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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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44435441 No.44435441 [Reply] [Original]

How do I learn Japanese quickly? I’m tired of waiting for subs and translation on things i like.

>> No.44435513

to get to a level of fluency that you could understand anime audio, over 5 years of living in Japan immersed and working hard studying the language

>> No.44435920

There's a lot of different ways you can go about it. Traditional studying which imo is slow and boring as fuck. I took a couple of Japanese classes and but if I'd do it again you can do it much more quickly by learning it yourself. Honestly I've been out of the loop on what's considered good resources now since I stopped following the methodologies of certain communities like DJT or Refold for a while now and found my own ways to learn. You can check out Refold or like learnjapanese.moe. But back when I started I just learned grammar from Tae Kim to get the basics down along with my classes. Use Anki and learn to recognize kanji with some decks. I wouldn't do the deck with all the most common 2.1k kanj though. You're gonna get burnt out. I started learning and grinded out about 800 or so before I started to learn kanji in context (learning it through words later on). For vocabulary, I'd learn them through sentence cards at first (sentence on front, definition of word on back). Ones I used were Tango N5 and N4 anki decks, not sure if they even exist anymore. After that, I mined my own words from watching anime/reading manga and just made my own anki cards. Personally later on after about 6k words, I moved onto word cards where the anki card had the word on front, definition on back. Anki reviews became much quicker. But most important thing is immersing yourself in the language though. I started watching anime with japanese subtitles first and even though it was painful as fuck not understanding anything for a couple months, it gets better. After that I started reading easy light novels, manga, and visual novels. Some people prefer reading to watching and that's fine imo. Just make sure you get your listening reps in. If you have no life like I did during 2019 - 2021 you can honestly advance super quickly. For grammar that is unknown to you, just search it as you come across them. If you immerse enough it should retain in your head how they work. IMO, you advance your skills through reading much faster than listening. So I spent most of my time reading but make sure you still watch audio. I mainly watch SoL and I can understand 99% without subs.

But yeah if you want some resources just read through the ones I'm about to give you. People always argue about what's the best and shit but don't even worry about it. I just did what felt right by combining everything from these websites. Refold, animecards, learnjapanese.moe. There's also /djt/ if you wanna check that out lmfao. Anki decks: I'm honestly not sure what's good any more or if these are even relevant anymore but here was my route. RRTK (about 1k most common kanji but I learned to recognize 800) -> Tango N5, N4 while watching beginner anime -> Mining my own anki cards (at some point you want to make cards with Japanese definitions). If there are better anki decks now just use those instead. I watched anime that I've watched before with Japanese subtitles and mined them -> read light novels and visual novels.

>> No.44435993

>Save Ixrec's guide somewhere.
>Have his conjugation and gobi tables around, you will use them a lot, don't memorize them, just have them around.
>Memorize hiragana and katakana.
>Memorize all radicals up to 4 strokes, use anki if you have to, this will make looking up kanji much easier.
>Get a hover dictionary like yomichan.
>Just read.
JP grammar is easy, if you bypass vocab with a hover dictionary and conjugations/particles/gobi with a table, you will basically be better than MTL within a week, just slower.
Another thing about japanese, it's pretty straightforward, unlike english, common phrases are far fewer with variations coming from gobi, not the phrase itself.
What this means is once you get over the hell that is starting to learn, you will reach a point where your reading speed skyrockets from not having to look up a dictionary every time someone says good morning or any common phrase or every single time someone uses the kanji for watashi/boku/ore.

>> No.44436351

You're trying to sprint a marathon. Don't be a fool.

>> No.44436738

Step 1: Stop asking how to learn Japanese

>> No.44440960

>this will make looking up kanji much easier.
that sounds useless when you could just use texthooker and copy and paste

>> No.44442278

That depends a lot on the anime. After studying for 2 years you can understand SoL just fine, while not being able to understand a tenth of something like Ghost in The Shell.

>> No.44444435 [DELETED] 
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>> No.44445763

And then you find that one kanji too stylized to use a texthooker or ORC on.
If you follow my advice you will thank me, if you didn't then you will cry like a bitch.

>> No.44445852

You can just use write the kanji on Google Translated. As long as it looks vaguely like the kanji, it'll work.

>> No.44453533

the hardest part is getting to know in context all the different hiragana phrase forms

>> No.44454696
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Holy fuck google it. These threads shouldn't exist when /djt/ exists. You want to learn a whole language but you can't bother to lurk for ten seconds and find the specific general that answers your question?

>> No.44456748

/djt/ actively tries to hinder your Japanese learning, though. They intentionally give bad advice and spread misinformation.

>> No.44456790

You don't need to live in Japan to learn Japanese fluently. You could be fluent in Japanese in about 3-4 years if you work really hard.

>> No.44456806

I visited djt for the first time today and I have to agree. The thread was full of trolling retards.

>> No.44456811

This, it's a psyop from westoids to try kill interest in learning japanese.

>> No.44456849
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That's exactly what it is. I'm guessing most of them have some ties to various localisation/translation industries. And they want to keep their translating oligopoly. Underlying it all is their seething hatred for Japan.

>> No.44456879

Localizers spending more time on social media defending themselves than actually translating is nothing new.
They just dump text on deepTL and butcher it further and it shows by how common MTL quirks are even on official translations, that barely takes any time at all.
If they go further and spend time gaslighting on 4chan the it wouldn't be surprising, the amount of people misled into running in circles anki grinding forever is ridiculous.

>> No.44456922
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You said it. Localisers are bad at their jobs (purposefully, half the time too). So them spending time gaslighting people into taking the wrong steps so that their piece of the pie can stay bigger is a logical conclusion.

I do Anki every day myself so I don't see the problem with that. However, you have to supplement it with reading (lots of this), grammar learning and immersing yourself in videos/streams. Otherwise there is no point. And if they're telling people to only do Anki, then yes, that's bad.

>> No.44456946

That is the problem, people are being misled into grinding as much kanji as possible before they even learn basic grammar, they are being told to only do anki first before anything else.
Which is what I was talking about, Japanese learning circles have been fully poisoned and taken over to actively sabotage people trying to learn Japanese, it's insane, especially now that translations are getting worse than ever before.

>> No.44456995
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Best thing we could do is recommend people textbooks like Genki and tell them to stay away from threads like djt. Stay away from 4chan in general when it comes to learning Japanese. (Although /v/ has some very high quality Japanese learning threads every now and then). But those are good because they are natural and unpredictable to organized gaslighters.

>> No.44457469

>Get a hover dictionary like yomichan.
Fucking don't.
Westoid attempts at sabotaging anyone learning Japanese have reached to the point of sabotaging JP > EN databases used by both j*sho and hover dictionaries, these days you will get definitions that are either comically dry or outright wrong.
This isn’t a schizo theory anymore, you can see the evidence if you give half a shit about looking.
For example look up 岩石 and 岩根 if you don’t believe me, pro tip: they aren’t synonyms.
You think it’s a freaky exception? It’s not, look up 降雪 and 天華, or 強風 and 一陣.
Again, they aren’t synonymous, or they are in the same sense “trees” and “delightful grove” are technically synonyms, in fact the rocks example isn’t even a synonym, not even close.
And this is just the tip of the iceberg by the way, look up 前, 先, 嘗て or 往 if you want to see how fucked up things are starting to become.
Do yourself a favor and throw your EN > JP dictionary bookmarks in the trash where they belong, and bookmark kotobank,jp, because the sabotage has gotten so bad that throwing words at a JP > JP dictionary and using MTL on the result gives you more accurate definitions with far more depth than whatever garbage the west is trying to feed you.

>> No.44459085

>people are being misled into grinding as much kanji as possible before they even learn basic grammar
As schizo as you and the avatarfag sound talking about some industry conspiracy reaching 4chan (which may be true, I don't know, I don't go to /djt/), that would explain why so many people talking about learning Japanese on 4chan have gotten filtered on kanji, and why no one seems to try learning it through vocab like >>44435920 said.

Either way, you don't need to participate in the threads themselves because the links in the OP are all you need to get started. And more importantly, none of that excuses OP (this thread's OP) from making yet another thread on this site asking for some shortcut to learning the language. Like >>44436738 said, stop asking this question.

>> No.44459793

It's hardly schizo when you can see the effects in real time.

>> No.44461395
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A1. Memorize kana
A2. Read Japanese text and analyze every sentence. Use yomichan for this but also have a dictionary and a grammar reference open.
B. When you can't be bothered to do that, watch niconico videos like for example let's plays (search: 実況プレイ動画part1リンク for general LPs and アマガミ実況part1リンク for Amagami LPs; there's a lot of entertaining Amagami LPs) or anime without subs. Listening to Japanese ASMR works too.

I personally hate going through guides and textbooks and doing practices. When I'm learning something I prefer to just jump straight into the action and use guides as reference only when I'm confused about something. It helps me at least to stick with something when I'm doing things that I'm learning the skill for from the start rather than spending an eternity on a boring tutorial island. I'm comatose in 15 seconds if I try to do things the proper way.

>> No.44461457

Can you dumb it down even more for me? I have no idea what any of those are. I wanna learn japanese mostly for reading anyway.
Also, can I do it for free? Or do I have to buy things?

>> No.44463085

What about just reading?

>> No.44463937

>Can you dumb it down even more for me?
Go to the catalog, find a thread called /djt/, click on the first link and follow the guide. Do not browse the thread.
>can I do it for free?

>> No.44463955

>Do not browse the thread.
Why not? They seem quite helpful some of the time

>> No.44464532

Can you not even bother to read your own thread? That question and all of your other questions have been answered, now stop asking for more spoonfeeding. What the fuck has happened to this board?

>> No.44464556

Just wait a few years for automatic AI translation nigga. The hardest part will be getting the original jap text from games so you will probably have to run the video feed parallel to the AI tool.

>> No.44464789

Given how long it took AI MTL to barely scratch N5 you will be dead of old age before it actually becomes good enough to replace learning japanese.
And even then you just know it will be paywalled somehow, so it would still be better to learn yourself.

>> No.44466020

fuck off westoid apologist, AI shit only looks impressive to retards that think readable in burger = good translation

>> No.44466045

>westoid apologist
Please tell me you typed this ironically.

>> No.44475187

Wanikani daily for kanji
Bunpro daily for grammar
Anki for extra vocabulary those don't cover daily
Japanesepod101 in the car daily. Unsubscribe from their email. Once comfortable enough switch to Nihongo Con Teppei Beginner
Get an actual textbook. I suggest Genki. Watch TokiniAndy's lessons. His website is worth the sub IF you're concerned about output. If you only want to read and listen, the free YouTube lessons are enough.
Once you get N5 grammar down start using tadoku
Continue process
After genki 2 try Satori Reader. You may need more practice still depending on how quick you get here.
Get Quartet for intermediate, tokiniandy lesson videos
By this point you should be well into N3/N2. Start native content if you haven't yet

>> No.44476594

Even the best translation in the world does not beat being able to actually understand the language.
