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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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46567925 No.46567925 [Reply] [Original]

Guide: https://djtguide.neocities.org/
Guide: https://djtguide.github.io/
Guide: https://gohoneko.neocities.org/

Previous threads:

>> No.46568305
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>> No.46568311

can you use ba~hodo without the ba? what grammar is this?

>> No.46568443

cool photo op

>> No.46568449
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>> No.46568534

It's regular grammar. ほど is used any time you want to say that something is to the point/limit/utmost of something else, so it fundamentally implies that the more A is, the more B is.
You don't need the conditional to do this:
The more I liked her, the more I hated the others
The sooner, the better

>> No.46568568
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>> No.46568599


>> No.46568614

>can you use ba~hodo without the ba?
you can

no he's right, it's short for

>> No.46568617


>> No.46568632

No it's not.

>> No.46568634


>> No.46568635

n6 kun to the rescue!

>> No.46568641


>> No.46568700

wonder what those brackets mean...

>> No.46568722

djt got their shit pushed in by an n6 once again. grim

>> No.46568751

Nah, lil bro got demolished and had to resort to some JSL videos made for Somali immigrants to prove his point

>> No.46568755

that's a native not a n6 lol

>> No.46568761

now that's some cope if i ever seen it

>> No.46568763

Dame, lil bro doesn't know how to read English now too kek

>> No.46568767

the only one coping is the n6 noob

>> No.46568773

seriously wtf lul
nobody's talking about the guy in the video you dunce

that's fucking funny
i'm actually laughing
still ydkj

>> No.46568795

finna add ~ば~ほど to the final boss list
list's getting kinda long though
like this dick! stfu man talking big game while failing at n3 grammar

>> No.46568796


>> No.46568802

the hodo shit already derailed the thread
abandon thread

>> No.46568849

N6 anon failing N3 grammar is nothing to be impressed by

>> No.46568875

this is up there with the most pointless arguments i've seen in djt

>> No.46568888

It always starts when some guy’s gotta add his two cents to the N5 questions people bring in here.
Remember 彼が先生です guy?

>> No.46568892

i remember the watasi ha gakusei desu (this means im a teacher) guy

>> No.46568895
File: 18 KB, 1332x426, untitled3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

understandble reaction. i would see this embarrassing and acutely compromising exposure of my lack of japanese grammar buried as soon as possible too, if i were you. sadly that's not gonna happen.

your eotd
>pic rel

>> No.46568921

That was it. Thanks for remembering. That guy was funny. This dude gives me similar vibes.

>> No.46568930

Previous thread: >>46561874

>> No.46568934

3d kino

>> No.46568949

i also like it

>> No.46568958

djt ni iru hodo bakamitaini naru

>> No.46568964 [DELETED] 
File: 321 KB, 1821x3340, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick sketch i started with

>> No.46568968
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progress after 2 hours of working with it

>> No.46568973

sonkyo kijoui

>> No.46568976

you're ready to top the deviantart charts

>> No.46568984



you're an artisté

>> No.46569016 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 1821x3174, slide1atamanosecensor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still got plenty of work to do on it just done for now
this is my last one
uploading to pixiv

>> No.46569040

Holy fuck vtubers are annoying what the hell term do I search just to hear a woman talking for a few hours in a neutral voice?

>> No.46569044

just watch terrace house

>> No.46569051

watch the fuckin news

>> No.46569053


>> No.46569055

its over

>> No.46569064


>> No.46569075

>Hi everyone! My name is Jazzy and as the title suggests - I took the JLPT N1 in December 2021, got my result back earlier this week and was pleasantly surprised to find that I'd gotten a full score of 180/180! I started learning Japanese from 0 on March 18th 2021, and in just over 8.5 months I managed to get to a point where I was able to get full marks on the N1 without doing any specific JLPT study and without having ever been to Japan
>I managed to get to a point where I was able to get full marks on the N1 without doing any specific JLPT study

>> No.46569085

i deboonked this months ago, anybody who seriously studied japanese for more than 1 year knew it was bullshit

>> No.46569088


>> No.46569095

i never studied japanese but i know its bullshit

>> No.46569098

>i deboonked this months ago

>> No.46569115

so how many hours should 180 n1 take according to you?

>> No.46569123


>> No.46569141


>> No.46569143

2k if you aren't targeting it specifically

>> No.46569150

targeting your asshole specifically *unzips*
it'll ony take 13 seconds

>> No.46569159

>it'll ony take 13 seconds
looks like self-own is back on the menu

>> No.46569162


>> No.46569168

that's 8.5 months at 7-8 hours a day though. seems feasible if you're an autistic neet
but also if you account for higher iq than usual plus the fact that denser study means you may waste less time forgetting and re-learning stuff, then at least the first number might go down to like 1550, which is just 6 hours a day

>> No.46569176

crazy how nobody could explain the process of "studying" japanese

>> No.46569177

>I continued the deck for 20 days doing 50 cards a day (which took me about 45 minutes a day at the time),
man what the hell

>> No.46569178

looking at that dump truck i'm feeling optimistic about 12 actually. that would be a 記録更新 though

>> No.46569184

he knows Urdu aka +140 IQ

>> No.46569189
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do people understand your hobby?

>> No.46569195

paki hands typed that post

>> No.46569199

noooooo, mind brand, noooooooo

>> No.46569202
File: 101 KB, 800x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel urdu
I wish English also used scribbles, learning kanji would be a lot more ez

>> No.46569209





>> No.46569212

if you emerse for 6 hours a day, you see core words all the time

>> No.46569260

>if you emerse for 6 hours a day
read that as if you goon for 6 hours a day

>> No.46569263
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do you also wear a box on your head

>> No.46569265

>7-8 hours a day though. seems feasible if you're an autistic neet
no it's not, it would take at least 2x that realistically, even if you are a shut-in autist

>> No.46569273

how is 7 hours not feasible when if spend like 13 hours in front of your computer

>> No.46569276


>> No.46569278
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>> No.46569283

because "active study" isn't "shitposting on 4chan". brain gets tired faster. also let's not forget about the daily gooning session every autistic shutin has

>> No.46569293

>brain gets tired faster
ok boomer

>> No.46569296

didnt have a box on my head til the year 06 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vu8jIWIb65c

>> No.46569308

you can shitpost in the remaining 6 hours.
if your brain gets tired, you can put on anime with delayed eng subs for half an hour. but also the point of me saying autistic is that some people are wired differently and can bear the mental exertion.
and gooning can be done to jp doujins from the get go and later to vns

>> No.46569317

>Toilets at war against an enemy with electronic devices, such as speakers and CCTV cameras, for heads

>> No.46569321


>> No.46569350

2 months after starting japanese
>As a result, I was reading at a very slow pace initially (around 3,000-4,000 characters/hour) because there was a lot of vocab and grammar to look up, plus it often took me a little while to think about a line before fully understanding it and moving on.

3 months after starting japanese
>By now, I had gotten used to reading Summer Pockets as well and was encountering unknown vocab/grammar a lot less frequently (and it was taking a lot less time to process what I was reading), causing my reading speed for it to grow to 10,000 characters/hour around the beginning of July.

4 months after starting japanese
>In that final week of July, I ended up reading 100,000 characters in a day for the first time (I was reading Summer Pockets at about 13,000 characters/hour by this point) - before going on to hit 100,000 characters in a day another 3 times that same week. I did a total of 80 hours of immersion that week (so an average of 11.4 hours a day) - 47 hours of reading and 33 hours of listening. Within that week I finished off the rest of Summer Pockets, started another VN and finished my 3rd LN.

lmaoing at dumb redditors eating this up in the first place

>> No.46569399


>> No.46569420

fast garbage in fast garbage out

>> No.46569431

which part?

>> No.46569436
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idc about speed or comparing myself to some elite learner i just want to learn at my own pace and have fun all the while

>> No.46569441

"""elite learner"""

>> No.46569446

N1 in 8 months?
it seems reasonable, people are just jealous(djt and reddit)

>> No.46569465
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>> No.46569489
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>> No.46569510


>> No.46569518

used to read dame as "damn"
but now i know better


>> No.46569532

amazing post

>> No.46569537
File: 476 KB, 650x765, 1656108104494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How I got 180/180 on N1 in ~8.5 Months!
But essentially what John's method religion IS:

* Start reading every day (and listening)
* Go through a grammar guide (like Tae kim or Cure Dolly)
* Go through a common vocab deck (like core2.3k)
* Mine stuff into Anki that you encounter in your Japanese media

>> No.46569539
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reading summer pockets at 10k means you have whole 11+ seconds to read this line

>> No.46569554
File: 457 KB, 1800x2700, GKzr5W_aAAAbqba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yoooo welcome back bro!

>> No.46569556
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>> No.46569564

the points isn't that he doesn't "know" japanese, it's that it took more than 1 year to reach that level.

also he's a pajeet so i wouldn't be surprised if everything is a scam and his output is preread

>> No.46569568

WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (´っ・ω・)っ

>> No.46569576

>* Mine stuff into Anki that you encounter in your Japanese media
yesterday i mined 400 words... make it stop

>> No.46569579

even i can do that, that's n4slop. the issue isn't summer pockets, it that it's physically impossible to achieve all that in 8.5 months because there's not enough time in a day

>> No.46569593

there's no 8 hours in a day?

>> No.46569615

all core deck words


never skip analcream deck and the voices help a lot.

>> No.46569627

10,000 characters an hour after 3 months learning is such obvious bullshit. japanese kids are surrounded by the language and still don’t reach that speed until after 4+ years of schooling.

>> No.46569628

he also did 6h of part time job (not even counting the time spend moving to and from). at least 6 hours of sleep. at least 1h for food. but looking at how groomed he is in the video it's also 1 more hour for hygiene and stuff. also i didn't read the whole thing, but if he mined anything that would be already a lie since there would be no time for reviews.

and all this assuming you're 100% tryharding ajapanese and nothing else (no relationships with anyone, no days off, etc...)

>> No.46569641
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based and GMI

>> No.46569648
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Immersion time
Im gonna cum so hard (*´▽`*)

元: [灰同 (灰司)] 僕がお母さんとこんなことになっちゃう話 7 禁欲編

>> No.46569671

>japanese kids are surrounded by the language and still don’t reach that speed until after 4+ years of schooling.
no! you don't understand! japanese kids don't spend enough time immersing!

>> No.46569682

there are ZERO dookie colored subhumans on this planet that werent born and bred in the nigerian republic of roppongi that know japanese im not sure why this is a surprise to any1

>> No.46569690

they actually dont its a worldwide thing where kids dont read anything anymore so they sound like retards trying to sound out letters instead of reading fluently

>> No.46569705

>its imposible, you cant pass n1 in 8 months REEEEEEEEEEEEE
just immerse lil bro lol

>> No.46569708

dunno, he doesn't look like 8 months old

>> No.46569711

its weird i thought being glued to phones and tablets would increase literacy but somehow it hasnt
im truly shocked i wonder if kids dont have fully developed brains now cuz half of their mental processing they just leave to the cloud now lol

>> No.46569716

they sound great

>> No.46569720

shouldnt you be banned?

>> No.46569724

>10,000 characters an hour after 3 months learning is such obvious bullshit
not if it's 3 months of 8 hours a day
yeah the part time job is a lot but still just about doable by an obsessed autist. you could do a bit less on week days and a bit more on the weekend.
also you don't need much review time of very common words if you read for 6+ hours a day because you see them all the time outside anki

>> No.46569725

>watch mrbeast
>become fluent
I hate mrbeast but holy kino

>> No.46569730


>> No.46569735


>> No.46569738

who is the mr beast of japan

>> No.46569745

>I went away on holiday for a few days in early August during which I didn't do any immersion and was busy with other things during the month such as moving house. Plus, with COVID-19 restrictions pretty much gone I wanted to spend a lot more time with family and friends that month. But overall I still got a decent amount done. By halfway through the month, I'd finished another 2 VNs

>> No.46569750

wawa did it in 6 months

>> No.46569761

>Guide: https://djtguide.github.io/
>Guide: https://gohoneko.neocities.org/
Can a kind anon explain the difference between these two? I'm a newfag here

>> No.46569763

i bet u cant even change a lightbulb without watching a yt video on it first

>> No.46569780


>> No.46569787

I did it by binge watching all of AVGN years back. English is easy lol

>> No.46569794

>For August I was doing an average of 4-5 hours of immersion a day.
>summer pockets only is 110h at 10k speed

>> No.46569800

i learned english with pewdiepie

>> No.46569806

how did you sift through obscure n0 terminology like "cowabunga shit"

>> No.46569818

its not cuz i learned basic skills before the internet unlike ur lil shit ass who never lived in a non internet world and is a complete failson as a result haha

>> No.46569822


>> No.46569823

that's only a problem if the story is he also worked that part time job in that month
I bet he was reading a bunch of degenerate shit on the side but only names the single all ages thing he read for reddit reasons

>> No.46569825

ok boomer

>> No.46569828

srubs for me, i wanted to watch the new season earlier

>> No.46569834

not on Oxford English Dictionary = not my problem

>> No.46569845

nice ragequit concession accepted

>> No.46569852
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>> No.46569854

>nice ragequit concession accepted

>> No.46569855

how about africans who dont have internet

>> No.46569875

they can balance like 50 things on their head and can make a rainproof shelter out of mud
even if u used the internet ud never have skills like that

>> No.46569881

>Guide: https://gohoneko.neocities.org/
the subtitles page on this has been dead for ages btw

>> No.46569883
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AEATT is viable

>> No.46569888
File: 124 KB, 1203x647, cuck canute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-gardar and arnheid storyline is stretched out across like 9 episodes
-ketil's son's opposition to violence was based purely in fear and disgust which doesn't feel noble or inspiring and he's a very annoying and shitty character
-canute is a boring character and too many episodes focus on him
-canute's 180 at the end after talking with thorfinn feels naruto-tier
-pacifism is a very stupid ideology and i can't take the show seriously when it tries to push it

>> No.46569892

use learnjapanese.moe or tatsumoto-ren.github.io

>> No.46569903

based any% whitenoise feeler

>> No.46569906
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>> No.46569913

the great filter

>> No.46569914

don't trust io domains, they're from some sketchy tropical island and are used to host viruses and trojans

>> No.46569915
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>I managed to finish the month with a total of 292 hours of immersion (average of 9.7 hours a day) - consisting of 2 million+ characters read from VNs and LNs, 20,000+ manga pages (yes, I got hooked on manga again this month lol) and 33 hours of listening

also this is the dude who can't even shoop properly

>> No.46569916


>> No.46569932

mamm why u redeem

>> No.46569943

i doubt the github.io doman is unsafe. Microsoft is behind it

>> No.46569947
File: 13 KB, 207x41, can't see shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some help? There are only a few kanji I can think of that look like the first one, and I can't find any of them making a word with anything that resembles the second one. Context is talking about someone's eyelashes.

>> No.46569949

>sketchy tropical island
based, glowafrican-americans cant touch them

>> No.46569966

good point, if tatsumoto is on team microsoft, then i trust him

>> No.46569972

Not those anons but unfortunately neither that or kitsunekko have the exact subs I'm looking for- for some reason while sites have most of Dr STONE's subs they don't have the last 3 episodes of the latest season. Neither does NanakoRaws.
Do you know anywhere else I could find them?

>> No.46569996

>it can be damaging
most likely doesnt matter so long as its japanese

>> No.46570002

i dont use subs so dunno

>> No.46570007
File: 3 KB, 747x228, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

couldn't even center A's properly...

>> No.46570009

Start watching and hope by the time you get to the end of the third seasons you know enough to watch those 3 eps without subs

You can do it anon

>> No.46570029

ik this is a shitpost but its crazy how most zoomers legitimately think like this, their technological competence and literacy is on par with literal boomers

>> No.46570034

>At this point I started making anime cards too for some words but the majority of my Anki cards were still sentence cards.
> but the majority of my Anki cards were still sentence cards.
animecards bros...

>> No.46570056
File: 94 KB, 619x951, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

months later flood friend still doesn't understand how computer graphics work
you think this guy shooped his 96/190 n4 too?

>> No.46570065

forgot link https://community.wanikani.com/t/jlpt-2018-results-are-now-online/25891/1193

>> No.46570072


>> No.46570092

Ah well all good
I've actually paused the series at the point where I have no jp subs as I'm watching it currently, but yeah I might try it with no subs since I can't find them anywhere. Better than just using english ones anyway

>> No.46570103


>> No.46570274


>> No.46570285
File: 8 KB, 450x538, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% something is shopped

>> No.46570311

>Anki was also going well, and by now never took me more than 30 minutes a day (even while doing 50 new cards a day with around 92-95% retention).

>> No.46570314

looks like 束怒があるので

>> No.46570340
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this is realistic on the other hand

>> No.46570357
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and guess what? it's not shopped

>> No.46570364


>> No.46570385
File: 126 KB, 1664x869, 3pmn6stqiutc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46570386

100% you're retarded

>> No.46570388

3-4hrs daily
7-8hrs daily

same shit

>> No.46570408

cant believe djt has ppl who defend a fake lying street shitter scammer who has never posted a vocaroo

>> No.46570410

i spend like 10 minutes a day on japanese over the past 7 years and i know nothing

>> No.46570413


>> No.46570433

jlpt has no speaking section
you could get a perfect score with pure luck knowing zero japanese

>> No.46570438

try looking into it

>> No.46570454

yah thats basically been my major gripe but as times gone on the number of n1 holders has gone up much more than the number of ppl who know japanese so the truth eventually works its way out

>> No.46570487
File: 67 KB, 611x530, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's normal for the screenshots to show differences for those parts

>> No.46570492

>3-4hrs daily
source? and regardless, my point isn't the time (jazzy allegedly needed almost 2k hours which checks out), but it's the fact that you can't cram that much in 8 months no matter how autistic you are

and regardless it's still sus because of some of the comments he made, but definitetly doable in theory

>> No.46570498

what's happening right now? is someone accusing jazzy of lying because they ran his jlpt results through a photoshop detector?

>> No.46570508

has someone asked chatgpt if the results were faked

>> No.46570548

>but it's the fact that you can't cram that much in 8 months no matter how autistic you are
just immerse 8-12hrs lol

>> No.46570551
File: 64 KB, 606x515, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

96 n1 "shopped" too, lmao
if the majority of the shitty results come out "shopped" too, then you have to take a moment and consider if your detection method is applicable here or if you're just being an unprincipled moron who accepts anything that confirms his conclusion

>> No.46570573

even if its real it doesn't mean its replicable
applies to so many things, but retards pile in every time

>> No.46570579

>looks like 束怒があるので
But does that mean anything? If I MTL the sentence I get curly, but if I google "束怒" and "まつ毛" I get no results. In fact, if I just google "束怒", I only get chinese results.
By the way, the full sentence is 梓香のまつ毛が好さです.すごく長くて、__があるので、いつも見ちゃうんですよ。
East window?

>> No.46570580

Yes, it's possible to pass the JLPT N1 (Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 1) in 8.5 months with consistent and dedicated effort. Here are some steps you can take to achieve this goal:

Assess Your Current Level: Start by assessing your current Japanese proficiency level. This will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to focus your efforts effectively.

Set Clear Goals: Set specific and achievable goals for each month leading up to the exam. Break down the N1 exam syllabus into manageable chunks and assign a timeline to each section.

Create a Study Plan: Develop a structured study plan that includes daily practice sessions for reading, listening, writing, and speaking. Allocate time for vocabulary and grammar study as well.

Use Quality Study Materials: Invest in high-quality study materials such as textbooks, online courses, practice exams, and vocabulary lists designed for JLPT N1 preparation.

Practice Regularly: Consistency is key. Dedicate time each day to practice Japanese, even if it's just for a short period. Focus on building your vocabulary, understanding complex grammar patterns, and improving your reading speed.

Immerse Yourself: Immerse yourself in the Japanese language as much as possible. Watch Japanese movies, anime, or TV shows, listen to Japanese podcasts or music, and try to engage in conversations with native speakers if feasible.

Take Mock Exams: Regularly take mock exams to assess your progress and identify areas that need improvement. Analyze your mistakes and focus on strengthening those areas.

Seek Feedback: If possible, get feedback from a Japanese language instructor or native speaker. They can provide valuable insights and help you refine your language skills.

Stay Motivated: Stay motivated and committed to your study plan. Celebrate small achievements along the way, and remember that consistent effort will lead to progress.

Review and Revise: As the exam date approaches, dedicate more time to review and revise the material you've learned. Focus on exam-specific strategies such as time management and understanding the exam format.

With determination, a well-structured study plan, and consistent practice, passing the JLPT N1 in 8.5 months is definitely achievable. Good luck with your preparation!

>> No.46570588

Everyone is racist on Arg btw, you can't learn JP if u are not racist

>> No.46570599


>> No.46570600

Passing the JLPT N1 (Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 1) in just one month is an ambitious goal, but it's not impossible if you're dedicated and have a strong foundation in Japanese. Here's a rough plan to maximize your chances:

Assess Your Current Level: Take a practice test to understand your strengths and weaknesses. This will help you focus your efforts effectively.

Create a Study Plan: Dedicate a significant amount of time each day to study Japanese. Plan out what areas you need to cover and allocate time accordingly.

Focus on Weak Areas: Spend more time on the areas you struggle with the most. For JLPT N1, this typically includes advanced grammar, complex reading comprehension, and advanced vocabulary.

Utilize Resources: Use a variety of resources such as textbooks, online courses, flashcards, and practice tests to reinforce your learning.

Immerse Yourself: Surround yourself with Japanese as much as possible. Watch Japanese TV shows, listen to Japanese music or podcasts, and try to incorporate Japanese into your daily life.

Practice, Practice, Practice: Regularly practice all sections of the JLPT exam, including listening, reading, grammar, and vocabulary. Familiarize yourself with the format and timing of the test.

Review Regularly: Review previous material regularly to reinforce your learning and ensure retention.

Seek Feedback: If possible, find a tutor or language exchange partner who can provide feedback on your speaking and writing skills.

Stay Motivated: Keep your motivation high by setting achievable short-term goals and celebrating your progress along the way.

Simulate Test Conditions: Closer to the exam date, simulate test conditions by taking practice tests under timed conditions to build endurance and familiarity with the exam format.

Remember, everyone's learning pace and background are different, so adjust the plan according to your needs and progress. While one month is a short time frame, with dedication and focused effort, it's possible to make significant progress towards passing the JLPT N1.

>> No.46570603

no, it's the opposite. he ran his jlpt results through a photoshop detector because he's accusing him of lying. and that's because he's butthurt he can't learn this fast, which is because he wastes 50% of his time making low quality posts on djt and 30% of his time in ms excel, leaving him with just 2 hours a day for immersion

>> No.46570617

jazzy's heritage increases the probability that he faked his results but that doesn't mean he did

>> No.46570623

>chatgpt spamming
so you admit you lost?

>> No.46570634

yes the photoshop detector guy lost because he doesn't know how compression works

>> No.46570635 [DELETED] 

if u think about it it doesnt even matter cuz at the end of the day hes still a subhuman who will never be white or even japanese he will just be poo poo until the day he dies lol

>> No.46570638

dont care you you mah n1
time to immeser with my 推し

>> No.46570645

lmao love how lil guy tried to sneak in white

>> No.46570651


>> No.46570652

immersion with rori nakadasi

>> No.46570663

can only find 束感 in relation to まつ毛
post full screenshot

>> No.46570681

>vtuber styling herself like a モバイルアプリ
we've reached a new low

>> No.46570703

jazzy posted on soundcloud of him reading out loud after he took the n1 and it was bad
he also says in the post that he was "pleasantly surprised" he got a perfect score

>> No.46570709


>> No.46570742

some of the hardest cums in my life were to tsuushinbo

>> No.46570772

when 2 retards each hand me an L i just flip one over and put them together to make them into a W

it should be expected if ur only like a year into being around japanese especially if ur doing it from outside japanese society so it makes it crazier anyone would believe anything about his story

whats even crazier is that hes here in this thread right now damage controlling

>> No.46570782

it's so fucking hard to get a W over jamal. i think i've done it once but it took months

>> No.46570784


>> No.46570793

>whats even crazier is that hes here in this thread right now damage controlling
take your meds schizo

>> No.46570799

i've already been called anacreon and tatsumoto this year but jazzy is an all time new i'm pretty sure

>> No.46570800
File: 63 KB, 518x680, GK4_xmyakAA27iW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily wasavi

>> No.46570806

i dont honestly believe that but wouldnt it be funny if it was like hes sitting there wearing his 711 jacket just having a fit

>> No.46570809

personally dont find it too hard to believe that eventually some smelly nerd jsl would get a perfect score on the multiple choice test

>> No.46570817


>> No.46570821
File: 261 KB, 699x186, Screenshot 2024-04-11 102146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46570830

it's funny that he's probably out fucking bitches right now while you're the one sitting with his sweaty asshole typing posts on djt

>> No.46570836

someones jealous of the bitches

>> No.46570839

daily reminder that jamaL or unko(? failed jlpt n4 after 4-5y immersion

>> No.46570841

yah i mean i guess if u have jlpt study materials and focus squarely on that u could prolly do it but there is a listening section which seems to be the part that the bookworms do the worst on but theres always the chance he just got lucky on what came up there

>> No.46570851

i failed the n5 bcecause i eated the paper and called the test lady mommy multiple times

>> No.46570861
File: 469 KB, 836x1200, GK4j_RFacAALj2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46570869

im kind of an old school guy and not into hookup aids culture so i wouldnt envy that


>> No.46570872


>> No.46570876


>> No.46570878

i accidentally called my algebra teacher mom one time but i think no one heard it or at least i hope so

>> No.46570899

is this ntr?

>> No.46570906
File: 2.15 MB, 960x1920, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

confess your sins to sister biya (@biyagura)

>> No.46570915

i wonder how teachers feel when they get called mom

>> No.46570927

it may come as a surprise to you but people are different and they react differently

>> No.46570929

want to have sex with a gaijin hunter with huge oppai

>> No.46570938
File: 589 KB, 2665x3997, GKjeInzaYAANixP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46570940

this would've been at least 2x easy with kanji

i hate kanjilets

>> No.46570941

>i want some nigger's aids

>> No.46570963


>> No.46570973

you're a listenlet

>> No.46570984

what is the point of immersing
you see a kanji
look up and read
but when you see it again you will already have forgotten...

>> No.46571002

(you) will. i wont

>> No.46571042

the point is that when you forget, your brain doesn't reset to the previous state. some information is retained, it's just not enough to pass threshold for recall in the given situation

>> No.46571043


>> No.46571065

thread theme


>> No.46571068


>> No.46571074


>> No.46571075


>> No.46571080


>> No.46571093


>> No.46571141
File: 901 KB, 1920x1080, LasTame - 04 (WebRip 1080p HEVC-10bit AAC)(Eng Sub)[LoliHouse+]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pozzed subs

>> No.46571160

how should they be? ;)

>> No.46571193

they should acknowledge that 11 year olds can be sexy

>> No.46571205

my foots finna acknowledge ur ass

>> No.46571207

not that i know japanese but the original isnt implying that they can be either

>> No.46571228
File: 1.84 MB, 1600x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46571229

the original is in japanese and the subs are in english which means they belong in the trash

>> No.46571240

what's the point of taking modern eroslop anime and trying to "fix" it by pozzing it in this case it's just weird

>> No.46571241

both the original and the subtitles

>> No.46571249

minus the tats he kinda looks like me

>> No.46571262

I didn't know you used drugs

>> No.46571273

>promotes drugs every day
>didnt know you used drugs

>> No.46571287

i dont browse djt every day lil bro

>> No.46571289

ive been straight edge for like over 15 years except for a couple days of hard liquor and im proud of it

>> No.46571292

djt's a lifestyle

>> No.46571347


>> No.46571537

how hard of a read is 伝説の勇者の伝説

>> No.46571583

the best part of a vtuber is imagining her playing with her manko, in contrast to the relatively innocent character they play while the webcam is on

>> No.46571605

oj simpson dead from the death note at age 69

>> No.46571614

literally who

>> No.46571616
File: 641 KB, 1920x1080, 転生したら第七王子だったので、気ままに魔術を極めます E02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46571618

wow the only good post youve made
fuck jizzy the fraud

>> No.46571644

best part of a vtuber is the fanart because they're obnoxious and the streams are unwatchable slop

>> No.46571658

lets make this simple
whats your iq lol

>> No.46571685

good chance its analclown

>> No.46571700

it's crazy to me anybody would mention analfagon unprompted other than the guy himself

>> No.46571714

the world is a crazy place

>> No.46571750

the beggining of the immersing journey is certainly painful

>> No.46571753

thats what your mom said

>> No.46571772

djt es muy loco lol

>> No.46571796


>> No.46571802

low but higher than yours

>> No.46571812

>low but
*sniggers* but nothing lol

>> No.46571826

epic own bro i may not recover

>> No.46571841
File: 1.08 MB, 4096x4096, GKvdAXmbYAIIXdE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glasses raise your iq
with glasses im 140+

>> No.46571896


>> No.46571908

this summer... can you survive... in a キリスト教に於ける隣人愛という概念のない社会?

>> No.46571915
File: 32 KB, 684x318, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wotd for esls

>> No.46571933

dude i love sniggers bars

>> No.46571942


>> No.46571971

stop overusing kanji

>> No.46571983

acquired 於ける
keep overusing kanjis

>> No.46571987

you are already good

>> No.46572001

why is it that config menu are so much harder than just reading the vn

>> No.46572005
File: 86 KB, 960x540, An Archdemon's Dilemma - How to Love Your Elf Bride S01E03 VOSTFR 1080p WEB x264 AAC -Tsundere-Raws (CR)-[02.48.251-02.49.001].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46572015

Help me finish my rap about eating pussy, /jp/
This is what I have so far:

Kanzume de ikiteta kare wa
hajimete manko wo kutta
Tanchou de tsumannai hibi ga
totsuzen daraku ni ochita

Aji wa chotto bimyou? low-key
demo chinpo ga nazeka tatsu? BOKKI
kindan na JUICE wo susuritsutsu
kiyou na shita de mame wo UTSU

Kanojo no senaka ga sorikaette
saikou na FINALE e ore wo maneite

>> No.46572016

於いて means "in this regard"

>> No.46572021
File: 932 KB, 1920x1080, An Archdemon's Dilemma - How to Love Your Elf Bride S01E03 VOSTFR 1080p WEB x264 AAC -Tsundere-Raws (CR)-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46572028
File: 682 KB, 1920x1080, 魔王の俺が奴隷エルフを嫁にしたんだが、どう愛でればいい? 第03話.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she cute

>> No.46572031

I want to end on "shiofuki" btw

>> No.46572051


>> No.46572057

i think he was merely saying he hadn't seen the kanji before

>> No.46572063
File: 1003 KB, 1920x1080, An Archdemon's Dilemma - How to Love Your Elf Bride S01E03 VOSTFR 1080p WEB x264 AAC -Tsundere-Raws (CR)-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46572071

this thread is for Japanese, not Chinese

>> No.46572076

picked up

>> No.46572101

Anyone get their JPLT certificate yet from December? I'm still waiting for mine to arrive.

>> No.46572147

It's a masterpiece


>> No.46572168


alt version

>> No.46572171
File: 913 KB, 1920x1080, An Archdemon's Dilemma - How to Love Your Elf Bride S01E03 VOSTFR 1080p WEB x264 AAC -Tsundere-Raws (CR)-0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46572176

>manga panel in the middle of anime
dropped. picked up manga instead

>> No.46572187

it's just the outro gag bro

>> No.46572241
File: 1021 KB, 1920x1080, Delicious.in.Dungeon.S01E15.1080p.DSNP.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-VARYG-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46572256
File: 925 KB, 1920x1080, Delicious.in.Dungeon.S01E15.1080p.DSNP.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-VARYG-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46572263

nice evangelion ref

>> No.46572269

if が marks who commits a action
how interpret sentences with two が?

>> No.46572283

u can have 2 subjects in a sentence bro we do it in english too

>> No.46572292

why do you want to interpret it?

>> No.46572306

why is raw manga always such dogshit quality im reeeing the sloplated versions are always like twice the resolution

>> No.46572313

give a example

>> No.46572337
File: 996 KB, 1920x1080, Delicious.in.Dungeon.S01E15.1080p.DSNP.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-VARYG-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46572350

my listening gets better hwen im drunk anyone else
cant read for shit tho

>> No.46572363

i can't read or listen to jack shit because of adhd

>> No.46572368

made up disease

>> No.46572389

well the symptoms it describes are real and that's what matters, not the label you slap onto it

>> No.46572400

eat meat, preferably raw

>> No.46572426

made up diseases don't have an 80% heritability seen even in twin studies with minimal environmental effects

>> No.46572434

that you bronski?

>> No.46572443

>muh diseases
im fuckin gay and retarded and u dont see me crying about it and using it as some kinda crutch or excuse

>> No.46572451

tendency to have an external vs internal locus of control is highly heritable

>> No.46572458

adhd destroys attention and short term memory and the latter two combined are essentially isomorphic to intelligence so it would be better to call it an iq lowering disease and recognize it as a genetic disorder

>> No.46572460


>> No.46572462

there were two ga's

>> No.46572465

just get distracted by more japanese

>> No.46572469

on short term memory tests i perform 1 or 2 SD below other kinds of tests so i think that's evidence i have adhd although i haven't been diagnosed

>> No.46572486

if there are two gas how know who is commiting the action?

>> No.46572491

i got hella gas im committing all the action

>> No.46572500
File: 1.48 MB, 1023x768, 45345345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no way taimanin is a real game

>> No.46572510

did that spider do a superhero landing

>> No.46572516

i know the full clinical diagnostic criteria

>> No.46572518

just buy darknet meth bro works for me

>> No.46572522

probably because n3 scanlation faggots don't want rival bands of faggots to get their good raws and release rival scanlations so they hoard them

>> No.46572526

dr k says it's real

>> No.46572534

more like dr gay

>> No.46572543

wonder if jamal inherited his iq from his mom or his dad

>> No.46572553

>or his dad
j cant answer that either lmao

>> No.46572560

it was likely my dad but i prolly inherited good intuition from my mom

>> No.46572567

We got a maxim right now!

>> No.46572580

shame he didnt stick around to teach you some tricks lmfao

>> No.46572608

? i was around my dad until i was an adult
i guess the only thing u inherited from ur parents is how to be a shitty loser that no one likes lol

>> No.46572617

monitor lmao

>> No.46572646

concession accepted try turning urs off and reflecting on being such a failson and doing better going forward

>> No.46572662

ye he mad
is it because his mommy wont answer his phone? lololol

>> No.46572676

Why are you arguing about something this stupid instead of Japanese?
I'm guessing tripfaggotry is a major catalyst

>> No.46572686

im an adult i dont need to call my mommy

i did just ho check urs tho

open ur bedroom door and walk 30 feet and tell her uve decided to become a real adult today

>> No.46572689

good intuition for finding the biggest cocks to suck lol

>> No.46572691

maybe unko was right about mlen being back

>> No.46572697

yes we get it, no need to sign your monitor, yada yada

get a room you two

>> No.46572701

behead scanlators

>> No.46572703


>> No.46572706


>> No.46572707

only one thinking about cocksucking is u because u have mental problems that we all hope u can get professional help for someday so u can stop being a burden on ur parents who still pay ur way

>> No.46572708

Skill issue. It means 実力問題 in Japanese.

>> No.46572710

have sex

>> No.46572711

he cant stop losing

>> No.46572722

jama talking the L like always lol

>> No.46572727
File: 104 KB, 1826x949, mlen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if he really is then i wish he'd make awesome posts like this again

>> No.46572732

i've dabbed on jamel dozens of times and i just paid more in taxes for this year than his gross income summed over the past decade

>> No.46572745

ill leave it to my man trenius to handle this 1


>> No.46572754

annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd another L for jama-L

>> No.46572759

>paid taxes
huge L


>> No.46572760

i win cuz i dont even know who u r or care

>> No.46572762

>i win cuz i dont even know who u r or care

>> No.46572764

>jealous people breathe
>>"if you breathe you are jealous"
they put an extra 1 when they told him his iq lmao

>> No.46572765

Literally just get medication

>> No.46572770

yah projecting my W across ur nerd forehead lol

>> No.46572774
File: 788 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Wind Breaker - 02 (1080p) [4FD10675]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anime about flatulence

>> No.46572791

what's the medication for posting on djt

>> No.46572792


>> No.46572795

state mandated gf

>> No.46572798

i dont want no section 8 gfs theyd give u the lowest tier ugly cheap ass whore government contracts can buy

>> No.46572801


>> No.46572804

a state mandated gf would be like the quality of girl unko posts
absolute bottom tier fat ugly hag

>> No.46572806

peak anime

>> No.46572807

it's weird for men to gossip as much as djters do

>> No.46572816

i started going outside and meeting girls
posting significantly less now but i'm not sure i can ever leave entirely

>> No.46572817
File: 902 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Wind Breaker - 02 (1080p) [4FD10675]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46572819

what is djt if not a collection of weird men

>> No.46572821

is it surprising though when djt is filled with squeaky mickey mouse voiced mfers like queef

>> No.46572827

i literally cannot believe qm is clinically obese now

offspring kids arent all right moment

>> No.46572833

>i literally cannot believe qm is clinically obese now
wait what
i must have missed this give me the intel

>> No.46572836

what the fuck other intel do u need bro hes fat

>> No.46572839

hes like 5'8 and 200 pounds now im lookin up the post but it was within the lasdt week

>> No.46572838

i need his weekly weight gain by percentage

>> No.46572843

his queefs be smelling like mcdonalds now

>> No.46572847

lol didn't know i'm taller than pissler he always described himself like a greek god

>> No.46572848

oh no i am NOT** lookin up the post thats a huge typo u aint gettin no nerd archive link from me nope i dont do none of that

>> No.46572851

reading japanese works

>> No.46572852

here's a tenner now work for me bitch

>> No.46572854

calvins got competition

>> No.46572855

>inb4 half the posts get removed

>> No.46572856
File: 137 KB, 864x1075, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46572857

*farts in ur fucken face* *yoinks the tenner*


>> No.46572861
File: 287 KB, 522x553, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit is fugly
is there no better template?

>> No.46572863

just post more after

>> No.46572866

bro just edit the css yourself why you need another mans sloppy seconds

>> No.46572869

oooh yea oniichan cum in my cssy

>> No.46572873

probably a zoomer lmao those guys cant work windows task manager never mind write html and css

>> No.46572875

i am not a nerd
stfu nigger

>> No.46572878

wonder what percentage of zoomers would actually do it if you told them to press alt+f4

>> No.46572879

see told u lol

>> No.46572884

alt f4 is for wincucks i only use macintosh

>> No.46572892

altf4 works on my linux

>> No.46572894

I played lolige 2 months no fap now my balls are 50 liters

>> No.46572897

gen alpha toddlers try to pinch open pages in picture books and get confused when it doesnt zoom in

>> No.46572899

if i tried to go 2 months i would just nut all over myself in my sleep and wake up sticky and cold

>> No.46572906

"digital natives" in the worst way possible

>> No.46572910

yh used to do this when i fell for the doctor's scam ssri pills like 10 years ago that make jerking off impossible
dark times but now i know better

>> No.46572913
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Henjin no Salad Bowl - 02 (1080p) [D49198C0]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46572917

post that gen alpha spelling screenshot

>> No.46572920
File: 125 KB, 960x434, fatmaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46572922

never take the zombie pills

>> No.46572924

my testicles physically cannot blow their load outside 小学生 womb so nofap is trivial for me

>> No.46572931

i was a naive 18 year old back then i know that now
anyone who still falls for any of this shit after the covid shit is literally retarded even if they're like 12 years old

>> No.46572933


>> No.46572934

lmao u really hate to see it now he needs a stairmaster

>> No.46572939


>> No.46572961
File: 162 KB, 960x540, [SubsPlease] Henjin no Salad Bowl - 02 (1080p) [D49198C0]-[05.41.341-05.43.969].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46572967

just ask claude to do it for you. paste the html and css and ask him to make it better. https://claude.ai

>> No.46572982

he just has a lot of muscle and y'all jealous

>> No.46572988

we are headed for a low iq ai enslaved dystopia

>> No.46572991

i hope it is all muscle and he looks like a body builder personally

>> No.46572996

*body destroyer

>> No.46573007

well yes muscle or not all that mass is still unhealthy and puts stress on ur cardiac system

but im trying to focus on the positive here

>> No.46573009

not whole body just pussy

>> No.46573028

he has to pick up his folds to find his dick lol

>> No.46573045
File: 931 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Henjin no Salad Bowl - 02 (1080p) [D49198C0]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46573053
File: 43 KB, 308x616, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're exaggerating

>> No.46573054


>> No.46573057
File: 906 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Henjin no Salad Bowl - 02 (1080p) [D49198C0]-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46573060

her cheeks

>> No.46573066

crazy how queef weighs 6kgs more than me despite me having 15cm on him
thought i weighed about 90 but must have lost a lot of weight since going mostly carnivore and doing more swimming

>> No.46573068

holy shit youre fat

>> No.46573077

im pretty lean and still within the healthy weight catagory

>> No.46573083
File: 921 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Henjin no Salad Bowl - 02 (1080p) [D49198C0]-0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what she looking at

>> No.46573088

my dick pic

>> No.46573090

no youre not over 80 is overweight

>> No.46573093
File: 957 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Henjin no Salad Bowl - 02 (1080p) [D49198C0]-0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46573098

your dick pic

>> No.46573099

5'8 and 200 lbs (dont care about ur bong units) is a bmi of just over 30
its clinically obese

>> No.46573106

not according to the good old nhs and considering i have muscle definition i think that im fine x

>> No.46573111

oh also important to note ur weight for ur height does put u in the normal healthy bmi category
qm just fuckin leapfrogged overweight and went straight to obese tho heggin crazy lol

>> No.46573118
File: 918 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Henjin no Salad Bowl - 02 (1080p) [D49198C0]-0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

question for the 日本語 knowers
what did she say that translates to fap-worthy

>> No.46573119

nhs wants you to be fat

>> No.46573123

idk bro give us the line in jap aint nobody else watching this slop

>> No.46573127

what the fuck are they broadcasting these days

>> No.46573131


>> No.46573138
File: 2.91 MB, 1920x3240, file2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46573201

probably some vanilla shit like "kirei"

>> No.46573216


>> No.46573233
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, cod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so do you?

>> No.46573277

all right, let's do a vocarro challenge. who's up for it? post a vocaroo saying "yes" or you won't be accepted

>> No.46573283


>> No.46573287


>> No.46573334

who is this cute gremlim

>> No.46573336

is the dude reading yakusoku no neverland still here? kudos for picking up a good throwaway manga, definitely better than the yotsubaslop

>> No.46573341


>> No.46573359



>> No.46573367

She says ドチャシコ, which is short for どちゃくそシコれる or "extremely fappable."

>> No.46573378


>> No.46573452


>> No.46573458


>> No.46573631


>> No.46573644

damn quiz is obese now?

>> No.46573649

Should I use that new FSRS algorithm in Anki?

>> No.46573656
File: 812 KB, 520x962, zelda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i own that album

>> No.46573658


>> No.46573665

quizler holocausted a million twinkies

>> No.46573681

Yes, it’s very good

>> No.46573698
File: 55 KB, 234x380, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pov: you steel your resolve to actually press "1" on cards you can't recall

>> No.46573703

doubt anyone in europe's ever seen a twinkie

>> No.46573708

そ ですね

>> No.46573713

ok well a million weiner schinitzels then

>> No.46573727

if i had amphetamines i'd own you

>> No.46573736

if you take drugs you're the one getting owned

>> No.46573738

tranny morgana killed my vinny drive

>> No.46573741
File: 358 KB, 474x474, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this close enough

>> No.46573753

to a twinkie? dude a twinkie wishes it could tap that. that's like a teenage twinkie's wet dream of a creampie

>> No.46573761

i hate eclairs they taste like toilet

>> No.46573775

>In the Japanese murder mystery sound novel series Higurashi When They Cry, the character Hanyū enjoys cream puffs

>> No.46573780
File: 1.25 MB, 1470x2048, 00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46573779

eclairs do kind of suck but cream puffs are okay
though i cannot recall the last time i had one

>> No.46573781

>sound novel

>> No.46573809


>> No.46573831

does djt speak better jp than kishida does english


>> No.46573840

his only flaw is accent, and I really doubt that anyone here grinded pitch accents enough to stop sounding like a filthy gaijin

>> No.46573846

nah jazzy mastered perfect pitch accent after 2 weeks of study i know bc i saw his内人 card

>> No.46573849

LDP boomers unironically are prob the best eng speakers in japan

>> No.46573854

latter day saint patrons?

>> No.46573858

He sounds unironically pretty good.

>> No.46573917


>> No.46573928

>Unfortunately, Claude.ai is only available in certain regions right now. We're working hard to expand to other regions soon.

>> No.46573933

dame reddit is went hard on matto

>> No.46573938

>requires phone number
sigh. i'm a 30 year old fucking neet. I'VE NEVER FUCKING OWNED A PHONE.

>> No.46573939

Matt vs japan try not to scam challenge (impossible)

>> No.46573944

yea he always rubbed them the wrong way because of his attitude and it bothers me because he's way smarter and better than 99.99% of redditors.

>> No.46573945

lmao based

>> No.46573947

I saw Matt vs Japan at a grocery store in Tokyo yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for Japanese tips or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen KitKats in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.46573965

people abuse it for coom even with the phone protection (using sms activation services), so that's how it is

>> No.46573968

> I was applying to do some video work for him. Some photoshop and video editing. I interviewed, made several thumbnails (that went live), and edited a 40+ minute interview, chock full of animation, translations, color grading, etc.
>The video never saw the light of day even though it was actually a pretty good video and would've been well liked. Never heard from him again. Never got paid for any of the work, and him and his partner, I could tell, were not into the idea of paying a barely liveable wage for real work

holy fuck what a whiny little bitch. you fucking applied for a position by voluntarily doing some work and then you bitch that he didn't use it, and then you bitch that he didn't pay you for work he didn't use? what the fuck am i reading. i fucking hate these retards so much.

>> No.46573971
File: 258 KB, 1821x3340, sounyuuflattits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

consider it done now

>> No.46573972

>pajeets makes a shit video for minimum wage
>the video is shit

>> No.46573978

a pay as u go and garake for recieving texts will set u back 15 quid and mean u can do all this stuff with no issue

>> No.46573984

who the fuck uses phones
especially smartphones
but luckily im not a faggot retard zoomer so i can do absolute bottom of the barrel basic itr shit like write html and css

>> No.46573985

whats a quid

>> No.46573986

really pathetic of y'''all to attack matt when hes having the time of his life in japan and cant defend himself to set the record straight

>> No.46573989

money retard

>> No.46573993


>> No.46573996


>> No.46573998

who the fuck would pay 15 quid for something as useless as a phone

>> No.46574004

pixel 6a is 400 bucks

>> No.46574005

matt seems to have never really tried PR so casual internet users can spread bullshit mischaracterizations of project updoot and they basically only do it because his elitism rubbed them the wrong way over the years.

but on the flip side he makes connections with people with large social media followings like dogen

>> No.46574012

the big bonda
jewish wonda
matte black like chromed up thunda

>> No.46574013

>400 bux for something ur gonna use 1 time to sign up for fucking aislop
do zoomers really

>> No.46574025

damn epic new djt character
"uhh i never need to contact anyone outside of my house or need phone verification"
would say based if ur into all that privacy bollocks but then ur posting on 4chan so doubt thats a concern of urs

>> No.46574031

dont care about privacy
never needed phone verification

>> No.46574032

mom says to tell a neighbor if something wrong happens at home

>> No.46574035

you wont need any when they chip your neet ass

>> No.46574048

>use 1 time to sign up for fucking aislop
oh, then get a brick nokia for 20 bucks

>> No.46574054

>waste 20 bux i could spend on a gram of meth on something as useless as a phone
no thanks

>> No.46574059

damn if ur gonna be a drug loser at least spend it on good ones

>> No.46574062

meth is the good one fag

>> No.46574067

if meth lets you focus then theoretically that should be one of the good ones

>> No.46574068

the absolute state of poorfags

>> No.46574069

bizzare take

>> No.46574084
File: 1.93 MB, 1682x1256, pic-selected-240411-1628-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the concept of learnnatively, but there is no way this is n5

>> No.46574086

any subtitled cooking shows?

>> No.46574093

where can i find jp subs and jp dubs of kays cooking

>> No.46574096

the only word that isnt n5 (as in actual n5) is oogesa and maybe rusu? but both are 10k eng subbed anime acquisitions

>> No.46574105

>is retarded
Why don't I have them all filtered is a mystery.

>> No.46574115

who are u quoting lol?

>> No.46574133

this chokolate yada yada n5 slop

>> No.46574137


>> No.46574151

dakedo? dakara? nante? counters? kurai. Particle usages that aren't covered in n5.
Please end your own life, worthless tripnigger.

>> No.46574159
File: 176 KB, 361x461, 1706745970728649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46574165

ok no need to sign

>> No.46574175

How to Love Your Elf Bride

パンなんてたかった? What the hell does this mean and why the machine can't translate it?

She then says
いえ、そきほどよきました what the hell does this mean and why can't the translator translate it?

>> No.46574179

they arent really words tho

>> No.46574182
File: 406 KB, 729x842, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both core 2.3k deck

>> No.46574194

Ironically that was one of the easier words to guess the meaning of on a first read. But I guess flashtards can't understand.

>> No.46574205
File: 120 KB, 605x510, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46574211

i don't have a fucking cell phone so i can't learn japanese with hyper efficiency by using claude like this guy i'm so fucking mad

>> No.46574221

if u need a phone to learn jap u werent gmi anyway

>> No.46574228
File: 931 KB, 3508x2480, 031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when anime was soulful
i used cum so hard for this メス豚

>> No.46574236

tits are lopsided

>> No.46574242

watching Shogun made me realize there is a whole side of japanese that I still don't know. can anyone recommend a vn that has similar language?

>> No.46574249

if you listened to what matt says you'd know there is lots of domain specific language you have to learn

>> No.46574253

wait ur telling me jap has words that arent just about cooming? egads

>> No.46574256

hes a manlet tho

>> No.46574258

i don't use it really. this is just https://chat.lmsys.org/ "direct chat" tab, but probably i'm just lucky it wasn't out of limit

>> No.46574261

is refold matt's?

>> No.46574263

I'm just asking for a recommendation

>> No.46574264

>domain specific language
What is this, /g/?

>> No.46574266

wait till you find out how this character is read in eastern japan and hokkaido 谷

>> No.46574270

it was before he fucked off to jp to fuck endless jc cunny and dropped off the face of social media
now its just some literal who faggos and who cares lmao refold more like refag

>> No.46574275

THANK YOU! I knew I wasn't going insane. The japanese can't speak japanese! She says YOKIMASHITA


>> No.46574276
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>> No.46574283

same reason the english and americans cant speak english
language is constantly changing and colloquialism is always way ahead of the standard language in innovation
what the japs speak is proper japanese even if it's "wrong"

>> No.46574302






>> No.46574307
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>> No.46574314

ai is funnier than djt

>> No.46574320


>> No.46574323

>Moral relativism
Moral is objective by the argument of reason.

We Brazilians speak Portuguese still. What you read is what you say. Simple as.

But I am already aware of the craziness of the "northen americans"

>> No.46574326


>> No.46574331


>> No.46574334


>> No.46574337
File: 111 KB, 787x740, firefox_hNM9sCYloO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf, this Claude thing actually kinda works?

>> No.46574346


>> No.46574350

whitenoisers are so funny to me

>> No.46574352

I'm new here, what are those?

>> No.46574357


>> No.46574371

>mother and father aren't ... but just wait I'll make some more chocolate soon
Not exactly rocket science anon.

>> No.46574372

People who are against the use of Anki, normally employing straw men to make their point. They believe learners should guess at the meaning of words, rather than using a dictionary to find the answer.
Papi Culo (A.K.A. Jamal) and Oingta Boingta (A.K.A. Bongtaro) are two prominent whitenoisers. This has led them to make some unfortunate errors during a few of their streams.

>> No.46574375

it's a kind of headphones with a built in noise machine (these days really just bare bones digital audio player) that is typically comfortable to sleep in. they're used to drown out noises helping you concentrate or sleep

>> No.46574382

Ok thanks

>> No.46574385

Nice try, but the words "chocolate" and "more" weren't used by the character.

>> No.46574387

no probs

>> No.46574391

You realize using context clues to predict the meaning of sentences is used in every language class around the world and has been proven to work time and time again.
Context anon.

>> No.46574392

damn uppercaser coming in swinging what we like to see

>> No.46574405

lmao you got called, my dude

>> No.46574412
File: 64 KB, 120x433, pic-selected-240411-1735-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but the words "chocolate" ... weren't used by the character
>the character :
Anon, Japanese is the most context sensitive modern language. You are only handicapping yourself trying to learn it like a robot.

>> No.46574419

I have no dog in this race and have no idea who is "right or wrong" here but from the looks of it both sides here are amusingly autistic
Lemme grab my popcorn

>> No.46574421

it's not just class. making informed guesses is literally the only way people acquire languages

>> No.46574429

I'm not learning anything like a robot, I'm calling you an idiot for implying you can guess a word, and then coming up with a sentence that included words not mentioned to help your point.

>> No.46574431

You already knew English before you knew what a flashcard or dictionary was.

>> No.46574437

nope, just a dictionary and some study is the only way people acquire languages as adults

>> No.46574444

>You already knew [insert first language here] so that means [insert second language here] doesn't require study
You must have brain damage

>> No.46574456
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>> No.46574457
File: 112 KB, 220x164, michael-jackson-eating-popcorn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46574458

the study part involving seeing or hearing i+1 sentences and guessing the +1 part

>> No.46574471

lmfao that's not even close to true

>> No.46574478
File: 235 KB, 503x1241, facts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well against all odds, a 10,000 to 1 somehow I managed to guess the word. Magic, impossible.
There are literally people who have learned languages just from reading a single book (usually the bible), with little or no help, it's been documented over and over and over. Get you head out of the sand, languages aren't just a set of atomized words.
Learning a second language must be different because [insert theory you don't have here]

>> No.46574483
File: 245 KB, 774x677, 1712288842075226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



"なっちゃうって" in this phrase is a colloquial expression that combines the verb "なる" (to become) and the colloquial form "ちゃう" (a contraction of "しまう", meaning "to end up doing something involuntarily or unintentionally"). The "って" at the end is a casual way of quoting or referring to someone's thoughts or words.

The phrase "また独りになっちゃうって" can be broken down as follows:

また (ma-ta) - again
独り (hitori) - alone
なる (naru) - to become
ちゃう (cha-u) - ends up (colloquial form of しまう)
って (tte) - (casual quotation or reference)
The sentence "また独りになっちゃうって..." can be translated to "I thought I'd end up being alone again..." or "I was afraid I'd be on my own again...". The speaker is expressing their fear or concern about the possibility of finding themselves alone once more. The following part of the sentence, "でも優くんに迷惑かけたくはないから..." indicates that despite their fear, they don't want to bother or cause trouble for someone named "優くん" (Yuu-kun), so they might be making a decision or taking an action to avoid that.


>> No.46574494

What's that form of 優しい? Looks like a typo.

>> No.46574500

this is the point at which you give up your brain for the sake of doubling down

>> No.46574501

The form of the Japanese adjective 優しい (yasashii) that you are asking about is likely the adverbial form, 優しく (yasashiku).

The adverbial form of an adjective in Japanese is used to modify a verb, and it is formed by adding the suffix -く (-ku) to the stem of the adjective.

So the adverbial form of the adjective 優しい (yasashii, meaning "kind" or "gentle") is 優しく (yasashiku), which can be used to describe how an action is performed, for example:

優しく話す (yasashiku hanasu) - to speak kindly
優しく笑う (yasashiku warau) - to smile gently
優しく世話をする (yasashiku sewo o suru) - to take care of someone gently
The adverbial form allows you to modify a verb with the nuance of the original adjective, in this case the idea of kindness or gentleness.

>> No.46574509

>Well against all odds, a 10,000 to 1 somehow I managed to guess the word. Magic, impossible.
You're an idiot for guessing, and I can't wait to see how far that gets you.
>There are literally people who have learned languages just from reading a single book (usually the bible)
Yeah, that's because the Bible is the modern day Rosetta Stone and can act as a dictionary due to most translations being rendered word-for-word. You aren't guessing if you have an interpretation right next to you.
>Learning a second language must be different because [insert theory you don't have here]
Learning a second language must be the same because [insert retard opinion here] lmao

>> No.46574518

Pretty sure you're the one doubling down, my guy

>> No.46574521

better answer(claude model)
i was using some random model lol

Okay, let's break down the phrase "なっちゃうって" in the context of that sentence.

The full phrase is "また独りになっちゃうって..."

Here's what's happening:

"なる" (naru) means "to become"
The "っちゃう" part is a colloquial contraction of "てしまう", which adds a nuance of something happening unexpectedly or unintentionally.
The "って" at the end is a particle that indicates the speaker is quoting their own thoughts or inner feelings.
So putting it all together, "なっちゃうって" means something like "I'll end up becoming (alone) unexpectedly/unintentionally" - it expresses a worry or concern that the speaker will find themselves alone again, even though they don't want that to happen.

The full sentence is saying:
"The truth is, I was really scared... that I'd end up alone again... but I don't want to be a bother to Yuu-kun..."

So it's conveying the character's mixed feelings - they're afraid of being alone again, but also don't want to trouble the other person. The "なっちゃう" part emphasizes the involuntary or unwanted nature of potentially becoming alone again.

>> No.46574526

or u could just read the japanese and not think about paragraphs of english

>> No.46574531

pretty rich coming from the guy that doesn't know what 万 means or how to read 方 in a sentence lol

>> No.46574547

Did you not see like 5 posts up the LANGUAGE MODEL that can literally just guess words
>b-b-but it has a photographic memory and knows every word
It literally doesn't and it hallucinates all the time. If you know the structure of the language you can intuit the meaning of words in context.
What in your theory can explain it's ability to recognize that a word is NOT real? It would have to have perfect recall of all words, but it is literally just forward feeding through a bunch of weights, it doesn't know every word and if it did it's not checking them all.

>> No.46574552

can AI decipher なんつってつっちゃった?

>> No.46574564

ちゃう is tokyo dialect てしまう. ai never menions てしまう. so なっちゃう=なってしまう
another form is ちまう which is also てしまう

>> No.46574568

The phrase "なんつってつっちゃった" is a colloquial Japanese expression that conveys a sense of accidentally or unintentionally saying something.

The breakdown is:

"なんつって" - This part is a shortened version of "何と言って", which means "what did I say?"
"つっちゃった" - This part is a casual/slang way of saying "I ended up saying it" or "I blurted it out."
So the full meaning of the phrase "なんつってつっちゃった" is something like "Oops, I ended up saying that (unintentionally)."

It expresses a sense of accidentally or thoughtlessly saying something, often in a casual or unguarded moment. The "4分間耐久" part refers to a 4-minute long video or audio clip where this phrase is repeatedly said, creating a humorous or absurdist effect through the repetition.

In summary, it's a colloquial Japanese expression conveying an accidental or unintended utterance, used in the context of a repetitive 4-minute audio/video clip for comedic effect.

>> No.46574571

Are you seriously comparing a machine which is specifically trained in the language and has a word bank the size of Manhattan to a literal N5 who's starting his first piece of Japanese media?
lol, lmao even

>> No.46574592

do the jp people know what an n1 is

>> No.46574595

scrolled past a hundred posts

>> No.46574597

Most don’t, no.

>> No.46574600


>> No.46574608
File: 371 KB, 1920x1080, Ryujinx_whoz7KCtQG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since this thread seems to be more active than the one on /int/, guess I'll post my vidya screenshots here.
Just to check, Takakura is basically saying "That's Romana-san who lives in Oyashiki [mansion], and her granddaughter Lumina/Rumina-san.
And that's the butler Sebastian."

>> No.46574625
File: 12 KB, 330x351, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46574633

"Is this the one I was troubled about earlier? Regarding the incident with Rumi-san. That is a wonderful opportunity."

The key points:

"こっちが、さっきに悩んでるのでしょうか" - This seems to be the speaker wondering if "this" (the current situation/person) is the one they were troubled about or concerned with earlier.

"事故のルミナさん" - This refers to an incident or accident involving someone named Rumi-san.

"それは素晴らせにいつチャンだ" - The speaker then says that "that" (the Rumi-san incident) is a wonderful opportunity.

Without more context, it's difficult to provide a complete explanation. The phrase seems to be referencing a prior situation the speaker was troubled by, and now sees the incident involving Rumi-san as a positive opportunity, though the exact nature of the opportunity is unclear.

>> No.46574639

Epic AI fail

>> No.46574645


>> No.46574647

do better :)

>> No.46574651

You got it right, though I'm not sure why you're treating お屋敷 as a loan word and why you're rendering こっち as "that" instead of "this."

>> No.46574659

I assumed since it was in blue that's the name of the place, though on second thought naming your mansion "mansion" is kinda silly
>こっち is "this"
Right, forgot.

>> No.46574662

crazy how jamal has been no lifing in djt the whole day

>> No.46574667

He also has been spending extra time switching his IP and trip each time he gets banned. It's pretty funny.

>> No.46574669

what the hell is the capital H for

>> No.46574675

エッチ is their way of saying H

>> No.46574676
File: 6 KB, 680x94, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

エッチ dirty; dirty-minded; obscene; indecent; lewd;

>> No.46574681

takakura: these are miss romana and her granddaughter rumina of the house. and that is their butler, sebastian.

>> No.46574685


>> No.46574689

Got it, thanks.

>> No.46574700

>these are
ESL lol

>> No.46574702

>these are
>rumina of the house

>> No.46574705

I knew something was off

>> No.46574710

DJT, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.46574714

The phrase you provided has a few grammatical errors. Here's the corrected version:

"This is Miss Romana and her granddaughter, Rumina, of the house. And that is their butler, Sebastian."

The corrections made are:

"These are" should be "This is" because you are introducing specific individuals, not a group.
A comma should be added after "granddaughter" and before "Rumina" to separate the appositive phrase.
"House" in this context doesn't require an article ("the").

>> No.46574716
File: 1.93 MB, 1920x1080, Ryujinx_Z1n4FmnJCA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"salad from tomato"
"I want to use a tomato for a salad.
It's a little hard request for my* shop and Aunt Vesta (? unsure about this line)
Any tomato, 1x"

"Token of thanks (?):
Egg, 5x"

(*Seems to be using うち as a kansai dialect version of "I"?)

Wait fuck, didn't notice his grammar errors until now lmao
"these are" and "rumina of the house"
It would be "This is" and "Lumina, both of whom reside in the Mansion", probably.

>> No.46574722
File: 390 KB, 417x402, Ryujinx_6P2rXanJGW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always been more of a Celia lad but JESUS they made NAMI BLAND

>> No.46574724

i like this font

>> No.46574744
File: 326 KB, 1920x1080, Ryujinx_USPLLLdBQo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, having some trouble with this one.

"These people, called [no idea what she means by パー ロットの月 -- "Month of Parlott???" Huh?], are delightful.
Good grief (?), why are they so good like that (?)"

>> No.46574745

用 - for some purpose
ie. our tomato is for the shop (not for us to eat)

頼みにくい - difficult to ask
ie. it would be hard/awkward for me to ask obasan (to let me use the tomato for salad, which we were supposed to sell in the shop)

So, he is asking you to get some tomato for him, because he doesn't want to ask obasan to let him use what they have in the shop.

>> No.46574746


>> No.46574757
File: 363 KB, 450x750, Celia.gif.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, thanks, though just so you know セピリラ is a lady lol

>> No.46574763

>"salad from tomato"
Tomato for a salad
>It's a little hard request for my* shop and Aunt Vesta (? unsure about this line)"
Ours are for the store, so it's a little hard to ask Aunt Vesta.
>"Token of thanks (?):
Correct, though in a video game this would just be "in return."
>(*Seems to be using うち as a kansai dialect version of "I"?)
This is a common beginner trap. うち is normally the inclusive "we" and only sometimes used to mean "I."

>> No.46574784

does this even exist? jisho tells me its 例がない but the thing im reading is using the first kanji version. i guess its a mistake?

>> No.46574796 [DELETED] 

there's no harm in trying

>> No.46574799

do or do not
there is no try

>> No.46574801
File: 19 KB, 377x227, firefucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46574802

there's no harm in trying

>> No.46574811

breakfast this morning eat i did

>> No.46574813

crush my cock with a rock I must
Maximum pain I must endure

>> No.46574821


>> No.46574828

ayo wheres culo? i got a quick question

>> No.46574866

When I'm learning new words, I read out sentences like I'm a kabuki actor.

>> No.46574878

i read it like im a rakugo performer

>> No.46574882

just read 剃毛 as はけ

>> No.46574885

i say "very good" but like an old japanese guy saying "bewy goooood" randomly every so often, quietly so my family doesn't hear though

>> No.46574887

If you look into the lore for that game, they refer to Spring as "Parrot" for no god damn reason. And only in the Japanese version. Pepper = Summer, Amber = Autumn, Indigo = Winter.
Use Google next time.

>> No.46574893

i say "oh yeeaaaaah very gooood" like erika furudo

>> No.46574896

Ahhh, so she's asking why people are so happy in Spring, makes sense.

>> No.46574932


>> No.46574935


>> No.46574962

so そう言や is not a dialect but just the same like when ではない turns into じゃない when used in spoken language?

btw umineko is not gay

>> No.46574987

Yes, that's correct. "そう言や" is not a distinct dialect, but rather a colloquial or spoken language variation of the standard Japanese phrase "そう言えば."

In Japanese, there are often differences between the formal written language and more casual, spoken language. This can involve things like:

Shortening or contracting words/phrases (e.g. "ではない" becoming "じゃない")
Dropping particles or grammatical elements that are implied in context
Using more informal sentence structures or expressions
"そう言や" is an example of this type of casual, spoken language variation. It's the same basic meaning as "そう言えば," but with a more colloquial pronunciation and grammar. It's not considered a separate dialect, but rather just part of the natural evolution of the spoken language versus the more standard written form.

So in summary, you're correct that "そう言や" is not a distinct dialect, but rather just the natural spoken language equivalent of the more formal written phrase "そう言えば." It's a common phenomenon in Japanese where the spoken and written forms can differ in certain ways

>> No.46574993

wtf is this shit im not reading none of it

>> No.46574996

im gonna have to kill you if that was chat gpt

>> No.46574998


>> No.46575005

telling chatgpt to lowercase its post so nobody suspects a thing

>> No.46575011
File: 472 KB, 2560x1600, matto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46575020
File: 712 KB, 1920x1002, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

epic bamen

>> No.46575021

the face of based

>> No.46575040
File: 40 KB, 570x760, 1706933867812306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take a seat over hear matto

>> No.46575051
File: 2.68 MB, 2560x1600, 4653]43242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo what the hell

>> No.46575079

its getting kinda cringe how mobbing is such a main topic in japanese media, anime and vidya alike.

>> No.46575099

How Do I (23F) Handle My Boyfriend´s (29M) Obsession with Sexualised Images of Women?

So…. I´ve (23f) been with my boyfriend (29m) for around a year now. It´s going really well. We never fight, we only had a few misunderstandings that we addressed and solved almost immediately and we´re both serious about our relationship. However, when I first came into his room, I was shocked… He has posters, prints, and small figurines of naked women (mostly Asian anime-like) with huge boobs and huge asses everywhere, also in his car. I never said anything about it, but it always made me feel a certain type of way- disgusted and uneasy to be exact. And often, when I´m scrolling through Instagram I can see the reels that he likes, which are basically the same, if not worse than what he has in his room and car. It´s all always overly sexualised, unhealthy, exaggerated bodies of women with plastic surgeries.

Once, when I tried to bring this topic out, he just said that he really likes plastic surgeries on women and that he is only “a man” (whatever is that supposed to mean). He asked me once if I will want to breastfeed our future children, to which I said yes, and he replied by saying that in that case, he will pay me to get a boob job. I told him that I would never get any plastic surgery under any circumstances, EVER. And the conversation basically ended there.

I really took some time to think about it. If it´s making me feel this way because I´m insecure since I don´t look like this AT ALL, or if I´m being jealous. I came to the conclusion that I´m neither. I´ve never felt insecure about myself in any way, nor am I jealous of his attraction to all this. It just makes me feel disrespected (as a woman and his girlfriend) and just really fucking sick. Tbh, I don´t think that any woman in her right mind would be okay with this.

I know I need to talk to him about it because how can I be mad at him for something he doesn´t even realise is bad, I also don´t want to tell him what to do and what he should or should not have in his room. I´m also afraid that one day he would come up to me and want me to get plastic surgery even if after this conversation… Ah, what should I do?

>> No.46575110


>> No.46575112

Didn't read any of that, but only the ages, and that made me (24M) realize that bitches younger than me are getting with dudes older than me
what the fuck

>> No.46575117

fuck meant to write 男 but my subconsciousness made me write 女 instead

>> No.46575124
File: 64 KB, 856x441, jisho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time using the site?

>> No.46575178

mob psychoing?

>> No.46575186

it's easy for me to say this as a kissless 30 year old virgin but it seems really fucking rude to have a gf and then like pictures of hot women on social media, especially if they have huge tits and other features she doesn't have

>> No.46575195


>> No.46575201

i already did an old dojg anki deck back in like 2017 and i never learned japanese

>> No.46575203

aka never immerse

>> No.46575206


>> No.46575209

kinda funny how the clear implication of that reddit post is that she is a lesser female compared to the stuff her bf likes online and puts in his room

>> No.46575212

Why are you watching with English subs?

>> No.46575214

bro you just had to pickup something easy as yotsubato or oot and you would've been on the michi of dekimu

>> No.46575227

I hope you didn't skip Kanji Phonetics
>Learning these components can help you learn the readings of new words easier!

>> No.46575228

i agree with the girl but i just opened the thread and man everyone is trying to morally condemn the guy
normalniggers have this obsession with including morality into everything its so tiresome

>> No.46575235

It is a bit of a moral issue if he’s pressuring her to get plastic surgery, especially to breast feed (what?) lol

>> No.46575236

DoJG deck or bunpro deck?

>> No.46575242

Neither. Just mine the grammar as you encounter it. Treat it like vocab

>> No.46575247

yeh but theyre like "he knows EXACTLY that what he is doing is wrong" and "dont call him a boy he is a grown ass man with a developed prefrontal cortex, stop infatilizing him he knows its wrong!!"like nibba its literally a manchild the woman could groom him into sexual favors if she wanted

>> No.46575254

True, good point

>> No.46575279

you can finish dojg in 100 days if you do 6 new cards every day, ez
better than cure dolly or taekim

>> No.46575314

daily pitch accent practice done

寝る (*´▽`*)(眠い)

>> No.46575321

This is literally for babies.

>> No.46575374
File: 126 KB, 1182x665, 魔王の俺が奴隷エルフを嫁にしたんだが、どう愛でればいい? Ep. 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it takes like 5 seconds to download the jp subs, anon

>> No.46575383

>perfect pitch
its fucking over

>> No.46575388

That's not that ha-
>plays cluster
holy crap

>> No.46575391

damn he must be supernative level at Japanese

>> No.46575399

perfect pitch is impressive but not all that useful and even delibitating at times
relative pitch can be trained much more easily and doesnt require early childhood conditioning or genes

>> No.46575407
File: 19 KB, 798x118, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but not all that useful

>> No.46575409

pitchlet megacope

>> No.46575420
File: 47 KB, 1098x914, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its over

>> No.46575425

you just know some zesty nibba is quizzing himself on perfect pitch using anki

>> No.46575429

they probably did anki on the side tbqh

>> No.46575449

Just mine. You don't need premade decks anymore. You'll literally encounter every grammar point as you run into it.

>> No.46575500

lol no

>> No.46575502


>> No.46575507


>> No.46575529

All I think is big number

>> No.46575538

what is next?
"Why you DON'T want Perfect Pitch Accent?"

>> No.46575548





>> No.46575550


>> No.46575562


>> No.46575564

>Does pitch accent affect understanding?
nose 鼻(はな)
flower 花(はな)
end 端 (はな)

>> No.46575565

show me a sentence where you can't guess any of these by context

>> No.46575572

He can't.

>> No.46575596

as for elephant the flower is long

>> No.46575605


>> No.46575610


>> No.46575615
File: 60 KB, 512x356, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i learn how to type with this ?

>> No.46575621

he means context within a topic

>> No.46575625

this, but download it anyway and delete it 6 months after you complete it

>> No.46575627

dont refer to yourself in 3rd person its cringe

>> No.46575637


>> No.46575653

just reached level 10 on wanikani

>> No.46575663


this is a problematic word (child + keeping as a pet)

>> No.46575686

Pretty sure 飼い also means to raise something.

>> No.46575747



>> No.46575761
File: 627 KB, 1441x2048, DLRAW.TO_051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46575784

wtf is fighting as majima so fucking annoying and gay compared to kiryuu. i love him as a character but god allmighty is he fucking weird to control

>> No.46575800

based. i love being a foreigner

>> No.46575935
File: 114 KB, 680x680, GK3Oh9Za4AAMytY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone from /int/djt should come to /jp/djt

lets be one big family again

>> No.46575957

No offense, but that place is deader than OJ

>> No.46575978

yea its unironically much nicer than typing romaji but if you dont type on your phone much dont bother
you can get the muscle memory for it in just a couple of days if you use your phone for lookups

>> No.46576020

my toxic trait is thinking that ill eventually learn the kana keyboard layout
if only there was a keyboard with them printed that also had æøå

>> No.46576073

my toxic trait is being horny 24/7

>> No.46576080
File: 990 KB, 1200x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't be a jerk, don't shake the sakura

>> No.46576084

you'll be slower because its literally similiar how you would need to push the 2 key in order to write a b, very unhandy

>> No.46576090

No, it's a meme.

>> No.46576108
File: 320 KB, 2048x1536, GK35q3-bAAA_j7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goooood morning everyone

lets do our best today as well!

>> No.46576123

you should type かおもじ in that ٩(๑òωó๑)۶

>> No.46576138

clunky translation

>> No.46576153

face character

>> No.46576179

>widely adopted and well established means of text input for the masses in japan.
>it's a meme
pick one

>> No.46576194

>stupid keyboard layout for stupid people with ガラケイs
Yeah, gonna go with the meme

>> No.46576210
File: 292 KB, 1821x3340, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46576215

>implying using the western typewriter 1800s qwerty layout compressed down to the size of your phone is better than nips creating a modern input layout specifically to accommodate their language.

>> No.46576222


>> No.46576224
File: 325 KB, 1800x1800, 2256663168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.46576249


>> No.46576310

Specifically to accommodate a crappy phone layout from the 60s you mean

>> No.46576316

miss mechanical keys on phones
you could type without looking and fast

touchscreens have zero haptic feedback

every new innovation makes things worse

>> No.46576318

just turn the vibration on, boomer

>> No.46576321

this doesnt let you feel if you pressed the correct key, only that you pressed a key

>> No.46576331

if you arent looking up 3 words a sentence are you really learning natively

>> No.46576334

But I was reliably informed that N+1 is the way?

>> No.46576339

nta, but thats sentence card ideology. if you look up 15 words in a passage, and understand the passage, mine the 15 words and put the passage in as context.

>> No.46576340

n+x where x = ((your iq - 100) / 10) + 1

>> No.46576351

N+1 is a meme and doesn’t exist in nature.

>> No.46576364

yes it does, what are you even saying? do you just not understand what n+1 means?

>> No.46576370

who the fuck cares? (rhetorical question i know its gay zakos)

>> No.46576371

That's a bit much, I have my hands full with just mining the words I like and a trickle from some general vocab deck

>> No.46576377

it's still ultimately up to you what you mine. use discretion obviously, but the main point from me with that example is do not let yourself be limited to i+1 since it's slow af.

>> No.46576383

sure, I was joking anyway

>> No.46576388

frankly yomi is such a pain i'd rather mine by hand

>> No.46576390

it has nothing to do with i+1 because you just shouldn't mine sentences

>> No.46576392

what are you getting at

>> No.46576397

imagine if you spent all the time you spend on anki using japanese instead

>> No.46576401

"i+1 or not i+1" is only a concern when you're mining sentences instead of words, but you should just mine words so the i+1 shit is irrelevant

>> No.46576403

mining is a pain just do https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1156124680 and emerse in erotic content

>> No.46576406

The odds of you encountering N+1 are extremely rare and only get more common as you know more, so it’s ridiculous to think this is how people learn outside of a classroom. Not to mention it’s also horribly inefficient

>> No.46576413


>> No.46576414

:nerd emoji:

>> No.46576417




>> No.46576423

No offense, but I don’t think anyone should be taking advice from a lolcow who doesn’t know the difference between natural and unnatural Japanese.

>> No.46576432

its not advice
there is no advice to give its all predetermined

>> No.46576441

>The odds of you encountering N+1 are extremely rare
no they're not lol. if you don't know 3 words in a sentence and you look up 2 of them, you now have an i+1 sentence. this happens all the time when you start learning.
and once you get better, the majority of unknowns are going to be in i+1 sentences, because if you don't know like 1 word per page on average, then it's unlikely for them to be stacked in a single sentence of all places.

>> No.46576456

That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. By that logic every sentence is theoretically an i+1 sentence because you can just look up all of the words until you have one left. Actually, let’s just make it i+0 because you might as well knock out that last one too.

>> No.46576463

yes, what's the issue?

>> No.46576466


>> No.46576467

Then I guess you were predetermined to not know Japanese

>> No.46576468

nta, but have you considered interpreting this as "try to calibrate your input so that you wouldn't be overwhelmed by new vocab, but at the same time learned a new word or two"

>> No.46576476

Your argument.
No, because he just said the stupidest thing alive when faced with the reality of i+1 being unrealistic for a learner

>> No.46576481

what's the issue with my argument? you just said it's stupid but do you actually have anything concrete or what

>> No.46576488

Yeah, I concretely think you’re a retard

>> No.46576489

gonna go hug my soft jp gf because i got bullied online again

>> No.46576491

also >>46576468 seems to get the point of this no problem but you haven't addressed that either. are you just doing an uppercaser bait routine?

>> No.46576496

nta, but im guessing the problem is that it's not actually an i+1 card. it's i+(insert number here) card that you're semantically calling i+1. at that point advocating for i+1 doesn't make sense because those other words need to be mined also.

>> No.46576500
File: 2.86 MB, 853x480, anti bully ranger.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no need to go, i will step in to stop the bullying now

>> No.46576501

He didn’t actually acknowledge your point. He created a new argument for you that has nothing to do with your “everything’s an i+1 sentence if you look up enough words” retardation

>> No.46576503

just don't think about it as some kind of ironclad rule man
did you wash the cum stains off her this week?

>> No.46576506

I don’t think you’re even following the conversation

>> No.46576510

i unironically only cum inside raw and she does the cleaning

>> No.46576512

I’m glad someone’s actually following what’s going on. Thank you

>> No.46576516

u don’t have a gf

>> No.46576517

Good for you.
damn, they make some fancy dakimakuras these days, sasuga japanese

>> No.46576524

Where can I find JP subs for dramas and movies?

>> No.46576529

we're not talking about cards because you shouldn't mine sentences at all. he's claiming that people don't learn through i+1, which is completely wrong. the entire point of i+1 is that the number of unknowns is limited so that you can figure them out and make sense of it, which is how you acquire the language. how else would you even do it?
also it's not about "advocating i+1" but about affirming what >>46576468 said, which is inarguably true. it hardly even needs to be advocated

>> No.46576532

not sure about movies, but it has live action. just click the tab

>> No.46576538


>> No.46576543

oh, ネヴァーマインド

>> No.46576562

Thanks anons, damn it can't find it.

>> No.46576565

what subs are you looking for?

>> No.46576572

Midnight Diner/深夜食堂 season 1

>> No.46576575

holy baaaaaased

>> No.46576576


>> No.46576581

should be in here

>> No.46576591


>> No.46576597


>> No.46576599

No, I said that i+1 isn’t realistic, because it isn’t. You then countered by saying everything is i+1 when you have a dictionary. You’re an absolute retard
>you shouldn't mine sentences at all
Also an low IQ take, but this doesn’t surprise me

>> No.46576606

>Also an low

>> No.46576615


>> No.46576618


>> No.46576621


>> No.46576622

believe me, you don't WANNA see proof

>> No.46576627

pic? vocaroo?

>> No.46576631


>> No.46576636

if he timestamps or gets her to talk about djt i’ll take it all back

>> No.46576639


>> No.46576647

he has timestamped her panties newfag

>> No.46576648

too bad your mom can't take you all back up her snatch ctrl+z style

>> No.46576650

he means grannyfriend now girlfriend btw

>> No.46576654

found another n10 speaker in mishima yukio everyone. we're gonna expose them all.

>> No.46576657

i didn’t see that and panties don’t make anything. he probably stole them from his mom’s drawer

>> No.46576661

>No, I said that i+1 isn’t realistic, because it isn’t.
yes it is, it's the way you acquire language. https://www.sdkrashen.com/content/books/principles_and_practice.pdf
>You then countered by saying everything is i+1 when you have a dictionary
no, not everything, because a dictionary gives you hints, not full information. at some point you can't reduce it to just one unknown even with a dictionary
but often you can reduce the number of unknowns to one using a dictionary, and beginners have to rely on this because the content where this isn't needed is sparse and often not compelling

>> No.46576662

you didnt see shit cuz youre a dumb ass newfag bitch lol

>> No.46576663
File: 38 KB, 250x304, Yukio_Mishima,_1955_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy? not actually japanese. unlike qm who is a true native

>> No.46576669

i’ve been here for years idiot

>> No.46576673

lets start with you then

>> No.46576675

how does a photo of underwear prove anything tho

>> No.46576676

>because a dictionary gives you hints, not full information
I just want to take a moment and highlight the stupidest thing ever written in the history of these threads.
I’m gonna give you hint, you lost.

>> No.46576679

sorry left my djt card at home

>> No.46576680
File: 100 KB, 1342x1000, GK5Uc_HbkAANTjY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta but it proves that im not gay

>> No.46576682

is it stil on netflix? this would be the long way around, but install the netflix subtitle extractor from chrome, and go through all the episodes and pull the jp subs

>> No.46576685

the actual meaning of a word is contained in all its utterances, not in a dictionary. if you don't understand even this much then you're more deluded than i thought

>> No.46576688

left my v card in your mom

>> No.46576691

Nope, the “actual meaning” can be found in any dictionary. Take your spiritualist crap somewhere else

>> No.46576693

bunkos grandma gf is real but i cant vouch for the nasty things he says

>> No.46576696

You also said OG knew Japanese. I don’t think you’re a reliable source

>> No.46576699

u dont deserve a reliable source but nonetheless

>> No.46576705

Nonetheless what? You’ve got proof of his gf?

>> No.46576706

"spiritualist crap" lol it's linguistics 101
>Even if a word is included in a dictionary, the definition provided by the lexicographer(s) is not perfect, and it is not the complete picture of the meaning of the word.
>We have to remember again that human beings are writing dictionaries. It is quite unrealistic to expect a lexicographer, or even a group of lexicographers, to include every single meaning of every single word in a dictionary. It is unrealistic because one word can have many different meanings, varying in use depending on context. We cannot expect lexicographers to observe, track, and record all possible uses of a word — especially when new uses of existing words emerge all the time. What we need to remember is the purpose of dictionaries. Dictionaries are meant to be a reference: something that gives you the general picture of a word, with enough information to give you an idea as to how it might be used. One way of thinking about this is that a dictionary is a partial record of how language users use their language. Language users in a language community create new words and attach meaning to them, and lexicographers record some of their use in dictionaries. They can’t include every single meaning of every single word, so they give enough information so that people can get an idea of how the word is used.
as I've said, it hints at the actual meaning but it doesn't contain it, because that's impossible

>> No.46576708

my balls are a reliable source

>> No.46576715

>words words words words
I accept your concession, now never come on here again

>> No.46576719


>> No.46576723

words from linguists that have retroactively decimated your retard ass. get rekt tard

>> No.46576726

yap enough and youre a linguist

>> No.46576729

linguinis dont know jack shit

>> No.46576734

except the ones who write dictionaries, they apparently know everything and can capture it in a short definition

>> No.46576737

They didn’t say anything about a dictionary “hinting” at a word’s actual meaning, just that dictionaries themselves are imperfect due to the ever changing nature of language.
Also what the other guy said, linguists don’t know jack shit

>> No.46576739

linguists dont even know ligma

>> No.46576749

I’m done arguing with this retard. Can’t wait to wake up to whatever cope he cooks up next.

>> No.46576751

yes they have
>Dictionaries are meant to be a reference: something that gives you the general picture of a word, with enough information to give you an idea as to how it might be used.

>> No.46576759

Not seeing the “hint” part of that.

>> No.46576771

doubt anybody read that 5+ lines post bro

>> No.46576785

so bringing it back to the original topic, the dictionary doesn't tell you exactly what the word means in your sentence. it only gives you a general idea of how it's used, but you still have to fit the two together. and if the hint is not enough to decisively say that it's being used in a certain way, then the dictionary has failed to fully reduce the unknown. which is why dictionaries can't turn everything into i+1, just sometimes. which is again why >>46576468 is so important

consider consulting an english dictionary, it may provide you with a hint as to how the concepts are connected

>> No.46576800

how do japs manage to make having no ass look so sexy

>> No.46576820

リグマ is league match

>> No.46579870

>5 seconds
it takes like 30 minutes of googling

>> No.46579951

what the fuck does this even mean god i hate katakana

>> No.46579958

oh wait it the protag name

>> No.46579971

just call him yada yada
