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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 392 KB, 2023x3000, F1Gi5CxXgAEUhsW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46994262 No.46994262 [Reply] [Original]

DJT is a language learning thread for those purporting to study the Japanese language.

Smorgasbord of Resources / Guide

Translation requests, 100-reply threads, native Japanese speakers, civility, heterosexuality, slightly more Dunning-Kruger: >>>/int/djt

Previous thread: >>46986534

QoTT: Which famous Western actor/ress would you raceswap to Japanese and force to marry you at gunpoint?

>> No.46994270

i miss jamal

>> No.46994279

you are black.

>> No.46994280

Wood berry

>> No.46994355

wtf do we have 3 djts at the same time lmao

also i pray bottom heavy lolis will save us from this op

>> No.46994362

can someone make a new thread please?

>> No.46994368

why, does it make you uncomfortable?

>> No.46994402

>QoTT: Which famous Western actor/ress would you raceswap to Japanese and force to marry you at gunpoint?
not a single one, its the mindset thats the problem

>> No.46994422

Is this a gay man's reinterpretation of the outlaw star cat girl

>> No.46994425

>QoTT: Which famous Western actor/ress would you raceswap to Japanese and force to marry you at gunpoint?
Bruce Lee

>> No.46994430
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>> No.46994432

>your community of alleged 140 iq individuals is consistently too stupid to create a new general on time
really makes you think

>> No.46994443

when did we ever claim to be 140IQ

>> No.46994445

how do you even learn these kanjis

>> No.46994446

Just had my first Japanese dream. I was speaking with a man (in the form of one of my teachers from high school around a decade ago) and he was speaking in what seem to me like fluent Japanese, and I was responding with short sentences. On his 10th question I zoned out and didn't know what he was asking me. He looked very disappointed, walked away and the dream ended. I've been studying Japanese for a bit, but I just recently started comprehensible input using videos from cijapanese and completed 10 hours a few days ago. I've gone to reading ci graded readers and grammar for the past 2 days, but is this a sign I should go back to videos?

>> No.46994453

RTK and a Protestant work ethic

>> No.46994454

When you see them enough in anki/immersion they just become instantly recognizable.

>> No.46994458

That means you want to suck his dick. Maybe you can find some nips to suck the japanese out of

>> No.46994468

what about when it comes to writing?

>> No.46994470


>> No.46994475

since when is it ok to hit me with a counter question? are you suicidal?

>> No.46994478

In that case the protestant work ethic guys answer is more on the mark

>> No.46994482

if you pay attention you'll see there's no question mark .
also it's not a counter question if you didn't ask a question in the first place
so it's more of a reply

>> No.46994485
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>the shame of having to come back to /djt/ after not learning Japanese for a year

>> No.46994494

Yeah that's pretty much a separate thing that has to be practiced. Most kanji I know I can only vaguely recall the shape of in my head.
It's really not relevant to foreigners though, if you really need to write something you can just look it up on your phone.

>> No.46994495

if you pay attention you'll see there's no question mark
>the syntax makes it a question, question mark or not
>also it's not a counter question if you didn't ask a question in the first place so it's more of a reply
ok i'll give you that one

>> No.46994504

the question mark implies a questioning tone?
i think?
some cases the ambiguity might be resolved with a question mark where otherwise you have to assume it's a statement

you're right though?

>> No.46994515

>There are now 4 generals
Why are you guys so autistic?

>> No.46994519

a sentence containing the words 'since when dide we' cannot be taken as a statement

>> No.46994520


>> No.46994532

I like question marks that are natural in one language but weird in another

>> No.46994537

what the fuck is up with all these subtitles that have this glowing chink text included at the start

>> No.46994539
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What's that Anki optimiser people were talking about 2 threads ago? Couldn't find it in the guide?

>> No.46994542

Enjoy your rootkit retard.

>> No.46994544

Is it not the subtitling group?
Probs more chink transcribers since learning Japanese is easier for them

>> No.46994548


>> No.46994549

fsrs its built in to anki

>> No.46994550


>> No.46994552

so there are amateur chinks transcribing specifically for people who know japanese?

>> No.46994553

I thought fsrs was bad.

>> No.46994557
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>> No.46994559

bad for what

>> No.46994561

I blame Ciaran personally

>> No.46994562

works great for me, no issues

>> No.46994564


>> No.46994571

yeah average here is 115 look at beaver

>> No.46994579

jamal was the only one who got it right
really makes you think

>> No.46994581


>> No.46994582

Yeah it's not as common anymore but i used to torrent anime that would have jp subs made by Chinese fans. There would be some mistakes but they were natural human mistakes, not robot ones!

>> No.46994595


>> No.46994596

yeah some of them are not so natural but literally just the first word that matches the reading, so basically like the robot ones

>> No.46994603
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Tonight Immersion
>大葉めも 「19歳、真夏のめもリアル」

>> No.46994609

Do you pay for these?

>> No.46994611

youd have to pay me to watch it

>> No.46994619

yes and no

>> No.46994630


>> No.46994647

>>46994497 (Cross-thread)
>>46994497 (Cross-thread)
>>46994497 (Cross-thread)
>>46994497 (Cross-thread)
>>46994497 (Cross-thread)

>> No.46994649

i was the only one who got the beaver question right though

>> No.46994657

kys nigger

>> No.46994662

Nigger we're 50 replies in just make the next thread have your fat fetish OP image

>> No.46994666

There are few things in this world more detestable than a fat bitch.

>> No.46994675


>> No.46994679
File: 1.86 MB, 1918x1080, 貧乳はステイタスだ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satanic trips of truth

>> No.46994685

eh i thought jamal picked the wrong one but i dont really remember. i just know i picked the beaver

>> No.46994690

fat NIGGER bitch?

>> No.46994693

Is Dragon Maid good for beginners? It's not in any of the google docs

>> No.46994697

Any kino isekai 私小説

>> No.46994698

ecchi/slop = ez

>> No.46994701

no you didnt

>> No.46994710

queeran is such a lying cheater

>> No.46994712
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>leaning Japanese while looking at fat loli thighs
I'm in

>> No.46994773

I remember when I first watched it, it was one of the very first times an anime episode had 0 unknown words for me, in fact season 1 had multiple episodes like that even back then. The first episode ever that had 0 unknown words I think was Prince of Tennis 45 or something...

>> No.46994774

feels good to be an N1 king

>> No.46994778



>> No.46994782

Congrats on your burger king crown.

>> No.46994790
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>> No.46994796

you don't know what a 私小説 is

>> No.46994799

For some reason, between the bodyfat and the lines on the face, she looks Western to me

>> No.46994843

>QoTT: Which famous Western actor/ress would you raceswap to Japanese and force to marry you at gunpoint?
Whoever that was in the live action adaptation of ghost in the shell

>> No.46994854


>> No.46994865

imouto no ashi ga slut

>> No.46994875

reminds me of early scanlators in the 90s and their "slender feet"

>> No.46994902

all eyes on me

>> No.46994917


>> No.46994918

just got nudes from a 40 year old japanese woman i met on skypech
thanks bunko

>> No.46994930

sad life

>> No.46994942

at least he has a life

>> No.46994947


>> No.46994952

bros i think we need a new thread
this one is getting close to 100 replies, cant have that

>> No.46994957
File: 1.96 MB, 360x360, 09E48183-DD3B-4C3E-A275-925FEFBB6F63.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>realized I can use asbplayer with my Plex
>20+ terabytes of anime ready

>> No.46995008

Well according to the pattern it has to be a fat 3d woman because it alternates between cute 2d and fat 3d

>> No.46995029

@unko make a new thread, its apparently your turn

>> No.46995041


>> No.46995050

gonna need ciarans take on this

>> No.46995054

sad life

>> No.46995061

at least she has a wife

>> No.46995078

if respecting ciaran is sad i dont wanna be happy

>> No.46995079
File: 358 KB, 610x497, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank god for hover translations on boorus

>> No.46995081

cringe samefag

>> No.46995085


>> No.46995091

you got exposed

>> No.46995093

damn should have made him say wath teh fuck in the dub

>> No.46995094

but enough about you

>> No.46995098

anyone wanna watch the android saga/buu saga with me

>> No.46995123

close enough

>> No.46995133

if esls watched the entire dbz eng dub theyd be fluent

>> No.46995136

already fluent

>> No.46995139

no like theyd sound native

>> No.46995145

not the same line anon

>> No.46995149

its basically the same scene and oh shit is kind of close to what the fuck

>> No.46995221
File: 217 KB, 365x458, 1489442094680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>遅刻 sounds like 地獄

>> No.46995257

men only want 1 thing

>> No.46995261 [DELETED] 

the eradication of the nigger race

>> No.46995265


>> No.46995266

true I guess some japs look like monkey and remind me of the blacks

>> No.46995283

What the fuck is the "かく" here?

>> No.46995286

Does anyone have an epub of ノルウェイの森?

>> No.46995287

the only kaku I know is 獲 did you try that one

>> No.46995288


>> No.46995292


>> No.46995296

thanks, that fits the meaning better

>> No.46995309

that's a troll/dekinai reply it's 斯くあるべし

>> No.46995314

ah damn now that's perfect

>> No.46995327

it's actually メイド核 because maid outfit girls drop the nuke on my cock

>> No.46995340

it's so tragic how lost queef is and how little he understands djt even after all these years

>> No.46995354


>> No.46995371

yeah hes mentally ill

>> No.46995388

he really is

>> No.46995421




>> No.46995469

kys mlen

>> No.46995476 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46995478

go outside holy shit

>> No.46995484

speaking of mlen lmao

>> No.46995491

never knew who mlen was even after asking about it and never will

>> No.46995502

best Japanese VPN?

>> No.46995506


>> No.46995507

I wanna listen to some radio for immersion and it's blocked

>> No.46995509
File: 729 KB, 1838x843, enoughofthis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me when anons tell me to read eroge

>> No.46995515


>> No.46995519

shut up

>> No.46995526

Nice music but looking for more conversational

>> No.46995529

i randomly found conversational just checking out the various stations (click on explore to see a list for each node/city)

>> No.46995533

Ah nice yeah found some

>> No.46995537

listening to radio talks and podcasts is peak npc

>> No.46995539

or actually you click on the tab above the "explore" and "favorites" buttons

>> No.46995542

listen to the radio show parts on oddtaxi

>> No.46995580

why yes i am learning japanese to listen to random drivel on the radio.

why heavens, no! i never listen to the radio in english. why do you ask?

>> No.46995584

i don't read or watch anything english so that explains why it's the same for me with japanese

>> No.46995585

It's just good background noise while I'm reading the grammer, I'm not at the level where I can understand anything
If I had anime/jdramas on the background it's too distracting

>> No.46995589


>> No.46995597
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>> No.46995631
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dang it. accidentally got addicted to video games again.
at least i must do anki
im so disappointed in myself

>> No.46995634

nigga just turn your monitor off and walk away haha

>> No.46995638

Is rakugo any good for background listening or do you need to know a fair amount?

>> No.46995646
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I kneel to dolly, this is the best example of the Transitive/Intransitive verbs

>> No.46995652

wish i could like video games again they're all shit

>> No.46995655


>> No.46995660

The AI art discussion is heating up again for some reason? Saito Naoki sensei even made a video about it a few days ago

>> No.46995665

>they never restored his channel
wtf happened there, he still didn't get back all the subscribers he had

>> No.46995678

>wtf happened there
>open public google drive acc
>so people can submit art works for critique
>people up cp
>google account is linked with yt acc
>wtf happened there
you tell me

>> No.46995684

maybe this(?

>> No.46995687

孕む/孕ます is way more intuitive actually

>> No.46995694

Yeah I think he sometimes does videos about the same topics of the deleted ones since there were valuable info there

>> No.46995696

I wonder why is there an african islamist terrorist organization called 僕孕む

>> No.46995708

I laughed out loud

>> No.46995735

i laughed in silence

>> No.46995734

I got hard af for no reson
its over for me

>> No.46995741

So they just delete the channel? Why? Just remove the disallowed content from the drive.

>> No.46995745
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>> No.46995752

>Just remove the disallowed content from the drive.
too late
massive report(trolls)

>> No.46995754

I was referring to google retard.

>> No.46995756


>> No.46995759

Use your words

>> No.46995765

close video

>> No.46995780

im doing the things people suggest. im reading shit i want to read, i can mine things pretty often. i understand some uses for basic grammar, but my reading speed and fundamentals are still fucking garbage and i can't understand why. going over grammar rules don't work because i understand them within the context of the examples, but when i read in the wild, i get rolled. i trip over seemingly the same things, but still dont understand. i hate my life

>> No.46995797







>> No.46995820

hey dont write yourself off yet. its only in your head you feel left out or looked down on. just try your best, try everything you can and dont you worry what they tell themselves when youre away

it just takes some time. youre in the middle of the ride. everything will be just fine, everything will be alright, alright?

you know theyre all the same, you know youre doin better on your own so dont buy in. just live right now, just be yourself.

it doesnt matter if its good enough good enough for someone else

>> No.46995835

The human brain is hard wired to learn language. It doesn't matter how retarded you are, with perseverance, anyone can make it.

>> No.46995841

Why is 来る and する so fucking special?

>> No.46995843

xcept for nuke

>> No.46995844

why is "did" the past tense of "do"? it should be "doed"

>> No.46995846

Ywah but how many hours have you put in

>> No.46995855
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>> No.46995857


>> No.46995899

In real sentences, every rule of grammar is being thrown at you at once. In an example sentence, they’re trying to ease you into the concept, but real people form sentences based on feeling and don’t really care if the listener’s following.
Now post sentences so I can laugh.

>> No.46995943
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>> No.46996000

stop posting these stupid bait questions that retard djters fall for

>> No.46996006

nobodys falling for anything threads fuckin dead

>> No.46996008
File: 898 KB, 1634x1223, 1686031069095941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fell for it i'm just still scrolling gimme a sec

>> No.46996050

why the FRICK is textractor/yomitan is filtering repeated characters even though I have that extension turned off?

>> No.46996101

so ive just noticed that sometimes japanese people write て form + まで for verbs, but other times they write plain verb + まで
what's the difference.

>> No.46996137

Just wanted to share my excitement: I read my first manga after 5 years of studying, 300k Anki repetitions and about knowing the core 6000 vocabulary! I’m between N2 and N3 right now.

Actually it was still very hard, but what helped me a lot is using chatGPT to unpack contracted forms and explain grammar usage. I understood so many patterns that didn’t make sense to me before, for example that ねェ stands for ない which boosted my reading ability in sentences after that.

>> No.46996148

セックスしてまで is like going so far as to have sex, セックスするまで is like 'until i/you/they have sex'

>> No.46996169

that's not even copied from reddit it's not real you made it up

>> No.46996208

so like

>> No.46996218

nah that'd be hodo

>> No.46996219

well now that you typed that I just remembered するほど has the same effect kinda so now I've lost confident in my answer

>> No.46996285

No real difference as far as I can tell. They both mean “until x”

>> No.46996372

the most racist, most white supremacist, most bigoted black-hating white person when they step away from their screen:

>> No.46996377

humans are so gross and weird i don't get you guys or what is attractive about this

>> No.46996397

don't care about what you typed but that gif 2D superiority ni ore wo saikakunin saseta

>> No.46996459

how the fuck do you pronounce りょ and りゅ
i can't do it

>> No.46996464 [DELETED] 

can you niggers stop posting porn for a second
there are goonfag threads on all the other boards just go there

>> No.46996468

it's easy when preceeded by a vowel
it's hard when preceded by a consonant


>> No.46996474

>it's easy when preceeded by a vowel

>> No.46996495

りょ is like the "rio" in Mario and りゅ is like Ryu from Street Fighter. Make sure to make your R sound like a D for extra authenticity.

>> No.46996496


>> No.46996502

why not? it would take 20 seconds for you to make and post it

>> No.46996507

you'll just have to take my word for it

>> No.46996509

>why not?
80 iq at least

>> No.46996516

lol i simply can't on this site
safe bet

>> No.46996535


>> No.46996539

that reminds me when had a japanese guy named りょ live with us and i had to learn how to pronounce it correctly

>> No.46996544

You sound like a twink give that ass a slap and the butthole a finger or three for me.

>> No.46996548


>> No.46996553


>> No.46996556

ew fags

>> No.46996562

i need more japanese

>> No.46996564

That was the single gayest thing I've ever heard in this thread. I mean, at least you're not ESL, but damn if you don't sound like the most effeminate man.
5 bucks says you lowercase.

>> No.46996579
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>> No.46996604
File: 2.63 MB, 720x1280, kosueri.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46996611


>> No.46996613

me to the left

>> No.46996615

me on the table

>> No.46996633

shes a jk stuck in a hag body

>> No.46996638

3000 yen a month just for some sucky online dance lessons? Literal scam.

>> No.46996644

if that's a hag to you you're gonna have a hard married life

>> No.46996645


>> No.46996673

Kill yourself

>> No.46996676


>> No.46996677

>married life
couldnt be me

>> No.46996685

I think you should be careful not to get yourself too worked up seeing as you're probabbly the type who actually is capable of suicide

>> No.46996687

This kills the Matt.


>> No.46996693

lol the thumbnail

>> No.46996707


>> No.46996711
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>> No.46996713
File: 322 KB, 1200x674, 1040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46996714


>> No.46996729

Just wanted to share my excitement: I read my first manga after 5 years of studying, 300k Anki repetitions and about knowing the core 6000 vocabulary! I’m between N4 and N3 right now.

Actually it was still very hard, but what helped me a lot is using chatGPT to unpack contracted forms and explain grammar usage. I understood so many patterns that didn’t make sense to me before, for example that ねェ stands for ない which boosted my reading ability in sentences after that.

>> No.46996732

>concentric plug
Nips are fucktarded.

>> No.46996740

You already wrote this earlier. >>46996137

>> No.46996749

Just had my first Japanese dream. I was speaking with a man (in the form of one of my teachers from high school around a decade ago) and he was speaking in what seem to me like fluent Japanese, and I was responding with short sentences. On his 10th question I zoned out and didn't know what he was asking me. He looked very disappointed, walked away and the dream ended. I've been studying Japanese for a bit, but I just recently started comprehensible input using videos from cijapanese and completed 10 hours a few days ago. I've gone to reading ci graded readers and grammar for the past 2 days, but is this a sign I should go back to videos?

>> No.46996756

Ah fuck I even tried to control f first but the linebreak broke it without me realizing.

>> No.46996780

I've been reading japanese for a while and people say japanese 1st, 2nd, 3rd person is difficult. What do they mean? They mean when the author drops pronouns right?

>> No.46996782

i often have dreams where i'm dating my own mother and wake up disgusted

>> No.46996788

They mean when switching between 1st 2nd and 3rd person while having dropped pronouns. It really doesn't matter as 99.9% of stories will be cleared up by the end of the page.

>> No.46996794

married life?

>> No.46996800

Also there are tons of clues in the grammar for example
途端に~v2 isn't used with an uncontrollable verb unless you are in the 3rd person
just skim through a grammar textbook and pick out all the mentions of x th person

>> No.46996826

You could have done it in .2 if you did ci

>> No.46996840


>> No.46996871

Yeah, basically. Not stating who’s talking about who adds complications. In KH2 Roxas asks Sora "教えてくれ、お前が選ばれたわけを," but this was mistakenly translated as “tell me why he picked you.” "He" should’ve been "it," but the translator misunderstood the context.

>> No.46996918

my idea of learning japanese is afk farming in workers and resources: soviet union while doing 5 anki flash cards per hour while having the entire cure dolly playlist in the background while watching japanese porn to get an erection to stretch my foreskin to restore it

>> No.46996961


>> No.46997038
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>> No.46997044

*sigh* ur right
it's better than nothing tho

>> No.46997375




>> No.46997538


>> No.46997629
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>> No.46997639



>> No.46997681

why are you still in this old thread??

>> No.46997800

Why are you still in this old world?

>> No.46997831

gonna be interesting to see what djt looks like after gambs gets arrested

>> No.46997854

gambs getting arrested is up there with my foot up your ass

>> No.46997873

wtf its real

>> No.46997883

*shuffles in w. clothes torn and skin half eaten off w. some bones exposed*

rise and *coughs out a piranha* shine squiddos


>> No.46997886

what did gambs do this time :skull:

>> No.46997890

would put foot up your ass but im afraid of getting bitten

>> No.46997905

im basically like sak from f8 but instead of bugs i got hella fish

>> No.46997919

his japanese was criminally good

>> No.46997938
File: 1.88 MB, 1920x1080, YOUは何しに日本へ?★日本のオムライスはクレイジー&10代女子ドキドキ初来日_20240603-192310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you love Japan? :3

>> No.46997956

custody battle went that bad huh?

>> No.46997964

anime could never produce something of the magnitude of the secret of nimh

>> No.46997969

*flex`s* *give`s v sign w. tooth sparkle*


>> No.46997978

Is there anywhere besides kitsunekko that has jp subtitle files for anime? It's making me mad honestly, why do people on kitsunekko just upload three episodes out of 12? Dissapointing

>> No.46997989

maybe not topical but movie was the better song

>> No.46997990

beggars cant be choosers lil 78 :skull:

>> No.46997994

quick rundown on akira arrest?

>> No.46998003

i just saw the paper cant believe gabs did that

>> No.46998019

always thought there was something wrong with him

>> No.46998023

thats more of an intro song i was going more for an end vibe

>> No.46998056

ey imma let you cook

>> No.46998094

hes a whistleblower on the run. currently locked in russian embussy in seoul digging a tunnel to north korea

>> No.46998099
File: 55 KB, 545x695, 1696623255164466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mined: 自己鍛錬

>> No.46998109

cant believe he was actually eating raw dogs in korea

>> No.46998113

big if true

>> No.46998127
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>> No.46998135


>> No.46998147

ummm thats just a regular japanese hentai man

>> No.46998166


>> No.46998176


>> No.46998190


>> No.46998196

dang get fucked lol

>> No.46998222

remember kids if u are white these bugman countries do not care about u or ur "rights" u r used to in the land of the free home of the brave etc and their institutions and legal system and all other systems will do nothing to help u ever

>> No.46998241

they cant arrest gambs his dad is a judge back in the us of a

>> No.46998310
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>> No.46998393

>SEOUL, South Korea - An American man in his 30s who was a postdoctoral researcher at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) has been accused of having sex with a number of women, including minors, and distributing their photos online without their consent.... The indictment alleges that he sexually harassed Korean women on social media, including comments such as “I am a magnet for Asian women,” “Korean women fetishize me,” and “I will not treat you gently because you are Korean. In addition, he reportedly wrote, “I sexually assaulted an 18-year-old minor

>> No.46998459

>18 year old mjnor

>> No.46998486

americans will scoff and laugh at other countries considering 18 year olds minors while hiding pitchforks for when a 19 year old dates a 17 year old kekW so glad i live somewhere where i can fuck 14 year olds

>> No.46998641
File: 48 KB, 1079x720, FB_IMG_1717420554418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“I am a magnet for Asian women,”
>“Korean women fetishize me"

>> No.46998652

are there any single moms in japan? i wanna be a white stepdad

>> No.46998655
File: 36 KB, 698x226, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope they make the statue hold the kanken paper

>> No.46998670

yes but they dont have money

>> No.46998673

he could singlehandedly destroy neotokyo if not contained

>> No.46998682

how often do you make up arguments in your head to win

>> No.46998753

>make up arguments in your head
as opposed to make up arguments outside of your head? L

>> No.46998807
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>> No.46998825

lets gooooo

>> No.46998829

love how much autism lil gambino has

>> No.46998840
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>> No.46998866
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>> No.46998869

wowza are those real??

>> No.46998877

real inconvenient

>> No.46998898

imagine losing consciousness gasping for what little air you can find while wedged between those giant milkers

>> No.46998918
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>> No.46998942

nerd emoji lookin ahh nibba

>> No.46998973
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>> No.46998984

any other resolutionCHADS still going strong? wgmi bros

>> No.46998988

my resolution is to shove this foot up your ass

>> No.46998991 [DELETED] 


trannies are high IQ so they're disproportionately influential in e.g. tech

>> No.46999005

tf is up with his eyes

>> No.46999032
File: 1 KB, 113x47, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after thousands of hours in excel i've finally identified the 2 most must play vinnies

>> No.46999045

rip 991 he definitely wasnt obsessed


>> No.46999046

steins gay
fate stay away

>> No.46999061

fate: seethe/cope

>> No.46999067


>> No.46999073
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>> No.46999091

Fate/steal nigger

>> No.46999095

*nods sagely*

>> No.46999100

first half of this list is good but you couldve just sorted by rating on vndb

>> No.46999103

idk just think it's an interesting fact about the world

>> No.46999181

hes still not done >>46992219

>> No.46999217


>> No.46999251

bro really thought he won bumping that other thread huh

>> No.46999315

>*nods sagely*

I knew it.

>> No.46999326


>> No.46999335

damn poor gambs wonder what will happen to him in south korean prison

>> No.46999356

raped to help their population problem probably

>> No.46999359

the rawdogger becomes the rawdogged

>> No.46999364


>> No.46999366
File: 6 KB, 281x147, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first half of this list is good but you couldve just sorted by rating on vndb
no because fsn is mid according to vndb, and it's not even the most voted. so my algorithm is better

second part of the list

>> No.46999371

you just shuffled the most popular vinnies

>> No.46999379

yeah, shuffled in must play order. ddlc is very far below for example

>> No.46999382

what prison hes taking down the south korean government and getting a film made about it

>> No.46999391

oh my god, is gambs the chibi of the japanese language learning community?!

>> No.46999405


>> No.46999425

rawdogger becomes the rawdoggee

>> No.46999445

the absolute state of eastern universities

>> No.46999452

seems more like hes gonna whine and complain and get run in circles by a system that doesnt care about him and then hell eventually give up and understand a little bit more about the world outside of his academia bubble

>> No.46999454

dame just noticed his tweet has 1.6m views

>> No.46999470

Is this general autosaged?

>> No.46999475

nah hes a white man with an oxford degree theyre not gonna do jack shit to him

>> No.46999494

sage this: unzips ligma

>> No.46999495

what does jacks bowel movements have to do with his degree?

>> No.46999502

theyre not gonna do jack shit for* him

todays thread is brought to you by the expression of the day


>> No.46999509

from oxford phd to prison inmate in under 4 years
quite the career i am impressed

>> No.46999517

let me cook

>> No.46999523

3 years even boy's on a speedrun

>> No.46999525

doxxing gambs was one thing but anacrom has gone too far this time

>> No.46999529

oxford has an admission rate of 17.5% idk why people think its a selective school or comparable to places like harvard mit stanford brown sitting at 3-5% even the 60th most selective school in america is harder to get into

>> No.46999536
File: 40 KB, 1118x195, 1692090754936707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46999538

cant believe anaronc is a korean professor

>> No.46999539

and still you wouldn't get in

>> No.46999543

he went to berkeley for undergrad tho

>> No.46999554

11% still quite high

>> No.46999556

if u know anything about gabs` personal life u should kys tho fr

>> No.46999561

thanks for the heads-up
rarely log in these days so i appreciate it
would've missed it otherwise

>> No.46999566

there are still people who deny that white guys slay pussy in east asia

>> No.46999572


>> No.46999575

Most normal reply in ohio be like

>> No.46999577

it has a 5% admission rate

>> No.46999579

gambs, he's making... big waves these days *badumm tss*

>> No.46999582
File: 1.37 MB, 900x600, 1685995418031680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46999584

its in his cv bro

>> No.46999588

if uve ever looked at gabs` cv u need to kys NOW

>> No.46999597


>> No.46999599

nah that makes perfect sense actually

>> No.46999602

do you think they'll let him keep his framed kanken 2 cert next to my posts in the cell? i hope they do

>> No.46999611

yeah it's interesting but brown's become the third most selective ivy it's more selective than yale princeton (6%) and pennsylvania (7%)

>> No.46999614

cant believe jamel is encouraging suicide

>> No.46999619

>muh sekrit club

>> No.46999625

japan might void it just to distance themselves from him

>> No.46999628

bump test

>> No.46999640

japan lost

>> No.46999643

he's a modern philosopher
putting him in prison will only make him stronger, like adolf

>> No.46999645

when you guys say ivy schools are selective you mean the ones who are letting in a bunch of unqualified brown people right

>> No.46999655

he made a claim and didnt add any citation to prove it not very befitting of a academia turbo bubblenerd tbqhfamalam

>> No.46999661

i hope that reading my condescending posts every time he looks up at the wall from the prison cell floor will give him the strength that he needs in these trying times

>> No.46999663

bro its past the bump limit

>> No.46999672

show you a bump limit *unzips*

>> No.46999678

jokes aside i think we can all agree that gambs has the most impressive cv out of all djt posters with an identity

>> No.46999679
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>> No.46999682

that's because he's at the top of the hierarchy of knowledge. gambs doesn't cite others, they cite him

>> No.46999690

he cited me in one of his tweets though

>> No.46999692

if thats the case why is he getting owned by koreans

>> No.46999693 [SPOILER] 

highlight of your life

>> No.46999694
File: 273 KB, 1080x1080, GPGQPS6XsAAXTwm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dame this thread is still on page 4 why is there a new one?

>> No.46999699

gambs = djtlolcow
simple like that

>> No.46999700


>> No.46999701

it's still harder to get into the ivies as a person of color than it is for a white man to get into oxford or cambridge. average iqs at harvard are 129 for blacks 131 for hispanics 140 for whites and 145 for asians with +/- 3-5 points at other ivies

>> No.46999718

malicious newfags

>> No.46999721

true true

>> No.46999723

because koreans don't respect knowledge. gambs is like a modern day galileo or socrates

>> No.46999724


>> No.46999726

damn chimp of color can get in with a significantly lower IQ wtf

>> No.46999730


>> No.46999737

yea i'm gonna have to consult claude, gemini, llama, and gpt4o to generate me a CV from nothing.

>> No.46999739

>In 399 BC, he was accused of impiety and corrupting the youth.
yeah that tracks

>> No.46999748

black average is still higher than oxbridge whites because of the high admission rate

>> No.46999750

his non-consensual body count is indeed most impressive it seems

in honor my boy... the eotd

>> No.46999751

diversity recruits will be a plague to the economy over the next 3-5 years and companies will start firing all of the inept diversity hires with their pity diversity degrees from schools they had no business being at just starting at their base genetics

>> No.46999758


>> No.46999763

what are you talking about? 129 is borderline gifted and the selection for conscientiousness and industriousness is even higher than iq at these schools

>> No.46999768

weird seeing dropouts like jamal talk about college

>> No.46999770

true july is for swimsuits and uohing

>> No.46999775

they will layoff everyone no matter what and outsource to india and chatgpt

>> No.46999782

wth i thought japan was safe

>> No.46999790 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.71 MB, 1010x1200, 1680753040184652.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46999793

he also has the longest known rap sheet out of the lot
truly impressive guy

>> No.46999800

a high iq baboon is still a baboon not fit for a professional human setting
i never dropped out?? all the schooling i did was completed

might wanna check ur dossier again

>> No.46999802
File: 3.62 MB, 1280x720, 1707872652778799.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and uohing
no, that would be every month

>> No.46999803

soprano reference

>> No.46999814

alright the bait worked to get the racists to reveal themselves. the actual iqs at harvard are 133 for blacks and 135 for hispanics lol get fucked

>> No.46999815
File: 29 KB, 330x630, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jamal rn

>> No.46999818

i can't help it. when i was 10 i had a crush on girls in my class. that feeling never went away. just like how i still enjoy anime and video games from that time, my love for things only grows as i discover more.

>> No.46999821

there's probably other factors that make the whites better students. similar to how jews are better than whites and are overrepresented in institutions even after controlling for IQ.

>> No.46999828 [SPOILER] 

no it isn't

>> No.46999837
File: 10 KB, 321x215, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new vn ranking algorithm just dropped

>> No.46999838

wait also, how are you determining black and hispanic IQ at these institutions? you're not going purely off admission rates are you? that would be completely retarded.

>> No.46999842

all joking aside, i saw a tv report literally yesteraday (i know who even watches tv anymore) about how in cambodia they lure in people from thailand with attractive tech job offerings and when they get there, they're basically kidnapped and sold into slavery into prison style facilities were they force them to commit internet fraud to extort money and shit

this gambs situation doesn't seem that dissimilar to be. certainly surprising tough i will say, reading about it happening in what one would presume to be a much higher stratum of the labor market

>> No.46999844
File: 1.37 MB, 1042x1587, 1717427048407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blowjob and gura are better at jap than me

>> No.46999845

>posts hag

>> No.46999851

men select for small/short women more than women select for big/tall guys.

it's true. crazy really.

>> No.46999854

the old sat has a higher g loading than the weschler which is the most widely used clinical iq test in the world. old sat scores of 1290 and 1310 correspond to 133 and 135 iq

>> No.46999855
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>> No.46999859

my foot selects for your ass

>> No.46999863

yah if ur fun is looking at ppls cvs and posting about their life on 4chan u need to both stop having fun as well as breathing which u are now doing manually btw

>> No.46999867

both people involved with this image are sad af

>> No.46999869

曲 of the day

>> No.46999872
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>> No.46999874

not applicable if u grind for the test like the npcs that want to go to meme universities

>> No.46999875


>> No.46999880

you should stop posting the tranny comic and get back to wasabi or w/e

>> No.46999885

these are trash

>> No.46999888

nta but i stopped posting wasavi because the current thread doesnt deserve her

>> No.46999892


>> No.46999899


>> No.46999900

arifullretard lol

>> No.46999903

name 1 new skill you learned in the last month. not joking. for me it was balancing pool chemicals

>> No.46999904

i've deleted lots of bookmarks from my temp, math, and coding folders. now you can view everything in each folder without scrolling. but i need to delete even more.

>> No.46999909

gambs is the drake of djt

>> No.46999915

the old sat (not new) is not grindable
an iq test's validity is determined by it's g loading. the old sat also has a higher g loading than the army general classification test which is an extremely solid iq test that was widely used by the US government
even mensa accepts old sat scores and there is extensive psychometric literature on the sat

>> No.46999916


>> No.46999917

in the end, it was all temp.
just like ur life *right click deletes u*

>> No.46999919

nice trips

>> No.46999922

people who "code" are never gonna make anything but slave monkey jobs

>> No.46999931

admin hes doing it sideways

>> No.46999935

>the old sat (not new) is not grindable
you can't be serious right now... it absolutely is. and the npcs grind it. normal people don't grind it which is why it normally corelates with iq cuz high iq people naturally do well at everything

>> No.46999936

i learned ur this months new skill like 20 years ago

as for what new thing ive learned to do i dont think its appropriate to share here but ive definitely done some things

>> No.46999938

if a slave monkey job earns you six figures and you can work from home so you can be there with your family then who cares. treat it as a trade and your tool is the keyboard.

>> No.46999945

Sadly, you're right. I don't understand why DJT threads are such a magnet for spiteful losers.

>> No.46999946

学校であった怖い話 is nice
not too complicated, engaging
i'm reading it via vtumor

>> No.46999951

you can reasonably estimate the effect of practice/grind on the SAT. you can also control for the fact that the SAT is more likely to be taken by smarter students. one of the random IQ guys i follow have done that. don't think it was sebjenseb.

>> No.46999953

what was it, finally figured out how to find cp on the dark web? you're fucking disgusting

>> No.46999956
File: 703 KB, 1040x611, 1717427806190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks you*

>> No.46999964

at school scary story?

>> No.46999972

don't like how people try to put down jamal.

>> No.46999973

it's also funny. these "top" universities are only considered as such for their research. they're shit as a place for undergrads to learn since the teachers don't care about students and just want to do the aforementioned research

>> No.46999976


>> No.46999977


>> No.46999980
File: 573 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a super famicon visual novel collection of short stories

>> No.46999984

no and thats a shtity thing to say

also the thing is difficult to describe because its part coding part business part people skills so the best way to describe it is another way is its a way to generate income without having to do much once the system is running other than making transactions

>> No.46999991

ongezellig is unironically what convinced me to try learning japanese because of mymy's heritage
mameson is cool too

>> No.47000003
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>> No.47000004


>> No.47000007
File: 237 KB, 972x1924, 1717428026284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch jp vid about man living healthy life
>tons of health advice
>pulls out cig during interview

>> No.47000011


>> No.47000032

you only just figured out in the last month how to run a pyramid scheme? well fair enough, thanks for telling me *backflips into the pool while flipping the bird at you*

>> No.47000033

>ご ごう…かく おめでとう ごさ・い・まし・た

>> No.47000037

grindable tests have low g loadings. i am talking about the sat before 1996. there is decades worth of literature on it and the unequivocal rock solid conclusion is it is literally just as good or better of an iq test than the ones most people take at a psychologist's place or the US army's iq test. not sure what's so hard to understand

did you take the sat back in the day, scored low and coped about it by telling yourself this? that would be interesting. i don't know of anyone besides jamal and anacreon in the thread who could've been ~16 years old before the 2000s...

>> No.47000038

thought you made more than enough money from stocks

>> No.47000045

lmfao i can still hear it in my head
anyone got the vid

>> No.47000061


That's a lie.

>> No.47000076

>you can't grind math
i will just let your stupidity stand on its own here, it's more convincing than any argument i could make

>> No.47000088

nah its a one man operation direct to client so nothing like that

also careful u have to test the pool water first before u backflip into it or u could get an ear infection !

its wiser to invest and do nothing except at rare exceptional times so always gotta be looking elsewhere

>> No.47000094

eat some goddamn vegetables lardo

>> No.47000095
File: 873 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Lv2 kara Cheat datta Motoyuusha Kouho no Mattari Isekai Life - 09 (1080p) [1B41619A]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47000098

Don't even know who the people in the image are, just saw it and had to laugh

>> No.47000100

yes but i dont have a self hosted solution to upload it

>> No.47000105

all he cares about is money, that's why he has so much. he's literally scrooge but somehow more lonely

>> No.47000109

post score

>> No.47000117

you are 115 iq anacreon. your 115 iq opinion and 115 iq objections to things you are utterly clueless about are worthless. let's have that stand

>> No.47000118

it's not funny with context i imagine it's even less so without it

>> No.47000122

I used to score reasonably high on tests in school, but at this point I've forgotten how to do even basic geometry. I'm pretty sure if I took the old SAT now I would perform worse than when I was in school, but if I learned precalc again I'd do significantly better. You're saying that's not the case?

>> No.47000124

just use catbox

>> No.47000127

it's not funny because there's nothing funny about me

>> No.47000138

turn off ur monitor

>> No.47000139

uhh quiz said you shouldn't use trashbox

>> No.47000143

i wouldn't dare argue against matt, he has a high verbal iq

>> No.47000150

No it's pretty funny

>> No.47000163

talking bout funny

>> No.47000165


>> No.47000168

The way the bubble makes Claire look nopan is great.

>> No.47000174

Quand l'ennemi fait un faux mouvement , il faut se garder de l'interrompre

>> No.47000178

Are you the guy in that image lol that's funny

>> No.47000181


>> No.47000194

i care about other things but they asked what new skill i learned in the last month and getting that stuff going was it

>> No.47000199

i already deboonked it. the only funny thing is the iq of the dude who made it

>> No.47000229
File: 24 KB, 316x529, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DEFINITIVE list of must play vinnies (for eops, might cook up another list based on esg data)

>> No.47000233

i scored 117 on my first matrix test but now i usually score like 123

>> No.47000234

That's fine regardless

>> No.47000235

>i care about other things
last skill you learned that isn't related to money in some way?

>> No.47000240

no that's not what i'm saying. the test was taken by 15-16 year olds and had a very high g loading; that means for pre college students who took it back then under the testing circumstances everyone was subjected to (officially proctored at the official time with your future riding on it) you could reliably and exactly read off their iq from their sat score.

the question is whether the iq estimates for ivies based off published old sat score averages for their admitted classes are valid and the answer is a resounding yes. whether the score would be equally valid for a 30 year old coping loser taking it in his basement to try to disprove what has been corroborated 40 million times across 6 decades i don't know

>> No.47000253

no that's impossible because you can't grind iq tests

>> No.47000257
File: 937 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Lv2 kara Cheat datta Motoyuusha Kouho no Mattari Isekai Life - 09 (1080p) [1B41619A]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47000266


>> No.47000279

no it's wrong because matrix reasoning tests have low g loadings - among the lowest out of all subtests in an iq test. for example the online mensa tests only have g loadings of about .6

>> No.47000281

I see. So you mean that most people shared similar enough environments, like sitting in classrooms teaching math or whatever, so for their specific group the SAT is a really good measure of intelligence, while losing a small bit of accuracy if you're an old dude who has been separated from that environment for decades.

>> No.47000287


>> No.47000289

take a load of this g

>> No.47000301

i built a subwoofer speaker box but that just uses skills i already have and just improves them along the way.... same with installing the car stereo stuff

also fixed some stuff on my vehicle ive never done before using improvised makeshift fixes because manufacturer simply does not sell the part

i had some good sessions making grooves with a looper pedal and playing guitar

like none of it is new skills just stuff that improves what ive done along the way i guess ? i figure thats how life is for most ppl by the time they get to my age

>> No.47000304

vocabulary tests have the highest g loading. if i grinded vocab with an anki deck i wouldn't improve my score on vocab tests by 5 points or more?

>> No.47000338

>i figure thats how life is for most ppl by the time they get to my age
huh, i guess you're just average then.
you're not getting any younger, maybe you'll change your mind some time between now and when it's too late. do you even see happiness ever happening in your future? maybe that's a skill you could develop

>> No.47000343


>> No.47000345

iq scores are always relative to your age group
no because what iq attempts to measure (g) is fixed. your verbal score would inflate by a small margin or not move at all depending on the test; for example analogical reasoning and verbal critical syllogistic comprehension wouldn't improve at all. consider the beaver question

in any case all your other scores will stay the same. a good iq test is so comprehensive that even a massive jump in vocabulary alone will translate to an at most 2-3 point FSIQ boost

>> No.47000356

anki doesn't work.
reading doesn't work.
language is impossible to improve in

>> No.47000362

edit of him behind bars when?

>> No.47000369
File: 61 KB, 612x612, for you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47000371

>iq scores are always relative to your age group
it's almost like the more stuff you learn the smarter you are. crazy.

>> No.47000381
File: 300 KB, 1680x2212, GPGovNCWMAAuvJC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why you learn Japanese?

>> No.47000400

why are you so hellbent on making an utter fool of yourself over and over anacreon? second language ability will gradually approach your native language ability with grinding. spending 10k hours grinding your native language might result in a 3-5 point improvement on the verbal component. and that will shrink to +1 point in a comprehensive iq test

iq is predicated on the correlates between cognitive abilities across domains. if improvement on one specific sub task results in no transfer in ability to other domains or even other tasks in the same domain then fundamentally there is no iq improvement. it's mind boggling that such a simple thing eludes you. evidently no amount of anki grinding or immersion can raise your comprehension or verbal reasoning

>> No.47000402
File: 132 KB, 850x1242, sample-31fa91b5fd7c0612c99026622998ff08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those massive tumors are physically revolting

>> No.47000407

dame i wanna dig right in

>> No.47000427
File: 220 KB, 1000x900, 1708752452020873.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore name fag drama post cute girls

>> No.47000430

are you gaslighting? only he spells it like that.
>second language ability will gradually approach your native language ability with grinding
good you're almost there, i will leave the rest as an exercise to the reader

>> No.47000445
File: 970 KB, 3279x4096, GPGanqAWQAA9_-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's drama going on?

>> No.47000454

Gambs got arrested for trafficking 18yo minors

>> No.47000464

>18yo minors

>> No.47000468


>> No.47000493

Eiko Masuyama

>> No.47000511

nobody said assessing second language ability level not controlling for time is highly g loaded or representative of iq. nobody said improvement in language ability alone means iq has improved

i know you're stupid but i didn't think it'd be this bad: iq tests aren't really interested in your performance on a specific thing. they don't care. it's all about *sampling* across domains to pick up on the underlying feature *generating* the correlations. that's psychometric g. an absurdly high level of ability on one task alone wouldn't mean much for that reason. attempts at grinding 20k hours across one or even two domains would easily be uncovered in a statistical analysis of your iq profile. but i doubt anyone would be interested in your stupidity because there's plenty more where you come from

>> No.47000517
File: 222 KB, 884x765, User_1_-_Anki-3678-03-June-2024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, I think this deck is based

>> No.47000524


>> No.47000526

isnt happiness a thing that everyone chases lol

anyway happiness comes in short bursts for most ppl i think and thats the same for me

i think the human condition dictates that we always have to make a new problem to solve or create something else off in the distance to head towards or w/e

>> No.47000533

hOly SIht

>> No.47000535
File: 38 KB, 317x317, 13634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47000538

you could probably grind for like 50 hours in each domain and get a 5+ higher score on your iq

>> No.47000542

it's the Japanese Core 10k deck.
There's a couple of other kinky pics, one with feet.

>> No.47000545

okay you got me. yeah maybe you could get to 90

>> No.47000551

the fact that you can increase your iq score is very obvious and doesn't invalidate the concept so idk why you're so defensive over it

>> No.47000554


>> No.47000555

can it comfortably be added on top of core 2.3k?

>> No.47000561

ok now read our conversation and notice i never mentioned iq, ur tilting at windmills

if a test can't tell the difference between someone that doomscrolls twitter for 10 years and someone that spends 10 years learning car mechanics, piano, coding, business and people skills, philosophy, and a whole second language then it's a shit test in the first place

>> No.47000569

the most important question tho is whats for lunch

>> No.47000575
File: 177 KB, 1050x1485, 1669573367608225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already did the Core 2k/6k optimized, I'm basically trying to solidify my experience, kinda redundant, but it's working pretty well

>> No.47000576

What do you mean, you can spend 33% of 50 hours to acquire the core 10k then immersion will be a waste of time after

>> No.47000577

burgers in the air fryer again

>> No.47000598

works for me *takes a bite out of ur burger*

>> No.47000602

idk why you're so autistic and taking a joke seriously
but yeah 5 points is usually within the 90/95% confidence interval reported by the psychologist for 80-120 iqs. for people like me and jamal it shrinks to +2 -4 (you're above 120 unlike anal clown so i'm sure you can guess why it's not a centered interval)

>> No.47000605

how big are your mantits

>> No.47000612

i'm not about 120 i'm 91

>> No.47000614

Not him but isn't that kind of uneccesarily dismissive? I don't see how it would be a shit test, it could be an interesting realization if anything that you can be highly intelligent yet still effectively a retard anyway cause you lack the qualities of someone who actually does stuff

>> No.47000616

90 is a based IQ I wish that was me.

>> No.47000617

they're a handful. but i've lost a ton of weight on diets where i eat a burger every day.

>> No.47000626

how do you even get fat? every time I get to like 170lbs (6ft, near skellington at my usual 150) it makes me want to kill myself and I just lose it.

>> No.47000631

measure the diameter of your wrist.
maybe if you work out a ton and quadruple your strength and become way healthier it will increase slightly, but it's essentially static. sorry wristlet

>> No.47000633

ask queef

>> No.47000636

yeah ok you're incredibly stupid all i did was waste my time on someone 2+ sd below me. i'm done with this topic
the bottom line is >>46999645 is racist and dripping with jealousy and envy. the selection is still very intense for blacks at elite schools >>46999814

>> No.47000641

>maybe if you work out a ton and quadruple your strength and become way healthier

>> No.47000642

most people get fat after marraige becuase now someone else has a say in what they are supposed to eat

>> No.47000647

>very intense

>> No.47000656

>all i did was waste my time
ur epitaph

>> No.47000657

dame will you look at the time? it's half past stfu already

>> No.47000664

drink 4 liters of sugary soda per day instead of water

>> No.47000666

that's 1 in 72 people (british whites, greenwich standard). where are you at again? stop being a jealous loser and taking potshots at people who are not only smarter but also incredibly hard working

>> No.47000689

Are you trying to make my argument for me? Exactly lol for blacks it's 1 in 72 and you said yourself 140 for whites and 145 for Asians. Just evaluate what you already know, don't hurt yourself

>> No.47000691

food addiction. it doesn't matter that i'm ashamed by how i look and how badly it's going to impact my life. i have a strong compulsion to eat tasty stuff.

>> No.47000695

>is racist and dripping with jealousy and envy
hold on i resent that. i'm not jealous. but i am skeptical of their scores. i also don't know why you call them hard working or why you're running defense for their being at elite schools when they don't deserve to be (10-15 lower iq than whites and asians respectively)

>> No.47000700

Inactive lifestyle leads to eating when bored for stimulation rather than eating to sustain oneself.

>> No.47000701
File: 311 KB, 1024x1015, 1717429960537044m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's change topic

>> No.47000702

crazy how people just get fuckin obese lol

>> No.47000706

pedo and a fatty, damn...

>> No.47000712

all the one's i have met are thin, usually pretty fem too if not a legit femboy

>> No.47000719
File: 3.86 MB, 2069x2643, 1717433285724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blink twice if you are currently a sensei being held hostage

>> No.47000724

you're a moron. race differentials are irrelevant because 133 is highly qualified. the absurdity of relative standards should be obvious since it leads to a runaway reductive argument as someone is always lower iq
it's the truth. deal with it
you don't get to cherry pick and appeal to stats when justifying your racism but turn away when they challenge your cherished beliefs

>> No.47000729

>it's the truth. deal with it
idk i'm skeptical
>cherished beliefs
which of my cherished beliefs is being challenged

>> No.47000746

>Rushton & Jensen (2005) wrote that, in the United States, self-identified blacks and whites have been the subjects of the greatest number of studies. They stated that the black-white IQ difference is about 15 to 18 points or 1 to 1.1 standard deviations (SDs), which implies that between 11 and 16 percent of the black population have an IQ above 100 (the general population median). According to Arthur Jensen and J. Philippe Rushton the black-white IQ difference is largest on those components of IQ tests that are claimed best to represent the general intelligence factor g.[47]

>> No.47000752

>between 11 and 16 percent of the black population have an IQ above 100
that's racist

>> No.47000755

there is nothing to be skeptical about. an extremely reliable iq test, more valid than the most widely used clinical iq test administered by psychologists across the world as well as the US army's iq test, with enormous supporting data spanning half a century and 30-40 million test takers undeniably shows blacks at harvard in the 90s averaged 133 iq
very easy to btfo you: jensen himself concluded the sat is an iq test

>> No.47000757

cant believe they are accusing God of being racist now

>> No.47000783

wonder how much gambs really knew about the post-ww2 political history of south korea and that society as a whole before going in

>> No.47000786

that doesn't btfo anything in the quoted text

>> No.47000788

probably a lot hes read like 40 vinnies

>> No.47000796

as long as you're not arguing that we should use some kind of system to discriminate against the smartest whites and asians, and let relatively dumber-but-still-smarter-than-the-average-person black people into these universities in place of those smarter whites and asians (which is happening right now), then i can accept that. it still doesn't feel right though because black people in universities seem so stupid.

>> No.47000802

worth noting harvard's admission rate in 1995 was 11.8%. it's 3% now
140+ iqs are very common at the ivies. it's not unusual at all to have averages hovering at 145 iq in advanced math and physics classes and yes you could find some blacks there doing reasonably well

>> No.47000814

if anyone's interested. remember it not the best documentary by any means though. saw it years ago

>> No.47000824

The anti racist strategy is to just agree with you and say "but it doesn't even matter" apparently

>> No.47000826

>>46994497 (Cross-thread)
>>46994497 (Cross-thread)
New thread

>> No.47000831

>kotobank no longer works if you have an adblocker


>> No.47000840

>because 133 is highly qualified.
the fuck? these are elite universities we're talking about here, and a large differential between blacks and whites/asians means they're discriminating against competence. 133 is "highly" qualified? nah 102 is. let in all the brown hordes.

>> No.47000849

isn't that the whole premise of him favoring a certain "tribe"

>> No.47000854

it's racism to advocate for the exclusion of an objectively qualified individual on the basis of some irrelevant general group difference yes
>a large differential between blacks and whites/asians means they're discriminating against competence
equal competence
no because iq does not equal competence. the elite universities select for excellence they're not high iq societies

>> No.47000855

Works on my machine.
Why are there no english dictionaries of japanese words? Everything is just a glossary. All someone would have to do is feed a dictionary through gpt4 and you would get something more useful than jmdict et all.
Not that dictionaries are particularly useful for language learning, comprehensible input from videos is 100x more productive.

>> No.47000866

>no because iq does not equal competence
the problem is that black/brown people lag behind whites/asians in other important traits like conscientiousness, so the discrimination against whites/asians has to be even more intense to let in as many black people as they do. the "competence" difference is much larger than the iq difference. are you a brown guy who is coping about his race or something? this would be like if i complained about jewish representation at universities because there's a higher raw number of 140+ IQ whites than jews. but that would be dishonest of me.

>> No.47000874

>it's racism to advocate for the exclusion of an objectively qualified individual on the basis of some irrelevant general group difference yes
that's what they're doing.
they say no to qualified asians just cuz they are asian

>> No.47000889


>> No.47000895


>> No.47000902

god made the dookie ppl its up to them whether or not they get flushed

>> No.47000914
File: 1012 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Dainanaoji - 10 (1080p) [EFBE64D8]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47000917

>it's racism to advocate for the exclusion of an objectively qualified individual on the basis of some irrelevant general group difference yes
Yeah that's why people resent the standard being lowered for browns who take spots that would have gone to better people just cause they're brown. I suspect you already understand this and are just a slithery snake though

>> No.47000926

>the problem is that black/brown people lag behind whites/asians in other important traits like conscientiousness
again those are general group characteristics and simply do not matter. the admissions committees are tasked with holistically assessing individual applications and you really aren't in any position to guess at the competence difference
>this would be like if i complained about jewish representation at universities because there's a higher raw number of 140+ IQ whites than jews
yes that's exactly what you are doing. jewish people are made to feel unwelcome by your kind and have their achievements which are often powered by their hard work downplayed through iq or (euphemistically) natural talent attribution
the whole problem with low iq racists like you is that you don't understand general group differences are literally irrelevant on an individual level. you don't need predictors when you have data for the real variables of interest
and got harvard got sued for that didn't they?

>> No.47000928

he's going the opposite way and arguing there's some secret competence factor in which blacks and hispanics exceed whites and asians despite having lower IQ by a standard deviation. kinda confused that africa and latin america are such shitholes.

>> No.47000933

if you don't feel like watching it, i can also just quickly summarize it for you:
south korea is a shithole

>> No.47000951

>the admissions committees are tasked with holistically assessing individual applications
and these "holistic individual assessments" are valid and translate to more financial success, more patents/innovation...anything? got any research indicating that?
>jewish people are made to feel unwelcome by your kind
i think racists are usually antisemites so that's true but idk what that has to do with anything? jews have other advantages over gentiles besides just IQ.
>the whole problem with low iq racists like you is that you don't understand general group differences are literally irrelevant on an individual level
dude what are you talking about. you keep attributing beliefs to me that i don't have.

>> No.47000952

>and got harvard got sued for that didn't they?
yes thanks to trump stacking the supreme court

>> No.47000965

>and translate to more financial success, more patents/innovation...anything? got any research indicating that?
to be clear, i'm asking for evidence they predict these things ABOVE and beyond IQ. so a 130 IQ black at harvard is contributing equally to science, etc. as a 140 IQ white. i can't wait to see your data on this because it will revolutionize the affirmative action debate.


>> No.47000969


>> No.47000974

this suddenly made me want to watch my first anime since jjk season 2 ended. but it'd be frieren i watch.

>> No.47000978

If anything it's impossible for an honest person to entertain that idea and not feel compelled to consider that they're probably also worse in that unmeasurable area just like iq

>> No.47000997

yea that should be the prior. it's so weird to me that a guy argues about iq and then justifies racist discrimination against the most competent people. you figure he'd want more 150 iq people in elite universities rather than lowering the threshold so that whites and asians have 140 iq and less talented groups have 130 iq. why is 130 "good enough"? never justifies it.

>> No.47001007

no the people who resent this thing they don't understand are typically woefully unqualified low iq sour grapes racists who would've never gotten in either way. i never said blindly selecting for excellence is the *only* mission of a university and there is great value to providing slightly less qualified candidates who've not had great opportunities in life a ticket to success, it results in upliftment and benefits that percolate down to the community level
no i'm saying that irrelevant general group differences at country levels do not support your quite literally ignorant attack on admission decisions. you are claiming there isn't any factor of excellence that could possibly explain why a 133 iq black was chosen over say a 138 iq asian. you know nothing about these candidates besides their group average iq. for sure there must be plenty of 135 iq blacks who were denied spots that went to 142 iq whites too

>> No.47001013

when looking through the archive suddenly makes you realize gambs gambs might've been 'lil bro' guy

>> No.47001021

>you are claiming there isn't any factor of excellence that could possibly explain why a 133 iq black was chosen over say a 138 iq asian
there is and it's why jews outperform whites even after controlling for iq. but we have no reason to believe blacks in general, or on average, or beyond some threshold like 130 iq have more of those factors of excellence than asians. in fact you'd predict the exact opposite.

btw i haven't even mentioned the other defeaters for your argument which is that we know for a fact many institutions have lowered their standards to increase non-white representation. it's just funny pointing out how goofy your priors are.

>> No.47001023

Japanese has too many relations to english for it to be a coincidence
Ideas can be considered "deep" in both languages to mean interesting
You can "lose" your consciousness etc.
There are thousands of other examples of figurative language similarity. It's most likely some form of ether communication facilitated by fighters of Archons (cultivators?)

>> No.47001039

protip for anki fags and readers.
When you see a new kanji look at it from every angle and your recollection will go up to 95% trust

>> No.47001046

Japanese are honorary whites, we are bound together by fate itself.

>> No.47001047

>for sure there must be plenty of 135 iq blacks who were denied spots that went to 142 iq whites too
That's called the default decision, all else being equal. You're pretending that somehow that lower iq groups conveniently have more qualifications in other areas than higher iq groups to justify how much they get picked over higher iq applicants based on actually nothing
>i never said blindly selecting for excellence is the *only* mission of a university and there is great value to providing slightly less qualified candidates who've not had great opportunities in life a ticket to success, it results in upliftment and benefits that percolate down to the community level
Here we get to your 本性, we all know what you are. Social engineering and making the world worse as therapy for people with inferiority complexes is what it's actually about for you

>> No.47001059

Only works if you named each component*

>> No.47001067

>there is great value to providing slightly less qualified candidates who've not had great opportunities in life a ticket to success, it results in upliftment and benefits that percolate down to the community level
uh can we get a source for that

>> No.47001073
File: 2.24 MB, 960x540, [SubsPlease] Dainanaoji - 10 (1080p) [EFBE64D8]-[21.21.740-21.37.004].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47001074

no because that is an anti establishment default position taken by populist rednecks. it's well known that the correlations between iq and success start diminishing at high levels so why are you not instead compelled to consider the factors that could be responsible for the divergences?
firstly that runs counter to your favorite iq and eminence argument so quick hypocrisy check there. second you are asserting the lack of existence of confounding variables. there isn't good reason to believe the success is mostly attributable to the iq difference; more importantly there is no reason to throw caution to the wind and hastily extrapolate to a different comparison

>> No.47001083

is this so bad it's good kino?

>> No.47001085

how many morphs do i need to start reading easy manga like yotsubato?

>> No.47001086

no its so good it's good kino

>> No.47001089
File: 137 KB, 426x768, iq gifted children SMPY top achievers[4].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>firstly that runs counter to your favorite iq and eminence argument
>there isn't good reason to believe the success is mostly attributable to the iq difference
>it's well known that the correlations between iq and success start diminishing at high levels

>> No.47001090

it's unironically good slop

>> No.47001121
File: 2.67 MB, 849x640, .webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47001137

the default position is to question from ignorant sidelines the competence of field veterans carefully reviewing profiles replete with data your jealousy and hatred driven biases prevent you from entertaining the existence of? okay. nice fake rage at meritocratic injustice but i bet you you're just an incompetent bitter loser

>> No.47001144


>> No.47001145

It's always a bad day when the /djt/ pseuds talk about IQ.

>> No.47001147

utterly irrelevant to the argument

>> No.47001151

sad that iq guy is an anti-white guy

>> No.47001182

Bad dodge

>> No.47001194
File: 970 KB, 2730x4096, FkcA1CCaMAA1eGL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47001195

>sidelines the competence of field veterans carefully reviewing profiles replete with data
can we get data on how competent the "field veterans" are, what traits they're looking for, and how predictive of success or academic excellence they are above and beyond SAT scores

>> No.47001204

shoulders too broad

>> No.47001211

it's because i believe in meritocracy that i'm strongly pro immigration control. it's the people that make a country and i in fact think the unchecked influx of low iq economic migrants is the biggest threat of all time it's permanent and irreversible replacement
inflation or whatever other temporary current problem we're wrestling with pales in comparison in terms of severity
the difference is i can appreciate that without being racist. i don't hate or judge individuals based on group trends

>> No.47001223

i believe all those things except i'm also racist and hate and judge individuals based on group trends (but this isn't relevant to whether colleges are discriminating on the basis of race and whether their 'field veterans' (lol) have found a magic competence factor).

>> No.47001229

One day I'll move to the middle of nowhere and be free from browns.

>> No.47001241


>> No.47001248

the ivy league enjoys an unparalleled cachet built by the stellar achievements of its graduates so it speaks quite well for the quality of their pickings. where are the other institutions in more "based" countries adhering to the supposed model standard for admissions? that's right nobody's heard of them because they suck

>> No.47001253
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x1280, 1708538347481005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's plain rice
>in a triangle shape!
bravo japan

>> No.47001257

But it's painfully obvious you're not stupid enough to believe that "field veterans carefully reviewing profiles replete with data" found the secret untapped potential tial conveniently in individuals from the groups that underperform that compensates just enough
Also you exposed yourself not caring if it does anyway with your great value in selecting less qualified people bit anyway. Why not just be honest with yoirself?

>> No.47001261

Yeah but they're made in cute girls' armpits

>> No.47001266
File: 360 KB, 1240x1772, GNgfIlNa0AAoKVx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47001267

can we get data on black and hispanic american elites outperforming the chinese, british, japanese, etc. in academic and scientific excellence.

oh wait i guess we have obama. thank you american university system.

>> No.47001269

hairy hag armpit onigiris where if you're lucky you can find a stray hair

>> No.47001282

my preferred age range doesnt grow hair there yet so no thanks ill have my hairless onigiri

>> No.47001283

>found the secret untapped potential tial conveniently in individuals from the groups that underperform that compensates just enough
they don't have to find any such thing because we're talking about individuals. if excellence isn't 100% iq then there will naturally be lower iq people more competent than higher iqs. it's ridiculous to cry about the hypothetical "denied" 145 asian when you have no clue how they stacked up with the admitted 133 black

>> No.47001284

remember seeing a picture of a reimu cosplayer doing 脇握り and feeling odd things

>> No.47001299

why do you keep talking about individual blacks having a higher x factor than asians when we're talking about group (thousands) admissions to elite universities

>> No.47001302
File: 20 KB, 256x372, GHQRhU5bQAA_MbC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

armpit onigiri it's ok, but the real deal is the wakame sake

>> No.47001308

plain rice is good

>> No.47001311

being low iq is still ok but being a bigoted hateful retard spreading negativity because you're too low impulse to check yourself despite being aware of your low iq is not

>> No.47001313

Plain rice is... plain.
At least cook it in dashi so that umami can save it.

>> No.47001334

wakame sake that they made from chewing rice and spitting it into a bottle

>> No.47001340

You're not looking at remarkable cases where a 133 showed more promise than a 145 due to whatever those unnamed qualities are, you're looking at the iq of the average black who got accepted vs the average Asian. Yes Harvard will select for remarkable individuals of any race but there's no way there's some mojo that's making the average 133 black equivalent to the average 145 Asian. I mean imagine trying to say this with a 115 white vs 130 blacks, it's just funny. I mean I get I sound like a broken record but it's obvious you already understand so I don't know why I bother

>> No.47001341

people are admitted on an individual basis. do you realize how dumb your logic is following it you could aggregate any phenomenon and then say there is no individual element to it

>> No.47001350

gpt was pretty cool when i threw one of the those words with multiple definitions into it, without mentioning which word it was it accurately assumed that was the word i was reading about after translating the definitons "the word that fits those descriptions is..." etc

>> No.47001360

>there's no way there's some mojo that's making the average 133 black equivalent to the average 145 Asian
again inter group differences are irrelevant lol you really are dumb. if only 1 133 iq black was admitted the black average would be 133

idk why you're so invested when you're probably sub 120

>> No.47001363

some of u guys r major nutjobs and could use more vitamin d from the sun in ur life

>> No.47001377

no kizzy. id kill myself if i was a tripfag

>> No.47001381

tfw 115 but wish I was 85

>> No.47001383
File: 192 KB, 1366x2048, GOvdxKbaIAAUDbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need azian gf so bad bros...

>> No.47001386

Daily reminder:

>> No.47001391

janny can we ban this anti-racist, anti-white idiot? there is no rigor to his thinking whatsoever. a complete joke.

>> No.47001392

i hate the mouthbreathing retards who use iq to downplay the hard work and accomplishments of high iqs and diminish the achievements of low iqs. literal trash

>> No.47001410

i think he has an ideological position of "if black people succeed in institutions, at the detriment of a better qualified white person, this will have downstream positive effects on black americans".

there's no evidence for this, but this is what he believes. so then he has to work backward and claim without evidence that whoever is in charge of admissions at elite universities are selecting for some competence factor outside of IQ.

>> No.47001411

i've been individually discriminated against because i'm from a successful group i don't need bottom of the barrel trash to stand up for me go fuck yourself bigot

>> No.47001418
File: 179 KB, 1600x1222, GDmzYsOXsAAyf77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're interested in jap culture and you're not racist, you're doing something wrong.

>> No.47001419

please stop trying to differentiate yourself from the anti-white group or complaining about discrimination when you favor discriminatory policy.

>> No.47001420

if only iq matters then your opinion doesn't so shut the fuck up lol

>> No.47001426

racism is like the immune system but for society

>> No.47001428

At last the kike reveals himself.

>> No.47001430

that's not my argument and that's not fair

>> No.47001436

It's obvious I specifically meant the Asians and blacks at the school, and it's not like it's anywhere near small scale enough for you to dodge the point that standards are lowered for certain races when this is not contained to just Harvard lol

>> No.47001444

racists are statistically lower iq and unsuccessful

>> No.47001454

yea but lower iq and unsuccessful people can be correct even by chance about a topic and vote for policies that ultimately benefit their nation, like against low iq immigration

>> No.47001458

why are you attacking positions i never took
>and got harvard got sued for that didn't they?
again why are you so invested lol an idiot like you would never get in no matter what

>> No.47001460
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>> No.47001465

you mean just like how a 133 can be more qualified than a 140? glad we agree

>> No.47001479

yes of course a 133 can be more qualified in some sense. just like how i'm 90 iq and dog walking a 150 iqer.

the question is do we have reason to believe elite universities in the US have some way of measuring this, and do we have reason to believe that 130+ iq blacks generally have more qualifications than 130+ iq asians and can explain the iq disparity between asian and black students? the answer is no.

>> No.47001490

where did the on topic posters go

>> No.47001495

i don't? the pendulum has swung too far in one direction but that's not an acknowledgement of the distorted "travesty of meritocracy" picture you're trying to paint or an argument against the basic principle being followed

>> No.47001513

but i think a system that admits 140 iq whities and 130 iq blackies can be overall meritocratic and doesn't necessarily endanger institutions or something so idk what picture you think i'm painting

>> No.47001520

cant believe the adl has infiltrated djt even

>> No.47001523

>just like how i'm 90 iq and dog walking a 150 iqer.
you have never done anything of the kind you're just retarded and arrogant beyond belief. i've been doing you a favor by kindly explaining your idiocy in simple terms.but i see you get off sparring with me and deluding yourself by inflating your self worth with pathetic imaginary wins so i'll be stopping now. you're the dog here and if i could i'd walk you to the vet and have you put down

>> No.47001530
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>> No.47001534

i was watching anime then i ate something and jerked off and now im thinking of taking a nap

>> No.47001535

it's facts. you don't like statistics when they aren't what you want them to be? aww that's too bad

>> No.47001538

i just won a djt battle against the smartest guy who has ever graced us with his presence. a guy who has slayed countless djters.

i am actually scared of how good i am.

>> No.47001543

trust no statistic you didnt fake yourself

>> No.47001547

heres a fact: zero first world countries not white or asian run exist on this planet

>> No.47001558
File: 144 KB, 1280x1924, Muramasa_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did you jerk off to?

>> No.47001562

not a very 140 thing to say

>> No.47001572

all you won is the title of the most pathetic deluded retard. i've debunked countless points of yours i mean you're the moron who couldn't even figure out how the harvard iqs were obtained but i don't have all day to waste on walking trash. wait you're morbidly obese you don't walk you roll lmfao

>> No.47001574

oh no now ure mad because the fact isnt what u want it to be boo hoo time to hurl personal insults to show my disgust at the facts ahaha

>> No.47001578

yea that's weird. 80 iq africans should perform on par with 100 iq europeans because of their hidden competence factor. maybe we need people who work in US college admissions to move to the 3rd world and that'll fix them right up

>> No.47001579
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>> No.47001586

the masked knobber has returned

>> No.47001588
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>> No.47001594

>i mean you're the moron who couldn't even figure out how the harvard iqs were obtained
wtf that's not true. you are bad at identifying people. also don't say false things about me. now you're just being a bad sport

>> No.47001595

wasn't me but i'm not surprised you couldn't tell

>> No.47001599

problem is most of the competent africans who run their countries sold them out to the chinese

>> No.47001614

nvm its actually accurate https://streamable.com/hngqoe

>> No.47001617

and you still wouldn't get admitted lmfao

>> No.47001618
File: 498 KB, 1365x2048, FjXfppdVIAE7xei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice tummy

>> No.47001627

if i told elite unis that i defeated the djt 150 iqer they'd give me free scholarship

>> No.47001628

I look like that

>> No.47001636

yeah this isn't you right >>46999821 >>46999838 fucking moron lol

>> No.47001640

@jamal why are there so many pedos in the anime community

>> No.47001642

dont think ai will ever be able to handle this

>> No.47001643
File: 471 KB, 471x689, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to the special olympics

>> No.47001650

but you said i couldn't figure it out but those posts aren't good evidence of that

>> No.47001652

because 99% of anime is cartoon school girls next

>> No.47001653

wonder what the race falseflaggers end game is

>> No.47001655

because its the natural human state

>> No.47001656
File: 469 KB, 1536x2048, FinyEmaUoAAM7dH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd suck your clit/cock

>> No.47001659

dont care what their endgame is just want them to post their flagger hand

>> No.47001660

you've only made empty pathetic declarations when i get tired of fact stomping you

>> No.47001662

also bet that hes the same guy as 56

>> No.47001664


>> No.47001670

um remind me how 130 iq harvard blacks are as overall competent as 145 iq harvard asians...

>> No.47001676

they don't have to be. you don't know who got denied the spot given to the 130

>> No.47001688

i'll definitely say this i am pro eugenics if these retards arguing with me were rounded up and gassed the world would be a better place

>> No.47001694

you should be too for engaging them

>> No.47001695

Yes we know you love genocide. See: Palestine and black abortion clinics.

>> No.47001698

688 seems a little tuckered out from getting owned and has resorted to man i wish everyone who owned me would just get gassed cuz then i wouldnt get owned anymore !

>> No.47001707

the blacks can dunk better than the asians and that explains the admissions difference

>they don't have to be.
oh yea all the whites and asians with higher iq all get in and then it comes down to dunks

i'm pro eugenics because that's simply good policy.
but you are a violent and bad person.

>> No.47001712

remember when they told you that …たがる is for refering to other peoples wishes.... yeah about that...

>> No.47001713

i just said i detest antisemitism a few minutes ago good job contradicting your position

>> No.47001717

finished my working day after finally fixing some annoying flaky integration tests. always nice to end the day having done some good work.

>> No.47001722

almost finished integrating my foot with your ass

>> No.47001724

okay so when are you killing yourself miniyoga go fight on the ukranian front

>> No.47001727


>> No.47001728

I just realized something

>> No.47001729

>i detest antisemitism

why tho

name one good reason

>> No.47001730
File: 61 KB, 410x1199, GPJaqA9bkAAwKPc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always nice to end the day having not been a slave

>> No.47001732

what is it

>> No.47001733

every time a 150er gets bodied they start salivating at the thought of murdering their opponents. wtf bros

>> No.47001735

wait don't tell me
i have the gift of the inner eye

>> No.47001737

jealousy at success isn't a valid reason you fucking loser

>> No.47001738


>> No.47001740

jamal is 140 and you think he's jealous of the jews?!

>> No.47001743
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>> No.47001747


>> No.47001748

first dont sign ur posts second nice strawman third post hand

>> No.47001751

what if 150 guy turns out to be a 130 black guy

>> No.47001755

he's unsuccessful and besides ashkenazis have a 10-15 point higher average so a 140 would be as common as 1 in 20

>> No.47001758


>> No.47001762

>and besides ashkenazis have a 10-15 point higher average
probably closer to 107

>> No.47001769

thats the reveal were trying to get to but hes too much of an incompetent ape to post hand

>> No.47001771

post face

>> No.47001776
File: 2.57 MB, 2632x4096, 1-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47001780

ape confirmed lol lmao

>> No.47001782

funny coming from jamal

>> No.47001788


>> No.47001789

i didn't pick up on it but his responses to you have been highly suggestive

>> No.47001790

Real talk, has anyone else here booked for N3 and then regretting not just booking N2? I am actively studying for N2 but figured I'd go for N3 first since it's guaranteed to be a cakewalk, but after realising that I have to wait like 5 months to sit N2 afterwards, I feel like even if I pass N3 I'd be ashamed to tell anyone that I have such a low level certificate. I'm also feeling that a bit with N2 but at least that opens up options to me, but N3 isn't even getting me a combini job on a working holiday.

>> No.47001799

i didnt choose that name

>> No.47001803

There is literally no reason to take anything other than N1.
Even then it doesn't actually do anything for you.

>> No.47001809

i have never and will never post anything violating my standard of posting least of all bending to the will of a loser mutt and that's final

>> No.47001812

I figured as much. God fucking dammit, I'm an idiot.

>> No.47001813
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>> No.47001820

i feel like a fucking joke now. i can't take pride in beating a 130 iq black guy in a debate.

>> No.47001824

family video?

>> No.47001826
File: 42 KB, 691x448, agree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jews would be smart enough to not pursue the argument

>> No.47001829
File: 847 KB, 220x220, .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yah urs lol

>> No.47001832

dad's not coming back

>> No.47001847
File: 227 KB, 1363x2048, GPHaa-HboAACq9x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have ashkenazi ancestors

>> No.47001849

i can do whatever i want
defending my supposed self isn't of interest to me because i don't need to appeal to personal characteristics in this or any argument

>> No.47001861
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>> No.47001862

HOLY fuck
女 and 母 have the same stroke order

>> No.47001865


>> No.47001866

okay i laughed but whatever i have so little interest in this and it's utterly irrelevant

>> No.47001877

because it's just onna with 2 breasts

>> No.47001881

i've made more racist jokes here than you not sure what you think you're achieving but it's as ineffectual as everything in your life not to mention so out of touch with reality i couldn't be less bothered

>> No.47001886
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>> No.47001897

made a crazy good curry yesterday and glad i have some leftover for today

>> No.47001898

i mean i'm just laughing at these gifs what's the point

>> No.47001899

thats the point of life ur welcome

>> No.47001901

i read that japanese women used to work the rice fields topless until they made contact with the western world and were forced to learn about shame

>> No.47001917

i'm not a worthless bottom of the barrel racist so no there is much more to my life than unironically mocking people who look darker or different from me. but looking at your posts all i can say is turn on your monitor

>> No.47001919
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>> No.47001924
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>> No.47001927

>never had jeet food
>bought some curry powder and garam masala
>made something with both and it was both fucking gross
Westerners eating curry is a humiliation ritual.

>> No.47001930

i guess you were blown away
you're welcome

>> No.47001931

every single word you write at him is wasted
every single thought you spend on him is wasted

>> No.47001935
File: 905 KB, 220x255, .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no these r all u or people like u

>> No.47001936

stop defending the retard who just got bitchslapped

>> No.47001940

you gotta buy the blue elephant paste and add some coconut milk

>> No.47001945

you obviously have no clue what you're doing lol

>> No.47001947

not him but wait why did we switch to talking about your "mom"

>> No.47001951

im saying he is a retard and everyone here knows no interaction with him will ever be fruitful

>> No.47001952
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>> No.47001957

Followed recipes for both. Everything else I cook is good.
I'll stick with my american/italian/asian/med food.

>> No.47001970

my arm is literally fairer and less hairy than yours but screech on like the trailer park piece of unaborted rapebaby trash you are lol

>> No.47001973

with curry u gotta just feel it out a bit like stews

>> No.47001976

and there u have it a few ape gifs and he now pretends not to be the race he actually is

>> No.47001980


>> No.47001986

woke up to lil j havin a melty lmao

>> No.47001990

i look like that

>> No.47002000

don't make the mistake of thinking you can catch me being a hypocrite i in no way regard my physical attributes as characteristics of superiority over blacks but the cognitive dissonance in calling me simian when your arm looks hairier than a chimp was too great to not comment upon

>> No.47002013
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>> No.47002017

oh so now that's you nice self own gg no re

>> No.47002026

i too have a melty

>> No.47002030

and just like that the low iq racist 番長 committed suicide

>> No.47002031

real men are hairy thx for remembering my high testosterone

>> No.47002040

doesn't high test cause balding

>> No.47002042

gorillas have among the highest testosterone levels so you're telling me you really haven been dumping your trailer park family video collection?

>> No.47002046

Are Asian men low T then? Or is daily Japanese thread feeding me lies again

>> No.47002049

i have good hair genetics so i wont go bald until im in my 50s

oh wait thats next week fffff

yah but their skin is also charcoal color which mine is not because i rolled the right race

>> No.47002057

genes are much more important neanderthals used to have no hair on their backs for example

>> No.47002064

lmao j man thanking god every morning his chinese grandpa's genetics aren't as apparent as they could've been

>> No.47002069

daily immersion practice


>> No.47002070

none of my grandpas were chinese at all

>> No.47002075

a recipe that tells you to use "curry powder" is not a good recipe

>> No.47002081
File: 124 KB, 768x1024, GPIm-qJacAEqzeN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alright, how do we make this character evil
>make her 100 times hotter

>> No.47002086

can't say i'm all that excited about the new tensura season, the fight with hinata feels redundant as the bad guys plot essentially falls apart if rimuru and hinata just talked it out and as always rimuru feels kind of weak even though we got a dozen power ups that don't seem to have been explored properly, at least we got diablo showing off in the newest episode which is cool and epic, hopefully we get more of that
the japanese is pretty easy

>> No.47002094

yeah last episode was really good

im just happy the roundtable episodes are finally over

>> No.47002097

dame djt lore goes crazy

>> No.47002099

We are talking about entirely different kinds of curry.

>> No.47002102

>make her 100 times hotter
she's a child...

>> No.47002105

indojins literally eat shit thats what their ethnic curry is just shit on a fucking plate

>> No.47002110

true. one is a curry and the other is trash

>> No.47002112

the ivies are a bastion of progressive liberalism but i'm not one of those activists in fact i'm a hard centrist but i'm not going to be mealymouthed and not call out low iq piece of shit racists when they try to pseudoscientifically dress up their bigotry. go fuck yourself trash i hope you burn to a cinder

>> No.47002114


>> No.47002117

112 no one cares get a life lol

>> No.47002118

remind me again why yoko kanno isn't in jail

>> No.47002126

jail is a man made place no one should be in there

>> No.47002127

dunno some thieves just get away with it

>> No.47002132

just noticed that he lowercased his 1.7m views tweet even though he used to uppercase until around the kanken video. djt influences mainstream discourse now

>> No.47002142

what are you looking forward to then? doesn't have to be anime

>> No.47002146

i'm larger than life and my life is richer than yours in every sense

>> No.47002150

you were sperging out about racism a few years ago too

>> No.47002156


>> No.47002161

not that much right now, but i have a big backlog
not much time to work on it right now though

>> No.47002168

146 were sure thats why u still chase behind me yapping lol i lead u follow and thatll never change cuz u dont have the mental ability to break free from ur chain

a few years ago i didnt yet see a threat to white ppl like i do today

>> No.47002173

queef busy pigging out at mc Ds

>> No.47002177

larger than your shirt at the very least i'm sure

>> No.47002189

oh that's too bad, you should figure out something to look forward to. it makes dealing with the pains of life in the present easier

>> No.47002195

this post was made on mcdonalds wifi

thx to >>47002173 for the inspiration

>> No.47002196

jamal is a disingenuous loser who would have thought

>> No.47002200

nothing is threatening you, go touch grass

>> No.47002209

bro, she stole from motherfucking sting and the matrix too? wtf lol


>> No.47002216

>threat to white ppl
lmao who said j wasnt funny

>> No.47002218 [DELETED] 
File: 521 KB, 850x1190, IMG_2500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it. What's the appeal?

>> No.47002225

honestly, i looked forward to dragons dogma 2 so much because of how many great memories i have from dragons dogma 1 and i even have a pc that can run it smoothly compared to a lot of other people, it's the only game i had preordered in years
initially i played it in english and wanted to replay it in japanese, but there is just nothing in it worth replaying

i wrote out my full thoughts here:

been kind of down since then, it's just work, studying and family right now

>> No.47002226

im only disingenuous when it fits their preferred narrative

starting to think 150 guy just typoed 105 lol

>> No.47002229

funny coming from an utterly wretched namefaggot who keeps eating punches and coming back for more sneaking onto discord servers unable to control his pathetic self. you're filth

>> No.47002231

this is a threat to white ppl

>> No.47002239

too bad you'll never get over it cause you're jewish and just can't help yourself

>> No.47002241

dunno why browsing any publicly advertised discord is sneaking in any sense but uve said this many times for a while now

>> No.47002243

thank me when you're dead trash lol

>> No.47002244

im gonna be honest with y'all right now
i have no idea what any of you are blabbering on about

>> No.47002252

that wasn't me second strike

>> No.47002257

me = 主役
you = ちょい役

>> No.47002258

maybe you can get away for a bit on a weekend or something. go soak in a spa, or go bowling with a friend. you can make little things to look forward to

>> No.47002263

dame seeing them post at the same time you can really tell just how much more mature qm is than papi
you wouldnt be able to say that a few years ago
a true djt success story im happy for him

>> No.47002272


>> No.47002280

150 guy is a slippery snake

>> No.47002285

>bro just have friends
kys riajew

>> No.47002286


>> No.47002296

queef won...

>> No.47002301

wait what was the racist pseudoscientific thing that was successfully argued against in this thread

>> No.47002302

give us something to judge u by cuz if u live with ur parents and dont pay ur own way in life i swear 2 god im gonna noogie u into oblivion

>> No.47002303
File: 273 KB, 1108x1477, FhRBTf9VEAEIXdh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post more 未成年マ○コ

>> No.47002304


>> No.47002305

that was years ago buddy
people change
cant say the same for a certain someone tho

>> No.47002308

wanna play the pocky game with her

>> No.47002312

yeah im the same

>> No.47002313

It was more like his gaslighting attempt didn't work so he's mad about it

>> No.47002315


>> No.47002318

>people change
not if you were perfect, like me

>> No.47002320

stfu ciaran

>> No.47002324 [DELETED] 
File: 1.68 MB, 1000x1500, bdf45814eee5f3b866a1dbd75830d74f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47002334

gonna need ciaran's take on the huge retard fight in today's thread

>> No.47002335

just imagine if someone were black itt and subject to all that harassment from faggot mal's unhinged outburst. he really is garbage i'm 100% when i say that if he were eagled on the ground bleeding out i'd just walk right past him

>> No.47002341

ud walk right past him but make 100 posts about him on 4chan lol

>> No.47002349

gonna need qm's take on this finger technique >>47002324

>> No.47002351

ciarans playin both sides for maximum chaos

>> No.47002354


>> No.47002358
File: 1.02 MB, 1044x910, xzsqzkbssdta1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just imagine if someone were black itt

>> No.47002359

didnt you just say low iq people should be gassed

>> No.47002361
File: 586 KB, 1080x2340, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47002362
File: 325 KB, 1510x2048, FkSfjOgXoAIhex_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you guys like girls with irezumi?

>> No.47002367

dno bros

>> No.47002371

the non-leftist "centrist" is more upset at jamal potentially hurting a black guy's feelings than literally killing people lol

>> No.47002372

pretty based taste ngl but i can't agree with the 2nd part

>> No.47002377

>screech on like the trailer park piece of unaborted rapebaby trash you are lol
wow lovely compassionate guy

>> No.47002380

u should post a doodle bitch cuz thats the reality most ppl arent gonna have shit like that

>> No.47002381

i only started looking at the thread an hour ago so ive skipped all those posts
and i already gave my thoughts here >>47002244

>> No.47002382

尻軽女s can fit them all up there with ease

>> No.47002383


>> No.47002390

jews are bloodthirsty

>> No.47002392

true i can watch stuff if it has at least one cute girl

>> No.47002393
File: 190 KB, 1007x732, gojo would you lose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is all you need to know of what happened:

>> No.47002396

You know in the Bible when people lament and seethe by clawing at their own chest and tearing their hair out, well jews and Arabs are still like that lol

>> No.47002397
File: 922 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Yoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai - 09 (1080p) [1FD2D0C2]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47002404

its true thats why the country that shallnt be named is still breaking international law lol

>> No.47002405

link the post where he was wrestled into submission and ill believe it

>> No.47002411

i dont but thanks for telling me

>> No.47002413
File: 241 KB, 960x540, [SubsPlease] Yoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai - 09 (1080p) [1FD2D0C2]-[07.02.792-07.03.875].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47002414

fuck i was sitting on that screenshot too

>> No.47002415
File: 239 KB, 1300x1951, FmOIEs7aMAAzucX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47002419

reading jjk finally. can't wait to get to this panel

>> No.47002424

i disproved racist bullshit >>46999645 >>46999854 and then the goalposts were moved and strawmen switched for "racial differentials in iqs of admitted applicants implicate conspiracy" and more anti establishment nonsense racist rhetoric and fake outrage pushed through counterfactuals

>> No.47002427


>> No.47002429

doodle or not tattoos are for trash end of discussion

>> No.47002433

they're called 彫り物 faggot

>> No.47002434

common ciaran w

>> No.47002443
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>> No.47002454

agree but that doesnt mean some people dont get some cool artwork done on them

only problem is from far away u just like like a weird lizard bitch like >>47002415 lol

>> No.47002455

>and then the goalposts were moved
that's always what the argument was.
>and more anti establishment nonsense
why have blind belief in an institution. just makes no sense and isn't good evidence of anything. this must be an overcorrection from antivaxxers or something. i'm glad i have the emotional maturity to understand that some institutional processes can be trusted while others have no evidence.

>> No.47002456

my brain won't let me read your full post but well done

>> No.47002459

>from far away
Exactly where you'll ever be with a woman

>> No.47002461

But you're actually just making excuses for racially discriminating when screening university applicants, yikes

>> No.47002471

i have no issues with women at any distance in fact i was within a foot of several women over the weekend and even talked to some but its not really noteworthy happens all the time

>> No.47002486

i'm not sitting thousands of miles away in russia regurgitated what some retards on x posted i've lived being at an ivy
in fact i went to the admissions office and talked with them personally about my likely letter freshman year so yeah i know what i'm talking about

>> No.47002488
File: 854 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Yoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai - 09 (1080p) [1FD2D0C2]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47002493

lot of english going on in the japanese thread. curious.

>> No.47002496

japanese thread is on int this is the daily japanese thread (notice how its in english)

>> No.47002498 [DELETED] 
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>> No.47002503

lets get this thread back on track

>> No.47002513

was looking for that

>> No.47002518 [DELETED] 
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>> No.47002521

u cant blame him he only got kanken二q

>> No.47002523
File: 85 KB, 775x959, GPG9A9aaAAAOiMi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the sarcastic 上手 or an honest one

>> No.47002524

you are literally defaming admitted applicants and attacking the credibility of the admissions process by groundlessly asserting the only way someone just 7 points lower can get admitted is through racism not to mention destroying your own argument since it can be used to reductively argue even the 140 whites shouldn't be at harvard

>> No.47002527

To be fair I sidnt know mouhitoganbari desu ne

>> No.47002532

its crazy that one dude got so mad that he just posts the pedo shit now its like his fallback when his posts dont do so well lol

>> No.47002536

nobody expects you to know though

>> No.47002539


>> No.47002543

lol yeah reminds me of unko

>> No.47002555

>by groundlessly asserting the only way someone just 7 points lower can get admitted is through racism
Nobody is saying that nigger, I explicity made sure you couldn't do that but you're too mad to think

>> No.47002557

i bet jamal could understand this but qm couldn't

>> No.47002572

as a neutral third party observer papi simply lost

>> No.47002573

yeah so there you have it if this is actually about meritocracy and not racism then if you're mad about 133 iq blacks being admitted over 140 iq whites you should be equally outraged at 140 iq whites being given spots that could've gone to 145 iq asians or 150 iq jewish whites

>> No.47002578

matto couldve gone to harvard...whoa...

>> No.47002579

oh i get it haha very funny (pedos kys pls)

>> No.47002583
File: 329 KB, 1129x1467, GN2--ByakAARZ6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Uoohing so bad right now

>> No.47002587

instead he went to community college in oregon and got recognized by someone literally from djt

>> No.47002595

>140 iq whites being given spots that could've gone to 145 iq asians or 150 iq jewish whites
Does that happen?

>> No.47002597

you owe me an uoooohh

>> No.47002598

an anecdote of you knowing people in admissions so well that you were all fuckbuddies is somehow relevant to the question of their being able to disambiguate who better contributes to academic/scientific ability above and beyond SAT/iq score? i'm sure everyone you knew in admissions was an amazing and great person that deeply loved white people just like i'm sure federal judges are nice yet still biased people *whips out study showing that party id predicts how court cases will be decided*. your priors on bias are retarded so that explains the sloppy thinking

>> No.47002599
File: 1.53 MB, 889x927, 1698289882771033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any rtk chads can read this?

>> No.47002602

ugly hag :puke:

>> No.47002603

with asians? for sure

>> No.47002610

just post your matrix id already so we can cyber

>> No.47002612

any rtk chads can read this?
you must reply to this or stfu

>> No.47002615

uh ok

>> No.47002618

sure ill reply so i dont have to shut up

>> No.47002625
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>you must reply to this or stfu

>> No.47002627

the anecdote is just the cherry on the cake but of course you are so pathetic you have to strawman that. the fact is you are retarded, disconnected from the issue, utterly ignorant and thus unsurprisingly wrong and all we've been doing is going in circles over these 4 points

>> No.47002633

Is that cursive

>> No.47002632

i still cant believe they put a black and brown on the pride flag to say minorities are gay
funniest shit in the world tome

>> No.47002638

average yryr enjoyer jawline (shame hes black)

>> No.47002642

would love to fuck a lizard bitch

>> No.47002648

i would have to imagine most ppl that r lgbt actually loathe the "lgbt community"

>> No.47002653


>> No.47002655
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>> No.47002656

watch it. i still haven't even played my exodia card

>> No.47002661

might have to start drinking tea to get my alcohol consumption under control

>> No.47002665

or just stop buying alcohol, retard

>> No.47002667
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>> No.47002670
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>> No.47002672

But why

>> No.47002680

wow big surprise they have no reply to >>47002573
so it was never about iq or ability or achievement. it's just about masking blind racial hatred with pseudo rationalism to legitimize their talking points which ironically proves they are fully aware how full of shit they are
hope you get your comeuppance

>> No.47002683

sorta mood lol
i bought groceries today without having eaten for 3 days and got like 30 doughnuts and ice cream lmao

>> No.47002686

Fuck when I moused over your reply the raid can immediately made me see the ahoge as antennae this is too much

>> No.47002689

i like it. it's good propaganda for ko domo

>> No.47002693

Cowardly dodge

>> No.47002698

not talking about your dad

>> No.47002703


>> No.47002727

>wow big surprise they have no reply to
theres only one correct reply

>> No.47002733 [DELETED] 

what a waste. i won but i was going to win from the beginning. there is no joy in beating people comparatively clinically retarded senseless and fact stomping them into oblivion but hopefully the fence sitters learned something from watching the dumb racists own themselves at every turn. do you really want to be associated with these embarrassing low lifes? hope not. i sure as hell wouldn't

>> No.47002745

this persona sucks

>> No.47002746

the problem is that i preempted this line of reasoning awhile ago by talking about jews outperforming white people at similar levels of iq, which implies i'm ok with that and would oppose discrimination against jews in favor of whites.

>> No.47002758

you won only because you were facing our most retarded in jamal
if you fought moe youd be the one lying face down in the dirt

>> No.47002765


>> No.47002766

team ciaran won

>> No.47002767

crazy 733 is still here losing lol

>> No.47002770
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>> No.47002774

you're not very good at predicting your own digits
in more ways than 1

>> No.47002781

ur not very good at being mentally healthy
in more ways than 1

>> No.47002790 [DELETED] 

culture in schools matter too, and jews create more leftist/worse cultures than gentiles. so discriminating against jews in admissions would be ok if it were for the express purpose of massaging a more free, anti-leftist culture. but black people don't really have any positives compared to asians and whites in terms of culture (i don't care about music), so discriminating against asians and whites isn't justified on that basis. you don't have to be hateful to say any of this (although i am hateful)

>> No.47002791


>> No.47002798

another great episode of dainanouji this week
the one slop that hasnt let us down this season

>> No.47002799


>> No.47002801

tits too small

>> No.47002802

boipussy ouji too strong

>> No.47002805

how big is his dick?

>> No.47002808

tensei kizoku, lv2 cheat and madome are still alright
but yeah dainanaouji is prime slop we're chugging good this season

>> No.47002810

my psychologist's report begs to differ. my only failing is not letting go once i sink my teeth and not "valuing my time" but i'd rather not be the kind of pussy loser quitter you are

>> No.47002811

nah tensei kizoku has got the boring tensura vibes at this point. we dont care about fictional politics

>> No.47002812

剰え 「あまつさえ」||「あまっさえ」「あまさえ」とも

>> No.47002815
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>> No.47002819

what did i quit

>> No.47002824


>> No.47002828

i think she's stuck and needs help

>> No.47002834

Blacks haven't contributed anything to music except Robert Johnson and the amen break

>> No.47002835

and yeah unrelenting vindictiveness is very healthy occasionally

>> No.47002842


>> No.47002843

oops, the じ doesn't belong there

>> No.47002844

nothing about any of this is healthy honestly

handle it better

>> No.47002851

i won't be taking shit from someone who chimped out just an hour

>> No.47002853

cute, would like to breed

>> No.47002858

251 burst a capillary before finishing the post lmao

>> No.47002859

OK I forgot Joplin, happy now

>> No.47002860

lil bro is reading boring ass blogs from the 1930s

>> No.47002863


>> No.47002864

what? all you people do here is chimp the fuck out every waking hour of every goddamn day stfu bro

>> No.47002865

i don't really know anything about music. leftists tell me black people contributed to or invented blues or something, and then that turned into rock and roll i think? something like that.
and i like this song

but i wouldn't be surprised if leftists lie about/exaggerate black contributions.

>> No.47002869

great post

>> No.47002873

rather finish you before finishing all my posts

>> No.47002874

ahem... 1960s

>> No.47002876

this made me laugh hard for some reason

>> No.47002877

come finish me then


>> No.47002886

but first ive got to finish in your mom

>> No.47002888


>> No.47002891

Yeah they exaggerate it all the time. Don't get me wrong there's tons of great black musicians but they don't invent all of the American pop and folk music styles like they expect you to believe. Also a lot of the motown classics are written by jews and whites. Oh yeah and watch out for people who will call you a rockist if you think RDJ is more interesting than mostly forgotten singles from the Detroit scene

>> No.47002896
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>> No.47002908

yeah i win cuz bitches get in heat when i walk past em

>> No.47002909
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>come finish me then

>> No.47002917


>> No.47002918

sry about the dystrophy i guess thats why u can only keep being a coward

btw >>47002810 >>47002810 >>47002810

what did i quit?

>> No.47002920

>I love how their non-binary dick is just out of sight, but I want to see it.
Rate my localization?

>> No.47002923
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>> No.47002924

u sound mad bro

>> No.47002925

let's not forget about the incredible contribution from blacks to techno and house music

>> No.47002932

blud quoted thrice in one line :skull:

>> No.47002933

not mad at all cuz ur a coward lol complete and total and rly its more of a letdown than anything

heres my fave contribution from the blax but these ones are from across the atlantic


>> No.47002937

wtf is a bathroom futanari

>> No.47002938

ok youre not a mad loser youre just an obsessed loser how about that ?

>> No.47002942

obsessed with what

anyway ur posts suck ass u can go back to making those now

>> No.47002949

kinda feeling like some ben and jerrys rn but once a week is probably enough

>> No.47002951

Jamal why you even entertaining this circular argument?
You better than that man

>> No.47002955

tasted like strawberries
lets give things a nice shakey shakey!

>> No.47002958

catcher in the rye is a great book

>> No.47002968

ur right its been truly embarrassing to play party to 955s schizo bullshit and i regret it deeply

>> No.47002976

whats wrong buddy i thought you liked things crushed like a grape

>> No.47002977

thread theme

>> No.47002979

damn me and jamal ran a train on 150 guy

>> No.47002984

and i ran a train on someone else!

>> No.47002986

damn u can tell this guy is mental since hes the one who got me my 3 day a bit ago

>> No.47002989

do you guys remember what those jp smut webnovel sites were? there were three i think, one for BL, one for men, and another for weird fetishes or something. i think one of them had "midnight" in the name
i forgot what they were called

>> No.47002991

ur monitor was never on

>> No.47003002

the grapes and strawberries are already blended lil d

>> No.47003009


>> No.47003010

oops meant lil j

>> No.47003018

dunno what ur on abt but im glad ur going to therapy keep doing that

>> No.47003019
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>> No.47003022

any good posts ? lol

>> No.47003028

yah mine thats why u copy them

>> No.47003030

this girl is good epheb bait

>> No.47003031

maybe pay for international calling and texting again

>> No.47003037
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>> No.47003039
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just calculated my dating app stats from the last 4 yrs

>> No.47003050

Maybe you should go out instead

>> No.47003053

aella bros...

>> No.47003055
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>> No.47003064


>> No.47003069

that part happened quite a while ago tbqh

but it was my fault in the end


>> No.47003074


>> No.47003080

you can atone in hell

>> No.47003089

someone explain what this means

>> No.47003103

you gotta be mentally ill if you dont think this is peak female form

>> No.47003114

to be fair u quit first. several times. u share the blame

>> No.47003118

is that og youre arguing with?

>> No.47003130



>> No.47003146
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>> No.47003151


>> No.47003156

why do all those people look like matt would tower over them

>> No.47003159

must be fucked up having a tinpira for a dad

>> No.47003199

yep he's hit the wall

>> No.47003210

jamal and og had a love child and maybe an abortion dunno

>> No.47003214


>> No.47003215

is nigatoro anything like the original cgs? i might chug

>> No.47003234

original cgs


>> No.47003241

dame queef completely got overshadowed in the drama today

>> No.47003250


>> No.47003297

gambs going to korean prison is definitely one for the djt awards

>> No.47003307
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>> No.47003317

don't care about gambs

>> No.47003327

>kreia disapproves

The sad thing is that it's better for her to be a beggar than to go to school.

>> No.47003338

why is this 170 iq on the estimator

>> No.47003339

yay, more drugs for her mother!

>> No.47003343

the djt army stands with g

>> No.47003361

.20 cents that doesnt even cover the ink

>> No.47003381

you wouldn't expect the masses to agree with a higher iq

>> No.47003392

who said the pens had ink?

>> No.47003410

I don't get it. Where's the sex?

>> No.47003413

ive seen this doujin

>> No.47003423


>> No.47003434

damn the nihon team in garupan is funny

>> No.47003435


>> No.47003443

need to rewatch IT plus the movies

>> No.47003463

you seriously trust that the mystery liquid is ink? lmao

>> No.47003529

btw i quickly looked up the demographic break up of harvards admitted applicants and the ratio of % of white to black is pretty much the same as the rarity ratios of 140 iq and 133 iq
yet another garbage objection 3 pointered into the trash

>> No.47003576

why is 和 randomly かず in names
fuck i hate names

>> No.47003618

it's a common name reading

>> No.47003619

female names are so easy male names are impossible tho

>> No.47003640

it's a historical misreading that comes from the verb 糅つ

>> No.47003644

yeah i'm sure he couldn't just google that if he cared thank you for your service

>> No.47003651

you shouldnt ask questions you dont want to know the answer to

>> No.47003654

you shouldnt answer rhetorical questions

>> No.47003673

no such thing

>> No.47003689

why do japs love watching ppl eat shit on tv fuckin npcs

>> No.47003691
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damn whats he doin with dose n5 kanji

>> No.47003702

director Tsutomu Mizujima
naile dit

>> No.47003704

mizujima just sounds wrong wonder why @640 autist why does it

>> No.47003714
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>> No.47003716

his name is mizushima

>> No.47003718

i just now looked it up I should have went with mizushima but I assumed tsutomu wasn't a real name anyway so I gave up on the 努 part and decided to be silly

>> No.47003724

because lyman's law states that there can be no more than one voiced obstruent (a consonant sound formed by obstructing airflow) within a morpheme. therefore, no rendaku can occur if the second element contains a voiced obstruent.
that being said names dont generally follow rendaku rules anyway

>> No.47003731

holy nerd stfu there are no rules in languages

>> No.47003736

There are, you're just too dumb to understand them all

>> No.47003742

there are rules in the sense that there are observations about common patterns
there are of course exceptions to lyman's law and other rendaku rules

>> No.47003762

this is the difference between learning japanese bc u want a to get ur language e-peen and learning it bc u wanna talk to ur jp bros and fuck jp hoes either way im off to bed night lads

>> No.47003766
File: 90 KB, 540x251, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't get it

i can already tell the translation is fanfiction-tier, but oh well...

>> No.47003770

its ascii art of 2 people locking legs like a wrestling move

>> No.47003778

dont wake up

>> No.47003781

>i can already tell the translation is fanfiction-tier, but oh well...
you should be able to post an example for us to enjoy then

>> No.47003793
File: 298 KB, 605x807, 02-29d10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I assumed tsutomu wasn't a real name

>> No.47003804


>> No.47003805

>bc u wanna talk to ur jp bros and fuck jp hoes
a really lame motivation imo but it does seem to be the case for most learners
every japanese learner i know has ended up with a japanese chick, except me (who has a beautiful blonde blue-eyed wife and kids)
besides the obvious fact that i find this sort of race mixing distasteful and invasion into japanese culture, imagine the horror of raising asian kids that look nothing like you

>> No.47003812
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>> No.47003820

worry about your weight instead of worrying about foreign nations whose affairs are of no business to you

>> No.47003826

the greatest learners like matt, quiz, etc are motivated by higher goals
the riff raff link bunko and bongta hit only the level required to "bag" some "broad"

>> No.47003827

looks like bejita is being crushed under qms weight lol

>> No.47003830


>> No.47003838

>raising kids that look nothing like you
i appreciate the sentiment but if you say this npc ass line you're just an absolute retard

>> No.47003840

vegeta is strong enough to do the Atlas t hing without kneeling, he's kneeling on purpose because he read the kuuki and is trying to noru

>> No.47003847

sasuga *nods*

>> No.47003854

jordan peterson said disgust sensitive people are lower iq

>> No.47003856

fat people are fat

>> No.47003858

fat nigger

>> No.47003863

did he say that or was it more like higher IQ people can suppress it more easily

>> No.47003882

makes a lot of sense

>> No.47003887

i think he literally said it

>> No.47003892

that's why I dont' clean my room to flex on retards

>> No.47003927 [DELETED] 

sure, i can see that this tendency exists, and i can see irrational disgust and irritability being associated with low iq behavior
higher iq people in the west tend to be a lot of things actually, they are more likely to be left leaning, anti-racism and anti-nationalism, but i think they are also more group-think oriented and will adapt their views to a to them perceived consensus in society and their social circle, and i am the opposite of someone prone to group-think, i feel like i am a lot more free in my thinking and readily can even accept radical ideas as better if it makes more logical sense or i see as advantageous to adapt in certain situations, but fundamentally it's a value question to me and if i say the persistence of certain ethnic groups is important to me, then not liking race mixing is not irrational disgust, but a consequence of my value system and btw i think what i also do is that i more readily accept my natural programming, whereas other people try to oppose it, i accept the fact that i feel better among people who look like myself and want to live in a neighborhood with people who look like me and not people from north africa or the middle east, whereas a generic 'high-iq' westerner might scold themselves for thinking such evil thoughts essentially brainwashing themselves into views then associated with high iq

>> No.47003946
File: 444 KB, 748x592, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the jp voice is twice as long in some parts. like it has 2 more additional sentences. and i'm not even talking about the nuance of the soulslop parts

it's already full of shit like this, so i assume all the "hard" parts are completely made up

gambs was right, i kneel

>> No.47003947

you joke but disgust sensitivity does not have to be correlated with hygiene
its probably more like beauty is in symmetry and simpleness/uniformity so disgust sensitivity is related to more complex patterns and information overload and lower iq people are more bothered by it because they're less capable of processing it
they've done brain scans with face processing too i wouldn't be surprised if racists are lower iq because they're less able to cope with physical differences since that is the unconscious driver

>> No.47003971

petition to make google say うめき声 is 'anime sounds' in english

>> No.47003983

qm destroyed the muramasa translation years ago buddy

>> No.47003991

now hes destroying the sofa with his lard ass

>> No.47003996


>> No.47003997 [DELETED] 

i doubt almost anyone in the west is irrationally racist like that, where they feel inherent disgust at someone looking differently, because we are constantly bombarded by their depictions in tv shows, advertising and in our daily lives so it's normal to see different people
that's why i wouldn't even call myself racist, my wife has a black girl friend and i talk to her fine and treat her respectfully, nothing in me prevents me from doing that
but i can view objective facts, among them that certain types of foreigners are far more criminal and willing to resort to violence, and i am also capable of listening to them (the foreigners) and realizing that they understand themselves as different and separate from the native population here, naturally i'm not going to pretend someone who sees me as their enemy is my friend, and individual sentiments don't matter in this conflict
america is a great example for this sort of dynamic, a white guy and a black guy are in a fist fight in the street, a group of black youths comes a long and without any further context they will jump the white guy and beat him half to death with 8 people
white/western educated people naively pretend this dynamic doesn't exist though because it goes against their prescribed world view and they will use every example they can think of to disprove it and affirm their world view, "oh i know this nice black guy, oh i have nice muslim neighbors" ignoring that you as the cracker/kafir will be their prey when it comes hard to hard
imo it takes a higher iq to be able to see those sort of societal patterns and not fall into the trap of affirming a desired world view with hand picked examples absolutely anyone can find if they search for it, from talking to people the average person does not even seem to understand how a bell curve works so these sort of things will completely go over their head

>> No.47004008
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>> No.47004015

i think i only looked at the start of the intro, but yeah it was trash as expected, but imo every translation is trash as the 'soul' of japanese can't be translated to english
if you think you don't need to learn japanese cuz lmao ai will translate everything, well you can only think that if you don't know japanese and will all your life never know what you are missing because you are just ignorant of japanese

>> No.47004018

not reading that but just say midwit level far surpasses the racist on pure disgust instinct thing to make the point I assume you want to make

>> No.47004019
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>> No.47004022

>and will all your life never know what you are missing because you are just ignorant of japanese
but if we're being honest other things in life are way more important

>> No.47004024


>> No.47004028

should I check out this translation, sounds interesting

>> No.47004030

in total? yeah definitely
but if otaku media is important to you you can definitely make learning japanese a hobby for a few years
you won't actively 'learn' japanese forever, at some point you will just have replaced consuming otaku content in english with consuming otaku content in japanese

>> No.47004035

crazy how there are still ppl who read the copemaster walls

>> No.47004037
File: 41 KB, 822x550, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gambsisters.... not like this...

>> No.47004038

quiz its like three in the morning
go to bed and pleasure your imaginary wife you fat fucking loser and also kys, thanks

>> No.47004040

>i am also capable of listening to them (the foreigners) and realizing that they understand themselves as different and separate from the native population here
>without any further context they will jump the
okay so you're agreeing low iqs prefer simple answers and are bothered by nuance and extra information just like with facial processing
>educated people naively pretend
educated doesn't necessarily mean higher iq. you've clearly never interacted with a high iq liberal your image of them is as crude as the all racists bad image low iq indoctrinated liberals have

>> No.47004042

qm is so wise

>> No.47004046


>> No.47004048

qm is so wide

>> No.47004052


>> No.47004060

qmsisters... they can't keep getting away with this...

>> No.47004064

quiz might be the third person to take down the 150 iq guy - i was the first and jamal was the second. let's see what happens.

>> No.47004069

>never interacted with a high iq liberal
by liberal you mean left-wingers? because i don't consider them liberal, you can't be liberal while being opposed to things like free speech
and i live in germany, so of course i have
i regularly watch german talk shows too which generally feature high iq left-wingers, i know their side and argumentation inside out
it doesn't help your case that you can't address any point i'm making and just go "haha you don't know what you're talking about, just believe me bro"

>> No.47004079


>> No.47004086

who asked? i asked.

>> No.47004090

no who is the 150iq lolcow? and who the fuck are you?

>> No.47004091

okay so you're uneducated on terminology. that's ok
>you can't address any point i'm making
your post could've been written by a 14 year old so no i don't want to address it it's annoying. i just wanted to point out you most likely don't understand the opposing arguments

>> No.47004093

>no who is the 150iq lolcow?
the brightest mind to ever post in this thread.
>and who the fuck are you?
the man who slayed him. don't worry about it.

>> No.47004095

>you're uneducated on terminology
no i'm not
>don't understand the opposing arguments
nope, i understand it perfectly

>> No.47004097

ok thanks, have a nice day, both of you

>> No.47004099

you didn't take down anything you just ran away like a coward >>47002573 just like how you dodged the ukraine draft you fat piece of shit

>> No.47004105

well at least your replies are consistent in sounding like a 14 year old's. stability is good

>> No.47004111

*sigh* i always destroy you on the main topic and then you call me a racist because and i admit i'm racist while pointing out i'm not being inconsistent about anything and then you ignore it...

>> No.47004117

what does that even mean? you just have nothing valuable or smart to contribute, why are you even replying to me?

>> No.47004118

just mumbling "destroyed" like a pathetic bitch doesn't mean you actually won fyi. and i never said that, i think you're very consistently retarded

>> No.47004125

i'll reply to whoever i want
>you just have nothing valuable or smart
not down at your level yeah. go argue with some midwits on reddit if you want to "debate"

>> No.47004128

c'mon when you rely on an anecdote like "i know people who work in admissions" on top of "this institution wouldn't get things wrong because...it just wouldn't" then that's a huge loss and you have to accept that. at least have some grace about it.

>> No.47004130

qm won

>> No.47004137

>you rely
i didn't
>on top of
i didn't

see your problem is you just don't understand what you read because you're stupid and it's too irritating clarifying every time. maybe start by reading >>47003529 and thinking hard before hitting post

>> No.47004141

yeah rather than addressing a single point or argument you'd rather spend your time posting about how you're too good and too smart to engage in any sort of discussion and sniffing your own farts, well enjoy it so long as it makes you feel superior, but to onlookers you're just a coward

>> No.47004143

wow another pivot. you should be called pivot guy

hm yea true

>> No.47004147

your post is so full of shit it'd take something 4x longer to fully disect it and i'm not willing to spend that kind of time on someone stupid enough to write that thing in the first place because even after being explained you just won't get it

>> No.47004152

it was 2 simultaneous 1v1s but now they're tangling up. if you guys would just continue in japanese

>> No.47004154

it's not a pivot you just have very low reading comprehension >>47002627

>> No.47004158

it's a pivot and then you link back to a time where you got called out on your retarded appeals to authority and anecdote, to which your response was "you're disconnected" lol wtf

>> No.47004164

ciaran stirring the pot again

>> No.47004168

or i never relied on an ancedote as proof and you just have 90 iq reading comprehension. i know what's more likely

>> No.47004180

>or i never relied on an ancedote as proof
you presented it as evidence. which is retarded and you should feel bad for doing it. we both know you're smart enough to know that you're pulling dishonest moves to wriggle out of this. in fact you should probably apologize.

>> No.47004192

>you presented it as evidence
no i didn't. are russians so poor that they can't afford cakes? is that why you don't get "cherry on the cake"?

>> No.47004195

now you're just straight up lying? so you're a sociopath on top of everything else...

>> No.47004211

or you have bad comprehension and are a sore deluded loser trying to one up me. what's more likely? you're obsessed with owning higher iqs because you're extremely insecure. must suck advocating a position according to which you should not exist

>> No.47004227

QM having a good time

>> No.47004233

that's icing on the cake not cherry on the cake

>> No.47004238

>or you have bad comprehension and are a sore deluded loser
sorry but your quit is on record, and so was the anecdote and appeal to authority you made earlier. it's over

>> No.47004247

no. what's your verbal iq?

>> No.47004258
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this video is outlawed in my country

>> No.47004265

yeah. the other one is cherry on top if you're curious

>> No.47004266

they really hate the auslander raus chant huh

>> No.47004276

okay so this is the level of idiot i have to deal with. what's wrong with gassing people like you?

>> No.47004281

you could at least thank me, was just trying to help an ESL in need

>> No.47004289

trying is not good enough but one way you could definitely help yourself is by not posting and making an utter fool of yourself

>> No.47004298

ask any native he'll vouch for the icing on the cake and cherry on top setsu
good luck on your studies

>> No.47004301

i mean these are people are wretched miserable. jamal is annoying but at least not in this way i just cannot with dunning kruger sub 130s

>> No.47004310

yeah keep studying esl moron the fucking nerve

>> No.47004326

icing on the cake, cherry on top is right, that being said some people do say cherry on the cake, but thats a bit like doggy dog, people are retarded.
cherry on top 1.2bill google results
cherry on the cake 180mill

>> No.47004332

ciaran is almost at ichigo vs aizen

>> No.47004349

ah, in that case it's understandable if his verbal iq is a bit lacking

>> No.47004361

know your place

>> No.47004377

my place is about to be in bed because its 3:16am and im stone cold

>> No.47004391

gonna make mach cheese like a boss

>> No.47004405

the problem is these obsessed losers are mad jelly and tragically unaccomplished
if it weren't for me they'd never get to interact one on one with someone as intelligent who wouldn't just ignore their dumb ape sub 130 screeching in 2 seconds so they see my posts and jump onto it like a pack of wild dogs thinking it's their chance at redemption if only they can outsmart me somehow and score a win any win no matter how small even if only in their deluded pathetic imagination it's a huge win and they can pat themselves on the back for it and tell themselves "no i'm not a worthless fucking failson i too am special it's the world that's not fair!"
quite sad really lol

>> No.47004406

^mad he got bodied by a guy with 89 iq

>> No.47004414

keep cryin bitch nigga

>> No.47004415

how long did you agonize over that one

>> No.47004421

05 is the cherry on top

>> No.47004424

purizu furu za ruruzu
purizu dontu griefu za mappu
is honor shistemu

>> No.47004426

just look at their fragile bitch boy egos one little prod and they ump they just can't handle the truth, can't take being called what everyone irl has called them: failsons! lmao

>> No.47004436

yeah matt was right

>> No.47004438

not sure what matt was right about, but yea probably

>> No.47004439

this one isn't as funny, cherries don't go on top of cherries

>> No.47004445

one things for sure though you go on the bottom lmfao

>> No.47004448
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all these cherries got me craving one of these

>> No.47004482

shouldve been a huge red flag seeing king midwit queef be unironically cheered on by dumbjt for his dumbass takes

>> No.47004484

sometimes in the middle of playing my poor games i remember that i can actually read it and i think to myself "dame"

>> No.47004487

*porn not poor
i dont even know english etc

>> No.47004489

porn games are the poor mans games

>> No.47004526

i thoigjt she had a cum stain on her belly but it was just a brown stain on my monitor

>> No.47004532


>> No.47004656

qm is based doe

>> No.47004703
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>> No.47004715

Onigiri is basically a sandwich.

>> No.47004725

You're right. When I was a kid I used to eat cold plain rice balls from the fridge. Probably because of Brock's "jelly donuts"

>> No.47004733


>> No.47004755

I don't get it

>> No.47005050

can you read this?


>> No.47005067


>> No.47005078
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>> No.47005082

Feeling an elite 1500 thread coming on.

>> No.47005101

since it's still up, migrate here

>> No.47005210

this にっが literally just pulled the black friend card lol

>> No.47005233

>my wife has a black girl friend and i talk to her fine and treat her respectfully, nothing in me prevents me from doing that

>> No.47005244
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>> No.47008577
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x2299, 1644412621856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Official DJT guide https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/

>> No.47008610

Facts about moeway/animecards and his guide:

>His “guide is actually just a money grab
>He posts on 4chan every day begging for donations and advertising his scam
>He doesn’t even know Japanese unlike the creator of the official djt guide Tatsumoto

Beginners, be sure to use only the official djt guide by Tatsumoto if you want to make it!

>> No.47008610,1 [INTERNAL] 

this brain it big

>> No.47011110
File: 1.00 MB, 1080x2493, Learnnihongo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not as good as picrel
