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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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45073095 No.45073095 [Reply] [Original]


* Start reading every day (and listening)
* Go through a grammar guide (like Tae kim or Cure Dolly)
* Go through a common vocab deck (like core2.3k)
* Mine stuff into Anki that you encounter in your Japanese media

Previous thread: >>45056309

>> No.45073117

Guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/visualnovels/wiki/gambsguide/

>> No.45073119

gambs theme

>> No.45073154

why are there so many guide websites
which one do i use

>> No.45073159


>> No.45073170


>> No.45073179


>> No.45073204

I learned today that 全滅 and 殲滅 are not the same word.

>> No.45073429
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Why are you studying Japanese?

>> No.45073578
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big booty bbas

>> No.45073697
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>> No.45073703

Who keeps making these shit op's.


>> No.45073714

op's what

>> No.45073787

austrian guy sold out hes a pisscord slave now

>> No.45073837

austrian guy is the kinda guy to advertise for a fast food chain because his waifu products are collaborating with them

>> No.45073844
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>> No.45073885

dont think i can go on without big g vinnie streams now that hes banned

>> No.45073922

its a temp ban

>> No.45073956

noone cares

>> No.45073957

ill never forgive the japanese for purging oneshota on fanbox

>> No.45073974

obashota > mamashota > oneshota

>> No.45073984
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Day 155: Was about to skip today but change my mind after took a nap.

>> No.45073989

oniishota >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

>> No.45073991

i agree but it's
shotaoba > shotaone > *big power gap* > obashota > mama shota > oneshota

>> No.45073998

this thread is so shitty and repetitive that frequenting it is about to make me quit 4chan and be more productive with my day

>> No.45074004

you can't really be *productive* as a neet, but you can try being more constructive

>> No.45074009
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oh no no no no look at this dude

>> No.45074011
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literally me

>> No.45074012

are you jacking off or something at the same time? How are you taking so long?

>> No.45074016

isn't this the juuchin guy?

>> No.45074025

imagine learning japanese to fuck women and at best you will just look like a haafu

>> No.45074058

handsome guy who he is

>> No.45074063


>> No.45074079

i wish i was that good looking

>> No.45074082


>> No.45074097

w゙h゚y゙ a゚r゙e゚ y゙o゚u゙ s゚t゙u゚d゙y゚i゙n゚g゙ j゚a゙p゚a゙n゚e゙s゚e゙?゚

>> No.45074100


>> No.45074122


>> No.45074126

there are so many hard subbed youtube videos, surely this means that the language is too hard even for nips

>> No.45074177

because japanese animu, novels and manga are the least pozzed good media that remains in this earth so i want to enjoy it in its purest form.

>> No.45074259

ばせd *angelic music plays in the bg*

>> No.45074287
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>> No.45074346
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>> No.45074371


>> No.45074418
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>> No.45074453
File: 165 KB, 1920x1058, 1683855534880030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just learned today when reinstalling the game for the first time in years that Cataclysm DDA is almost fully translated in japanese
pretty neat way to learn misc vocabulary you would rarely see in fiction

>> No.45074466


is this language real

>> No.45074507

learning how to play this game is harder than learning japanese

>> No.45074515

The leaders who directed themselves to go to a mountain should be discharged.

>> No.45074521

she cute

>> No.45074603

wait I thought you're supposed to?

>> No.45074614

>you can make a chunk out of the i stem of a verb + the subordinate clause which is why tai can have both が and を
lmao he still thinks he’s right

>> No.45074664

at how many words does listening get easy?

>> No.45074687

what is the name for these bras that only consist of the rim? i thought its 逆ブラ because of 逆バニー but that doesn't seem the case. i know these japanese must have a name for it

>> No.45074697

depends what you watch

i know around 10k words and i just watch youtube all day and have fun because i just understand it

but sometimes when people speak to me i dont understand what they're saying so in reality you probably need double than this

>> No.45074753

remember when the powers that be tried spinning cuckolding as an intellectual fetish?
finna be the dumb gaijin bull cucking all the intelligent jap men

>> No.45074761

gonna cure my ntr fetish by going full NNN this year. i can do this. ganbarou! lets goooo.

>> No.45074773

wont your gf be sad you arent fucking her for a whole month

>> No.45074793

austrian guys on quizs discord?

>> No.45074809

convince your wife that you have a cuck ntr fetish
force her to fuck some guy
file for divorce because she wasn't faithful and get out of it better than you would have if you didn't do your elaborate ruse
it's really important that you leave no evidence though

>> No.45074815
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i will go to japan to fix the fertility issue

>> No.45074819

How do I learn pitch accent? Is the IMABI guide good for learning pitch accent?

>> No.45074824

bitch accent lmao

>> No.45074833

all you really gotta do is watch videos about it until you can tell the difference
then pay attention to it while immersing and maybe look up stuff in the nhk pitch dictionary if it interest you

>> No.45074870

shut da fuck up tougimiti tard

>> No.45074888

prove any amount of japanese ability before your opinion matters

>> No.45074894

手 毛 lmao

>> No.45074907


>> No.45074913

didnt unko fail the n1 quiz on qms discord last year lol fucking noob

>> No.45074932

seething won't change the fact that half the thread can read more japanese than you

>> No.45074934

still better than you

>> No.45074942

nah ur shit lmao

>> No.45074950

not mutually exclusive

>> No.45074970

unko bro did you forget how many people were reds in the server? even katite guy could own you stfu

>> No.45074973


>> No.45074979


>> No.45074993

but you couldn't and they could
you're a peak dunning kruger noob bro

>> No.45074998

warning to new lurkers, learning japanese is not worth it at all. you think oh yeah if i just learn for two years it'll be fine, i'll be able to do what I want. Even if it's hard i'll eventually be done

It never, ever, ever ends. There is always some random word the author pulls out to fuck with you. No matter how many years you spend and how many words you learn there will always be one more, and it will distract you from the work more than using translations would

>> No.45075001


>> No.45075008

crazy how some 162 n1 shitter is having delusions about being a nihongod lmfao

>> No.45075018

i wish my favorite H artists could live forever

>> No.45075019

your output is worthless because you can't read baby shit, cope

>> No.45075025

hes a male version of og lol

>> No.45075038

>nooooo i suck balls at everything except speaking rehearsed baby japanese im better than you!1!1!

>> No.45075045


>> No.45075046

made a new record number of characters sipped today

>> No.45075054


>> No.45075059


>> No.45075060

i'm closing in on a year and i have to disagree. looking up a word here and there is not nearly as bad as reading some tranny's fanfic. and learning new things happens in your native language too

>> No.45075066


>> No.45075067

nah you just suck, also for someone who obsessively chatted with japanese to get good at output your japanese is boringly simple

>> No.45075072

To be fair to Bunko, the N1 test on the Discord has a very small and hard font to read and you aren't given a lot of time to answer.

>> No.45075073

>boringly simple

>> No.45075075

i have read so much shit that will never get translated so its worth it

>> No.45075082

still in the coping stage, you'll regret it later. Learning japanese was the worst mistake of my life

>> No.45075083

no no no MY favorite area of japanese is OBJECTIVELY like o-b-j-e-c-t-ively ok?? OBJECTIVELY BETTER i am JOWZU reeee

>> No.45075086


>> No.45075087


>> No.45075093

i kind of want to be able to talk to people in japanese but i'm not even capable of talking to people in english so i gave up

>> No.45075096

filtered by kotoba bot n4 quiz on discord
is there a deck for this guys...

>> No.45075098

just read an anime

>> No.45075099

yeah and you got 162/180 thanks for proving you suck

>> No.45075109

fluency is secondary, as long as you can communicate.

>> No.45075110

you must have had a sheltered life if that was your biggest mistake

>> No.45075112

imagine being worse than dokoroga guy

id be buying rope

>> No.45075116

英語で(w) そこの一点張りしかする気ないなら弱いぞ

>> No.45075123


>> No.45075127


>> No.45075131


>> No.45075135

there comes the cope. nobody cares, you don't need to know any japanese to have sex with ugly gaijin hunters. see >>45074932

>> No.45075149

how do you make sure that she isn't a gaijin hunter?

>> No.45075152


>> No.45075153

ダッシュ!ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ

>> No.45075156

her not being a desperate hag for example

>> No.45075171

「手」を読んでみ lmfao

>> No.45075178


>> No.45075190

crazy how this sub n1 noob really thinks he knows japanese

>> No.45075193

一 にのまえ
― ダッシュ

It was me who was the dekinai... orz

>> No.45075194

crazy how none of you filtered his ass the moment he put on the trip
damn things a godsend

>> No.45075199

dont worry unko couldnt tell either but at least you can read 毛

>> No.45075201

「古」pilled kanji that have 四文字 readings

>> No.45075202


>> No.45075208

It literally doesn't matter if you don't know one word when you know the other 10-20k, at best you figure it out by context, at worst, you have to check a dictionary for a second.
I don't think it needs to be said that nobody fully knows any language but what you know helps you a lot to understand new words and terminology, so the more you know, the easy is to know more (shocking).

>> No.45075210

what is the point of this thread

>> No.45075211

> thermos are called 魔法瓶
im convinced this language was made by literal children

>> No.45075213


>> No.45075217

containment for severely autistic manchildren

all of the goofy onomatope that grown ass adults use didn't clue you in on that?

>> No.45075221

do you ever really know if she's a gaijin hunter
like an asian chick in the west never really knowing if the white guy has yellow fever

>> No.45075225

All languages are made by children retard. You think the first humans born into japan just didn't start working out how to talk to each other until they became adults? How do you think they survived?

>> No.45075227

i have him filtered on my pc but i cant do that on my phone so i have to see his dekinai bitch ass posts when im afk

>> No.45075230

everyone that dates a member of a different race is divergent by default, it's not normal

>> No.45075234

lil bro you forgot your trip...

>> No.45075236

literally all this guy does is seethe all day

>> No.45075240

nice bio bro

>> No.45075243

that's my secret
i'm always seething

>> No.45075248

はいー! みんなー!

>> No.45075250

kys faggot

>> No.45075253

nice signature bro

>> No.45075254

can a nigga get an anime bytes inv. i will do anything u ask, including reading stuff on vocaroo to either prove or embarrass myself

>> No.45075255

literal coping mechanisms make up all your posts

>> No.45075257

let's see a 30 minute vinnie stream

>> No.45075263

literal shit makes up all your posts

>> No.45075264

An isn't even good for raws

>> No.45075265

i will literally do this if promised a inv.

>> No.45075269

be charge in

>> No.45075271

dont think you know what literal means

>> No.45075274

don't think you know what 手 means

>> No.45075281


>> No.45075282

reminds me of some pseudo psychology thing that was set up as a workshop in my highschool days
due to reasons 80% of my highschool was girls so they loved that emotional support bullshit
so basically the woman speaker that did the test on me concluded that my primary emotion is anger, my aura is black and that i was a danger women
she referred me to her sensitivity training course out of school, i didn't go

>> No.45075291

unko is the type of noob who would get 半 and 羊 confused

>> No.45075292
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never ever after what happened to ciaran

>> No.45075294

70% of the people in this thread would since they don't do the based rtk and just remember by context

>> No.45075298

yeah he's part of the noobs

>> No.45075300

wow im hypothetically insulted

>> No.45075303

You sure are popular man.

>> No.45075305

nah bro he literally insulted you

>> No.45075306

the rtk

>> No.45075311

you sure have sex a lot

>> No.45075318

>the rtk
Is it worth it?

>> No.45075316

Why is everyone here bothered by to the extent that they have to reply to every post that you make.

>> No.45075319

all me

>> No.45075321

unko is fragile and is having a breakdown, please be kind to him

>> No.45075325

entire thing? no. i did like half of it if that and thats all you need as long as you get healthy amounts of immersion on the side

>> No.45075327

they are insecure because they cant and dont speak japanese

>> No.45075332

you are insecure because you cant and dont read non baby japanese

>> No.45075333

No i think it's just because ganging up and bullying someone is fun. Also due to your trip they have a clear target.

>> No.45075335

entire thing? yes. i did like all of it if that and thats all you need as long as you get healthy amounts of immersion on the side

>> No.45075339


>> No.45075341

dekinai mad

>> No.45075343

i dont understand this post desu

>> No.45075344

he's kind of right that the fundamental form of a language is spoken

>> No.45075349

>how many fat ugly hags have you had sex with? none? lol you are insecure because you won't fuck them
unko logic

>> No.45075353

the fundamental form of language is fucking ugly hags

>> No.45075355

i forgive you <3

>> No.45075356

you don't have to post mood updates in the thread bro

>> No.45075358

ty!!! :3c

>> No.45075360

>learn to cope with lapsing on up to 9 mature cards
>lapse 12
I'm so not going to make it.

>> No.45075361

true true

>> No.45075365

there is a saying, 「聞くは一時の恥、聞かぬは一生の恥」
dekinai should learn from dekiru, even if it is shame.

>> No.45075369

production isn't the same as recognition

>> No.45075373

funny how you will literally never be able to see how weak it is to just always pull the no u, i win card
you could have said you speak better japanese than me (you didnt because you dont)
you could have pointed out a single mistake ive made over my numerous japanese posts recently (you didnt because there were none)
you could have written something i didnt understand or at least something that would make it obvious i spent a lot of time on the reply (which should be easy if i cant even read 毛, but you didnt because you cant)
the best you got is that my japanese is not needlessly overcomplicated and that some faggots know more kanji readings than me

>> No.45075375

lmfao now this is a dekinai mad post, malding even

>> No.45075381

didnt read lol

>> No.45075390

I see you couldn't

>> No.45075391

noob near fails the n1, flies into a rage on djt. many such cases

>> No.45075392

stay in your safespace ironic circlejerk
hope you got a big titty figure in the middle at least

>> No.45075398

going back to /int/?

>> No.45075399

crazy how tripfaggots shit up every thread they are in without fail

>> No.45075402

Only tripfag that was good was analcream.

>> No.45075403

*pokes head out of nuclear bunker* is it safe now guys? has the unko tsunami passed?

>> No.45075404

triptards amuse me, it's always more fun to see 50 posts in 30 minutes on my pomodoro break than 2 posts

>> No.45075408

/int/ is being trolled by some Japanese. they'll plant strange Japanese words in your head.

>> No.45075412
File: 191 KB, 1199x946, 大辞典.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this mean there is hope?

>> No.45075413

luv dabbin on tripfags

>> No.45075424


>> No.45075439

500k doesn't seem so bad

>> No.45075442

lil bro you've acquired less than 500

>> No.45075446

less than 5000*
495000 ish more to go!
atleast i'm not learning Tamil, whatever the fuck that is

>> No.45075450
File: 5 KB, 800x639, 2482 - computer glasses screen smile smug soyjak stubble variant_classic_soyjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my pomodoro break

>> No.45075452

owari da

>> No.45075454

maturing your anki card doesn't mean you've acquired the word bro

>> No.45075461

nta, wtf then what does...bwos...

>> No.45075466

once i've matured my 500.000th card it's over for you

>> No.45075468

dude what the fuck

>> No.45075469

but like when are you going to stop using anki

>> No.45075473

weren't you going to leave, tripwhore? you're pathetic.

>> No.45075475

in fighting games we call that a mixup

>> No.45075479

where did i say that

>> No.45075486

It's the 工

>> No.45075491

he lives off attention, starve him

>> No.45075497 [DELETED] 

 ◤ ◥  

>> No.45075504
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>> No.45075510

what are iq guys thoughts on women

>> No.45075520

they are the unaesthetic sex

>> No.45075525
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see you in 2055

>> No.45075558
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>> No.45075568
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>> No.45075587

ass tastes kinda bitter

>> No.45075593

did you try it?

>> No.45075594

it's salty not bitter

>> No.45075598

multiple times

>> No.45075614

not as bitter as the Ls hes been tasting

>> No.45075657

do your individuals not shower.... ?

>> No.45075672

i only eat just showered fat bba ass

>> No.45075737

just had a $500 meal

>> No.45075746

that's too much for ass bro

>> No.45075756

wouldn't touch an ass priced below a grand

>> No.45075757

cant possibly be worth it

>> No.45075833

between anime and hololive which is better for gains? i'm too shit for podcasts/audiobooks and i can't find interesting shit on youtube

>> No.45075839

holy shit i finally realized かわいい comes from 皮が良い
you can laugh at me

>> No.45075882


>> No.45075917

vtumors are the literal worst thing you can do for language gains
when u read vinnies you can always breeze through the dialogue but when the author describes the scene in text outside dialogue they use more flavorful adjectives people who aren't writers don't use in conversations cuz most people are dumb normies
anime has inferior truncated dialogue because the scenes have to be shorter for the runtime but it's still real dialogue that sometimes uses vocab that drives the story onwards
vtumors just go EEEEEEE MAJI for 3 hours and never use any words out of colloquial lexicon because they are low iq 3dpd women hiding behind an anime model

>> No.45075919

that's wrong but also it doesn't even make sense wtf

>> No.45075924

true true

>> No.45075946
File: 44 KB, 664x389, images (52).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are the literal worst thing you can do for language gains
not really literally, but even if it was isnt that only relevant if you are only learning japanese for the sake of it?
>but it's still real dialogue
less real than unscripted conversation which happens sometimes in vtuber streams i guess
>3dpd women hiding behind an anime model
something hot about fat women pretending to be anime
dont get me wrong i dont watch that shit either

>> No.45075963

>vtumors just go EEEEEEE MAJI for 3 hours and never use any words out of colloquial lexicon

u only think that cuz those are the only words u could understand

>> No.45075975

Serious question. Do you use Anki?

>> No.45075978

>isnt that only relevant if you are only learning japanese for the sake of it?

welcome to djt

>> No.45075984

no i stopped using anki a long time ago

>> No.45075993

you cooked that lil nigga god damn

>> No.45076004

i just dont watch vtumors because its gay as hell and my father would be ashamed

>> No.45076010

moe never talked about his dad

>> No.45076016

why are they like this

>> No.45076017

unironically fragile masculinity

>> No.45076022

remember to turn on recursive filtering

>> No.45076034

Ouch, I’m a pro-Anki poster. I was gonna actually take your side against those guys lol

>> No.45076036

i think that cuz i have never opened a vtumor stream and i think you'd learn about as much japanese from vtumors as you would learn english from watching xqc

>> No.45076042

djters without dads unite

>> No.45076048

why do you have to be unpleasant? why can your supposed ability not stand on its own instead of fully relying on putting down others

>> No.45076049

Anki looks good but whenever i try to start it shows me kanji i already know and it's annoying.

>> No.45076053


>> No.45076058

and hide stubs for an unko-free experience :)

>> No.45076068

How much words do I have to learn?

>> No.45076079

imagine being so fragile you have to specifically block posts from showing up on your screen

>> No.45076086

imagine caring

>> No.45076091

filtering worthless trash is a sign of intelligence

>> No.45076096

>i think that cuz i have never opened a vtumor stream
? so your proof is that you dont know?
you are imagining things and getting angry lmfao

>> No.45076099

well, i dont even like virtual youtubers but i know a dunning kruger when i see one

>> No.45076102

id rather use youtube without adblock than read this thread without the unko filter

>> No.45076104

youtube has stopped bothering me about adblock

>> No.45076108

i know how to get anime with jp subs but how do i do this for regular tv shows?

>> No.45076109

considered watching raw?

>> No.45076110


>> No.45076111

i've seen enough streamables some of you morons keep spamming here to form an informed opinion about """chuubas"""

>> No.45076118

ciaran bro make a new streamable

>> No.45076119

wouldnt that be what you should have put for your reasoning of why you think so then?

>> No.45076128

>i think that cuz i have never opened a vtumor stream and i think
iq bros

>> No.45076132

poor queerans been streaming from animepahe ever since he got kicked out of ab

>> No.45076140

streaming is good because most anime now have poor cheaply made animations which don't justify the effort of torrenting

>> No.45076144

unironic streamfags in the thread

>> No.45076152

Torrenting litterally takes negative effort

>> No.45076154

im literally gay

>> No.45076159

i literally hate gay people

>> No.45076160

is there anybody you dont hate?

>> No.45076161

ur mom

>> No.45076165


>> No.45076166

i only hate some people namely gays, furries, trannies, and all other sorts of freaks and losers

>> No.45076170

cant stop winning

>> No.45076171

negative unfunny dekinai thread ngl

>> No.45076173

Why is the daily japanese thread like this

>> No.45076179

i blame gambs

>> No.45076182

Just realized that I was reading 思いの外 wrong for years
japanese gives you paranoia and trust issues

>> No.45076185

some people are simply too smart to be happy or nice to others or funny

>> No.45076187

jacking to porn images is 100 times more efficient and rewarding than watching a video because you are only looking at the key moments

>> No.45076189

Nah that ones wholey on u bro

>> No.45076255

moe is the madara uchiha of djt

>> No.45076271

im one of the like 3 guys here that has an activated rinnegan

>> No.45076294

God I love vtubers

>> No.45076307

im one of the few guys who agrees with myself
this makes me smart

>> No.45076329

we love vtubers and hate gays here

>> No.45076341

so the only legit reason not to get rid of kanji is the inconvenience of having current little kids read old things when they get older?

>> No.45076347

you're forgetting the more important reasons which is that they don't want to and don't care

>> No.45076352

im basically exactly like goku

>> No.45076354

>i just watch youtube
what do you watch?

>> No.45076360

ok go super saiyan 3

>> No.45076368

im literally spike spiegel

>> No.45076394

did they close applications?
it's THE easiest to get into.

>> No.45076451

they can't write kanji.
their kids should spend their brain power doing something important like writing more mangas

>> No.45076452

I'm better at japanese than natives, they're too stupid to understand me

>> No.45076473

why is migaku so expensive? is making a new trial acc once a week the move?

>> No.45076483

the yoga man needs money

>> No.45076488

we refold here bro

>> No.45076489

into the emersion pod

>> No.45076492

This is the last thread. I won't let this santannaru thread continue anymore. Migurusisugiru

>> No.45076497

itudemo iiyo

>> No.45076562
File: 2.40 MB, 1334x750, image0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

minna chan he nyanpasu-
o genki desuka
watashi wa yuni gemu ga daisuki nyandesu
kyou mo ganbarimasu node
yoroshiku onegaishimasu


>> No.45076573
File: 325 KB, 1504x2048, F9gewoTaEAAhtF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gooood morning


>> No.45076596


>> No.45076621
File: 444 B, 60x19, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of these could be yours.

>> No.45076654

whats anime bytes

>> No.45076778
File: 112 KB, 800x926, 3687568594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.45076945

完クリしたd mario wonder
last level was shit

>> No.45077000


>> No.45077097

tell me what u want and ill do it

>> No.45077135

have sex

>> No.45077158


>> No.45077188

Translate 2:30 to 4:45.

>> No.45077196

unko is not allowed to use my post

>> No.45077257

>tsuki GA kirei desu
shouldn't it be wa

>> No.45077272

girl says what sounds like fu
subtitles say its tsu
listening is impossible

>> No.45077316


>> No.45077332

>think to> myself reading a manga would be easier since it's less text
>kanjis are pixelated mess

>> No.45077367
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>> No.45077370

bro why do you keep responding to the fat loser who responds to you disingenuously to make you mad
this is like every day
he has no life and is mentally not well and he doesnt know japanese
dont waste your time here

>> No.45077379


>> No.45077399

stfu diarrhea chugging retard

>> No.45077414

I mean the subject is the moon right, is this beyond my current lesson or what

>> No.45077491
File: 1.22 MB, 1600x1600, I WILL teach you Nihongo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone use Duolingo? I've been grinding my kanji flashcards on and off for years and I've recently started using Duolingo to learn my grammar. Since I know my kana and a lot of kanji already I'm basically ignoring that whole section of Duolingo. So far mostly so good but I feel like it's not using enough kanji in the example sentences, like for instance I'm happy to learn a word like にぎやか in kana the first few times but I'd expect it to start using 賑やか after a while and that doesn't seem to be happening. Does Kanji usage depend on how much of the kanji I've explicitly learned through the app?

>> No.45077502

>recently started using Duolingo

>> No.45077581

>I mean the subject is the moon right,
Right. So ask yourself, which fits better?
indicates sentence topic

>indicates sentence subject

>> No.45077601




>> No.45077617


How would you translate this? I'm not sure if this is correct because I'm confused about the 1番見られたら.

"A woman who is exposing herself and doing lewd acts in public and wants to be found for the first time by a bad guy"

>> No.45077756

browsing different threads and its shocking how accurate the multiquoter stereotype is

>> No.45077796

i use nyaa now although as you can tell from my mal i dont watch a lot
here's a clip from when i went to the ghibli concert in london recently

>> No.45077803







>> No.45077824


>> No.45077825

一番 means "the most" and it's modifying "見られたらダメなタイプの人"
>A woman that wants to be caught exposing herself and doing obscene acts by the worst type of person to be seen by.

>> No.45077831
File: 2.37 MB, 720x1280, lolikami.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did this song go viral

>> No.45077840

im not going to translate it but the gist is she wants to be noticed by the worst type of guy you could be noticed by when doing some nasty shit

>> No.45077873

yea nice bro

>> No.45077882

>I'm not gonna translate it
>proceeds to translate it almost word for word
lol why do you people even bother writing this

>> No.45077891

a very obviously contrived song made to be played everywhere

>> No.45077892

naw its modifying 見られたらダメ

>> No.45077904

im sorry that you're confused about what a translation is

>> No.45077908

>im sorry
damn right you are

>> No.45077909

lolicons found their anthem with which they will fight back against western influence

>> No.45077919

Which is modifying タイプの人 you pedantic sped

>> No.45077920

do epileptics in japan not go to the mall

>> No.45077926

apology not accepted

>> No.45077927

im sorry that you got owned

>> No.45077938

I'm so unbelievably angry right now. I try to do one kind act, one little tiny gesture for anon, you ruin it. You take all of my good will and you SHOVE IT into the trash can. Thanks a lot. Now my day is ruined.

>> No.45077954

im not sure there was much to ruin there lil bwo you got the parsing level wrong so the explanation cleared up jack shit

>> No.45077959


>> No.45077972

ichiban tuyoi gaijin ni naritai

>> No.45077973

itipan atui hOon

>> No.45077980

Thank you, now it makes sense, at first I didn't get that "1番見られたらダメな" was the adjective instead of just "ダメな".

>> No.45077985

Yes, yes, we all know what that Japanese guy said about Matt that one time. We've heard that line a million times. Can you people do anything other than quote the same tired memes for the hundredth time?

>> No.45077990


>> No.45078012

Repeating the same Japanese you've seen but replacing it with jokes about this thread isn't clever. That does not constitute good humor and observation.

>> No.45078020
File: 649 KB, 738x976, 578654868475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]










>> No.45078025


>> No.45078028


>> No.45078042

JK vs JC vs JS
which do you think is best?

>> No.45078046


>> No.45078062


>> No.45078067


>> No.45078070

watching a shitty action film with japanese dub

>> No.45078077


>> No.45078081


>> No.45078091


>> No.45078094

wonder what he's up to

>> No.45078108

hes coding in rtk

>> No.45078109
File: 48 KB, 800x1222, debukariPAUI9658-1804_TP_V4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45078146

wtf is しゃくい出す

>> No.45078244

dame 杓うnever seen this

>> No.45078262

as for me it's 杓子定規

>> No.45078265

not a lot of good posts

>> No.45078267

why do people love fmab so much
it's alright but kind of a slog

>> No.45078286




>> No.45078290

this is like the original 事故る type verb where you just stick a sound on the end

>> No.45078301

because they can recommend it to normies

>> No.45078792

When creating a card, do I need to put in all the definitions for the target word I can find? Or just the definition used on the sentence, and mine the other definitions separately when I encounter them?

>> No.45078940
File: 1 KB, 506x23, 1600981159126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45078966


>> No.45079163

the one you want to learn

>> No.45079400


>> No.45079940

What's the difference between 真新しい and just 新しい

>> No.45080075

the 真

>> No.45080345

is there a way to turn off the placeholder audio for yomichan?

>the audio for this clip is currently not available blablalba ...

>> No.45080536

I'm trying to read, I'm trying. But the biggest filter for me is the junk of kana. I'm perfectly fine with looking up every word every second, but strings of kana that can't be solved through yomichan requiring me to "just know" in order to break it down is making me go insane. I thought you're supposed to naturally acquire grammar? Then why exactly does it seem like I whitenoise everything except kanji vocab and basic particles, never gonna be able to parse what the fuck rest all means in the end?

>> No.45080549
File: 38 KB, 650x480, 1697056291174061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just can't do it. It's been around 8 years since I decided I wanted to learn japanese. I learned the basics, started spaced repetition, learned the radicals and the memorization techniques. Admittedly I never spent every hour studying, but I just didn't have anything pushing me to try, I had no reason to become fluent as MTL and basic knowledge was enough for my needs. Now I want to read things with more accuracy than MTL can provide, no. not want it, I would prefer it. But since "prefer" isn't nearly enough of a motive force to push me to learn I can't bring myself to do anything. By this time I've already forgotten the heisig radicals so I can't memorise the kanji properly.

I'm so tired. Tired of having no motivation to do anything I would like to do unless there is a survival imperative behind that need.

>> No.45080563

Are there any /jp/ approved sites that give you basic sentences to try to translate? Not as if the site to want an answer but something like Anki but with the sentences getting harder and harder.

>> No.45080566

it's just what you get back from the site it uses for audio if there's not one available for that word, so unless you want to make your own fork of yomichan that determines whether or not this clip is what's returned before it plays it then the answer is no

>> No.45080576

just read a book and stop trying to translate

>> No.45080642


>> No.45080999

i just checked the code and it's supposed to do that automatically already
looks like the duration isn't very reliable tho
i just checked and it's 5.651111 in firefox for me now
looks like yomitan has fixed this

>> No.45081011

Thanks. Do you think it will help? Have you used it?

>> No.45081060

dame that's pretty neat.
also do u want to get back on ab? i can invite u

>> No.45081078
File: 2 KB, 371x64, スクリーンショット.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another day...

>> No.45081091

you know ab staff reads this thread right

>> No.45081151

so? he invited me to avistaz

>> No.45081155

I'd like to ask ab staff how the hell I, a friendless, socially isolated nobody, is supposed to get into an invite only site? I guess they only accept normies who don't deserve to be there?

>> No.45081165

hey ciaran is it true that you married og

>> No.45081185

the /pure/ way is to go into RED, which u can via an interview, and then build up enough a strong acc to get to the inv forums and then from there, go to an AB affliated site and then do it again.
im in ggn rn trying to get to the inv forums. but ggn is also just pretty good to be in, ive found a lot of jpn games that i cant find on nyaa, at least seeded or not-eigo translated

>> No.45081210

My path was via GGn, then BTN. Having a BTN account in good standing gets you almost anywhere.

>> No.45081211

friendless, socially isolated nobody here, I did this >>45081185
this is also the best way because it means you can't get caught up in other people's bans

>> No.45081219

nah im good ive never had any issues finding something i wanted to dl elsewhere
plus im on the ptp invite forum so i could get one through there if i really wanted back in

>> No.45081247

C-cool.. Yeah, I know those places

>> No.45081248

i bought lifetime membership. its my main source and i passed n4 and n3.

the moment i started using it together with immersion i finally made progress.

>> No.45081259

broadcast the net
and ptp is pass the popcorn

>> No.45081265

red is a music private tracker. u can sign up for an interview, thats mostly just answering questions that are easily cheated. once the interview is passed u can get into the site and start making a good acc. seeding, uploading random soundcloud shit or whatever. once you're done there, u can join something like gazellegames network (ggn.) its a video game private tracker. its actually rly good not just for regular vidya but for hentai ero ecchi lewd loli cunny games, plenty of VNs that only have ENG translations on nyaa are on ggn in jpn. i got Utawarerumono trilogy on it in japanese and i couldnt find that shit elsewhere. btn is another tracker but im not on it. anyway if u want to start ur journey (itll take min 6 months but prob more) to ab sign up for RED

>> No.45081271

I'm sure if you googled "red torrent tracker" you'd have found both the site and the interview prep site

But anyway, studying for a fucking RED interview just to get your foot in the door for the torrent world sucks ass. Good luck, anon.

>> No.45081275

Alternatively you can just do this >>45077188

>> No.45081285

nta, but is it worth the sub just for grammar lessons/practice? or would just grinding more anime be better?

>> No.45081294

If I could count on the legitimacy of that offer maybe, it would be translated primarily with MTL and my small knowledge of japanese.

>> No.45081344

that is a question that only you can answer. do you have trouble with grammar and you are lazy finding the good places -> bunpro is your final solution.

do you get everything already but its not soldified grind more.

bunpro has 1 month trial no strings attached. try it.

>> No.45081360
File: 187 KB, 1280x720, 0100_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45081388

same same

>> No.45081414

makes sense. i'm pretty early into the journey, a little over 1000 cards into core 2k/6k; i can piece together meaning from anime with heavy lookups, and kinda sorta infer meaning of the grammatical points, but i figure having some structure somewhere should help longterm, or at least it can't hurt. i'll just try it out like you said.

>> No.45081431

pass deez

>> No.45081436
File: 59 KB, 919x720, 1389996588623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, japanese is so easy! Wakaru, haha! I wakaru!

>> No.45081448

From one learner to another, how do you do it? what motivates you?

>> No.45081470

unless you're reading something retardedly hard, you should be able to methodically decipher most sentences using your current knowledge + yomichan (jmdict + dojg) + deepl as last resort. if a sentence takes too long, keep reading. the duration of "too long" will shorten as you improve.
if you keep doing this for 500 hours, your speed will increase and the dependence on tools decrease to the point you'll no longer want to complain about it.

>> No.45081525

>start making a good acc. seeding, uploading random soundcloud shit
so like wagecucking but the wage is in internet points on some pirate site

>> No.45081540
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>> No.45081577

i'm still not sure. i have no plans of moving to japan, and i already work in an industry that pays a hell of a lot more than translation ever could. most worthwhile shit gets translated to english in a tolerable enough timeframe, so why bother?

personally, i think it's a combination of "achieving the dream" since i've always imagined being able to speak japanese as a teen weeb; and also because i'd like to be able to visit the country and not be limited to the usual tourist shit.

...but also, because i'm in my 30's now, and i kinda want to prove i can still do this kind of shit lmao

>> No.45081809
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>> No.45081824

the watermelon holy shit lol

>> No.45081833

watermelon is fucking delicious, i'm jealous they get that stereotype

>> No.45081867
File: 419 KB, 2442x1200, rnFUeay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have RED, LZTR, and JPS for music
>have BiB and MaM for books
>have AB, U2, jptvts, jptv, and Avistaz for japanese shit
>have GGn for games
>have PTP, CG and HDB for movies
>have EMP and exocitaz for pr0n
>have TL and FL for general shit
>have tv vault, mtv, and bhd for shows
i'm almost complete.... just need BTN

>> No.45081907
File: 339 KB, 1080x1093, Screenshot_20231028_152544_Firefox Nightly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's clear what the radical is when you put multiple kanji side by side, but is there any reasonable way to tell this when encountering new kanji? The right side has earth and inch radicals (which apparently makes up temple), so it's kind of weird to me that it doesn't contribute. Maybe it's because it's a different kanji rather than two radicals, or maybe it's the placement of the radicals/kanji? Idk

>> No.45081927

she looks chill i would love to smoke weed and speak japanese with her

>> No.45081939
File: 6 KB, 245x45, anki_zmwdiyH31h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice heres mine

>> No.45081959

based good post

>> No.45081976

sounds like they were right and you should've gone retard

>> No.45081988

more effort than pulling up aniwatch

>> No.45081993
File: 884 KB, 1920x1080, ゴブリンスレイヤー S02E03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45081999

how do you guys have time to hate anyone i'm too busy having sex and reading japanese

>> No.45082019

took 18 hours for someone to reply to my shitpost

>> No.45082026


>> No.45082042

is it true this matt guy is a scammer/thief/scumbag

>> No.45082112

>but is there any reasonable way to tell this when encountering new kanji?
no which is why only kanken spergs care about radicals

>> No.45082151
File: 228 KB, 1024x1017, 1679951830212054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started learning japanese at around 17 thinking 'If I put all my effort into learning this language early in my life It'll be incredibly easy to put it to use when I'm older and I'll thank myself'. Haha, look at me now. 27 and I still can't read a large majority of kanji. Good job young me.good job...

>> No.45082164

The normal guide that's been used for years in DJT is https://djtguide.github.io/..

It's meant to be in the OP but some idiot has taken over to promote their own website.

>> No.45082181
File: 11 KB, 886x125, image (28).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 158: Today I have 55 cards to go over so took me longer than I expected.

>> No.45082206

How many new cards/day are you doing?

>> No.45082220

so you didnt put any effort at all

>> No.45082258

i started learning japanese at around 25 thinking it'd be easy and it was

>> No.45082368

i decided randomly about 2 weeks ago that i was going to finally try to learn japanese, ive taught myself hiragana and katakana, and am slowly getting quicker at reading when i practice but im not really sure where to go from here, should i keep practicing my reading until its quick and perfect or start trying to learn the grammar system?

>> No.45082405

>and am slowly getting quicker at reading when i practice
so keep doing that

>> No.45082412

Does otaku come from お宅 or 大田区

>> No.45082456

>If I put all my effort into learning this language early in my life It'll be incredibly easy to put it to use when I'm older and I'll thank myself'.
you were right back then
shame you didn't end up putting in the effort

>> No.45082474

it's not reading if you don't understand anything

>> No.45082487

they can come from anywhere

>> No.45082501

from おまんこ

>> No.45082692

well not reading, sorry i just mean looking at words and pronouncing them as practice before i learn what things actually mean

>> No.45082713

Is there a way to make it so Anki doesn't show the English translation of the sentences under the words?

>> No.45082720




>> No.45082721

just change the card template to remove that part

>> No.45082800
File: 13 KB, 252x252, 1692655275358059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess you didn't put the effort. I used to play guitar for 8 years, rarely missing a lesson and after all that I was still hot garbage. If you seriously want to do something and you enjoy doing it, you will probably achieve what you want.

>> No.45082806

ya? its all customizable, just remove that part in ur mining deck

>> No.45082885

do you guys remember at which point you stopped finding an unknown kanji everyday?
kanji grid tells me I've mined around 2.5k, but I still find new kanji everywhere
not even reading retarded hard stuff, currently on grisaia and mahoyo

>> No.45082906

over 3.5k kanjigrid and i only find maybe 1 per week of extensive reading

>> No.45082922

im pretty sure the avg jp knows between 2 to 4k based on education and reading habits, so ur a little over halfway. im 2.2k rn and feel similar

>> No.45083099

Okayu a cute

>> No.45083361

imagine her sitting on your face after 10 days of not showering

>> No.45083404

bros they killed matthew perry

>> No.45083446


>> No.45083448
File: 196 KB, 330x411, 330px-Commodore_Matthew_Calbraith_Perry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah rip

>> No.45083638

ネヴァー saw an エピソード of フレンズ

>> No.45083650


>> No.45083688
File: 211 KB, 1290x1808, IMG_20231028_213152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok I value human life and would never laugh about death but dame

>> No.45083690
File: 279 KB, 2560x1440, rFoHQsb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45083693

20 new cards a day makes me feel like a fucking brainlet

>> No.45083697

it's taking him 16 secs a card do not bully him he is clearly special

>> No.45083733

how long have you been studying japanese?
t. 150 kanjis under my belt

>> No.45083751

source and is it any good?

>> No.45083762

its pretty good

>> No.45083915

What's the difference between 計画 and 設計?

>> No.45083937

Can someone translate this sentence word by word?

>> No.45083952
File: 19 KB, 136x203, 1691303797661180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are these だ?

>> No.45083966

where to find such high quality raws?

>> No.45083971

this is from dlraw

>> No.45083983

>I've recently started using Duolingo to learn my grammar
bro, your cure dolly?
>Does Kanji usage depend on how much of the kanji I've explicitly learned through the app?

>> No.45083985




>> No.45083989


>> No.45084031

nice bro were you recording with a phone held in your hand?

>> No.45084032

what's the usage? it looks like it's being used in the same way と is for listing stuff but i can't find other examples of it

>> No.45084043





>> No.45084044

i feel bad for them

>> No.45084060

thank you big man

>> No.45084086

>invite only site
retardbro, you keep an eye on it until they open it up for registrations.

>> No.45084335

> i can't find interesting shit on youtube
search "2023 年 10 月 29 日" and sort by upload date

>> No.45084455
File: 1.50 MB, 952x618, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought the senko-san manga but there is no furigana...

>> No.45084464


>> No.45084553


>> No.45084577


>> No.45084590


>> No.45084616

You forgot

>> No.45084618

mogu mogu yummerino

>> No.45084620


>> No.45084623

that one is for babies

>> No.45084627


>> No.45084636


>> No.45084639

all piss easy unironically also stfu

>> No.45084650

this guy lies on the internet

>> No.45084654

New thread where?

>> No.45084657

even some nipponjinnies don't know some of these, i asked my fat assed D cup jap wife who will listen to whatever i say and she didn't know all of them

>> No.45084662

yea but japs dont """mine""" so they shouldnt be expected to know how to read them

>> No.45084670

you know japanese d cup is actually c cup right

>> No.45084671

now find me a jap that doesnt know kachite lmfao

>> No.45084681

putting lmfao in your post doesnt make it funny

>> No.45084687

uhh ya im the one whos laughing if it wasnt clear

>> No.45084695

some ""people"" really think reading core 1k words written in kanji is impressive
or that knowing a words reading is impressive
just lol

>> No.45084697

yeah one

>> No.45084703


>> No.45084734

you sound very cool and skilled at japanese

>> No.45084751

d yay t

>> No.45084769


>> No.45084771

just took a shit and it came out in a million little turd nuggets like a rabbit

>> No.45084774


>> No.45084879

Hello everyone, my name is Cure Dolly, and I'm here to teach your organic Japanese.
*choo choo*
What is "organic Japanese"? It is Japanese plain and simple, with no harmful additives.

>> No.45084919

did she really ripped

>> No.45084920

Is there any way to recognize a verb as transitive or intransitive by their reading?

>> No.45085156

jamal is the buggy of djt

>> No.45085159

this but without the gy

>> No.45085161

the mushihimesama of djt

>> No.45085162


>> No.45085171


>> No.45085227
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isekai are the perfect immersion material

>> No.45085234

crazy to see all these woman dressed up in slutty costumes craving dick yet going home alone cuz theres not enough supply of chads to fuck them

>> No.45085235


>> No.45085241


>> No.45085243

where is here a bar?

>> No.45085263

going home rn so i took a train and a bus
saw a few bitches all alone in the way

>> No.45085286

What does this mean? Meaning and literal translation?
- I want to become your love?

>> No.45085291

too boring imho

>> No.45085311

i want to like you

>> No.45085313

saw your mom at the back of the bus
they were shooting an av

>> No.45085319

i always sit at the back and didnt see anything bro

>> No.45085342









>> No.45085347

>i always sit at the back

>> No.45085348

I always feel so empty after finishing a vn
feels like I did a lot of work, but still didn't accomplish much given how many things there is to learn

>> No.45085356

it starts with
one thing

>> No.45085382

i just dont like having someone at my back

>> No.45085384


>> No.45085385

prey behavior ngl

>> No.45085410

living in a big city i understand. gotta watch ur back. mfers are crazy. i dont want a crackhead trying to steal my linnie tablet or somethin

>> No.45085413

its just uncomfortable to have strangers around you bros it doesnt mean you are scared of them
low key pathetic projection and classic fragile masculinity

>> No.45085414

real men hours lmfao

>> No.45085420

also nice to be able to look at whatever you want on your phone

>> No.45085424

at least in my area all the dangerous mfers are sitting at the back of the bus

>> No.45085428

im always sitting at the front though

>> No.45085430

>its just uncomfortable to have strangers around you
Bro, that's just social anxiety

>> No.45085446

not really its just uncomfortable being literally close to some random person
at the very least there are no benefits if you are already satisfied socially

>> No.45085494

theres only two kind of ppl who sit at the back: the real chibbas(me) and wannabe g (unko

>> No.45085550


>> No.45085648

thats a plus for me
if it were interesting then i would be constantly assed to replay lines i didn't hear properly. i can also watch while doing some light multitasking.

>> No.45085672

moe said multitasking is a scam

>> No.45085887

apparently some brains can multitask
mine cant
