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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5775932 No.5775932[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Time for a NEET thread.
I know that many of you ( even me ) suffer from loneliness or some other thing that causes you alot of mental stress.

Do you cry because of this fact? I feel like a little girls since i cry because of it.
The main point of this thread. Is for everyone share their feelings of loneliness or things like that. Maybe get new friends.

>> No.5775939

I cry because I'm in constant fear

>> No.5775946
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>> No.5775948

NEET, seriously, come back when your hiki, stop complaining , your still a normalfag.

>> No.5775947
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dont be a sad panda.

>> No.5775953

I can never ever understand why so many NEETs are depressed or lonely.

>> No.5775955

I cry cause my dick got caught in a mousetrap.

Don't ask...

>> No.5775969

What do you fear then?

>> No.5775971

I'm not really sad because I have a ton of awesome dreams that make me feel like a king when I wake up.

Although, once I get kicked out, I'm probably going to kill myself.

>> No.5775977
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I'm not a NEET.

My life is pretty great.

>> No.5775978

And before you ask, I've been NEET for three years. I know what it's like. To me, it seems like endless possibilities to do something with my life and something new and exciting every day. What the hell are you guys doing wrong?

>> No.5775989


>> No.5775990

NEET does not automatically mean you're lonely.

Think this: You are a filthy rich ojousama which does not have to work, go to school, get training, etc.

>> No.5775991

If you hate it so much you cry about it then change your ways.
I enjoy my time off. I work some months and others I NEET.

>> No.5776004
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Even the most NEET or Hiki american is still pretty normal compared to the NEETs and Hikis in Japan.

Also, if you cry like a bitch, man the fuck up. Go camping for a while, shoot a gun, disown the internet for a week or two just to see what happens.

The crushing loneliness is a mental block you created yourself. I know, because I've been there. You've never experienced true loneliness until you can feel alone even in a room filled with people who may consider you a friend or acquaintance.

>> No.5776007

have you done something then?
I hope not...

>> No.5776015

I miss when I still could feel lonely
I'd cry for hours until I felt better
Then I went to sleep hugging my dakimakura, imagining she was comforting me, telling me I'd never be alone again
It didn't feel bad at all
Nowadays it's just a hollow feeling of boredom and resignation
I don't know why I still wake up but am too worn to even think about doing something, even killing myself
I wish I could at least feel sad for myself

>> No.5776020


I don't cry very often but I'm pretty sure that's because I am on a veritable cornucopia of antidepressants. When it happens it isn't usually while I'm consciously considering my condition. It's usually triggered by something that reminds me of some emo shit and then I'm off sucking my thumb for a couple hours.

I know a lot of people but I wouldn't call many of them friends. None of them really appreciate or know the real me... and I'm not such a bad guy, either. The world is just full or artifice and posturing and I don't have the desire or initiative to try to chip away at any of that. I've been screwed over by people who I trusted so there's some buttrange keeping me aloof as well. I'm open to electronic friends, but there's no way of getting to know someone from a board without exposing yourself to L337 h@xorz.

>> No.5776027


playing video games 12 hours a day fuck yes

>> No.5776035

I do that a lot and feel really bad for it afterwards.

>> No.5776046

that's strange, i do that every day and feel great for it.

>> No.5776047

Why would I fear jail otherwise

>> No.5776055

> I know that many of you ( even me ) suffer from loneliness or some other thing that causes you alot of mental stress.
No. If someone suffered from true loneliness they'd do something about it. People who are voluntary NEETs usually are like that because they can and because they find it a pleasant, easygoing life where they can just do whatever they wish and enjoy life. Hikki and NEET are not the same thing, even if a hikki can be a NEET, try not to confuse them if possible.
> Do you cry because of this fact?
No. I'm content. I have the freedom to study anything I want, use any entertainment we want and just be free, however most of as are not 100% true NEET and sometimes do make some money.
> I feel like a little girls since i cry because of it.
I can't read this sentence. What are you trying to say? You cry because you're a little girl, or you cry because you want to be a little girl, or you cry because you feel like a little girl? What the hell is this trying to say?
> Is for everyone share their feelings of loneliness or things like that.
Sorry. What is loneliness? Does it come from the lack of direct or indirect human contact? Even now, you're in contact with some Anonymouses, but that's a bit impersonal. A NEET can be in both direct and indirect personal contact with someone (through the internet, or real life) just fine. NEET = Not employed, in education or training, or more simply put, a slacker.

>> No.5776059

Actually, I don't feel lonely at all. I seriously do think I'd be 100% content living like this until the day I die. The only real conflict I see in my life these days is when certain situations arise that threaten my current comfortable living arrangement. But even that is becoming more and more rare, these days. Life is good, for this NEET.

>> No.5776067

"The world is against me, I'm a great guy, I don't trust anybody, nobody knows the real me."

Reading this, you seem like a 12 year old. I guess that explains the massive amount of shitposting you do.

>> No.5776071

I wish I could be like you still. The lingering guilt really ruins my gaming enjoyment and throws off my marathons.

>> No.5776093

Anything really bad, or just something the society or laws disagree with. It's only bad if: 1) You know yourself what you did was truly bad. 2) You get caught.

>> No.5776080

none of those, he cries so much he feels like a little girl (little girls are prone to crying)

>> No.5776103

Well...yeah....sorry about that dumb question.
Anyway. Can you handle the situation you are in?
Will you be going to jail no matter what?

This sounds really bad >< If you cant be sad for yourself.. it must be pretty bad

>> No.5776110

Not at all. I feel disturbingly neutral to it all. In a way, I think that's worse. If you can cry over something, there's at least some hope left in you.

>> No.5776115
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>implying you're not shitposting and derailing the thread RIGHT NOW.

>> No.5776143

>Nowadays it's just a hollow feeling of boredom and resignation,I am too worn to even think about doing something, I wish I could at least feel sad for myself
Are you me? I have games to play, books to read, shows to watch, but can't really make myself go through the effort. I end up just sitting for hours feeling tired or going back to bed after being up a little while.
There's kind of a vague feeling of sadness over the loss of the stuff I enjoyed but otherwise just grey apathy.

>> No.5776146


Nah, the world isn't against me, Anonymous. The world is just made up of normalfags who take pleasure in each other's misfortune and pain. I'm 100% certain you are a basement dwelling mongoloid with no real world experience so not only are you not conscious of this, but you are definitely contributing to this condition.

...also you are so very angery.

>> No.5776167

If you weren't mentally retarded, you wouldn't be baselessly harassing me or anybody over the internet. We don't need people like you here. Please leave.

>> No.5776171


>implying he doesn't shitpost as White Ren !YLuFFdRcFQ constantly

>> No.5776181

Non-normalfags take pleasure in eachother's misfortune and pain too. /jp/ is proof of that. It's just a human quality unfortunately.

>> No.5776191


Who's harassing who now? LOL. Also, I was here before you and I will be here when the summer ends, little guy.

>> No.5776200

I have an anime and two VNs in the background
I haven't touched them since yesterday
Sometimes I go through old stuff just to remember how I used to enjoy it
Probably I've done this more than experiencing anything new
I remember things, like 'oh this part was exciting' or 'this ending was so sad'
And I can tell I really enjoyed everything I used to do
But I just can't do it anymore no matter how much I try

>> No.5776202


>if you weren't mentally retarded

You sound like the retard, dude. Shut the fuck up. NOW.

>> No.5776205

Reported for implying in /jp/. I am not kidding. Please refer to the global rules and right yourself before responding.

>> No.5776217

>implying anyone cares

>> No.5776221

You're harassing by calling me a basement dweller and a mongloid. I said you seemed like a 12 year old. Someone with the mind of a 12 year old is quite literally, mentally retarded. I mean that in the most sincere and unoffending way possible.

>> No.5776225


>implying he doesn't imply in other threads

>> No.5776229

I guess it is good that you can handle it. You must be mentally strong then. I still feel pretty bad for you. Can't help it. Don't know what to say.

It seems that some people in this thread are doing good even though being NEET's in some manner. That just means that you are not mentally weak. I hail you!

>> No.5776241

Anons should watch One flew over the cuckoo's nest right now,
there are some many themes and characters that I feel have played out on /jp/, with me being Jack of course

Nurse Ratchet probably represents something different for everyone on /jp/ but for me she is the perfect representation of purposely enforcing failed leadership

>> No.5776245

Fuck yeah. Bromden was such a bro.

>> No.5776263


Wow, the Ritalin must be affecting your short term memory.


Please refer to the link where you had an Asperger's temper tantrum and harassed me first.

Get it together, baby.

>> No.5776283

> I know that many of you ( even me ) suffer from loneliness
You must be new here.
We've already moved from that part, we're all full-proud-Neets.
Being a neet isn't about suffer from loneliness, you're just a normalfag who want a girlfriend.

>> No.5776291

I'm not lonely or sad, but I do wonder about my future. I wish I had some easy source of income or something.

>> No.5776307

Can you not understand what I'm saying? I'm not harassing you in the slighest. I'm simply stating that you seem like a 12 year old, with that outlook on life. Stop shitposting already.

>> No.5776314

This guy is almost as bad as deleted.

>> No.5776345

I guess that is pretty commong feeling. I guess i'll just get a crappy job and live by somehow. But if you have any motivation in studying some more for a better job, do it.

Btw..im proud in being a NEET and a dumb weeabo, but feels bad man to be lonely and without a proper goal in life.

>> No.5776349
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I feel a huge affinity for NEETs, as long as they are nice. It'd be wonderful if people here could get together, but alas, distance separates us all (usually).

>> No.5776357

>Sometimes I go through old stuff just to remember how I used to enjoy it. I remember things, like 'oh this part was exciting' or 'this ending was so sad' And I can tell I really enjoyed everything I used to do
This. Oh god this. I'll open a manga or stare at a picture I like and part of me goes, "You enjoyed this. It made you happy. You should be feeling happy right now" but it's a dissassociative feeling as if someone was standing next to me speaking the words or it's a radio station tuned slightly off a channel so you only get bits through static. After a while of trying to force myself to care about it again I just feel tired and go back to bed.
