a woman's group.

I wonder why Japan don't protest too much about rape.

>> No.7286293

Standard deviation of 26 is very high, actually, but most new games are like that just because of low number of votes.

I say most because Kamidori's is 7. Everyone agrees that game is amazing.

>> No.7286296

>FSN is a good game
Credibility lost. FSN is to VNs what Bleach is to anime: retards that don't know shit about the medium think it's amazing, but people that aren't completely fucking ignorant see how painfully bad the characters and story actually are.

>> No.7286299

There are people who still don't know Japanese on /jp/? I thought we scared off everyone who wasn't around since pre-split /a/.

>> No.7286303

Yes, but on the other hand, the outliers are almost perfectly balanced. 99 and 95 on high, and two 10s on low. Remove those and the StD collapses.

>> No.7286306

index would be more accurate

>> No.7286308

I hate to use this word, but you are the fucking master, king, and overlord of hipsters.

>> No.7286312

Go back to /a/, kid. While F/sn might not be better than some games in that 90 list like Muramasa or MLA, it's still an enjoyable game and doesn't require much to give a 90+ point for it. This coming from someone who vote it 8/10.

>> No.7286313

Did you suddenly just step through time or something?

>> No.7286317

I believe we all agree the viking princess was awesome.
So what is her special ability?

>> No.7286320


Welp. Elitist weeabooism detected. Back to my Daiteikoku to fuck up the Hawaiians.

>> No.7286323

Thread's autosaging. I can't wait to see what fresh disaster the next one brings. Hopefully more made up shit from people who suck at it like how using the ninja locks out New Game+ bonuses.

>> No.7286326

>likes FSN
>tells other people to go back to /a/.

You're cute.

>> No.7286334

>He saged an autosage thread

Oh wow, kid.

>> No.7286342

If someone is going to start a new thread, please don't forget to put "full English patch is going to be released next Sunday/Monday" into the OP or something like that.

>> No.7286359

Full English patch is already out, you just have to compile it yourself.

>> No.7286376

Yeah, that would work too.

>> No.7286426

This is my new favorite game.

>> No.7286427

BUT I'M LAZYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

>> No.7287728

You guys have to be joking about the translation patch
How the fuck would anyone be able to translate all this shit so fast?
