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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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46850360 No.46850360 [Reply] [Original]

DJT is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese language.

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide

Translation requests, 100-reply threads, native Japanese speakers, fear, exhaustion, grammatically incorrect Japanese:>>>/int/djt

Previous thread: >>46838862

>> No.46850368
File: 269 KB, 678x288, 1703301704141427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you learning Japanese?

>> No.46850371

im at work and the op image just got me fired

>> No.46850374 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46850389 [DELETED] 

it's girth that matters. fucking idiots focus on length because they subconsciously assume that girth scales with length. and that's true, but then what about the guys who are lacking in one or the other.

>> No.46850391
File: 1.03 MB, 960x540, [SubsPlease] Kaii to Otome to Kamikakushi - 06 (1080p) [F87C2579]-[10.54.863-10.58.492].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really glad that i do neither of those

>> No.46850392

niggas (respectfully)

>> No.46850400


>> No.46850406 [DELETED] 

yeah exactly shes talking about diameter

>> No.46850419


>> No.46850421

if only

>> No.46850424


>> No.46850438

>dont like some ラブプラスキッス

>> No.46850451
File: 891 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Kaii to Otome to Kamikakushi - 06 (1080p) [F87C2579]-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46850461

just gooned for the first time today (with an onahole) and dame this is the best ive felt in a long time

>> No.46850474

nice i was just rubbing my dick under my shorts and it's almost chub now. dunno when i'll masturbate fully. i'm trying to exit a bunch of tabs and restart my pc first because i have a pending windows update

>> No.46850479
File: 760 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Kaii to Otome to Kamikakushi - 06 (1080p) [F87C2579]-0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46850486

knowing when to take a break from a masturbation sesh can improve it tenfold

>> No.46850499

*skin starts to come off and leave sores* やめておこっか

>> No.46850507

you lost >>37625175 >>37625185

>> No.46850510
File: 931 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Date a Live V - 06 (1080p) [4416FC0A]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46850512

doesnt feel like it

>> No.46850519

was it between 50% and 75% of its value? no

>> No.46850520

It's okay bro you don't need to fight my battles for me

>> No.46850542

i hate swindling fraud scum

>> No.46850584

swindling would imply one party gained something at another partys expense my esl friend

>> No.46850598

Yeah the only thing he gained was negative karma.

>> No.46850606

i would bet money on you not knowing what diameter is in jap without looking it up

>> No.46850607

dunno you admitted you tried to trick me so thats why you gained no bitcoins in the end and instead gained several years of being mad about it ahaha

>> No.46850612

you literally said he owes you a btc you stupid disgusting subhuman piece of shit fucking kill yourself get run over by a truck

>> No.46850615

he does tho ?

>> No.46850618

don't like that jamal isn't committing to the bet he made

>> No.46850623

someone get the ftc involved
im sniffing a fraudster

>> No.46850625

i don't like jamal

>> No.46850630

ok tell u what double or nothing u can bet me right now that at some point within the next 365 calendar days bitcoin will at some point double in price from its current high price of today but does not have to maintain or hold that doubling in price

u in or u out big boy

>> No.46850636


>> No.46850638

u already failed to commit to one bet why should anyone trust u about another bet

>> No.46850650

bet you a wet fart jamal can't pronounce 老若男女 correctly

>> No.46850653

what do u mean bitcoin did exactly what i said it would do and that guy bet on the same thing

>> No.46850655

yes that is called swindling deliberate fraudulent deceitful claims made to deprive someone of their money and gain at the expense of the victim no wonder you failed the sat you fucking parasite

>> No.46850658

jamal didnt fail the sat, the sat failed jamal

>> No.46850666



>> No.46850683

genuinely hope you get run over

>> No.46850684

of course the devil posts that abomination as a way to distract you from his mischief (scamming anonymous users on 4chan)

>> No.46850687

yeah and ur dumb ass agreed to the bet anyway lmao

>> No.46850691

but enough about bongtard

>> No.46850693

so he was trying to swindle me ?

>> No.46850698

unlucky bro

>> No.46850701

all i can say is if u tried to swindle me by agreeing with my economic forecast then we know who u genuflect to stay mad and get nothign ahaha

>> No.46850710

not surprising you miserably failed the analogy question with that dogshit reading comprehension

>> No.46850719

where was the deception? the terms were as clear as it gets

>> No.46850720


>> No.46850747
File: 1.81 MB, 576x1024, 1712718250976787.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who won

>> No.46850755

jap hottest

>> No.46850762

she changed everything but the makeup

>> No.46850776

lets give you a makeover so everyone knows you're a fraud when they look at you *cracks knuckles*

>> No.46850786

anyone here tried sleeping to erotic japanese audio?
it's comfy as fuck

>> No.46850800

chinese look like bugs if they try to do korean or chinese

>> No.46850807

japanese or chinese*

>> No.46850821
File: 85 KB, 526x789, avyZyNE_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46850867

also pretty sure as we know from that jamal post jp girls arent allowed to put makeup on

>> No.46850918

we also know that everyone does and she was just being singled out

>> No.46850926

thats just her menhera

>> No.46850985
File: 196 KB, 700x990, a34d4r1_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46851019


>> No.46851024
File: 1.87 MB, 960x540, [SubsPlease] Henjin no Salad Bowl - 07 (1080p) [A675DFE9]-[02.19.847-02.27.064].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46851034
File: 1.09 MB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Henjin no Salad Bowl - 07 (1080p) [A675DFE9]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true true

>> No.46851060
File: 1.00 MB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Henjin no Salad Bowl - 07 (1080p) [A675DFE9]-0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice name for a woman

>> No.46851076

get a friend to talk to ffs

>> No.46851081

yeah jamal lost

>> No.46851085

jamal is hot and gets me wet

>> No.46851088
File: 869 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Henjin no Salad Bowl - 07 (1080p) [A675DFE9]-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46851125

remembered i had some frozen shrimp so i used it in a stir fry. man i fucking love shrimp. it's low calorie and high protein to boot. i'd eat it 3 times per week if it wasnt so expensive

>> No.46851133

you will eat the underwater bugs

>> No.46851136

>jp text on screen
>engsub guy starts having a panic attack

>> No.46851138

yeah theyre fuckin delicious of course i will

>> No.46851154

eng sub guy is ftw cuz he triggers spergs

>> No.46851162
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>> No.46851164


in the first 16 seconds or so theres a woman speaking japanese but her accent sounds strange to me. what region of japan is she from?

>> No.46851168

nobody asked you insect

>> No.46851172
File: 44 KB, 301x307, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46851175

sounds chinese

>> No.46851176

she isn't japanese

>> No.46851188

a common thing they did back then was just get any old chinese to do japanese things

the cast in tokyo drift would surprise you if you didnt already know better

>> No.46851189

fittin to tokyo drift a fat log through my bowels right now

>> No.46851190

>back then
the chef in my favorite japanese restaurant is chinese

>> No.46851194

you know all about tricks and deception don't you

>> No.46851197

well thatll never change but im talking mainstream pop culture in the us

i go to the japanese hibachi and the mf is a chinaman named jerry

>> No.46851205

i went to a 回転寿司 in munich and all the rolls and nigiri looked like it was shaped using someones fuckin feet instead of their hands and i was like yep this is a chink owned place and sure enough

>> No.46851206

his onions sauce skeet game was top notch though

u take 4chan serious and thats ftw

>> No.46851207
File: 187 KB, 1366x2048, GNmcDmHbgAAs60F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46851210

chinaman, chinese restaurant :I
chinaman, japanese restaurant :O

>> No.46851216

fuck the fake japanese restaurants i just started going to the china buffet after that

>> No.46851218

chinese food in japan is the best cuisine you can get

>> No.46851226

went to a chinese restaurant in kyoto it was actually really nice

>> No.46851229

chinese restoran :|
chinese restoran, japan >:O~

>> No.46851236

whitey :|
nigger :O

>> No.46851243

mom told me im too pale and i should go out in the sun more and i told her i take pride in my whiteness and refuse

>> No.46851255

it rly do be like that sumtimes :fist_tone5:

>> No.46851260

accurate the latter are all mouthbreathers

>> No.46851263

she's right sunlight is good for you

>> No.46851266

you're beneath all of them

>> No.46851269

on the amount of crimes committed list

>> No.46851275
File: 2.27 MB, 1080x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was at my friends place out in the country a few weeks ago and it was only like 13C but the it was clear and sunny and i got sunburned on my face after sitting in the direct sun for like 1 hour
id love to be beneath certain black people, namely ones that look like megan thee stallion

>> No.46851278


>> No.46851285


>> No.46851291

post hand

>> No.46851292

sunburn comes from you eating seed oils instead of animal fats

>> No.46851294

my amex bill is $7000 less than usual this month wth

>> No.46851295

>linking king grifter unironically

>> No.46851303

oh just noticed they credited my cashback for the year

>> No.46851305

post btc

>> No.46851306

put your beggar hand out and ill consider it

>> No.46851314

you are a broke loser lol

>> No.46851317

your hand is brown lol

>> No.46851321


>> No.46851323

your face is brown cuz i took a shit on it

>> No.46851329

you had to shit so bad u forgot to turn ur monitor on lol whoopsie poopsie

>> No.46851330


>> No.46851337

anyone else live like a slob here

>> No.46851339

you are alive because your mother put out her beggar cunt

>> No.46851344

yeah im with jamal on this one this post does sound like brown hands wrote it

>> No.46851345

you are alive because the Lord blessed me with a slave to own every day itt

>> No.46851352

who are you? a nobody fuck out of here asslicker

>> No.46851354

jamal why did you ignore those vocaroos earlier, were you going with the old "dont feed the trolls" strategy or what was that all about

>> No.46851358

ok yeah definitely brown

>> No.46851359


>> No.46851361

u mean the robovoice? thats been done already and those ones werent even done well

>> No.46851362

definitely chink mutt lol

>> No.46851363

jamal lost and id doorknob him again if i could

>> No.46851364

any post against jamal somehow sounds brown crazy pattern

>> No.46851371

arguing with jamal is the ultimate litmus test for midwit status since he's like a fuckin impenetrable brick wall in that regard

>> No.46851373

you dont own you owe and you owe a lot of money at that

>> No.46851374


>> No.46851380

took like 4 minutes for that guy to even try to respond to the slave owning post he was so rattled lmao

>> No.46851381

yeah a brick wall that copes

>> No.46851383

theyre not as good as elevenlabs but i dont want to give my phone number to an american company

>> No.46851387

jamal doesn't argue he dictates

>> No.46851390

meowth thats right

>> No.46851392

how much did you pay in taxes again lol

>> No.46851394

wageslaving loser

>> No.46851397

does jamol even pay taxes

>> No.46851407

the slaves are revolting :3

>> No.46851410

you quitting your job? lmao

>> No.46851414
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>> No.46851421

yeah im ur slave, that means you have to let me stay at your house, eat your food and shit in your toilet

>> No.46851423

looks like ankles are back on the menu

>> No.46851426

i have back to back board meetings starting in 5 minutes

>> No.46851435

426 going to his board meeting


>> No.46851454

wow youre such a big shot maybe you can answer this question for me

>> No.46851455

i make more money in a week than you do in a year
also ive seen your hairy ape arm mine is like 5 shades lighter

>> No.46851458

dude im so rich and white but i spend hours arguing with a guy on 4chan every day lmaooo

is this the 8th habit of highly successful people?

>> No.46851463

hair is high t but nonetheless if were on the same team we shouldnt quarrel

>> No.46851473

Anonymous :I
_p a p i__t o n t o_ !!mLa2zNvwuTt :O

>> No.46851476

was hoping this was gonna be the you are the thunder and i am the lightning song cuz i like that one

>> No.46851478

can you guys please stop talking about each other its so boring to read and i dont care about any of you

>> No.46851485

just close the tab you stupid cunt faggot lol

>> No.46851487

the word you're looking for is
remember it well

>> No.46851489

i care about you guys and i hope you're doing well

except you gtfo!

>> No.46851501

sorry 478 i kinda owned some of these guys beginning several years ago and their brain aids has progressed to the late stages

im sure they wont be able to hang on for much longer

>> No.46851505

i care in the sense that i hope you all suffer as much as possible

>> No.46851521

i don't care and am frankly repulsed by your seemingly endless and indiscriminate need for attention of any kind that i must assume is predominantly fueled by abject loneliness

>> No.46851523

sounding jelly

>> No.46851528

i dont care and *proceeds to type many words*

>> No.46851529


>> No.46851534

i care but won't type many words

>> No.46851538

only poor people say this

>> No.46851540

529 has the right idea


>> No.46851546


>> No.46851547

what would you know beggar kun lmao

>> No.46851555

the only kun here is you brownhand stand down

>> No.46851562

stand? ill kneel
on your throat

>> No.46851568

yeah im thinking ull just get owned like a proper slave and respond every time i tug ur leash hehe

>> No.46851574

woah woah woah chill with the gay bdsm fantasy this is a public space

>> No.46851576

but enough about your mom

>> No.46851582


objection sustained

>> No.46851590

dame didnt know jachinks mom was a lil chink slave comfort woman lmao

>> No.46851595
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>> No.46851597

where is my daily wasavi anyway?

>> No.46851598


>> No.46851599

tonto koi lmfao

>> No.46851606


>> No.46851605

yeah you ran out of whiteness when we started talked about your chink mom lmfao

>> No.46851612


>> No.46851613
File: 151 KB, 641x749, GNuj_iXWgAEKAvG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46851622

reading naka ni makes me feel funny

>> No.46851630

is this a threat

>> No.46851635

Does Japanese have an exact word for "unique" or do they just use ユニーク?

>> No.46851645


>> No.46851649

daily japanese threat

>> No.46851670

ironic coming from faggots who did like 10 senshi pantyshots and not a single female one

>> No.46851671

unique has various meanings so, you guessed it, it depends on the context

>> No.46851675

Like if I want to compliment someone for creating a unique work of art.

>> No.46851683
File: 190 KB, 1007x732, gojo would you lose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys...are the gojo rumors true?

>> No.46851686


>> No.46851687

>Adult store

>He doesn’t go to his local AMP and get a nice sloppy toppy from a cute asian mommy

>> No.46851688

you mean like full of original or new ideas?

>> No.46851694
File: 1.44 MB, 832x1053, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any rtk chads can read this?

>> No.46851696

is this the iconic panel that zoomers love cuz it looks like shit

>> No.46851698

Not neccesairly, unique as in set apart from the rest

>> No.46851704

nope it looks good i like it.
can't wait to see it in the anime in 2028

>> No.46851706

>chinese punctuation

>> No.46851719


>> No.46851728

>Fucking whores

>> No.46851736


>> No.46851738

奇抜 maybe

>> No.46851743

that's a japanese comma

>> No.46851766

though 奇抜 isn't necessarily suited of complimenting. 創意に富んだ作品 sounds nicer imo

>> No.46851767

and a chinese period and its all centered like chinese

>> No.46851787
File: 758 KB, 612x532, 1621011474847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep looks like another day in djt all right

>> No.46851795

the guy who wrote it was born in 1886 and moved to canada in 1908 so it's probably 自流 since they didnt have punctuation back then anyway

>> No.46851812

cuck lol

>> No.46851824

>if were on the same team
said who? im a professional not a country bum

>> No.46851825

>Punctuation was not widely used in Japanese writing until translations from European languages became common in the 19th century.[1]

>> No.46851864

their civilization was so backwards they didn't use punctuation lol

>> No.46851877
File: 1.45 MB, 911x1275, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are talking about the very late 19th century tho, like 1890s. if you want to some backwards provincial school they might have had books like this (printed 1882)

>> No.46851887
File: 110 KB, 233x366, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46851897

it just wasn't as necessary in classical japanese since a lot of those features were grammatically strict like 終止形 always ending a sentence whereas now it's mixed up with 連体形 so it's not as obvious

>> No.46851927

Should I pay and do a Japanese language course in a college here in Ireland or learn myself using online resources like realkana at home?

>> No.46851967

They can't teach you anything you couldn't already learn on your own in five minutes
t. took jp101

>> No.46852002
File: 237 KB, 1920x1080, 1702773151221622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

immersion time

>> No.46852031

whats the worst meme 語尾? its definitely アル for me. cant stand any of those chinky characters that say it every sentence

>> No.46852035

i think でやんす is the only gobi that makes me unhappy

>> No.46852040

the bleach character who uses it is annoying as fuck
cant think of any other characters that use it though

>> No.46852069

for me its べ like if ur from touhoku u should speak kyoutuugo like the good little inakamono u r

>> No.46852082


>> No.46852085


>> No.46852089

dislike all of 群馬弁

>> No.46852111
File: 296 KB, 360x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46852130
File: 74 KB, 1000x1500, rtkvol3ed3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying again in the new thread:

Do any of you have a pdf/epub of the 3rd (2012) edition of Heisig's Remembering The Kanji 3?

I can only find the 1st and 2nd edition on libgen etc. but the 3rd edition is the one that's meant to accompany the 6th edition of RTK1.

I wouldn't even mind buying it, but the only ebook I can find is the Kindle from Amazon, which to me is not an acceptable format.

>> No.46852131

if u dont like nanodesu u should probably just give up on japanese now

>> No.46852148

ever consider that the universe is trying to save you from the wasted time and misery of rtk bubba

>> No.46852149

nope pre-dmca itazura only had the 2008 one and there is a tendency to never rip anything again that has any shitty outdated rip available

>> No.46852163

What's wrong with using parser?

>> No.46852168

don't do rtk man i'm too lazy to search the archive for the research but it's been proven rtk sucks dick

>> No.46852179

quicker dictionary lookups is a helpful tool to make more efficient use of time
bypassing dictionary lookups with error-prone autogenerated furigana is cripplebait

>> No.46852183

there is nothing more retarded out there than rtk

>> No.46852191

nice opinion, vocaroo?

>> No.46852200

did matt bonder do rtk

>> No.46852201


>> No.46852203
File: 324 KB, 1400x2100, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do yourself a favor and get this instead

>> No.46852230

wait hold on, is rtk the mnemonic meme thing that doesn't even teach you the readings?

>> No.46852237

Oh I thought people were talking about the parser within the popup dictionary that lets you know when words with multiple kanji begin and end.

>> No.46852248

readings are the most useless part

>> No.46852252

Fr real

>> No.46852269

yeah he did all 3 books

>> No.46852276

he actually did rtk twice

>> No.46852280

what a fag lol

>> No.46852285

rtk - retarded turbo kike

>> No.46852289

matt is based

>> No.46852292

based on khatz

>> No.46852294

>being filtered by rtk

>> No.46852295

explains why he did it twice

>> No.46852298

on the one hand being a scammer is an morally wrong but on the other i despise japanese learners so scamming them is kinda based. idk

>> No.46852299

the reinforcement increased his verbal iq by 10 points

>> No.46852312

matt doesn't really believe in rtk anymore

>> No.46852314

I already went through rtk1 with its 2000 or so characters and it was great, the only downside is that buttmad losers always accuse me simultaneously of wasting my time and of lying about how little time it took me to learn how to write and recognize all these kanji.

I put off RTK3 (which teaches 800 kanji) for a while and simply learned to recognize new characters from context, but now it's getting frustrating to come across so many unfamiliar characters everytime I read a novel or anything aimed at a more intellectual readership. Kanji is the one area of language learning where a structured approach like Heisig's actually gets you to the goal much faster than simply immersing yourself.

ah, too bad.
I do have a csv file that has the order and the keywords of the latest edition. I think I'll just use that and look each character up in 漢字源 or 漢字辞典オンライン, maybe check KanjiDamage if I can't think of a good mnemonic.
I'll probably end up giving a lot of the characters Japanese keywords instead of Heisig's suggestions since I'm already familiar with a couple hundred of the characters from casual reading.

Either that, or I'll buy the paperback. Maybe I'll flip a coin.

>> No.46852327

thats great and all but when do you intent to start learning japanese?

>> No.46852331

you're genuinely retarded if you did rtk1 and still struggle to learn new kanji by yourself when you come across them

>> No.46852342

who hurt you

>> No.46852343

it does teach you the readings, but most people skip that part, including me.
After finishing rtk1 I spent about two weeks with textbooks and grammar guides, then I just went straight to reading content with 振り仮名

>> No.46852354

it's a simple observation

>> No.46852357

yeah thats what im saying

>> No.46852358

got 5 episodes into dai nana ouji and i cant do it anymore. too slop even for me

>> No.46852374

say less

>> No.46852376

heisig owns

>> No.46852380

i try 10-15 shows every season and even i didnt give that one 1 episode

>> No.46852387

cuz it hurts your pussy ass?

>> No.46852394

yeah if heisig owns lets see heisig do a sick flip in the quad

>> No.46852396

dainana is the best slop of the season by far

>> No.46852400

heisig is 80 years old he doesnt have to go to the quad for that

>> No.46852405

Never. After I'm done with this rtk3 project (will probably take me two or three weeks) I'll just continue reading Japanese books, watching movies etc.

>> No.46852411

im willing to accept witness testimony that heisig did a couple sick flips in his 20s

>> No.46852412
File: 67 KB, 1179x242, 1701759524025792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46852424

rtk more like rtgay but also based and gmi

>> No.46852427

>heisig is 80 years old
I should really write him a thank you letter for teaching me to read Japanese before he bites the dust

>> No.46852432

quad tricks lxix uploaded in 1964 starring james heisig

>> No.46852445

if youre gonna write him a letter can you ask him if hes ever done any sick flips while youre at it

>> No.46852458

james heisig giving dense philosophical lectures whilst doing a 1 handed cartwheel into a back handspring

>> No.46852466

man some of these ceos are so retarded

>> No.46852478

have u ever listened to a tesla earnings call lmao

>> No.46852480

dense philosophical texts like dense

>> No.46852486

elon is 140 tho

>> No.46852497

would a 140 say why you runnin from me just cuz my mom said we cant fight zucky

>> No.46852509

elon is kind of between worlds rn on the one hand hes based cuz he denounced the talmud but on the other hand cybertruck

>> No.46852516

well harvard avg was 139 in the 90s and its only becoming exponentially more competitive since and zuck is clearly way above avg even for a harvard kid so

>> No.46852517

desu you should strive to be equal parts based and cringe in all things

>> No.46852539

what sat score is 142 iq

>> No.46852550

*nods sagely*

>> No.46852553

scale by 10 for 140 to 155
verbal only is like 720 but i bet jamal got lower

>> No.46852557


>> No.46852566

school and standardized tests were 20+ years ago for me

>> No.46852569

who has the highest verbal iq on djt? quiz?

>> No.46852571

custom winamp skins were cringe just use the dark one

>> No.46852573

yeah thats why its accurate for you

>> No.46852577
File: 1.79 MB, 1296x721, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good ass link

>> No.46852594

>わら人形: わらで作った人形
どうして「作られた」じゃなくて「作った」なのか? 何度も理解しようとしても全然わからない
seriously, why is it 作くった? what's the relevant grammar point?

>> No.46852605

hes up there

>> No.46852608

wish i could men in black my brain and watch planetes for the first time again.

>> No.46852611
File: 98 KB, 860x645, National_Museum_of_Ethnology,_Osaka_-_Spirit_figures_(Mushiokuri-no-Ningyô)_-_Nanto_City,_Toyama_Pref._-_Made_in_1978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fug they look like little wojaks :DDDD

>> No.46852614

definitely og

>> No.46852617

cuz the lil わらs werent exclaiming "作られるううぅ" when the 人形 was getting 作るd out of them

dont worry ull feel it out someday

>> No.46852624

>why past instead of passive past
why not

>> No.46852625

>a doll made with straw
seriously why isn't it "a doll that was made with straw"? whats the relevant grammar point

>> No.46852630

there is a distinction

>> No.46852635

matt (he lurks)

>> No.46852636

the key to acquiring is not asking why but letting the nihongo flow into you and resting assured that after getting ur ass fucked by it enough times u will feel it out

>> No.46852637

theres a distinction but its too much for someone asking a question like that

>> No.46852643

i wish i could forget all of my most embarrassing moments.

>> No.46852644

dont worry about it bro everyone else has long forgotten them

>> No.46852645

i wish nihongo still fucked my ass this relationship is becoming loveless

>> No.46852646

og def said more words i never heard of before that i couldnt even read than any other named djt poster and according to writingtoiq dot com that would translate to iq

>> No.46852647


>> No.46852648
File: 17 KB, 247x242, 1690046672784865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some things you will never feel out

>> No.46852649

is planetes that good it looks kinda boring
space shit is usually a snoozefest

>> No.46852656

to be honest if you read the synopsis and dont see yourself enjoying it you probably wont

>> No.46852657

zoomer brain

>> No.46852658

it's made by the guy who wrote the dogshit that is vinland saga's farm arc so you know planetes is dogshit too

>> No.46852661
File: 57 KB, 1080x319, furigana kanji jitenon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg it has a furigana switch, I never knew that

>> No.46852663

og was the only 1 here who was able to critique that 1 image so id say shes the only one who really knows jack shit

>> No.46852664

i didnt read the synopis i just looked at the cover image on mal

>> No.46852669

og could answer this easily

>> No.46852671

what image are we talking about here

>> No.46852672

where else r u gonna get a anime with a op that is this historically accurate and fact checked and sponsored by jaxa


anime couldve blasted off like a rocket from those days but instead it crash landed like a toy into the dirt rip anime

>> No.46852673

it's a slice of life about space garbage collectors with lots of fun characters and an mc that actually has an arc. if you like late 90s/early 2000s anime it has that soulful feel of the time. if you do give it a try you'll need to do at least 4-5 episodes before giving up cause i was kinda bored at the start too if im being honest

>> No.46852681

the answer is c i know about beaver

>> No.46852682

its my favorite op of all time, know it by heart and regularly karaoke it while shitfaced to feel the power of the indominable human spirit

>> No.46852686

dame i got an og doll just like that

>> No.46852687

the 1 that is a bunch of random words strung together

>> No.46852689

id like to say it's c but beavers dont live in the dam so maybe it's a even though the dog doesnt build his sleeping quarters.

>> No.46852692

i say A but this is tough. it's not B because a squirrel's equivalent would be a squirrel nest. a bird builds its nest like a beaver builds a dam but a beaver doesn't necessarily live in the dam. it could also be E. but i say A, final answer.

>> No.46852693

i can see how this is testing iq

>> No.46852694

this op belongs in garbage day

>> No.46852700

682 is the エエest 奴 in djt and none of u will likely ever reach his level big ups to 682 love that guy

>> No.46852702

hold up are you tellin me beavers lay baby beavers in dams

>> No.46852703

his comment was advocating drug use though. cant endorse it as an sxer.

>> No.46852704

my favorite OP is https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=h6-kETedHFI

>> No.46852707

if i ever heard a nipponjin say ee irl id prob just walk out of the room

>> No.46852710

why would u think thats the relevant part

>> No.46852712

japanese people speak so quietly irl you probably wouldnt even hear him
theyre like mice

>> No.46852714

not looking good for j...

>> No.46852715

what about the anime itself? its been in my backlog for like 10 years lol

>> No.46852716

my favorite op is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLPC0-zUZro

>> No.46852717

obviously A.
>birds roost on the same nest. they're often passed down through generations
>dogs sleep in the same doghouse/kennel
>squirrels aren't confined to one tree
>beavers don't live in a dam
>cats don't live in a litter box
>books aren't alive like birds

>> No.46852719

i didnt say he was perfect just the エエest

>> No.46852725

wtf u think a nest is for

>> No.46852728

wtf do u think thats relevant lol

>> No.46852729

after the planetes op i usually move onto singing this and by the end im often in tears

>> No.46852736

i just looked at this pic and thought "yes"

>> No.46852740

jamal is in a bit of dilemma
if he got it wrong he fucked up
if he got it right he fucked up

>> No.46852743
File: 136 KB, 1544x768, Shinreigari - Ghost Hound DS (Japan)-240211-135925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a nip at a hostel said エエ when he asked me in English if I know which bunk is his and I showed hin around the room while talking Japanese

the first half of the anime is great, but then it just goes nowhere.

I started reading the game/vn a while ago, not sure if I have the nerve to actually finish it.

>> No.46852748

im listening to that 80s tohji shit 729 posted not rly worried about previous posts thats some other papis problem

>> No.46852752 [SPOILER] 
File: 1 KB, 79x46, 1714465856339098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46852755

finna sing this at carry okay

>> No.46852754

if another papi shows up im leaving

>> No.46852757

looks like some other papi won again

better luck next time squiddos

>> No.46852758

why would it be dam and not lodge

>> No.46852759

uppercasers btfo

>> No.46852762

my thought was that the dam is to a lodge what a nest is to a tree lol

>> No.46852763

dno thats a weird op cuz almost all of it is shit but nantoka nare makes up for it

>> No.46852766

disagree with this

>> No.46852767

midwit opinion

>> No.46852768

this gets me close to tears sometimes

>> No.46852769


>> No.46852770 [SPOILER] 
File: 251 KB, 1034x608, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu that question proved djt is primarily midwits cuz there was no 90 iq to also say hurr durr beaver make dam to go along with this tried and true meme

>> No.46852774

beavers construct and live in lodges, not dams

>> No.46852776

because the beaver actually built the damn dam

books don't build libraries

>> No.46852778

ive def seen a cat make a litter box

>> No.46852779

hmm so what does it say when you got the daisy analogy wrong...

>> No.46852784

it wasnt given to me in that format with answers to pick from so i got to just do whatever i wanted

>> No.46852787

its when you let someone color outside the lines that you see their true iq

>> No.46852788

but it's got to have an answer key and the anon who posted it said you were wrong...

>> No.46852789

really enjoyed that

>> No.46852790

will be singing this at the karaoke party at my funeral

>> No.46852794

lets get this thread back on track

>> No.46852798

studio nigger ruining anime nothing new

>> No.46852801

good and reminds me of a time when japan wasnt quite yet so doomed but that duck mouth silhouette made me lol every time ahah

>> No.46852804

reminded me of the music video for amish paradise lmao

>> No.46852806

the solution says "builds" is the only analogy that gives 1 answer

>> No.46852809

lmao good but shes not sweating profusely

>> No.46852811

different levels of attention and noticing of details needed

>> No.46852815

i love seeing people cope about their wrong answers

>> No.46852818

and the solution which requires the fewest rules is probably the correct one? darn it that's not intuitive to me at all.

>> No.46852819

none of them picked c but they still have opinions on whether or not im a nooooticer u love to notice it

>> No.46852821

What's the best guide for learning Japanese? I heard people say tae kim is shit and to use tatsumoto. Which is the best?

>> No.46852823

the answer was obvious im just mad that theyre not educating people that beavers live in lodges

>> No.46852828
File: 88 KB, 1080x821, nooancer nuance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my response to beaver being "the answer"

>> No.46852832

hahaha whered you get that image thats perfect

>> No.46852834

im gonna guess a site that starts with r and ends with eddit

>> No.46852835

lol thanks man i found it on reddit!

>> No.46852838

fuck off tatsuhomo

>> No.46852844

if only smarter people get it right then it tests intelligence
you got it wrong because it was too difficult for you

>> No.46852845

crazy what 140 can do for you

>> No.46852846

its too bad we dont have oc anymore

>> No.46852851
File: 131 KB, 1664x858, maybe you feel alienated because you dont own the means of production.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ciaran's response?

>> No.46852858

gonna be honest if i was rich i would feel less alienated

>> No.46852863

if an image like the beaver 1 was posted i would take it seriously
if its just some dumbass shit some midwit typed into the post field i dont give it he same weight as being high iq vetted

but ofc i can tell when someone posts modified iq tests so u dont wanna mess around like that

>> No.46852868

why are you people so fucking obsessed with jamal and trying to own him or knock him down a peg? shits fucking weird

>> No.46852876

someone please post another 70iq logic test for jamal

>> No.46852877

dunno but the amount of ppl who failed that beaver question is kind of a wowsers moment for djts average quotient

>> No.46852878

im obsessed with trying to bring jamal up a peg

>> No.46852887

C isn't the answer dude

>> No.46852889

made dinner for my folks and my dad said im the best cook he knows #smallwins

>> No.46852891

are you saying this is a photoshop? >>46852752

>> No.46852895

no i just mean i know better than whoever created the test.

>> No.46852900

he was just trying to neg your mom so she would suck his dick later

>> No.46852905

you're a virgin if you think women like being insulted like that.

>> No.46852909

they just pretend not to cause they know it's embarrassing

>> No.46852910

it's cat litterbox cuz they both lay shit in there

>> No.46852914

well i posted it and it was from a validated clinical iq test shared with me by one of my psychologist friends. again i don't know why you are coping so hard. do you think 142s get all questions right on an intelligence test?

>> No.46852920

negging works if you can do it playfully but also letting her know that you dont pedestalize her to the point of being unable to take the piss.

>> No.46852957

thats the thing tho i dont spend all day on djt (i do spend all day on djt) looking at every post like an iq test so idk why u want to give that weight like its part of one

we all engage with things with different degrees of cognition depending on how we feel abt them

>> No.46852967

>uh its on a validated clinical iq test i got from a psychologist

>> No.46852994

Rust tranny detected

>> No.46852995

because i plainly explained why it is objectively wrong and you either didn't understand it or pretended not to. i have the full statistical report with reliability coefficients retest stability coefficients g loadings and cluster standard scores across age samples and it is extremely solid

>> No.46852996

any zig bros here?

>> No.46852997


>> No.46853005

wait so you don't even have gamma modules? lmfao who cares then you retard.

>> No.46853011

interesting and i have this *whips out tiny pecker*

>> No.46853019

iq guy fell off

>> No.46853023

iq guy should switch his passion for iq to something epic like hunter hunter

>> No.46853031

yea i agree with ciaran on this one (023)

>> No.46853040

pecker x pecker

>> No.46853042

if they dont want you to pronounce the kakeru why do they write it

>> No.46853044

gay ass link

>> No.46853047

it's a shibboleth

>> No.46853048
File: 598 KB, 1920x1080, dekinai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46853052

>its gatekeeping

>> No.46853062


>> No.46853071

my guess? ciaran is a vim user.

>> No.46853074


>> No.46853099

queeran works on cli apps and theyre autists by default so vim is possible but he did get into programming fairly recently so more likely he uses vscode

>> No.46853101

remember when quiz tried to use anki to learn vim hotkeys n shit

>> No.46853108

vim isnt autism emacs is
vim is just not being a clicker

>> No.46853112

hey napoleon give me some of your tots

>> No.46853114

queef tried to learn python syntax via anki too lmao the fuckin idiot

>> No.46853115

i use vim for small stuff and as my default text editor in the terminal but i appreciate the power of a fully fledged ide such as the jetbrains suite which my employer graciously pays for

>> No.46853124

called it

>> No.46853125

ive never appreciated bloated ides cuz they are slow shit but vscode is way better than every other ide in that regard
which is funny cuz its a fuckin webapp how is visual studio slower than a webapp

>> No.46853131

jetbrains is better than vscode imo but i switched cause cursor (vscode fork) is worth it for better quality of life when integrating llms into your workflow. but i get the feeling djt probably scoffs at using llms despite the massive productivity gains

>> No.46853136

visual studio is obviously bloatware but vscode is definitely worse than jetbrains ides

>> No.46853145

my company pays for copilot and i use it basically as a nicer autocomplete but we're not allowed to use random ai shit since it's a potential data leak so that's off limits

>> No.46853146

i think i tried jetbrains in like 2010 and thought it was bloated but no idea what its like now and i could be confusing it with something else

>> No.46853155

the thing i really miss in vscode vs jetbrains is how robust the latters cross-file refactoring capabilities are. rename a file and all the imports project wide are automatically updated. stuff like that which vs code just doesnt have unless im retarded and missing how to do it

>> No.46853161

are all ok to say. all describe a puppet that is made from straw. 辞書形 also fine 藁から作られる人形 'puppets that get made from straw are called ...' feels less like an existing puppet

>> No.46853172

you can do some insane refactoring in rider like changing a method signature and it can even figure out what the caller should use as the param based on surrounding code all the way up the stack. not worth giving that up for slightly quicker load times in vscode or ai memes

>> No.46853184

my productivity gains from switching to cursor have been insane, if i had to guesstimate its probably 50-70% more code written in the same amount of time

>> No.46853192

yep. when i stopped trying to look cool by relying on my keyboard and started moving my cursor with my mouse, i actually started to get shit done

>> No.46853193

i can shit out code so fast you wouldnt believe

>> No.46853197

same same

>> No.46853202

i delete more code than i write. that's why they pay me so well.

>> No.46853217

its easier to delete code fast without a mouse

>> No.46853226

just like i flick my mouse and get headshots i flick my mouse and delete text

>> No.46853241

most of my gaming was in the pre-headshot era

>> No.46853314

I'm assuming this is the standard choice
I thought that meant "made from" (e.g. 紙は木から作れられる, paper is made from wood. 木でできているわけじゃない it's not made of wood)
isn't this the same as 木から作られた?

>> No.46853319

freebird :|
freebird, japan nannt>:OoooKaaanaaareeeee

>> No.46853321

running that shit into the ground

>> No.46853326
File: 86 KB, 640x539, dishonorabru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meant 作られる

>> No.46853341

papi scrolling up to read old posts is cringe

>> No.46853345

nothing wrong with freebird

>> No.46853350

free turd

>> No.46853352

you ever just think nigger

>> No.46853355

every 5 sec

>> No.46853356


>> No.46853398

Do I need to learn how to speak and write Japanese if I just want to learn Japanese to read manga and play video games?

>> No.46853402

why do you ask an obvious question?

>> No.46853448
File: 3.17 MB, 320x540, 1715912672924.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at the miku concert the qt asian in front of me was waving her glowstick up and down like she was jerking a dick, had me hard the entire concert. That and saw a girl with the rabbithole outfit, ass was jiggling while she walked was nice

>> No.46853461


>> No.46853467

vim can be a great ide with the right plugins i use it daily

>> No.46853477

i miss jamal

>> No.46853490

no one misses him

>> No.46853494

i dont like jamal but hes the only reason to come here

>> No.46853495

i miss you

>> No.46853499

true true

>> No.46853500

i wanna man

>> No.46853506

ive manned enough ngl

>> No.46853509

how can you miss someone that never leaves

>> No.46853514

i miss Anonymous

>> No.46853515

if youll excuse me for a bit ive got a kara no kyokai reaction to watch

>> No.46853524

very epic anime

>> No.46853525


>> No.46853602

jamal went to bed 2 hours ago bros...

>> No.46853625

I get the feeling Jamal the type of guy that leaves his TV on when he goes to bed

>> No.46853670

I get the feeling Jamal’s the kinda guy who would talk about Jamal.

>> No.46853795

u ever see myers briggs and just go dont think FEEL

>> No.46853799

>u ever see pseudoscience

>> No.46853805

what would drive someone to lie that they have never witnessed pseudoscience before

>> No.46853808

what would cause someone to confuse "u ever see" with "u ever seen"

>> No.46853819

oh so ur sayin its all in the past for u and u shut off the outside world now thats cool

>> No.46853820

beaver bros...

>> No.46853822

god i wish i could get my hands on a beaver

>> No.46853824


>> No.46853837
File: 1.27 MB, 2900x4096, 20240516_143101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone help me understand the feel of this particular piece of work.

>> No.46853838


>> No.46853840

you call that yuri

>> No.46853876
File: 800 KB, 1048x1111, 20240517_070959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Handwritten Japanese gives it a much sexier feel.

>> No.46853881
File: 1.03 MB, 1200x1259, 20240517_071143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46853892

when the handwriting is too sloppy it just seems like the artist was masturbating while they were working

>> No.46853926

wish i could get a cute artist girlfriend who masturbates while drawing yuri

>> No.46854389

mlen needs a new gf holy shit

>> No.46854421

masturbating artist girl only draws yaoi

>> No.46854486
File: 629 KB, 1225x687, 1704035757338545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japanese mental health sector is wild

>> No.46854500

bro im 25 y/o and never had a gf. its so fucking over

>> No.46854506

same here, never mind ;)

>> No.46854509

im 24 and same
honestly considering becoming a tulpacel

>> No.46854514

probably because you literally dont talk to women

>> No.46854519

how did you know

>> No.46854520

true true but id go to jail if i talked to girls under the age of 14 so can you blame me

>> No.46854536 [DELETED] 
File: 2.04 MB, 1920x1080, 世界ふれあい街歩き「太陽の恵みあふれる フランス マントン」_20240516-182841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dame! :0

>> No.46854542


>> No.46854553

non chemical castration for the lot of you faggots

>> No.46854554
File: 1.21 MB, 832x1053, 1715895218721231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46854558

would tell u to chemically castrate urself but considering ur age range of attraction that wont be necessary lol

>> No.46854560



>> No.46854562

its not a joke the world would be a better place if you had your balls cut off painfully before you hurt a child

>> No.46854573

>the world would objectively be a better place if [everyone i dont like] died
the intelligence of a gerontophile, ladies and gentlemen
bunko convinced me that dementia is contractable cuz i dont think he was this dumb before he developed into a degenerate

>> No.46854591

i didnt say die

>> No.46854599

why not

>> No.46854605

doesnt change anything when ur still condemning up to 5% of the global population to brutal torture and mutilation for no fault of their own, which wont motivate them to become productive members of society lol

>> No.46854616
File: 8 KB, 626x301, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like i wont be posting any daily wasavis no more

>> No.46854620

is there some book or whatever that will gradually teach me to get good at reading Japanese handwriting?

Other than stalking a Japanese schoolgirl and reading her homework?

>> No.46854622

just read manga
it takes way too much content to curate a handwriting emersion course

>> No.46854626

current system is just waiting until they hurt someone so why not just skip that step lol

>> No.46854627
File: 1.97 MB, 1200x900, 1693019543492174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

play games with wacky fonts

>> No.46854631

am i being a pussy for staying away from japanese with weird fonts

>> No.46854634

provide evidence first that the majority of pedos or large enough number of pedos become rapists at one point in life?

>> No.46854641

sorry i cant hear you over these soft grandma thighs covering my ears

>> No.46854651

idk man when ppl tell u to kill urself its usually not meant srsly theyre just disgusted by fat grannies
but when u tell ppl to be tortured for how they were born and u say ur absolutely srs that says a lot about ur character idk how i would live with myself if i had a moral compass like that but i guess ur used to being like that

>> No.46854658

i dont think you were born this way

>> No.46854661

yeah technically ur not born being attracted to anyone but thats just me sayin you cant control what ur into for the most part especially in regards to paraphilias

>> No.46854663

in that case all punishment is unjust

>> No.46854673

i cant think of a single country on earth that punishes pedophiles being pedophiles, its usually when they hurt someone that they become criminally liable

>> No.46854677

watching child porn is arguably not directly hurting someone but it is illegal

>> No.46854683

the its not my fault im this way argument is weird cuz free will doesnt exist so fault doesnt really exist in a true sense but all societies agree to lock people up

>> No.46854686

watching it isnt illegal but owning or distributing it

>> No.46854689

u can watch child porn in most of the world cuz child porn in legal terms includes lolicon in law terms they just say its virtual or something
anyway that doesnt disprove my point that just being a pedophile or having pedophilic fantasies is illegal
look up compatibilism, free will doesnt exist but society can only work if we pretend that it does
there is a whole branch of philosophy dedicated to this idea

>> No.46854700

owari da

>> No.46854707

>free will doesnt exist

>> No.46854708

thats a strong reaction

>> No.46854710

well the difference in his mind is that he is a cuck but accepts that he is a cuck but ur also a cuck but u dont accept that u r a cuck which doesnt make u better really

>> No.46854720

aside from society pretending that free will exists its also best for people to pretend free will exists
it just happens to be quite likely that it doesnt but that also doesnt matter

>> No.46854721

if free will doesnt exist then you should be exterminated on grounds of being an irredeemable dimwit

>> No.46854724

dno why this topic is so emotionally charged for you

>> No.46854725

lets be honest even if free will did exist ud still be a dimwit 721

>> No.46854731

free will exists but so does destiny

>> No.46854733

you dont have to press 3 keys to turn your monitor on

>> No.46854735

never played destiny bungie fell off a long time ago

>> No.46854742

free will means you are free of your will

>> No.46854750

wonder if japanese ppl are smart enough to not believe in free will

>> No.46854751

i want to break free
i want to breaak freeeeee

>> No.46854754

theyre even smarter than that from your perspective (above average)

>> No.46854777

whenever someone posts daily wasavi instead of reading it i choose a random number and say "it's [x] isn't it"

>> No.46854781

we know

>> No.46854785

i do that for any multiple choice question posted here

>> No.46854803

i always answer diligently and correctly

>> No.46854807

i always answer diligently but whether im correct or not will be up for the Lord to decide

and yes the only time i use uppercase is to address God cuz hes worth the extra effort

>> No.46854810


>> No.46854813

the katamari games are the ultimate katakana test
imagine all the lonely bbas in japan who go to church dammee

>> No.46854815


>> No.46854819


>> No.46854821


>> No.46854842

itd be better if all men had their dixka cut off so what

>> No.46854848


>> No.46854852

thats not true at all, there would be a vital lack of BWC which could cause mayhem and havoc across all of japan

>> No.46854853

imagine pulling jesuses long silky hair from behind as you nut in his immaculate bussy
please dont reply to me if you are female thanks

>> No.46854859

unko on the fast track to becoming an efilist

>> No.46854861

massive disrespect from unko to besmirch the name of our Lord like that

>> No.46854869


mandatory high iq watching

>> No.46854880 [DELETED] 


>> No.46854892


>> No.46854893

its not disrespectful love is beautiful

>> No.46854895


>> No.46854917

meow meow(ΦωΦ)

>> No.46855113


>> No.46855119


>> No.46855231

i fixed it by adding

to skipurls in about:config

>> No.46855370

i just saw a jap text with the word "GW" (in romanji) and i was like huh? gw, the ai from metal gear solid 2? and then it clicked for me, GW means golden week lol

>> No.46855478


>> No.46855489

five women, 1 ecchi

>> No.46855539

and now for something completely different. here are some japanese words that are all read かんせい. enjoy!

>> No.46855566

true its literally worthless

>> No.46855620
File: 134 KB, 420x478, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46855621

wonder if japs saw that show and thought france is over

>> No.46855631

they already think france is over

>> No.46855663
File: 23 KB, 608x236, AM0K.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46855671
File: 269 KB, 890x1807, GNxNF0haYAA_dL5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46855683


>> No.46855688
File: 283 KB, 1200x1634, 1715944075634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you also have Japan syndrone?

>> No.46855703

i'll never visit japan so no

>> No.46855713

only way to get the same thing in japan is if you're some mentally ill freak tranny who expects they'll turn into a loli when they get off the plane in japan

>> No.46855742

why would i want to turn into a loli? i want them to gift me a free loli to use however i please

>> No.46855754

legit tranny post

>> No.46855763

Kanonキタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!! 日本語フルボイスしゅごい

>> No.46855765
File: 172 KB, 800x1510, 1715944449862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well hold a family event where everyone wears swimsuits and have them bowl over cups on a slip and slide with their bodies
why do japs think like this

>> No.46855779

i only read english dubbed vns

>> No.46855793

the bigger question is why dont we do that too

>> No.46855802

are you an English learner?

>> No.46855820

you're telling me i won't turn 2d when i leave the plane? lies

>> No.46855822

no, that's gay

>> No.46855858


>> No.46855869

how to say this in japanese?
it's high time you stfu

>> No.46855877


>> No.46855882


>> No.46855885

お口チャック( ・᷄ὢ・᷅ )メッ!

>> No.46855891

how are nips learning kanji? aren't they basically doing rtk?

>> No.46855908

rote memorization

>> No.46855923


>> No.46855952
File: 53 KB, 653x328, 1715945329268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh kek they do do rtk

>> No.46855965

yes you are faggot. otherwise we'd end up like every other faggot prone species and get filtered.

>> No.46855992

nobody's born attracted to the same sex it's just mental illness and coping cuz of childhood abuse

>> No.46856001

ok, but how about when they get past the age of 10?

>> No.46856002

>aren't they basically doing rtk?
funniest shit i ever heard

>> No.46856008


>> No.46856030

alexa, what is the average age of entering menarche

>> No.46856043
File: 224 KB, 1637x614, 全.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically like this minus the poor english translation and useless jlpt info

>> No.46856063

ok, so basically using jisho. i'm glad i was doing it right all this time

>> No.46856064

jisho doesn't neatly list all popular usage of a kanji like that, though
the compactness of information in that image makes it much easier to learn the actual kanji

>> No.46856069

this isn't rtk. there's no mnemonics there it's just an explanation of etymology

>> No.46856070


>> No.46856078

why are japs so obsessed with wearing suits and ties even if theyre low tier office drones.
at my work, even the department manager doesnt wear a suit, and our plant manager wears one occasionally but usually only for business meetings.

>> No.46856089

i would gladly do matto iykwim

>> No.46856107

i guess you are right, that would be nice to have

>> No.46856108

the ceo of my company comes to work with a hawaiian button up shirt and long shorts

>> No.46856112

what did she say

>> No.46856117

thats what im talking about

>> No.46856118


>> No.46856124


>> No.46856136

a product of respect for social conformity and rules to maintain the peace.

>> No.46856141

dno bro at 16 she would have to be retarded in more than 1 way

>> No.46856166

nah blud thin ppl usually get their menarche later in life cuz their body develops slower

>> No.46856177

its all about how much saturated animal fats they ate, leptin governs sex hormones
people who go on vegan diets often lose their period for example

>> No.46856200

thats one way to describe it. i see it more as japs being bugs who cant stand up to themselves. europeans are currently fighting for 4 day work weeks, youd never see that shit in japan, the country where the same politicial party has been in power for like 80 years

>> No.46856219

where can i join the fight? im not gonna work myself but if the average wagie is more relaxed society would be better in general

>> No.46856220

>4 day work weeks
i could do with 3

>> No.46856221

yooo when i was living with grandma i got overweight cuz she fed me so much butter and fatty cuts of meat, chicken skin etc
i entered puberty when i was like 10 yo and the first thing i remember masturbating to was simpsons porn on newgrounds
when my autistic ass told the class that i started masturbating most ppl were too young to even know what it was

>> No.46856239

you should be more grateful for publishers overworking their manga artist. without them we wouldn't have all this

>> No.46856254

>you should be more grateful for publishers overworking their manga artist
where are the good manga

>> No.46856265

etymology is ancient rtk

>> No.46856269

thank you japan, i pirate all your stuff

>> No.46856272

to love-ru was cool

>> No.46856274

when you overwork the mangaka you get shit like naruto where it suddenly loses all of its soul after shitpooden in order to fulfill contracts

>> No.46856282

thats what everyone thought in 2020 :skull: turns out if you give the average wagie more time, they waste it on causes they can't understand the ramifications for.

>> No.46856284

was that the one where the artist drew uncensored pussies in reflections dame

>> No.46856287

>yeah, gonna need you to shit out 200 more chapters

>> No.46856293

>theological/philosophical concept called compatibilism
>anon thinks adherents believe free will doesn’t exist

>> No.46856295

but if you don't overwork the mangaka you get shit like made in abyss where new chapter don't come out

>> No.46856312

>4 day work weeks
isn't europe being overwhelmed by arabs right now. last thing they need is more siesta time

>> No.46856313

what do you mean? most people just spend more time with their families or on their hobbies. its mostly younger people that would waste their time on " causes they can't understand the ramifications for."

>> No.46856327

this hurt me. made in abyss definitely needs to hurry the fuck up

>> No.46856349

made in abyss is an exception
he is allowed to have breaks cuz he is suffering from ロリコン syndrome

>> No.46856355

A complex can’t be a syndrome.

>> No.46856360

post the nerd emoji thing

>> No.46856368


>> No.46856372
File: 259 KB, 966x724, na-do.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46856373
File: 643 KB, 850x850, 1684464106389376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A complex can’t be a syndrome.

>> No.46856375

you adjust rules not for the middle class, but for the bottom third. give 'them' more free time and (((they))) will take advantage.

>> No.46856393

japanese people are terrible at memory retention which is why they keep saying "you need to work for 10 years to cook rice with a rice cooker"

>> No.46856394

butt looks like front
tfw not arranged marriaged to a japanese grandma at 10 years old

>> No.46856411

asians are the smartest race according to science

>> No.46856418

he's getting worse

>> No.46856419

are you talking about the same science that claims men can be women and that dinosaurs were birds

>> No.46856421


>> No.46856428

>dinosaurs were birds
preposterous everybody knows birds were dinosaurs

>> No.46856437

i'm talking about the science before that stuff

>> No.46856444

i watched jurassic park when i was a kid and it was cool as fuck
i will never in my life trust a so-called scientist who says that tyrannosaurus rex had feathers after years of claiming they didnt

>> No.46856454

dinosaurs didnt even exist lol

>> No.46856455

openess is total ruin??

>> No.46856457

we actually don't know shit about dinosaurs but we don't like to admit it

>> No.46856469

rise and shine squiddos :DD


454 wrong i am a living one

>> No.46856477

tolerance is extinction was the official english

>> No.46856478

should i learn about 弥助 now that the internet has made me aware of him?

>> No.46856487

there's not much to learn he carried some stuff for a guy then they dressed him in armor for fun and he surrendered the first battle he was in and then they made him a slave again

>> No.46856488

all i needed to know about yasuke is from ciaran's streamables

>> No.46856489

why would you want to learn about niggers?

>> No.46856505

i always skipped them because they were too difficult

>> No.46856509

asian have the highest iq floor averages bro

>> No.46856511

What goes on in the mind of a Japanese woman?

>> No.46856515

white dick

>> No.46856516

nakadasisaretai nakadasisaretai nakadasisaretai nakadasisaretai nakadasisaretai nakadasisaretai nakadasisaretai nakadasisaretai nakadasisaretai nakadasisaretai nakadasisaretai nakadasisaretai etc...

>> No.46856519

ちんぽ ちんぽ ちんぽ ちんぽ ちんぽ

>> No.46856522

read some shoujo manga and you'll get it
spoiler: it has a lot to do with gay sex

>> No.46856543

tuesday and friday are the worst slop days
what am i supposed to do with my free time

>> No.46856557

go for walks

>> No.46856559

do some fansubs

>> No.46856564

i've made homemade gyoza with using boiling water, flour, salt for the dough and feta cheese and soi sauce for the filling
benefit of using hot water is that u dont have to wait for the dough to rise

>> No.46856571

baby shark :I
baby shark, japan :O

>> No.46856576

dinosaur fossils were placed on earth by God to test our faith

>> No.46856583

well this is the daily thread, japanese :OOOOo after all

>> No.46856588

so he made dinosaur fossils but he couldnt have made actual dinosaurs?

>> No.46856593

papi now that you are awake please give some sense to this fool, he's been disrespecting God the entire thread

>> No.46856597

djt, /int/ :I
djt, /jp/ :O

>> No.46856599
File: 112 KB, 900x1345, elephant_skull_3_4_by_apteryxstock_d3d3uwp-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fun fact elephant skulls are what inspired the cyclops of greek mythology

>> No.46856601

the Lord doesnt need defending by me or any of his other sons and daughters

>> No.46856606

i fucked gods daughters

>> No.46856615

true, god can defend himself. but not by being a man and coming down here and talking to us, no no, he'll just condemn you to eternal suffering for disrespecting him.

>> No.46856619

lol thats a better way of putting it for sure

u jack off into an old tube sock in ur childhood bedroom at your parents house who u think ur fooling here

>> No.46856636
File: 368 KB, 791x541, plz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yotsuba is a believer

>> No.46856637

if power fantasies are bad, does that mean the bible is bad

>> No.46856646


>> No.46856647

post the japanese version

>> No.46856652

everyone is a believer when they are at the lowest point in their life

>> No.46856659


>> No.46856660

believer in what? the christian god? i dont think every human suddenly becomes a believer in the christian god when theyre at their lowest point. are you stupid

>> No.46856666

u just made up a story in ur head to get mad over me lol

>> No.46856672

this is an old screenshot so i don't remember the chapter, but it's when she goes to みうら's house

>> No.46856679

personally i pray to odin in dire times
but if i were to have a low point at sea then maybe poseidon

>> No.46856684


>> No.46856686

ok super satan

>> No.46856690

imø allah seems chill

>> No.46856702

alexa, how old was aisha when mohammad consummated with her

>> No.46856703

he's just the christian god with a different name

>> No.46856708

what is it with mentally ill people finding islam appealing esp when muslims would stone them to death instantly

>> No.46856717

>esp when muslims would stone them to death instantly
nice propaganda

>> No.46856733

ive met many muslims in my life and they've all been very nice to me

>> No.46856746

A bit, but anon is being a bigger pussy for playing Omori

>> No.46856752

it's hard to stone someone if you don't make them lower their guard

>> No.46856753

yeah because youre a man. if you were a woman they wouldnt be so nice.

>> No.46856757


>> No.46856758

i miss this little habibi like you wouldnt believe man

>> No.46856763

thats because they arent street thugs like if they are on a mission you arent gonna see them coming and then allahu ackbar all up in ur shit so ofc its in their best interest to be better behaved when they arent blowing themselves up

>> No.46856791
File: 338 KB, 1018x644, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to play 恐怖の世界 in jp, but considering the nature of the game and its gameplay, might be like close to end game material for me.

>> No.46856858
File: 43 KB, 480x360, 1696077787963432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute shiba in a cigarette shop is there

>> No.46856873

forgot about this one
will play... eventually... maybe
currently playing katamari 2 reroll and loads of 3ds games and skullgirls

>> No.46856876

guess i cant shop there. im allergic to japanese girls

>> No.46856894

why are you learning Japanese lol

>> No.46856919

japanese dogs are very smart

>> No.46856923

it was a joke haha

>> No.46856931

いきたい ちんぽ! (∪^ω^)

>> No.46856939

that dog is epic dogs are the best cats are assholes and dogs rule but only the cute breeds like miss me with those boxer and shitbulls and pugs and shit fuck those dogs

>> No.46856956


>> No.46856961

basal breeds are good everything else is a mockery of god's creation

>> No.46856991

koreans did it first https://youtu.be/pZJLDJB7-2I?t=50

>> No.46857005

ヨーグルト でた ママ いきたい どうして?

>> No.46857011

epic pig piggies are ftw too but they are gross the just shit and eat at the same time

>> No.46857036
File: 100 KB, 941x1446, EU getting BTFO'd by US, china, and japan, with korea catching up in advanced tech innovation patents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>europeans are currently fighting for 4 day work weeks
which explains pic related. ciaran should pay special attention.

choose between a 4-day work week or AGI 50 years sooner. those are the tradeoffs.

>> No.46857052
File: 34 KB, 460x476, a34d581_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

巷 but mirrored?

>> No.46857057

innovation doesnt come from working more hours.

>> No.46857075

wtf is a world class patent
id say a country does better the less patents it has because everyone profits when intellectual property isnt locked behind bars

>> No.46857076

that's almost certainly not true. and innovation comes from government getting the fuck out of the way queeran you imbecile.

>> No.46857084

it encourages people to innovate actually. but it can go too far sometimes but the solution isn't to just get rid of IP

>> No.46857089

how long have u been "learning" japanese and how much of this do u understand


>> No.46857098
File: 80 KB, 519x680, GNyHSA7bMAAy4jo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily wasavi

>> No.46857101

rewatched the fmab episode 60 flask guy create the giant transmutation circle and pop out and reach toward the moon.

and the scene is kinda epic but there's something missing and i realized it's this...the dwarf in the flask is such a boring character.

>> No.46857109

>how long have u been "learning" japanese

>> No.46857112

2 just like my n level

>> No.46857115

its 3 isnt it

>> No.46857117

*in nuke chan voice*

yasuku... yasuku... is that why he was named yasuke

>> No.46857132

4, but やすく、おいしい is also right

>> No.46857149

>flask guy
ahh, flood guy's cousin

>> No.46857151

4 just like the n5 difficulty of that quiz

>> No.46857152

since yayoi era *clicking tongue*

>> No.46857171


>> No.46857207


>> No.46857301

good cats are fucking epic bro you dont even know
i had one that would sleep and purr on my lap every day when i was just gaming

>> No.46857331

this is the intermediate thread mans

>> No.46857336


>> No.46857337

Same but that's because we agreed about (((them))) and women

>> No.46857346
File: 80 KB, 691x448, wife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but (((they))) also have the right idea about women

>> No.46857348

cats are moody and climb all over everything in the house and get their hair all over everything but they are good hunters and good to have in your yard to deal with other critters

>> No.46857384

you got a information at cheap price, sirankedo

>> No.46857403

never knew hebrew is just jewified english

>> No.46857410

wouldnt fit the translation

>> No.46857431

think thats yiddish above the english

>> No.46857491
File: 3.29 MB, 3000x4000, GNxaTW-bIAAzGJS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46857542

yametekudasai was probably the first jp expression that i memorized cuz it kept appearing in my adult animations

>> No.46857584

adult slop

>> No.46857633

remember watching that one jav where she gets stuck in the elevator a lot long before i wanted to know japanese

>> No.46857651

based, for me it was イク〜イク〜イッッークー〜

>> No.46857664
File: 987 KB, 960x540, Delicious in Dungeon - S01E20 - 1080p WEB H.264 -NanDesuKa (DSNP)-[08.16.371-08.25.630].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cats are fucking epic bro you dont even know
true true

>> No.46857667


>> No.46857689

i hope you do. i sure hope you do

>> No.46857695
File: 906 KB, 1920x1080, Delicious in Dungeon - S01E20 - 1080p WEB H.264 -NanDesuKa (DSNP)-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46857699

I already told you that last thread.

>> No.46857722
File: 806 KB, 1920x1080, Delicious in Dungeon - S01E20 - 1080p WEB H.264 -NanDesuKa (DSNP)-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46857733

>jp subs
engub guy's probably losing his marbles over this

>> No.46857743
File: 1.05 MB, 1920x1080, Delicious in Dungeon - S01E20 - 1080p WEB H.264 -NanDesuKa (DSNP)-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dame i forgot this had jp subs wanted to post english ones

>> No.46857764

nice self-own

>> No.46857781

English speaking movies with muted sound, and JP subtitles. Y/N?

>> No.46857816

just keep the audio on

>> No.46857847


>> No.46857851
File: 608 KB, 960x540, Delicious in Dungeon - S01E20 - 1080p WEB H.264 -NanDesuKa (DSNP)-[20.45.453-20.52.418].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46857936

you're making engsub anon VERY angry rn

>> No.46857937

※ 狙いが見え透いている
※ 見え透いた言い訳
※ 見え透いた嘘
※ 腸が見え透く

>> No.46858053
File: 46 KB, 600x780, 1715958554219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when did Japan lose its samurai spirit?

>> No.46858072

when the enola gay dropped atomic aids on hiroshima

>> No.46858102


>> No.46858114


>> No.46858140
File: 1.48 MB, 3847x2167, GNyhLN5aMAAF5Q3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why you learn japanse?

>> No.46858150
File: 292 KB, 1069x1500, GNyhAG7bgAA4um1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46858229

god they look bad

>> No.46858250
File: 330 KB, 1294x1496, 1715959975698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why should I learn Japanese if I'm not guaranteed a rin qtwife at the end of it

>> No.46858266

theres guys getting rin qtwives rn who dont give two shits about japanese

>> No.46858273


>> No.46858289

the samurai class had set itself up for failure. they mostly considered matters of money as beneath them and the system of inheritance in use at the time eventually lead to their impoverishment. a society mostly at peace, who only saw sparse need for a warrior class, gave rise to a newly emerging burgeois social stratum of growing financial power, and thus the erosision of the feudal order. both were as catastrophic to the survival odds of the samurai as the sudden appearance of superior foreign military power off the coast in 1853.

>> No.46858292

miku expo just underscored my need for a rin qtwife with a flat assu

>> No.46858295

>they considered matters of money as beneath them
based neet mentality

>> No.46858325
File: 31 KB, 714x488, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*nods sagely*

>> No.46858388
File: 918 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] - 06 (1080p) [8C001C7D]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46858394

Okay, I tried to improve on his writing a little. Tell me how smart he is with these edits.
>t1h3e sa4mura4i cla5ss ha4d se4t itself u4p for fa1ilure. th4ey mo32stly co4nsid4ered mat5ters o6f m7oney a4s bene8ath the8m a8nd th4e sy21213stem of inh214esritance in u4se at th124e tim124e even355tually lead to their impov1erishment. a society mostly at peace, who only saw sparse need for a wa4rridor cla4ss, g4ave r4ise t4o a n4ewly emerging burge8ois social stratum of grodwing financial power, and thus the ero234sision of the feudal order. both were as catastrophic to the survival odads of the samurafi as the sudden appearance of superior foreign military power off tehe coa3st in 1853.

>> No.46858411
File: 49 KB, 697x620, out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46858412
File: 35 KB, 677x485, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*takes off burger king crown and hands it to 394* this belongs to u now

>> No.46858426

your font is uglier than mine and i thought you should know

>> No.46858430
File: 95 KB, 1000x1000, GNw9V9ua8AAZLCf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46858442

any suggestions ? i just use whatevers default in chrome (i love getting pozzed by joogle)

>> No.46858557
File: 883 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken - 55 (1080p) [0E5A5A55]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46858596

install gentoo

>> No.46858600

gobu loli ToT

>> No.46858613


>> No.46858625

bros i would kill 平気に if it meant i could get one of these cute japanese weather forecast girls as a wife

>> No.46858628

never clicked that and never will

>> No.46858636

u will click the bugs

>> No.46858642

i would kill 大きに

>> No.46858652

平気に sounds unnatural af

>> No.46858654


>> No.46858794

watashi wa matto dess

>> No.46858807
File: 294 KB, 546x394, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets fucking goooo


>> No.46858813
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>> No.46858816

You would kill nonchalantly?

>> No.46858817

women aren't attracted to slimy tentacle aliens though

>> No.46858826

says who

>> No.46858832

yea japanese sites love to 403 foreign IPs (because of their open racism)

>> No.46858835

don't women love korean men?

>> No.46858837

racism is a good thing

>> No.46858842

racism is just natural selection doing its thing

its the ones that relax that get culled

>> No.46858843

bro you're killing my stomach why did i laugh so hard at this

>> No.46858927


>> No.46858949

race does not exist according to science
that's your factually incorrect opinion
false many people lose faith at their lowest point in life

>> No.46858958

fact guy just randomly dropping in and slaying people with facts

>> No.46858977
File: 542 KB, 640x671, 1601526374583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46858983

hi what's your question

>> No.46858993
File: 429 KB, 1266x688, 1589138976511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a real qoute?

>> No.46859002

cry, scream, and die?

>> No.46859007

I like Kyo's ボディがガラ空きだぜ! though

>> No.46859036

I feel like I've heard Sugita say that many times

>> No.46859151

Fact guy is currently slaying the thread. I want to see him and engsub anon in the ring.

>> No.46859177
File: 1.63 MB, 1920x1080, 漢字ふむふむ 貴様のおかげです!_20240516-235327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, I have only jp dubs :(

>> No.46859185

no no no, jp subs* (^_^;)

>> No.46859288

someone post a jidaigayki clip im finna test myself

>> No.46859346

Stop, you'll summon Queeran.

>> No.46859397

wotd: 倜儻 (literally me btw)

>> No.46859405

that's not me at all i'm an idiot

>> No.46859489


>> No.46859493


>> No.46859518

funny how kisama which literally is a honourable pronoun turned into a slur

>> No.46859522

*opens djt* whats this, jamal isnt here? thats rare, he normally hangs out here 24/7

>> No.46859533

kisama is such a fun word to say. especially if you say it in an angry exaggerated japanese voice

>> No.46859563

crazy how there's literally chalk in tap water

>> No.46859604

*tilts head forward and looks up at you and says with a gravelly voice* kisama

>> No.46859671

crazy who asked

>> No.46859723
File: 197 KB, 1272x895, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46859758

hi i was wondering if 50h of professional Japanese course is good enough to learn the basic so I can learn on my self afterwars

my goal is mostly working with Japanese people and drawing comic in Japanese

>> No.46859768

feels good being better than most of humanity

>> No.46859771
File: 616 KB, 326x316, 1713022769564791.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46859791

i'm worse than most white people in most respects but i still have more potential

>> No.46859811
File: 152 KB, 1500x1000, 153812237-56a008545f9b58eba4ae8f00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I will be cooking for JP friends when I visit.

>> No.46859820

read this as sakuya

>> No.46859823

oh yeah? in college i was in the top 5%

>> No.46859826


>> No.46859901

i can't believe you have that gif on ur hdd

>> No.46859913
File: 3.29 MB, 365x498, file.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Error: Duplicate file exists. here.

>> No.46859919

why cant i stop watching this lmao

>> No.46859933
File: 786 KB, 1920x1080, GNzMJOeakAIEti2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yoooo new wasavi study with anime - trust no one, not even yourself - episode

>> No.46859962

901 y?

>> No.46859993

its hella guy

>> No.46860006

new lolcow just dropped

>> No.46860013

>I read this correctly
Good for you?

>> No.46860016

noped outta there as soon as he say kikoemasukra

>> No.46860017

i have goatse on my puter also 993

>> No.46860024


>> No.46860027

is this jamal channel lmao

>> No.46860052

I like how obvious it is that he voiced over everything after recording cuz he cant even pronounce n5 vocabs without stumbling over them (which he still does)

>> No.46860059

I was like
>oh, this reminds me of that other guy who did Omori
>it’s the same guy

>> No.46860060

he does it again after 5 seconds wth lol

>> No.46860063

ok lets not dunk on a guy who has probably better nihongo skillz than 90% of djt

>> No.46860064


>> No.46860069

im still laughing why did this tickle me the way it did

>> No.46860072

can u guys stop saying that word its making me think of that naurto ending

>> No.46860075

the guy could barely fill in 9 minutes of gameplay footage cuz there were just too many level 1 sentences to unpack

>> No.46860076

ngl he can read katakana faster than me

>> No.46860083

he is voicing over his own gameplay footage after recording, dummy
of course he can "read katakana faster" cuz he is pre-reading every line

>> No.46860085

mad jelly

>> No.46860100
File: 1.25 MB, 640x360, 1702251136119425.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me when my djt crush shows off his nihongo skills through a vocaroo

>> No.46860105


>> No.46860107
File: 60 KB, 828x811, GNtqmNabcAIAQuI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46860117

yeah imma need dildo machine guy's take on this

>> No.46860118

he's dubbing over it not reading as it comes up

>> No.46860119


we got a live one but at least hes honest up front in the beginning

>> No.46860126

that hairline... oof

>> No.46860127

i wish i had the blind confidence or lack of awareness these npcs do. id give 10 iq points for it

>> No.46860140
File: 23 KB, 594x469, nuke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46860143

yup if your not handsome ur opinion is basically moot in my eyes this is why i only ever listen to guys like matt vs japan

>> No.46860146


>> No.46860147

matto-sensei's cock... i hope it's uncircumcised :3

>> No.46860159

Don’t do it, anon. Being 100 iq isn’t worth it.

>> No.46860160

0 percent chance

>> No.46860163
File: 764 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei S3 - 07 (1080p) [AA3ECB7E]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46860167
File: 304 KB, 1264x708, 1707015084242983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hiragana-only game: check
jisho open to look up every single word: check
yep, its immersion time

>> No.46860169

i don't think 受け止める is the right word for this

>> No.46860171
File: 700 KB, 1133x483, 1700034147283877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there he is...

>> No.46860182
File: 1.40 MB, 1633x537, shorts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46860188

is だ a verb?

>> No.46860189


>> No.46860213

da fuck

>> No.46860216
File: 6 KB, 361x461, cmon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at the facts

>> No.46860222

what is it to you if its a verb

>> No.46860225


>> No.46860235

no wonder he got montreal screwjobbed

>> No.46860308
File: 1.19 MB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Hibike! Euphonium S3 - 06 (1080p) [982D7547]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pitch is for losers

>> No.46860336


>> No.46860360
File: 858 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Hibike! Euphonium S3 - 06 (1080p) [982D7547]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46860367

pitch in music ftw pitch in language *mehs loudly*

>> No.46860380
File: 946 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Hibike! Euphonium S3 - 06 (1080p) [982D7547]-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46860398
File: 29 KB, 480x480, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46860405

epic shirt

>> No.46860440

he's jewish

>> No.46860442

niggas will say the dumbest shit to get into faggy tonto's pants

>> No.46860450
File: 1.12 MB, 960x540, D1w4x1ZnMEJ7IYhH-[00.00.000-00.06.589].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46860460

might become a hypochondriac

>> No.46860494

crazy how easily i can resolve my outstanding backlog of tasks but i dont

>> No.46860502

>watching with english subs

>> No.46860518

there's (you)

>> No.46860524


>> No.46860559
File: 135 KB, 435x419, happyゆの.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46860573


>> No.46860575


>> No.46860595

General rule of thumb, when one is first beginning reading, watching, listening how much should I focus on absolutely understanding vs general comprehension
If I can follow along with the show, book, manga etc and understand what’s happening that’s more important than every little nuanced point right
Quantity over quality at first to fill my brain and get it used to the language

>> No.46860601

you should generally have the mindset of trying to understand everything but if it takes too long you should move on

>> No.46860615



this ones for you bro >>46860559

>> No.46860622

Generally speaking, you should be comprehending 100% of what you read or listen to. Anything less is going to slow you down going forward.

>> No.46860638

thats 100% rounded up, in reality its probably more like 97 or 98 per cent

>> No.46860667

Ah yes, the classic 98% comprehension.

>> No.46860761

emiru is so hot

>> No.46861143

>閂+hands = 開ける
nooooo you're not supposed to do that!
the gap exists because EU doesn't recognize software (aka fake) patents

>> No.46861149

yes korea and japan are known for their advanced software patents so that definitely explains the gap
