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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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44295441 No.44295441 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.44295449

Wii Yuuta make a second appearance?

>> No.44295454
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previous >>44285044

>> No.44295461

I checked right after I asked but nope, it was the second one. I also forgot how weird Kaiji's first model was but god do I miss Meika's sex model.

>> No.44295462


>> No.44295464


>> No.44295471

Enna don't you fucking dare let SHARPNESS get another point

>> No.44295473
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>> No.44295475

fucking cat, hit the balls.

>> No.44295478


>> No.44295479


>> No.44295485

can't believe deron is actually going to win

>> No.44295486

emma keep making them walk i beg you...

>> No.44295492

aww not granny elu

>> No.44295497


>> No.44295500
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>> No.44295501

just like pottery

>> No.44295504

285歳 is Eru? Rude.

>> No.44295508

Kansai always wins baby!

>> No.44295516

I thought kanae was just playing tarkov, but he is watching koshien too.

>> No.44295525

Ren is a girl?

>> No.44295529

Who else is left to go up against the kusodaifuku?

>> No.44295532
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>> No.44295539

Thank you anon, I'll pray for him.

>> No.44295544


>> No.44295546

ibu you asshole, trust muyuyu.

>> No.44295549

sasaggy > kanae

>> No.44295553

Shinomiya's wifesband too but in this case I meant Zotto because he was the siren and sounded like a girl.

>> No.44295565

selen and leos's bond is causing her to throw

>> No.44295576

Marumaru's punchable face...

>> No.44295579

hahaha, they are so fucking slow.

>> No.44295594

Haven't watched much of b league but it seems the power level is much higher than a?

>> No.44295601


>> No.44295602


>> No.44295605

He's an OK singer so I wouldn't be surprised if he can go really high

>> No.44295607

I don't think so, Lize and I think Yashiro's team had a lotta heavy hitters just off the top of my head.

>> No.44295609

Walking muyu again lol
Muyu switched for kakuran kaida while on base lol

>> No.44295623

vanta serving a ball directly to his "douki" ittetsu

>> No.44295630

Mameneko high... we're gunna make it... ;_;

>> No.44295638

belmond, jiyu, gakkun and now that she came back ritsukin is in his watchalong
petra and kotoka in the other

>> No.44295655

saku bullying her in the koshien why ars became a shut-in loser...

>> No.44295693

Damn, shasha is strong.

>> No.44295705

I love how the camera angles block 90% of the adverts

>> No.44295721
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>> No.44295722

mameneko vs shiishii is the real finals

>> No.44295726

Amazing defensive plays from mameneko

>> No.44295728
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>> No.44295737

Shasha shutting down all the strong hitters.

>> No.44295740

Rest in adult female piss kenmochi. You won't make it.

>> No.44295744
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this is so sad.

>> No.44295749

I thought it'd be pure RNG but I guess stats do matter. No giant killings so far.

>> No.44295750

maybe he would've been more motivated if he named his players after hololive lol

>> No.44295752

kenmochi wants the exclusive rights to bully mya

>> No.44295759

douki violence

>> No.44295761

inb4 it's a close match

>> No.44295764

Beat them up IRL Kenmochi.

>> No.44295766

Can someone post the scores so far, I'm at work but I still wanna feel like I'm in the know ;_;

>> No.44295768

mya beamed pute...

>> No.44295769

The unofficial koshien twitter should have them if the unofficial wiki is too slow, but all you need to know is Shiina's in the lead and I think the only one who can take her down is Mameneko.

>> No.44295774

Time for a called game.

>> No.44295777

i was going to make a joke about how if there's one thing mochi is known for it's choking, but i don't even really think ago is in a position to be called choking to begin with. it's just going to be a bloodbath.

>> No.44295778

ago lost to everyone like the bitch that he is.
deron won once against ago.
ibu lost to shiishi and leos.
shiishi didn't lose yet.
leos didn't lose yet.

>> No.44295785

Only question is if it will go to two digits.

>> No.44295788

ago will win

>> No.44295800

shut up the jinx won't work if you say that

>> No.44295807

anon, I...

>> No.44295816

this is the real jinx post

>> No.44295820

ago mating press soon

>> No.44295822
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>> No.44295836

So it starts.

>> No.44295840

The fact that it took this long for Shiina to get a point is something Ago can be proud with, so please give up already...

>> No.44295850

It's over as soon as Mya is out of stamina.

>> No.44295851

it would be better for mameneko if shiishii lost here so I don't mind an upset

>> No.44295884

Ago will score no points from here on.

>> No.44295886


>> No.44295891

So Kuzuha's debuff was a fucking lie.

>> No.44295892

it's joever

>> No.44295895


>> No.44295897

It's over. Go home.

>> No.44295903

wait.. how is kuzuha in 2 places at the same time

>> No.44295904


>> No.44295909

I've been trying to jinx in his favor the whole time just because I wanted to see Shiishii lose more than I wanted to not see him win, but if he's going to just throw I guess I don't need to keep up the kayfabe anymore?

>> No.44295917


>> No.44295918

holy shit it's happening

>> No.44295923

wowowowow agogogogo

>> No.44295928

upset incoming

>> No.44295929

I will never stop believing in the jinx until my dying breath.

>> No.44295930


>> No.44295936

What the hell is this game.

>> No.44295938

I chuckle everytime Kuzuha makes comments as if he's actually on the field pitching

>> No.44295941

It's over. He's done.

>> No.44295940

holy shit is supporting the team you want to support actually the way to bring them luck?
what fucking dimension am i in?

>> No.44295948

iatsukan doesn't matter if you just keep throwing with 0 stamina, big brain

>> No.44295950


>> No.44295954
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that's the power of love.

>> No.44295955

mya did her best and that's what really matters

>> No.44295957


>> No.44295961

w-why is he looking at me like that?

>> No.44295970


>> No.44295972

Kenmochi is the real winner.

>> No.44295973

at least he didn't let her rack up points

>> No.44295974

fucking meme game.

>> No.44295981

Leos will stop her

>> No.44295989
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Ago's lusttrust in Mya over the entire game versus Shiina immediately swapping out the second Kuzuha got tired tells a story far better than the people looking at the scoreboard a couple hours from now will ever know.

>> No.44295991

I guess it doesn't matter though because whoever wins the last match wins the bracket

>> No.44295999

i can't just go to bed after a match like that...

>> No.44296000

ah true maybe if it's a draw

>> No.44296004

kotoka's physician called her body as stiff as a rock

>> No.44296006

He didn't lust hard enough. I felt that if she kept amamya batting instead of swapping to Sera things could've turned out differently.

>> No.44296009

It was cooler when Nui did it yesterday

>> No.44296010

what happened to aki-kun

>> No.44296023

No it was cuter when Nui did it because she broke and became a blubbering mom which was incredibly arousing.

>> No.44296024

What a coincidence, I am also stiff as a rock whenever I see Kotoka

>> No.44296101

watching maimoto doing promos on 2x to catch up is weirdly fitting.

>> No.44296110

a draw or a win and leos wins

>> No.44296111

nothing, nothing ever happens with him

>> No.44296127

Ago, your sacrifice and cockblocking of Shiishii gathering more points will never be forgotten.

>> No.44296134

leos stole all of daifuku's luck she can't win

>> No.44296149

Kuzuha is still a monster, I'm not sure if Leos can climb that mountain at all.

>> No.44296159

If ago could get 2 off him I'm sure leos will do fine

>> No.44296235

Give me the Leos vs Yashiro finals...

>> No.44296244

little amemori is watching you

>> No.44296261


>> No.44296267

leos will definitely win the next match

>> No.44296274

leos has no chance

>> No.44296275

There is no way that Mameneko loses.

>> No.44296279

Leos vs Yashiro would be the loudest possible finals

>> No.44296282

Leos is a loser, all he does it lose, god it would be so fun to watch him lose.

>> No.44296289

why is draw a thing

>> No.44296292

okay guys we pre-gamed the jinx enough, let's just enjoy whats essentially an exhibition match now.

>> No.44296294

Mameneko vs Yashiron

>> No.44296297

nijikou and mamekou will tie, leos will advance due to point difference (thanks ago)

>> No.44296302

The match is already decided. What is there to enjoy about Deron losing and crying?

>> No.44296315
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>What is there to enjoy about Deron losing and crying?

>> No.44296328

inb4 another 6-0

>> No.44296345

Ray's one and only shot at being the strongest korean woman in Nijisanji!

>> No.44296375

It has gotten too repetitive and makes me sad now

>> No.44296378

Well at least she's not last I guess.

>> No.44296383
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this is it, /jp/ no matter what happens i'll see you on the other side during the finals.

>> No.44296384


>> No.44296399


>> No.44296402

Maou-sama is blessing this match.

>> No.44296410

It's already over

>> No.44296412

Yeah I don't see a way for leos to win.

>> No.44296413

sasaggy will SLAUGHTER the daifuku

>> No.44296419

This is gonna be worse that the match against Ago.

>> No.44296426
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fuck the jinx
he'll do it.

>> No.44296435

Already lost a quarter of her stamina. She's gonna be out on the 4th inning

>> No.44296439

mameneko put up a valiant effort but the shiishii is too strong this year

>> No.44296443

Guess Leos will have to settle for third or fourth this year.

>> No.44296450

right when they called it, kuzuha started with the haguki

>> No.44296453

haguki X

>> No.44296454
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>> No.44296462

The 999 stats is actually his synchro rate with the actual Kuzuha.

>> No.44296473

jinxing isn't real

>> No.44296477

Don't think any team can win against 3 威圧感. This is just a minor setback.

>> No.44296483


>> No.44296495

She caught up...

>> No.44296500

how did she manage to jump that high when her fat fucking tits are weighing her down?

>> No.44296502

nice catch

>> No.44296523

it's over

>> No.44296527


>> No.44296528


>> No.44296533

Yeah that's about how I expected a Hajime pinch to go.

>> No.44296535

Goodbye Mameneko

>> No.44296540
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I just hope everyone had fun

>> No.44296546

Mameneko has decent enough defense so if he can just clinch a point...

>> No.44296548

DJ Takamiy has this covered

>> No.44296575

This is it.

>> No.44296586

daida is a debuff I swear

>> No.44296588

getting intense

>> No.44296589

god DAMMIT shiina

>> No.44296590

are these balls invisble or what, no one is hitting anything

>> No.44296601

I always believed in Shiishii!

>> No.44296602

Shiina slipping she's barely winning

>> No.44296603

his fault for not trusting eroha

>> No.44296604


>> No.44296606

bweh boring results

>> No.44296610
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>> No.44296614

These matches have been great. Even though Shiishii did get through, the games were really tight.

>> No.44296616

The winner of this league might have been expected but it was really hard fought, which is a far cry from what some fools thought when they said she'd steamroll everyone.

>> No.44296626

It's up to Yashiro now.

>> No.44296627
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>> No.44296636

aside from kenmochi putting up a fight everything else was pretty much expected, leos was expected to put up a fight but ultimately lose to shiina

>> No.44296641

>Shiina rolls over her block with her monster pitcher and enters the finals against a really loud manchild with a lot of hard hitters
I've already seen this episode

>> No.44296645

his pitchers gonna be chewed up faster than shasha

>> No.44296652

No there was definitely people acting like Shiina would win and steamroll basically every match and nobody stood a chance.

>> No.44296653

Everything basically as predicted, pretty disappointing.

>> No.44296656

Mame only had catcher D, Nagi is catcher B

>> No.44296658
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>> No.44296669

Who are you quoting?

>> No.44296679

cute okami

>> No.44296682

Nijisanji Koushien 2021

>> No.44296695
File: 651 KB, 1000x1412, FaIh54gUIAAtVP6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so, so proud of Leos.

>> No.44296712

yashiro has seen the crack in kuzuha's armor and will carry on the wills of the fallen just like the protagonist he is.

>> No.44296730

but he's a villain

>> No.44296746
File: 475 KB, 1240x1306, F3O70p5bkAAsrp0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even broly can be a good guy. i think. i didnt watch that movie.

>> No.44296750

why was ago so comically weak

>> No.44296779

https://www.twitch.tv/chihiro2434 ow
https://www.twitch.tv/setomiya_chan pokesv

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpPDO8PvVwA chigusa jinzou enemy cover

>> No.44296784

shit rolls combined with him not caring that much and playing like shit during the training

>> No.44296793
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>> No.44296801

Yashiro is too boring to be in final of koshien

>> No.44296824
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>> No.44297001
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perfect timing

>> No.44297018

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4I1PRUtwCXo mana
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHq4At3H9wY wen splat

>> No.44297160
File: 355 KB, 1408x2000, F3F5-1ba0AESZjb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sKvgjqd010 rion 5 years
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlfS35KXhJA kaida genshin
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7M6WpBdwxeE akari valorant
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDDMferZmpU hajiki

>> No.44297220


>> No.44297274

Correct ratio

>> No.44297319


>> No.44297335

rion is crying

>> No.44297498


>> No.44297554

biblically accurate

>> No.44297560

Lize looks like she has never seen her own breasts before.

>> No.44297572

did you know that some aristocrats have never seen unpeeled fruits or vegetables?

>> No.44297603

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_L1EYe-onc koushien recap
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AklowcxNWzo kagami natsumon
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtRVPYPI8OI aki

>> No.44297615

You know I could eat Lize's peach for hours.

>> No.44297765

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qv6ksJokfY ars k4sen yoichi aya sons of the forest
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eP4C_DAwBCA pute ebio vspo etc l4d2
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98IxQnaCymQ ebio pov

>> No.44297822
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>> No.44297875
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>> No.44297903
File: 933 KB, 960x538, 2023-08-12_10-38-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rion new outfit.
She was crying because she feels guilty for taking a break

>> No.44297939

lol eop, she was crying about how they tried with trinity but it didn't result in anything and it's not up to her whether they can do lives and stuff or not, and she feels sorry for not giving back to the fans who are supporting them, she also addressed graduation rumors twice but didn't outright deny graduating, first she said that there's people in her fanclub talking whether she's graduating or not, then she left it at that, and then later said that she never said anything about graduating, she didn't say "I'm not graduating" once though

>> No.44297940
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>> No.44297980
File: 134 KB, 1200x969, F3U-o9qbUAAvRDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a downgrade

>> No.44297998

It's a sidegrade if anything.

>> No.44297999

What year is this?

>> No.44298018

Timestamp of gtfo

>> No.44298037
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>> No.44298079
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>> No.44298088

I agree with >>44297998 the only thing I don't like is the stupid pose.

>> No.44298155
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>> No.44298183

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-KtqZXrBhQ vampire survivors desuwa
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8CgrNxuiuk chima vampire survivors
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQaq2ccsbx0 hakase ace attourney
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3PZQoClej0 gaku plastic duck sim
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22AI2Gx4O6Q toru life is strange
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LrSXVs51XA oliver outlast 2

>> No.44298191

now, you just got btfo'd lol, but your typo aside here they are
here she talks about posts in her fanclub, but doesn't outright deny graduation
here she starts talking about trinity and then starts crying while talking about it
here she says that she never said anything about graduating, still not outright denying though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sKvgjqd010&t=1570s
definitely not the most upbeat stream and she beats around the bush a lot, if she wanted to dispel rumors about graduation she could've been more clear and to the point

>> No.44298338

Hope it's a bikini outfit

>> No.44298387

I appreciate the timestamps.
Sucks for her to get to the point of tears, I took it a little differently after pouring through them, she's definitely at a crossroads but I didn't get the feeling that she was entirely fed up, more like she was one step from just going "otona no jijou" but still hasn't completely gotten over Trinity. Transitional period maybe? Either way five years is a long time to do something. Probably me being too much of an optimist for my own good tho. It's probably for her own good to just go back to being a normal streamer (and maybe do more DJ Takamiy stuff) and heal her mentaru, NBCU record deals are a mistake and I've been saying it in these threads for years

>> No.44298477

she also talked about how she used to argue with the management but now she gave up and just learned to accept things as they are, and even if the lives and albums don't work out she'll just keep streaming and playing whatever games, I imagine she's pretty jaded and burnt out about the whole company business but she probably thinks that all things considered playing video games on the internet and getting paid money for it is a pretty comfortable life to live and it's not worth throwing it away, she's definitely torn on being fed up but not wanting to go and work in a factory for the rest of her life, she could go indie too but there's no guarantee that fans will stick with her

>> No.44298536

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pLYyU5QqtA roha 3 years/tilt brush

>> No.44298697
File: 179 KB, 1120x1650, F20186sagAATOby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFKIE_nfsiw mikoto fallguys
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcsvkPkk1sQ yorumi dqbuilders 2

>> No.44299007

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzMEpWZaLYg mashiro garten of banban 4

>> No.44299265


>> No.44299361


>> No.44299424

I feel kind of bad for anon's boywife, even next season there's nothing distinguishing him from people go got Predator because season 17 was a joke, he spent months grinding on and off to reach what, sub top 150, which is pretty good but the reputation of Apex preds is now in the dirt. I'm sure tournaments are gonna make him a more expensive pick than before regardless but I got a little sad thinking about it

>> No.44299654

https://twitch.tv/shizurintv outlast trials

>> No.44299790

Honestly it was a retarded move to from a unit with people who can't sing because they all had one or two hit covers on YouTube

>> No.44299801

I want to have sex with my wife Salome

>> No.44300064

>but I got a little sad thinking about it
did you really feel sadness for him or was that whole post just a preamble to bitch about rankings in a game where they've been a joke for the past several seasons?

>> No.44300123

Reglush, Meloco and Gatch sure is a weird trio.

>> No.44300168

I don't really play Apex so I don't care about it, but if I was in his position I'd get a little mentally ill about it, this coupled with the fact that someone stole one of his screenshots and tried to pretend that they got to pred themselves (and then it became a malicious copypasta for a few days) to the point where he had to comment on it made me start thinking about it
I think Meloco had a collab with Gatchaman a few weeks ago? I remember seeing tweets talking about how she was showing her age there.

>> No.44300195

>this coupled with the fact that someone stole one of his screenshots and tried to pretend that they got to pred themselves (and then it became a malicious copypasta for a few days)
did not know that was a thing, holy shit that sucks.

>> No.44300219

Yeah, it went pretty viral, the screencap of the stolen screenshot had a few thousand retweets or something. His quote tweet had like 600 retweets maybe when I saw it, and the person who originally capped the stolen screenshot went "yeah this is stolen, I dunno much about Vtubers though so I'm not gonna delete it". I can't even fathom why they wouldn't, I guess the clout of having a viral post got to them, but I felt so bad for Hayun right then.
He took the high road too, did the one tweet then was like "it's fine there's not much I can do about it anymore".

>> No.44300318


>> No.44300359
File: 248 KB, 1125x1343, F3QCUArbQAA9P3M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44300369

I've never seen an admission to bestiality on twitter before.

>> No.44300400

really? I can post some links for you if you'd like.

>> No.44300415

The fact that you would have them saved is far more terrifying than you thinking my joke was serious.

>> No.44300420

wtf shiba face reveal

>> No.44300499

not that guy but there's plenty of women who brag about fucking their dogs twitterx, it's not that weird to know about it

>> No.44300513

No, you're pretty weird.

>> No.44300525 [DELETED] 


>> No.44300532

perchance, not that I personally go out and look for them but just browsing 4chan you see stuff like a twitter post and yep it's a woman talking about fucking their dog, okay

>> No.44300533

that was way too fast

>> No.44300539

not fast enough i clicked on it

>> No.44300542

meant anon "finding" it not meido deleting it

>> No.44300552

I deleted it

>> No.44300654

ponder the aroma

>> No.44300696

it probably feels nice and soft but I don't think it would smell like anything other than sweat unless she's using perfume on her private parts

>> No.44300726
File: 151 KB, 880x1700, 1682133554450979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When was the last time you smelled a butt?

>> No.44300743

>last time
are you telling me I've been posting with nonvirgins?

>> No.44300789

who quote?

>> No.44300823


>> No.44300830

Anon is quoting >>44300726.

>> No.44300835

I don't think you understand how that phrase works...

>> No.44300867

what an entitled bitch, she doesn't have singing talent, her fans don't support and buy the CD and now she still thinks she deserves more support from the management and acting like she is a victim, that moneys should go to Nornis

>> No.44300869

not that long ago, but butts generally can have 4 types of smell, on the surface just sweat, cuz you sweat, if their hygiene is not very good then smell like shit but I'd rather not get close to people who can't clean themselves properly, if you go on the inside, like maybe with your fingers you know, then you can smell the mucus that lubricates the insides of it, I wouldn't call it a disgusting smell or a good smell, it's just kind of like you know, an animal or something, and the fourth is perfume, which people generally use, it takes an extra second to put perfome down there if you know that you'll be engaging in the sex with someone and it's a base courtesy, if you use perfume on your armpits and body then you know, why not use it on your private parts too

>> No.44300899

lowercase posters are based

>> No.44300907

based on what?

>> No.44300944

Can I get the AO3 link? This fanfiction you're writing sounds really interesting and very imaginative

>> No.44300963

Is Ajaka a new mainstay for Ars/Yoichi/Kasen's group? I haven't been watching them lately but she seems really cute.

>> No.44300988

ars's thumbnail only had the 3 of them so it was probably changed to her joining later, not sure why though but k4sen has been including her in collabs, not that I dislike ajaka, she's nice but it is unusual to see a streamer promote his wife in the streamer space

>> No.44301001

Oh, is she his wife? That's not strange at all then.

>> No.44301033

yeah, she was streaming sporadically for a while, mostly doing stuff with k4sen, then she started streaming more regularly and she got a vtuber avatar recently too, I doubt she'll really make a career out of it because you know, it's hard to sell a female streamer who's openly married but it's probably more that she wants to hang out with their streamer friends

>> No.44301065
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>> No.44301072

>it's hard to sell a female streamer who's openly married
Only if it's being hidden. I've seen plenty of folks who're married get along just fine, and it's not like she needs to be reaching the same numbers as him to support themselves. Like you said so long as it's just for fun its all golden.

>> No.44301289
File: 122 KB, 1280x720, F3NsNs2bcAA4pAb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That whole interaction was so cute.

>> No.44301405


>> No.44301464

Cute Selen, what is the context of this?

>> No.44301505


>> No.44301521

During the tourney the other day Shiromanta's team landed at the wrong landmark and killed her team, so they then ended up bumming around in a call trying their best with passion english to apologize. It was just a good time.

>> No.44301528

Shibuhal's custom, same difference. Also I guess >>44301505's video probably summarizes it way better than me since I wasn't watching their POV.

>> No.44301537

That's pretty wholesome, thanks.

>> No.44301542

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTrlkwfqMjw momo

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5HGNRsbleg fuwa

>> No.44301553

this episode will be shubert

>> No.44301583
File: 296 KB, 1280x720, 【#にじさんじラジオ体操部】にじライバー健康計画13日目 _ 2023年【不破湊_にじさんじ】 2-0 screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44301585


>> No.44301589

i would have preferred an en to this liar

>> No.44301599
File: 894 KB, 855x900, obi_dome-1690160245245689857-img2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute thumbnail

>> No.44301604

No Tomoe this time?

>> No.44301606

stop lying nothing is worse than en

>> No.44301613

>stop lying
tell that to gwelu

>> No.44301628

I'm not watching but I don't think he has mocopi unless he got it really recently (but if he got it you'd have heard by now given he turns anything into content), he uses his VR setup for full body capture usually

>> No.44301885

Are Tarkov collabs not really a thing anymore? I've been half-listening in on streams like Kanae and Tororo's while I play vidya but I don't think I've seen a duo or above at all this wipe.

>> No.44301940


>> No.44301956

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLufyyRk3BY mana
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7i0coe443vA kagetsu crossing

>> No.44302207

I feel like most of the people I've been seeing play this wipe so far don't play in groups that often

>> No.44302259
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>> No.44302548

kanae is playing with arisaka and cisco now, but yeah, duo/solo are the most efficient, big groups are always just a hassle.

>> No.44302597
File: 185 KB, 1032x1032, F3UN2PgaIAAQHpY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44302970


>> No.44303036


>> No.44303067

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pXZww8hV5s akari tarkov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-2ljFpne8w elu tetris
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LvCpXcMraE akira
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPStWQ8r7o8 lain raincode

>> No.44303180

Sorry, it was too cute for my brain…

>> No.44303848

the perfect onahole

>> No.44304126

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4leVz53sZA rion pikmin
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGxD4sCSrzA hajime
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ujzz7h6Ao5g rou tarkov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxxqNCx97FM toru life is strange

>> No.44304732

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceL42nbegaM masaru mahjong
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1e-ABs-HwIc petit pikmin
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaW_epkXBPU ritsukicraft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWcykH7wyn0 debi
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_A51KDmlb8w chigusa
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wNffSBAXbQ umise genshin
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W30JQQZax1g ririmu tarkov

>> No.44306022

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nACGQZCjh5g roco
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1koV2IgGAkU sango youkai watch
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSf6oIIsJxs seffynacraft

>> No.44306439

I check her channel after finally watching the birthday live and Patra's become a mecha streamer. My first vtuber wife has endless amounts of taste.

>> No.44306882
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>> No.44306897
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>> No.44307025
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>> No.44307045
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>> No.44307047

They don't start with the final first right? I don't remember...
My shift ends an hour after today's Koushien stream starts ;_;

>> No.44307057
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>> No.44307063
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>> No.44307150
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Somehow missed this one, got the sauce?

>> No.44307159
File: 143 KB, 1200x629, F3YZpgja0AA5ucU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course right after I ask twitter refreshes and gives it to me.

>> No.44307169


>> No.44307205

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vn3VSHLQjlw nari
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8drqwttOySg tojiro birthday
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhpvzYcJXQQ levi singing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWWCWzlJjIw amamiya

>> No.44307300


>> No.44307415

Not as good as Pasta's but I'll take it.

>> No.44307483


>> No.44307620

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsgHidOpoHw koshien finals

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7S32XMR4M4 shikky gaon kagetsu shu watchalong
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6VFvuHMNFw en watchalong
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_bo_lJnhZ8 belmond watchalong

>> No.44307627
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>> No.44307635
File: 1.77 MB, 1447x2212, 1686315584660844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44307661
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>> No.44307663

That's... certainly a group.

>> No.44307679

The boys gotta stick together afterall.

>> No.44307685


>> No.44307687


>> No.44307707

shiinas becoming a druggie!

>> No.44307712


>> No.44307717

chaichan kawaii

>> No.44307727
File: 785 KB, 1920x1080, rnabonce.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her model just does it for me

>> No.44307731

I knew it was happening but I still don't wanna see Leos and Nui fight for third...

>> No.44307737

Is the final first?

>> No.44307739
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>> No.44307746

Last, obviously.

>> No.44307762 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.44307771


>> No.44307775

anon he can't get a real placement you don't have to try to jinx him.

>> No.44307787


>> No.44307794

Where's Pomu

>> No.44307800


>> No.44307801


>> No.44307803

It's over...

>> No.44307814
File: 87 KB, 678x828, 1683845528230429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where the fuck was that during the league

>> No.44307824

lizetoko is real

>> No.44307834

Batters are hitting, at least it looks like it's gonna be a fun game.

>> No.44307847

I really hate the Abema thing because I wanna watch that POV but it'd require throttling my net to fucking nothingness with a VPN.

>> No.44307856


>> No.44307869


>> No.44307875


>> No.44307883

I wish they hosted this at 1pm...

>> No.44307921

mya dying even quicker than usual today

>> No.44307959

Azarashi! Azarashi! Azarashi!

>> No.44307962
File: 278 KB, 1300x900, F3VSGorbwAA4dFH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

breaking your limit always comes with a price.

>> No.44307965


>> No.44307998

Has Emma been drinking again?

>> No.44308003

Damn that's a rare one

>> No.44308026

excuse the stupid question but what does chance actually do in the koshien proper?

>> No.44308035

if there's a runner in second base or third base it gives the batter a stat boost or penalty depending on its rank.

>> No.44308040

A shinai is nothing compared to a baby seal's club

>> No.44308057

I'm surprised Ago actually remembered his full name.

>> No.44308060

There's still a chance for a comeback.

>> No.44308067
File: 502 KB, 1816x2048, F3Nxh9GbMAAjqsZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Azarashi isn't last...!
Azarashi isn't last!!!

>> No.44308077

azarashi should've been last

>> No.44308084


>> No.44308087


>> No.44308089

Yakiniku (with Maimoto's money)!

>> No.44308096

which one deserves mito

>> No.44308108


>> No.44308121

gawkmans siren is just that meme of the loudest cum ever, isn't it.

>> No.44308127

He stubbed his toe. Belmond did the same joke.

>> No.44308129

it sounds like that slowmo tidus laughing meme

>> No.44308155

lize please do a cover with ike... he'll even mix it for you...

>> No.44308172


>> No.44308173


>> No.44308174

Actually a bad thing since kakurango is better on bases

>> No.44308194

hakache please... understand...

>> No.44308204


>> No.44308209
File: 199 KB, 1500x1500, 1684110172751427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44308216

Ngo's been practicing on Leos's balls.

>> No.44308217

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQBMysI71jQ ririmu project f
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_NBBMFJCvY kanae project f

>> No.44308223

furen INT 2
STR 100000

>> No.44308222


>> No.44308262

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZqLfkaClFk ebio project f

>> No.44308280
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>> No.44308288


>> No.44308293
File: 409 KB, 805x800, 1677612789969577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the heck is Project F

>> No.44308329

Here's how VR Kansai can still win:

>> No.44308333


>> No.44308337

it's over

>> No.44308341


>> No.44308350

sasuga yattaze

>> No.44308352


>> No.44308353

I think it's a game that kenki is developing so I'm guessing the concept is that if a bunch of other streamers who are friends with kenki play the game then that'll give it publicity and allow it to get off the ground, and since they know the developer they can directly ask for changes in the game, or skins or whatever, so from the streamer side it's not a bad investment to help a game get off the ground where you know that the developer will listen to you and from the developer side having the free publicity is good

>> No.44308364

You're looking at the game far too positively when in reality it's just kenki milking his streamer friends because he knows his game would be viewed as a complete failure as opposed to the near-total one it is.

>> No.44308369

elira's phone voice gives me a boner

>> No.44308372
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>> No.44308375

they're all getting something out of it even if the game is bad because people will still watch the event and it will likely get the game some new players

>> No.44308378

I think you're being pedantic, streamers are adult people, they can make their own decisions and for fps streamers it's always been a huge concern that the game they pour hours into could just disappear into dust because of bad design decisions or shit e-sports support or whatever, so it is an appealing thing to have an fps game that you can rely on because you're practically involved in the game's development by knowing the guy who's developing it

>> No.44308382
File: 270 KB, 1000x1412, F3ZRwBZa0AA1cKd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44308403


>> No.44308415

>streamers are adult people
well the jury's still out on that one

>> No.44308426
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>> No.44308431

I can't believe Yashikizu caved because it's a sponsored event...

>> No.44308433

time for the real matches to start

>> No.44308435
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>> No.44308451
File: 435 KB, 1448x2048, F21kXrDb0AAmZ0n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to melt ibu's pitchers

>> No.44308500

Anon what the FUCK did your onahole just do to my wife Ars?

>> No.44308501

Poor Ars...

>> No.44308502

arse getting deadballed again...

>> No.44308524

Thank god he missed, Muyucchi would have folded him into a fucking pretzel.

>> No.44308542

Anon's gay lover getting pounded live in front of almost 200K people!

>> No.44308559


>> No.44308560

Holy shit, it's happening.

>> No.44308562


>> No.44308569

Actually that was just Ibu pulling out to cum on anon's gay lovers back.

>> No.44308570

What the fuck is Lauren's problem?

>> No.44308575

believing in kou this game is a bold play, let's see if it pays off.

>> No.44308613

Maybe they should have kept called games for the finals...

>> No.44308636

everyone says white girls can't jump but pomu proved them wrong

>> No.44308648

They're doing it!

>> No.44308654
File: 186 KB, 800x800, F3Zn-pTbsAAnOhb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please god let my coffee kick in i dont wanna miss the last 2 games...

>> No.44308656

it's all over...

>> No.44308661


>> No.44308662

I hope anon is enjoying his male girlfriend getting fucked live.

>> No.44308707

I still believe..!
Kaitou comeback..!

>> No.44308724

They can still steal a win..!!

>> No.44308735

Surprisingly good fight.

>> No.44308746

Pomu and Finana were pretty much Watarai's MVPs, as always foreign mercenaries are powerful.

>> No.44308753

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IONoOZlmED8 ryushen mekakushi code cover

>> No.44308770


>> No.44308784

Don't know how Nui even got to 2nd. Don't think her team even has a chance against someone who could fight Shiishii on equal footing.

>> No.44308792

Her team is surprisingly good.

>> No.44308803
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>> No.44308814

Her team isn't that bad

>> No.44308855

even the game loves belchan!

>> No.44308859

nice that was close

>> No.44308885

This is a sleepy match huh

>> No.44308903

Leos's autistic shittalking is cute. Cute!

>> No.44308906

Tight defences.

>> No.44308922

Kind of impressive how evenly matched they are.

>> No.44308925

its okay i don't think hayama and ebio are sad they're not the favorite child when maousama exists.

>> No.44308938

Can't wait for all the fanart of Belmond's "fine play".

>> No.44308951


>> No.44308956

what the hell is happening here

>> No.44308964

a good match

>> No.44308971

It's Bobon? this whole time I thought his nickname was Bonbon.

>> No.44308977


>> No.44308981

I can feel it in my bones. Kon... Ban...

>> No.44308990

I think it's both

>> No.44308991


>> No.44308999

It isn't

>> No.44309002


>> No.44309003
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>> No.44309012

my boywife!!!!!!!

>> No.44309035

The pitcher RP is great.

>> No.44309036
File: 737 KB, 841x1200, 1662342843198989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mating press nachume

>> No.44309049

Holy shit a tie!

>> No.44309050


>> No.44309051


>> No.44309052

damn koreans

>> No.44309053


>> No.44309058
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>> No.44309059


>> No.44309060

More time on the clock for Ebio.

>> No.44309062

imagine trusting hajiki of all people

>> No.44309082


>> No.44309098

This is some good powerpro!

>> No.44309101

mameneko's "ace batters" really did nothing this whole tournament

>> No.44309102

this fucking lol

>> No.44309106


>> No.44309108

Oh damn

>> No.44309109


>> No.44309110

Belmont finally woke up.

>> No.44309113

Doing an impression of Karubi's voice is still my favorite joke

>> No.44309120

never gets old

>> No.44309122
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>> No.44309130


>> No.44309132
File: 262 KB, 1038x1136, F3WZcswaQAAGmDI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a good fucking game.

>> No.44309133

Holy shit what an insane game.

>> No.44309134

That was amazing yakyuu

>> No.44309135

fuck yeah belmond

>> No.44309136
File: 738 KB, 841x1200, 1661945539216706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

celebratory babymaking with nachume~

>> No.44309137

haruka kohaku kagami hajime, clowns

>> No.44309140

That was a GREAT GAME.

>> No.44309149

I would have been happy no matter who won and I say that as someone whose been supporting Nui's team since the start. That was a damn good showing from both teams.

>> No.44309158

Kagami was nothing but disappointing every single time.

>> No.44309162

Leos was expecting too much from a maiden like him...

>> No.44309187

That's pinch hitters for you, either they're the best player on the team or the worst.

>> No.44309198

https://twitter.com/Yotsuha_Umise/status/1690693308472082432 I wish I was belmond

>> No.44309214

I hope they stop making deron a coach from next year on, what a killjoy she was throughout League B. If she pivoted to ネタ路線 earlier instead of being a sulky downer most of the time she's losing yesterday won't be so hard to watch.

>> No.44309238

It took Kotoka 15 seconds to solve 20 divided by 4. The person who asked the question took longer to solve it.

>> No.44309256

How the fuck did bokosuka beat up nari so easy?

>> No.44309287


>> No.44309292


>> No.44309295

Vox will clutch it out and crush this luckshitters team

>> No.44309298

Don't let the bully win

>> No.44309300
File: 1.65 MB, 1172x1736, F3aNWHmboAAKrjE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Citizens of the universe, lend him your energy!

>> No.44309303
File: 126 KB, 828x826, F3ZC_jea4AEeKcI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time

>> No.44309320

There is no future in which the daifuku loses.

>> No.44309322

This is the most quiet Yashiro has been in his entire life.

>> No.44309323

Holy shit, that first inning went by in the blink of an eye.

>> No.44309339

Kuzuha will shut down all the hard hitters. I predict Yashiro won't score more than one point.

>> No.44309344

Clutch gen-chan

>> No.44309355

Yashiro's outfielders are probably the best in the tourney so her strong hitters are in a rough spot too.

>> No.44309358

Still almost full stamina after 2 innings. Not looking good.

>> No.44309362

mame had the best and it's not even close

>> No.44309363

it's over

>> No.44309365

never forget the haguki

>> No.44309366

It's over...

>> No.44309369

nice jinx anon

>> No.44309370
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The miracle won't repeat itself.

>> No.44309371

It's already yashirover...

>> No.44309375

alban... you're doing your best and yet...

>> No.44309388


>> No.44309389

Holy shit ririmu!

>> No.44309390


>> No.44309397

gyakkyou nine is online!

>> No.44309398

Are there really people that expected an even fight? Third inning and it's basically over.

>> No.44309403

did you not watch the leagues at all?

>> No.44309407

Shiina was one point away from not making here at all.

>> No.44309410

kokuu > yokosuka

>> No.44309417

People were expecting Kuzuha to run with it last year and he didn't, literally anything can happen. Not saying Yashiro can catch up but it isn't crazy to hope he can put up a fight.

>> No.44309427

oooh yashiro got on base

>> No.44309428

retire shiina. from all competitions

>> No.44309432

The problem is after he changes out Fuwa which won't take long.

>> No.44309436

Yeah, there were whole arguments and meltdowns about stats and stuff. People tend to forget this is an AI driven game with a degree of luck which means literally anything is possible.

>> No.44309438

You were all forgetting that fuwa is cursed to never win any event.

>> No.44309446

albans first important fumble in his whole career had to happen now...

>> No.44309449

>Yashiro's outfielders are probably the best in the tourney

>> No.44309451

Ririmu MVP

>> No.44309452

I forgot this. The dude is a 2nd place collector.

>> No.44309453

as expected of EN shitter

>> No.44309455

No called in the finals?

>> No.44309461

Lize giggles give me life

>> No.44309465

Never forget Pomu won Shachou the whole thing.

>> No.44309466

Unfortunately not, this is painful to watch.

>> No.44309482

end his suffering

>> No.44309497
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>> No.44309501

sad that vox isn't doing shit this koshien, he did half of the work during training

>> No.44309510

stop jinxing my jinx

>> No.44309525

Impressive that kotoka still hasn't errored once

>> No.44309537

Maybe Chaichan can keep this from getting to two digits at least.

>> No.44309545

I gave up when she got the second iatsukan book, how about you?

>> No.44309547


>> No.44309548

Just euthanize him already

>> No.44309554

next year swap kenmochi, ibrahim and shiina for kuzuha, haruka and kagami

>> No.44309558

Shiina is never gonna be out, and Haruka prefers being a viewer and has said so two years in a row

>> No.44309559

half of the coaches should be new coaches

>> No.44309560
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Today's a good day.

>> No.44309565

Anon...Shiishii will never be left out of this for obvious reasons.

>> No.44309569

can you tell me why? I don't speak Japanese by the way.

>> No.44309571

Now hit kuzuha and injure him

>> No.44309573

>I don't speak Japanese by the way.
then you can leave?

>> No.44309575

English website

>> No.44309579

I knew she'd win but I didn't expect it to be her most one sided game.

>> No.44309580
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Lurk for 10,000 more years, then...

>> No.44309581

When you have a team of batters and they don't actually bat it's kind of impossible to win huh?
Well at least I got my true finals experience in the battle for 2nd.

>> No.44309587


>> No.44309588


>> No.44309589

I'm just glad it didn't happen throughout the entire league and it was just the finals.

>> No.44309596

boring match ban this fucking daifuku

>> No.44309595

shes already in the game what are they gonna do now

>> No.44309602

Mameneko should've won yesterday.

>> No.44309603

Not even...

>> No.44309609


>> No.44309612

I guess at least 3/5 matches were interesting. This was the worst finals in history though, hope it will be better next year.

>> No.44309613
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Game set!

>> No.44309614

The number of viewers was much lower this year. I wonder why?

>> No.44309622

Nui vs Leos was the real final.

>> No.44309627

Probably best match of the tournament.

>> No.44309630
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always bet on the luck goddess

>> No.44309635

Ban Iwate from being pickable

>> No.44309637

Comiket's actually happening this year.

>> No.44309638

Unironically too many matches

>> No.44309642

Bel won the Fine Play category

>> No.44309644

Ban shiina from picking

>> No.44309654

Seeing Yashiro's spirit get smashed was incredibly entertaining though?

>> No.44309655

What do you think the year before last's winner did, anon?

>> No.44309659

kuzuha hype carried last year and EN was at the peak of it's popularity too

>> No.44309664

does it matter? she already won this with tottori

>> No.44309670

>number of viewers
oh i was wondering why the thread felt a bit weird, guess the tourists heard the tourneys over.

>> No.44309683
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I hope Nui's the one to cry this year. Her tears give my dick life.

>> No.44309686

salty yokosuka fans here

>> No.44309712
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I can't be salty, all of it's left my body through my eyes. The only real upsetting thing is that I've now got a dozen images like this with no way to use them.

>> No.44309713

King of second place fuwa minato

>> No.44309715
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blessed daifuku

>> No.44309719

And the real predictor for victory continues to be catcher A and iatsukan

>> No.44309735
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Home run queen

>> No.44309741

You can see his soul leaving his body in real time

>> No.44309743

>year before last
nope cant think that far back

>> No.44309747

deron had the same things as shiina and yet she was near the bottom

>> No.44309759
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>> No.44309764

Deron had less catcher A and less iatsukan

>> No.44309777

>Deron had less catcher A
do you understand what that skill is for anon

>> No.44309779

Nope, Nijireji took that

>> No.44309781

Deron had catcher A and 2 iatsukan and got walloped.

>> No.44309788

Do you understand that shiina had two people with it? And a catcher B in case she didn't get either of those. God her luckshitting was more disgusting than ever this year.

>> No.44309792
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>> No.44309801

>Do you understand that shiina had two people with it?
how many catchers are there behind the batter? one or ten makes literally zero difference once you have a catcher

>> No.44309817

They did the thing!

>> No.44309819

There's a difference between iatsukan and iatsukan from a book where you can choose who gets it.

>> No.44309820

it makes some difference because then you can pick the catcher with the best stats so they can do better on their offense turn

>> No.44309821

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pe82rrTBJ1k hayun 3.0
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBn2-BEp6ok yaguruma powerwash
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuFMt2D1yXk utako raincode
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBnPc0g1igI hajiki gta

>> No.44309832

that's a decent enough point during the training but anons original post implied he thought catching power had anything to do with anything outside of the catcher position during the koshien itself.

>> No.44309852
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>> No.44309863


>> No.44309881


>> No.44309886

I dunno what he implied but I was just saying that having multiple catchers is not a bad thing because it gives you the ability to pick between them, like if hada was shiishii's only catcher then she'd just have to roll with her but since she had akari too she could pick akari who had much better stats for batting

>> No.44309887
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It's hard for me to say for certain right after it's ending and feelings are still hot, but that definitely felt like the best overall league+koshien so far. Time to sleep off the sadness of it being over.

>> No.44309897

shit final though

>> No.44309904

Yeah, shit final though. At least we've got the exhibitions for a good cleanser.

>> No.44309907

exhibitions time

>> No.44309910

It was a good one, but the anticlimactic finale really sours it.

>> No.44309918

doing the same shit exhibition match as last year huh. Koshien 2021 was peak seems we will never get that again.

>> No.44309923

I missed specifically what Ritsukin said about the summer festival this year, was she talking about getting preppers or is it already ready to go?

>> No.44309930

I'm more impressed Shiina keeps getting ungodly luck in everything she does, I'm starting to believe in the supernatural

>> No.44309934

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxvSF6Mp5v8 Gorihime karaoke

>> No.44309939
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>> No.44309954

Last year didn't happen...janken didn't happen...it was all a dream...

>> No.44309960
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>> No.44309966

>ungodly luck in everything she does
Ah, I see you've only experienced one swing of the pendulum.

>> No.44310036
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>> No.44310049

Koshien would be better if top two teams from each league would go up and make another 4-teams league to decide the winner

>> No.44310082

I can see it working with 8 team.
Guess 10 team is too much

>> No.44310085

Yeah I also thought it'd be more fun if there's a semifinals. But maybe the format is already fixed so it can't be helped.

>> No.44310120

I like the current format because the lower matches are also somewhat balanced and can be enjoyable to watch and I prefer that than watching the luckshitter of the year crushing everyone three times on the 3rd day.

>> No.44310141

My one criticism is that if they do ten coaches again I'd really like them not to make like five people stream at once, it made it hard to follow even a few teams at a time. No idea why they did that. Sure compilations and several official recaps exist but I like watching stuff live.

>> No.44310183

that's all on the coaches

>> No.44310187

>I'm starting to believe
you are very late to the party.

>> No.44310223
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Nju and Salome

>> No.44310227

Damn, really? Guess it was just some bad luck then.

>> No.44310232

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ih0KyedLcBw chima singing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdJjhqRav9U toru life is strange
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79uE6GwyF3s kanato valorant
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXXoWXTBRtI meruto craft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bI9FG09oYDg shou splat
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SEnrOgJriA aki moi chii

>> No.44310246

Oh the pawapuro streamer kuzuha visited last year is doing well.

>> No.44310288

>What happens when two introverts collide
This should be interesting.

>> No.44310314

Does Salome like NTR?

>> No.44310329

I fucking knew it, Meruchi's better with this voice.

>> No.44310344

Ange's going to NTR Salome away from me...

>> No.44310391

Desuwa's going to NTR Ange away from me...

>> No.44310481


>> No.44310580


>> No.44310614
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>> No.44310658

Damn, I'm just like Salome

>> No.44310817

cute meruto scared of a piston

>> No.44310859
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>> No.44310892
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJMhFCOWE_s yorumi
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lkVTDDJqYg sukoya
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heuBEGKz4sw roha lol

>> No.44310902

Nurses shouldn't be sexy (and gross)

>> No.44310911

Summer festival is next week

>> No.44311176

nopan salome

>> No.44311208

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAFaBKamoao mashiro

>> No.44311257


>> No.44311332


>> No.44311358


>> No.44311372


>> No.44311627

I want to have sex with my nopan wife Salome

>> No.44312928

I had a dream they debuted three new guys and none of them were from VTA. Then it was confirmed all the disappeared VTA from gen 2 were terminated...

>> No.44312977
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>> No.44312996

I like the hip bones

>> No.44313001


>> No.44313008

mya is cute but not sexy

>> No.44313031

>not sexy
couldn't be more incorrect

>> No.44313047

Handholding and deep kisses during mating presses.

>> No.44313073
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>> No.44313150

lilim is sexy but not cute

>> No.44313246

who was anon quoting?
