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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 140 KB, 800x600, 1522352496661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44221895 No.44221895 [Reply] [Original]

DJT guide https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/

Ignore m*eway spam!!

Previous thread >>44203697

>> No.44221929

I've been studying with the Core2k Anki deck, and decided to try the Ankidrone pack, too.
I am finding the Ankidrone pack to be much easier to study with; is it worthwhile to continue with the Core2k pack as well?

>> No.44221936

If you've learned more than 2000 words from any premade deck, it's time to move on to sentence mining (making your own TSCs).

You can selectively learn cards from the premade decks in some corner cases though.

>> No.44221955

By studying, I meant still actively learning the words.
I only started on the Core2k deck about a month and a half ago.

>> No.44221964

I don't think core2k is useful, especially if you're doing the old version where there's only a word on the front and the sentence is hidden on the back.
If you put the sentence on the front then it's fine, but I wouldn't do two decks at the same time.

>> No.44221979

Thanks, I guess I'll delete the Core2k pack, and just continue on with the Ankidrone pack.

>> No.44222012
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i bought the onimai manga

>> No.44222025

correct thread:

>> No.44222027

on nyaa.si?

>> No.44222038
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kys mehmet

>> No.44222057
File: 841 KB, 1312x777, screenshot-2023-08-04-04-11-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i buy manga on torrent trackers

>> No.44222069

actually i just bought it and im gonna pick it up at kinokuniya

>> No.44222079

I genuinely havent had a nihongo jyouzu in a year, do I need to try harder or did they stop giving them out?

>> No.44222098

Is there such a thing as "overmining"? Or what's the consensus of how many words I should mine a day? I started mining recently from vns and some days I go up to 50 or 60 words a day and my new cap for now is only 25. Is this detrimental in the long run? Should I cap my daily mining intake?

>> No.44222113

visual novels are proprietary...what are you doing

you can mine 100 cards a day but only learn 10 of them, then your review load won't be high
mining is like saving stuff for later

>> No.44222116

is there a koikatsu card for cure dolly

>> No.44222160

>visual novels are proprietary...what are you doing

>mining is like saving stuff for later
So it's okay if I have hundreds of cards in the backburner?

>> No.44222181


>> No.44222191

>So it's okay if I have hundreds of cards in the backburner?
I have 4000 cards in the backburner. I usually learn them when I need to, like when I find the same word a second time and notice that i've already got a card for it.

>> No.44222206

Yes, I know what it is but what the hell does that have to do with anything? Besides I pirate my vns because I'm poor.

Gotcha, then I'll mine for my heart's content. How many new cards are you doing a day?

>> No.44222223

I'm doing 10 to 30 new cards a day, leaning more to the 10 mark though.

>> No.44222236

imagine trying to learn medical terms holy fuck

>> No.44222250

that's just four terms slapped together, it can't be that hard


>> No.44222293

managed to read 6 hours today, feeling goooood

>> No.44222375

i've been using core2k but is this really the right way to learn? i do perfectly fine on anki, but then when i see the kanji elsewhere and singled out i don't recognize it. it's a horrible feeling going out of my way to see what the kanji means just to realize it was apart of a word i've memorized to hell and back on core2k. should i just drop this shit

>> No.44222482


vocaroo this

>> No.44222568


holy shit

>> No.44223157

>say something in japanese
>something in japanese
she laughed and said i was cute

>> No.44223172


>> No.44223555
File: 1.11 MB, 1214x683, vtumor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's just what life is like

>> No.44223653

Are you implying the professionally hired translator made a mistake?

>> No.44223815

that's a fine translation

>> No.44223855

That's a very confusing way to word that sentiment and quite literally the opposite of what the phrase is saying.

>> No.44224043
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>I pirate my vns

>> No.44224344

it's not the opposite at all lol
the only way you could believe that is if you think it's a relative clause attached to 人生 and the じゃない is literal which would make it something like "after all that's not what life is" which is completely wrong since it's a rhetorical statement like "after all isn't that what it's like? life"
it's the same as something like やる気か、お前 where the subject comes after the expression

>> No.44224362



>> No.44224668

>it's not the opposite at all lol
Uh yes, rhetorical questions reworded into statements is literally an inversion from negative to positive. Like I said before, the word choice is terrible for communicating that sentiment and feels like an esl wrote it.

>> No.44224732

it's not at all an inversion of meaning lol
if i say "wow isn't this awful" it's the same as saying "wow this is awful" except in a slightly different way
there's nothing wrong with changing this in translation especially in lyrics where you are trying to match other elements like rhythm etc

>> No.44224816

Anon, reading comprehension. I never said the sentiment/meaning was inverted, just the phrase. I'm critiquing his poor choice of words. In fact, the whole song translation is worded poorly.

>> No.44224837

you said
>and quite literally the opposite of what the phrase is saying.
it's not the opposite of what it's saying at all
it's pretty clear you realized you were wrong in how you read it and just threw out some copes to try and backtrack

>> No.44224851
File: 210 KB, 660x495, subahibi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post ur favorite proprietary visual novels

>> No.44224894

kek, you conveniently left out
>That's a very confusing way to word that sentiment
So according to you I'm saying "he worded it confusingly oh and wrong lol"

>> No.44224932
File: 29 KB, 680x226, cope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, that is exactly what you said. you thought it was wrong and you also thought it was worded poorly even if it was correct and trying to express that sentiment. these aren't mutually exclusive.
i even consulted chatgpt and he agreed that you are coping hard

>> No.44225035

>if I add in a bunch of words to your post that you never said then that means I'm right :^)
>also chatgpt agrees with me so I'm double right
lol, lmao even

>> No.44225091

you said
>quite literally the opposite of what the phrase is saying.
no native english speaker could possibly take this as anything but "the meaning is the opposite" regardless of what comes before. if i say "doesn't this suck" and someone else says "oh hey means this sucks" and then you say "actually it's quite literally the opposite of what he's saying" (which is basically what you have done here) then you would be insane to assume anyone would think you weren't talking about the meaning
anyway regardless of that the killing blow for your copes is
>In fact, the whole song translation is worded poorly.
why focus on this and call it a "mistake" if you thought that? there's nothing special about this particular line if the meaning isn't wrong as you now agree, it's just a typical clunky translation

>> No.44225129

You sound like you have brain damage and get angry a lot.

>> No.44225155

ill accept your concession

>> No.44225167

Thanks. I accept your retardation.

>> No.44225242

i made the most progress when i mined 35 a day

>> No.44225592

if i have a video with burned in subs, is there an easy-ish way to turn it into anki cards?

anki audio clip, and then a screenshot of the subs would be sufficient. wouldn't mind doing it manually, as long as the interface for doing so was reasonably fast/ergonomic

>> No.44225648

yep this is the thread

>> No.44226258

So how many grammar guides and textbooks do I need to read? At least 4, right?

>> No.44226802

I want to be able to understand Japanese effortlessly.
Just like how I understand English and my native language effortlessly.

>> No.44226851


>> No.44226868

this would have been way better without mori, reol killed it

>> No.44226911

hand writing characters is really fun and relaxing. I know it's useless to learn but is there any good course or something out there recommended for learning to write in a structured way instead of randomly learning different characters?

>> No.44226951

is there any way to bypass the "clipping limit" on kindle?

>> No.44226954

kodansha kanji learners course, read the pedagogy section it's exceptional

>> No.44226965

clip my ass

>> No.44226966

yeah just follow the stroke order i taught your mom

>> No.44226978


>> No.44227340

shits dead

>> No.44227354

They were making fun of you but it stopped being funny.

>> No.44227387

any of the "here's 2k kanji start grinding" books are fine: sakade, oneill, kodansha kanji learners, hadamitsktsytkst and spahn.
There's also henschell, but it doesn't give stroke orders and the examplars are kinda shit.

>> No.44227392

>kanji has more than 10 strokes

nope. sumimasen. i will not be learning how to write this character.

>> No.44227416

We know, and you won't be remembering how to read it either.

>> No.44227425


>> No.44227502

ah, fuck you. i'll give it another shot out of spite toward you

>> No.44227703

glad i didnt read this out loud somewhere in japan because i did not guess the correct reading

>> No.44227722

are you sure?

>> No.44227760

Trying to get back into studying Japanese, what are the best resources these days for looking up grammar points while reading? Is the DoJG still recommended?

>> No.44227781


>> No.44227789

holy fuck, really? i have been reading this wrong this whole time?

>> No.44227818

so you're saying some random blog knows better than the デジタル大辞泉
ok bro...

>> No.44227847

are you sure you arent confusing it with 体重 in your head
身重 is probably a 30k freq word

>> No.44227945

How do I know how many words I have seen on Anki? How will I know when I hit the 2k?

>> No.44228007


>> No.44228008

Boy I am very blind and did not see the big Stats button. I was looking at stuff in config and such. But if there is anything else I should learn related to this I'm interested in hearing it.

>> No.44228024

you mean 身長 right?
i seen 身重 pretty often in the things i read but i just assumed it was the same reading as 身長.

>> No.44228222

Trying to practice by reading manga/doujins. Whats the quickest way to look up a kanji? I feel like this process is what makes it take so long.

>> No.44228232

just know them all?
until you do, reading syosetu.com is probably faster.

>> No.44228233

the rtk

>> No.44228291


>> No.44228329

Looking a kanji up in your own brain is the fastest.
Looking kanji up with rikai-likes in your browser is the second fastest.
Handwritten IMs are the third fastest for individual kanji, but it's really kind of shit for looking up compounds.
Nelson is probably about the same for compounds.
Last place is probably poking at the radical lookup interfaces.

>> No.44228343


>> No.44228378
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Day 77: Not so hard today.

>> No.44228408
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how can you be a pen autist but have such horrific hadwriting

>> No.44228515


>> No.44228649
File: 542 KB, 800x600, dkn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi djt i need dekinai images from like 6 years ago
do yall still use the dekinai girl i wouldnt know (i know japanese and thus dont need to be here)

>> No.44228659

why do you need them unless you are in some other japanese learner community lol

>> No.44228669

an eop friend is learning japanese after meeting my jp friends and i need to show him the old ways

>> No.44228675

if someone sent me 6 year old 4chan memes randomly i would never speak to them again

>> No.44228741


>> No.44228794

bros how the fuck do you say leg licking without saying foot licking? is it 脚舐め?

>> No.44228803

haven't you read 1984? Language dictates what is thinkable. For the japanese man, it is inconceivable to lick legs without licking feet

>> No.44228811

only dead ass answer pls

>> No.44228902

Is it cringe/weird for a foreigner to write their name in hiragana rather than katakana or do japanese people not care?

>> No.44228975


>> No.44228982

put down the vinnies lil bro

>> No.44228999

at how many words do you have 99% comprehension?

>> No.44229000


>> No.44229011


>> No.44229018

At least 5

>> No.44229075

jamal here
making one last garbage day before I leave forever o7

>> No.44229139
File: 16 KB, 326x326, 44221936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ bros can I AJATT having a real life or the little time i have (~2h-4h/day) will be better spent using more traditional methods?

>> No.44229142

ajatt is deprecated, see moe way

>> No.44229175

Are you asking if you can all Japanese all the time in only a small fraction of the time?

>> No.44229184


>> No.44229190

Anon, please. What you're looking for is Some Japanese Some of the Time

>> No.44229197

Ive got a few of dekenai-chan. Gimme a minute.

>> No.44229206

>Some Japanese Some of the Time
Is that trademarked?

>> No.44229233

>moe way
Tell me more

>> No.44229252

Yes, I own it. You may use my method, but I warn you. You'll have to take mandatory breaks, and you must experience burnout regularly.

>> No.44229262

plenty of people reached n1 in a year with jobs/uni at the same time
you just need 8 hours of a day of immersion

>> No.44229268


>> No.44229288

I would recommend doing the Tango decks, but it's more important to just keep studying. (Core 2k has example sentences you are using, right? Make sure those are on the front)

Remembering stuff in the wild is going to be part of a learning curve too. Plus maybe you just didn't recall it at the time. You're going to forget stuff, don't let it get to you.

The fact of the matter is just about anyone is capable of learning this shit. Japan's adult literacy rate is around 99% and you've already proven you aren't part of the less than 1% that isn't capable of learning a language since you're fluent in English. You just need to keep going through stuff and familiarizing yourself more. When you learned english it was repetition constantly until you internalized it and that's the same thing you are doing now, it's just a bit harder since you're not fully immersed unless you are living in Japan and you're not being spoonfed this shit in school. You just have to put more work in to make up for that, which means more time. Invest the time and you'll get it.

>> No.44229310

>Looking a kanji up in your own brain is the fastest.
I've found that to generally be the slowest, actually.

>> No.44229456


>> No.44229496

People who want to see what's going on on reddit can visit it themselves.

>> No.44229502

you do do your laugh at redditor reps... right anon?

>> No.44230260

ai generated post

>> No.44230274

Immersionbros conflate pointless university Japanese 101 courses with actual textbooks. You can learn Japanese by reading a grammar guide, studying kanji with flash cards, and then reading and listening. You can also learn Japanese by reading textbooks and studying kanji before finally moving on to reading and listening. You really can't learn Japanese by taking one of those courses where you meet up once a week for an hour, say konnichiwa sensei shuumatsu wa tanoshikattadesu, draw 5 kanji 10 times, and then get assigned 5 pages of Genki as homework for the next week. You can read both Genkis in like two weeks by yourself.

>> No.44230290

Started going to 5ch for "immersion" and ideas for a Tokyo trip in a few months.
Anyone know why
is being spammed on the Tokyo board?

>> No.44230293
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>> No.44230311

accidentally read 鳴 as 時
its fucking over

>> No.44230631

If I had to guess, sounds like they're doing something shady and getting labeled "black" for it.

>> No.44230748

>You can read both Genkis in like two weeks by yourself.
Didn't use genki, but blasting through the book I used at max speed would have been a waste. Might as well go with tae kim+core if you're only taking the time to skim the grammar points and limp through each reading once.
Better to pace it with how fast you're memorizing the vocabulary so you have decent practice material for grinding out the first 3-4k words. Which is what, like a year if you're not full fucking neet mode?

>> No.44230981

dame i should start caring a bit

>> No.44230982

I took Japanese when I was in college, you get the shit down pat, backwards and forwards to the point where you'll never forget it but the pace is slow as shit. There are far better resources now but back when I took those classes it was really hard to find useful stuff.

>> No.44231025

What happened to https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/ ?

>> No.44231085

>using textbooks is much more enjoyable than watching anime or playing games
this is the biggest dekinai thing ive read in a very long time

>> No.44231112

It was taken down for copyright infringement. I heard that it was taken down after nips started using it, but I don't know if that's true.

>> No.44231138

Trying to do anything with i+800 content is a lot less fun than the steady supply of i+i content.

>> No.44231163

Did we end up losing anything that was on there?

>> No.44231234

I looked through the backups in the previous thread (github one and the neocities one), and I forgot which one's the backup and which one's the edited streamlined one, but I remember some links within the site not being set up. I assume it was because it wasn't entirely done yet, or omitted so as to not bring down the might of daddy Washington and his lawyers.

>> No.44231255

Gotcha, safe to assume nothing major was lost then.

>> No.44231277
File: 168 KB, 800x600, 1691120541304550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goood morning


>> No.44231429

You know there’s a board dedicated to vtubing stuff, right? You can spam links to your heart’s content there.

>> No.44231596
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>> No.44231620

Japan is based


>> No.44231694

me in japan after getting arrested for chikan crimes

>> No.44231720

Seconding on the Tango decks, not only do I get a better idea by having to understand the sentence to get it right it also for some reason makes it easier for me to concentrate and remember the words due to them being in a form of a sentence.

>> No.44231833

曲 of the day

>> No.44231907
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>> No.44231974


>> No.44232014
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friendly reminder steve kaufmann is a dekinai
do not use his methods

>> No.44232206


>> No.44232280
File: 89 KB, 828x466, F9932C59-A226-41E6-B72A-141E30F2550F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they greet each other by flipping the bird
I’m a japanese and seek help
is picrel what the greentext means?

>> No.44232301


>> No.44232317


>> No.44232325
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>> No.44232343

his methods work as long as you don't spread them over 30 languages

>> No.44232381





>> No.44232383

Isnt he suppose to "know" something like 15-20 languages? I don't think its the technique that's the problem but the fact that it is impossible for a human to truly understand that many languages at any meaningful level. Personally, I have never met anyone who can speak more than 3 languages at a proficient level because of the sheer amount of upkeep needed in maintaining those languages.

>> No.44232393


>> No.44232440


>> No.44232541


>> No.44232570


>> No.44232587

I know at least some of you were frequenting /r/jcj. I've been out of the loop for a while, and I now learn that it's been banned. Did it migrate to some other sub? I need some daily ELT schadenfreude content

>> No.44232589


>> No.44232619


>> No.44232757




>> No.44232766

nice self own

>> No.44233026

quizmeister mastered 4 languages tho

>> No.44233055

Why are there so many Japanese learning guide websites out there? Is it really that profitable?

>> No.44233063

the best one isn't linked much these days: animecards.site

>> No.44233067

That's not what I asked

>> No.44233078

that post is more helpful than answering with the shit you were asking for. be grateful you ignorant snotty dekinai

>> No.44233312

>at least some of you were frequenting /r/jcj
more like, all of you

>> No.44233328

and he married a 140 iq bijin queen...im so jealous...

>> No.44233335

They've all got Patreons and Discords, so I assume so.

>> No.44233483






>> No.44233535

Are you a woman?

>> No.44233574

and how about nonbabby content?

>> No.44233661
File: 829 KB, 800x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like what?

>> No.44233674

lmfao self own

>> No.44233694

lins ov course

>> No.44233700

you write this a lot. how did he self-own?

>> No.44233702

there's no bigger self own than bragging about your skills to autistic manchildren on an anime website

>> No.44233707



>> No.44233710

dude that is simple japanese how stupid are you

>> No.44233724

I dont know your random e celeb sorry.

>> No.44233729

normal content != babby content, how stupid are you

>> No.44233730

djt dying is a net positive

>> No.44233747

he didn't post it as an example of normal content though he thought it's a good rebuttal to the babby content remark lol quintessential dunning kruger behavior kind of incredible

>> No.44233761

are you even capable of making an argument or is it all just buzzwords like "dunning-kruger" or "self-own"

>> No.44233772

Autist here, are there any good grammar audio books? I've found out I learn stuff way better from hearing it than just reading them, and not just for languages, but in general

>> No.44233773

are you even capable of seeing the irony in your post? think before typing

>> No.44233779

I'll take that as a no

>> No.44233782

take this foot up your ass retard don't reply to me

>> No.44233804

I won't bother you anymore, I'm sure you're very busy humblebragging to everyone around you about regular language being easy for you to read

>> No.44233829

>regular language
you seem busier shooting down strawmen lmao i already addressed this but i won't repeat myself if you can't get it the first time i said it you don't deserve a second chance you're not worth it

>> No.44233832

all the cool people left to discord the only people left are the people shitty enough to pick nothing fights so they require anonymity

>> No.44233843

I'm using the Core2.3k deck for studying kanji. However, I've noticed that words like 直ぐ are displayed using the Chinese version of the character (which has one more horizontal stroke and doesn't have the left part).
I'm using Anki on Android, and from what I've heard it seems to be a font problem. How can I make Anki default to Japanese on Android so that it displays the kanji correctly?

This shit is hard enough, I don't want to accidentally memorize the Chinese versions and get confused everytime.

>> No.44233850

why don't you use the brain and fingers god gifted you

>> No.44233873

>left to discord

>> No.44233874

you mean the biggest losers who were no longer satisfied by bragging anonymously so they had to start doing it under a username. except they also couldn't handle real criticism so they ran to safe spaces ran by small circlejerks where people have to handle them with baby gloves on

>> No.44233883

i could destroy any pisscorder in 30 seconds

>> No.44233910

>all the cool people left to discord
No one who is cool uses discord, only reddit mods, trannies, and morblidly obese "people" use it.

>> No.44233911

pretty sick of retards these days why don't they go away and form their own country or something

>> No.44233951

you are more anonymous on discord than 4chan
both store everything you say forever but at least you can use a cheap vpn on discord

>> No.44233952

shut the fuck up shill

>> No.44233955

they hated him because he spoke the truth

>> No.44233961

i don't need a because

>> No.44234010
File: 597 KB, 2592x3628, 98d1fcb2aaaf5e4ed3a22a88d40432845f6fe157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44234012

How far can one get in writing a grammar guide simply by copying, rephrasing and reordering info from grammar textbooks without speaking Japanese at all?

>> No.44234146

Speaking Japanese has very little to do with conceptually understanding the language

>> No.44234414

i guess you are joking but they are talking about lovecraft

>> No.44234438
File: 913 KB, 1920x1080, Barakamon.EP04.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP2.0.H.264-MagicStar-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44234453

half of the reviews for mareni games on japanese websites like erogamescape complain that the japanese is unnatural, hard to read, and pretentious
it's kind of weird to pretend otherwise just to make yourself look woke on 4channel

>> No.44234471
File: 848 KB, 1920x1080, Barakamon.EP04.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP2.0.H.264-MagicStar-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44234527

Is there significance, or do you just like proverbs?

>> No.44234558

I want to lick their sweaty rori butts

>> No.44234600

japanese people don't actively dedicate themselves to learning kanji and japanese vocabulary or use anki their opinions on difficulty aren't relevant to djt

>> No.44234617
File: 874 KB, 1920x1080, Barakamon.EP04.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP2.0.H.264-MagicStar-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always liked that one

>> No.44234619

it can't be "simple" japanese then, since non tryhards find it difficult

>> No.44234639

>japanese people don't actively dedicate themselves to learning kanji and japanese vocabulary or use anki
neither do i

>> No.44234664

thinking that "dedicating yourself to learning kanji and using anki" impacts your ability to read japanese is typical woke 4channeler mindset
you probably can't even read a tweet

>> No.44234673
File: 893 KB, 680x1076, Barakamon.EP04.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP2.0.H.264-MagicStar-[26.03.830-26.06.433].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44234692

what is simple or difficult is inherently relative so yes it absolutely can and it is in this case it is frankly pathetic seeing someone use that screenshot as a flex in a community of japanese enthusiasts

>> No.44234693

Why is 丸 attached to the end?

>> No.44234703

it's the name of a ship

>> No.44234712

let us hear your vocaroo recording of the text in the screenshot before we make a judgement
a japanese enthusiast like yourself should enjoy such activities

>> No.44234715

Ah, I see. Thanks.

>> No.44234722

i don't consider myself an enthusiast and dedicate virtually no time to learning japanese (i have far more consequential matters to attend to) which makes this all the more pathetic

>> No.44234734

vocaroo 橋の端で箸を持って走る

>> No.44234737

what consequential matters do you attend to?
larping as a wokey on 4channel?

>> No.44234754

if i may, i believe posting on 4channel qualifies as "more consequential" and therefore requires all of one's wakeful mind.

>> No.44234755

it is most pertinent in this situation it is clearly central to his flex and implicit in my post is the very criticism you voice
the irony

>> No.44234768

Anki question.
I have a parent deck with 2 sub decks. How do I set the limit so that I can study 5 new cards each deck by just clicking the parent deck?

>> No.44234785

how very woke of you

>> No.44234796

matters such as traveling across the world to attend conferences and speak at colloquia

>> No.44234800

just set parent's limit to 10 and it will automatically split between the two

>> No.44234814
File: 870 KB, 1920x1080, Barakamon.EP04.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP2.0.H.264-MagicStar-0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44234825

what was bro writing

>> No.44234827

That didn't work.

>> No.44234832
File: 973 KB, 1920x1080, Barakamon.EP04.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP2.0.H.264-MagicStar-0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pleasures of being cummed inside

>> No.44234851

>japanese video
>title in japanese
>thumbnail has japanese
>entire video is in japanese
>no english subtitles
>scroll down to comments
>filled to the brim with english niggers explaining how they're not from japan but just LOVE the video

>> No.44234859

just say you dont know lil bro its fine i cant read it either

>> No.44234875

its 星

>> No.44234883


>> No.44234885

damn thats crazy lil bro

>> No.44234903

>non japanese complaining about non japanese liking japanese content

>> No.44234926
File: 197 KB, 960x540, DIY.Do.It.Yourself.EP05.1080p.HULU.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264-MagicStar-[06.07.866-06.09.494].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does he call me lil bro

>> No.44234935

he's stupid and thinks you're someone else

>> No.44234939

he's either a shotacon or black

>> No.44234948
File: 846 KB, 1920x1080, DIY.Do.It.Yourself.EP05.1080p.HULU.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264-MagicStar-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44235016

It’s a dismissive comment meant to make you question your skill at the language.

>> No.44235032

pseud faggot

>> No.44235059

>if i call him a faggot that will make me look less faggy

>> No.44235073

Why is japanese youtube so bad? I'm trying to find content that interests me but it's either voiced by a guy talking like an idiot or yukkuri

>> No.44235080

austrian fag post that streamable

>> No.44235086
File: 3 KB, 333x122, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44235089

because japanese people are extremely uncreative and unoriginal. they just follow the trends and the japanese youtube trends are like that

>> No.44235123


>> No.44235124

it's funny how you have to pretend to be a third person to clarify your boring insult

>> No.44235167

Do not insult HIKAKIN.

>> No.44235185
File: 1.15 MB, 1934x1088, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if ur so smart then read this one

>> No.44235202
File: 965 KB, 783x810, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stroke order has vertical lines first
>stroke order has horizontal lines first

>> No.44235213


do you see the pattern?

>> No.44235229

Yeah, I feel like the in sentence study really is the secret sauce that bridges the gap between the Anki Study and the immersion. Granted it's not the same as immersing yourself but it offers a lot of the same benefits where you have the context clues and you're pulling in the grammar too.

Everyone learns differently and I respect that but I think just studying words by themselves is just not as good of a way to do it.

>> No.44235263

>Everyone learns differently
[citation needed]

>> No.44235322

real japanese turn the page while wriing so it's always vertical

>> No.44235323

Japanese truly isn't a language for low IQ people.

>> No.44235326
File: 655 KB, 960x540, [SubsPlease] TenPuru - 05 (1080p) [9566E5E7]-[04.41.031-04.44.993].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44235356

some people have wondered why japan doesnt build propaganda for breeding into their anime, since they have such low birth rates.
and i think it's because japanese people are too stupid to make propaganda.
look at popular anime like naruto for example.
the author wanted to write a wholesome story about the power of friendship (i think), but he made sasuke so cool that little kids want to be edgelords like him, so he achieved the exact opposite of what he was trying to achieve.

>> No.44235420

>japanese people are too stupid to make propaganda
what about japan sinks?

>> No.44235427
File: 776 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Jitsu wa Ore, Saikyou deshita - 05 (1080p) [CCAE9C8A]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44235438

they do just look at the recent posts

>> No.44235442

I've spent my first year with mostly reading. Gonna do second year with mostly listening to balance it out. How do you guys mine words from listening?

>> No.44235443

who is they, schizo?

>> No.44235458

jitu wa ore wa itiban tuyokatta

>> No.44235459


>> No.44235483

but I thought they did? it was for a short bit but I remember a few years where they made anime's where the main plot revolved around getting married/having kids

>> No.44235522


>> No.44235558


>> No.44235683

How am I supposed to learn if I don't combine anki and drilling vocabulary/kanji with actual brute force reading?

>> No.44235689

What's this about? Is it worth watching for the cuncunners?

>> No.44235708
File: 1.05 MB, 960x540, 1689258694903819.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seishuu Handa is an up-and-coming calligrapher: young, handsome, talented, and unfortunately, a narcissist to boot. When a veteran labels his award-winning piece as "unoriginal," Seishuu quickly loses his cool with severe repercussions.

As punishment, and also in order to aid him in self-reflection, Seishuu's father exiles him to the Goto Islands, far from the comfortable Tokyo lifestyle the temperamental artist is used to. Now thrown into a rural setting, Seishuu must attempt to find new inspiration and develop his own unique art style—that is, if boisterous children (headed by the frisky Naru Kotoishi), fujoshi middle schoolers, and energetic old men stop barging into his house! The newest addition to the intimate and quirky Goto community only wants to get some work done, but the islands are far from the peaceful countryside he signed up for. Thanks to his wacky neighbors who are entirely incapable of minding their own business, the arrogant calligrapher learns so much more than he ever hoped to.

>> No.44235744

You finish off the box before drawing stuff that extends below it, like 中 or 電. It's at least somewhat rational.
Unlike the 2nd horizontal on 金 vs 王 which is just "fuck you that's why".

>> No.44235747

punishment for putting a jelly dotard in his fucking place? i will never understand asian cultures

>> No.44235755

Heisig's book is good for learning a bunch of basic radicals and kanji. But make sure to throw it in the trash once you reach 200 kanji. His mnemonics approach is too convoluted, giving each kanji ONE keyword is a terrible idea, and the heavy focus on identifying the components and building a story with them is kinda useless.
Once you can identify 200 kanji and have more or less internalized the meanings of the basic radicals/components, abandon the book and just do Anki decks to learn more kanji and vocabulary.

Most kanji can be learned and recognized by pure intuition, there's no need to take each component into account and come up with some complicated way to connect them all to the meaning. Just focus on the most important component of each kanji and find a way to associate it with the meaning. It doesn't have to make logical or verbal sense as a mnemonic, it has to be something that reminds you of the meaning. Don't come up with a story, it's better if you recognize the kanji thanks to some vague feeling you can't put into words.

Not sure if this is the right approach for everyone, tough. 150+ IQ here. I find it really easy to learn stuff with minimal effort.

>> No.44235760


>> No.44235775

Reminder that Jap girls have sideways vaginas and butt cracks. WW2 propaganda told me so. They also eat dogs. Would you really kiss a cute loli whose mouth tastes like dog meat?

>> No.44235780


>> No.44235800


>> No.44235845

djt died so hard that it took the rest of the site with it

>> No.44235875

I'm at 6859 and it sure doesn't feel like 95% even reading manga.

>> No.44235943
File: 180 KB, 1280x720, 1691285556435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44235972

I don't understand this, why isn't れる/られる here for example. how do I use this?

>> No.44235981

thought we were gone forever.

>> No.44236061

>why isn't れる/られる here
That’s not a grammar point, just basic conjugation.
>how do I use this?
You can’t. You don’t speak Japanese.

>> No.44236065

Conjugation is a grammar point.

>> No.44236077

Yeah, if you’re 5. Notice how the JLPT doesn’t have a section on particles either.

>> No.44236079

>conjugation isn't grammar

>> No.44236102

Can’t wait till they make an N6 test for people like you.

>> No.44236156

but dolly sama teaches it in her grammar course

>> No.44236183


>> No.44236219


>> No.44237262

damn I spent so long trying to use all these different grammar indexes and parsers and google searches to find explanations of grammar but cntrl+f in the pdf of tae kim's guide instantly finds the answer to any question.

>> No.44237269

jlpt also doesn't have a section on vinnies, what the fuck do i care what it thinks?

>> No.44237333
File: 34 KB, 705x565, 85vy9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come Duolingo's Android version is so much easier than the iPhone one?
In the Android one it might give you one or two words that don't belong in the sentence, but on the iPhone you get way more that you have to wade through.

>> No.44237492

why does 買い物 use もの instead of こと or something?

>> No.44237560

clicking all the n1 grammars I don’t know and understanding all the 例文s mhm looks like i've made it

>> No.44237578

>(7) (uk) item classified as ...; item related to ...; work in the genre of ...; (n-suf)

>> No.44237630

it's not random 干

>> No.44237637

>all the n1 grammars I don’t know

>> No.44237666

It's got nothing to do with that char though. It's actually got nothing to do with king either and it's just a cruel bait. The real source is ima and tsuchi.

>> No.44237670

that's right

>> No.44237705

visually nothing is confusing about the stroke order common examples like 必 = 心+丿render your analysis pointless from a stroke order perspective

>> No.44237711


>> No.44237718

it's got nothing to do with it having "nothing to do with the char"

>> No.44237759

You seem to have skipped past like 5 steps in your explanation of whatever the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.44237881


>> No.44238075
File: 137 KB, 794x401, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goood morning


my bad

>> No.44238082
File: 60 KB, 1046x328, setori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44238100



>> No.44238109
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, [FFF] Non Non Biyori - 04 [A61C9B09].mkv_snapshot_07.30.402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44238131

hello retards I need help

Whats the best way of learning Kanji? RTK burnt me out months ago and I can't really do anything with stories, someone told me to just do 500 Kanji by frequency in 10 days and begin sentence mining after I do 1000 vocab, is this viable or completely retarded?
Personally it seems the most local to learn vocab and "unlock" Kanji in a deck and learn them in the order I come across.
Can someone give me closure so I stop worrying too much? What do you recommend?

>> No.44238139
File: 834 KB, 1968x1660, day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44238149

look at stuff and look up what you can't read (hard at first)
after you've grinded out a couple thousand common words start a mining deck
starting with subtitled videos will make it easier

>> No.44238164

>hello retards

>begin mining after I do 1000 vocab

and lastly https://streamable.com/l0k9q4

>> No.44238191

>hafus giving advice like their opinion means anything

>> No.44238226


>> No.44238234
File: 167 KB, 1094x608, fuwamoco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not hafu


>> No.44238298

They're very obviously hafu. You can just hear it in their stupid voices.

>> No.44238327

they said english is their second language and japanese their third

>> No.44238330

I didn't realize the boards worked. I always access /jp/ by typing 4chan.org/jp into the URL bar, but it seems the main domain (4chan.org) is down so it's not able to redirect me. I have to manually type boards.4channel.org/jp to get here now.

>> No.44238358

Same, i even tried with multiple VPNs to see if only the local cloudflare server is down

>> No.44238415

reading immersion

>> No.44238451

what is going on here? why no talking?

>> No.44238489

their throats are still sore from last night

>> No.44238682

i know pekora's is from what i did to her last night

>> No.44238703

djt should not only die it should be forgotten and only spoken of with disdain and hushed whispers when necessary

>> No.44238706

true true

>> No.44238747

Greetings fellow Japanese language learners!

Embarking on the path to Japanese fluency is an intellectual voyage that requires dedication, perseverance, and an insatiable thirst for knowledge. As aspiring scholars of this captivating language, it is vital to adopt a multifaceted approach that encompasses language skills, cultural understanding, and historical context. In this comprehensive guide, we shall explore the fundamental elements that will elevate your Japanese proficiency to new heights, allowing you to navigate the linguistic landscape with erudition and astuteness.

1. The Foundation: Mastering the Basics
As with any language, laying a solid foundation is essential. Begin by grasping the Japanese writing systems – Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji. Hiragana and Katakana are phonetic scripts, while Kanji represents complex characters derived from Chinese characters. Understanding their unique functions is crucial for reading, writing, and comprehending Japanese texts.

2. The Power of Vocabulary
Expand your lexical prowess by learning new words and phrases daily. Incorporate flashcards, vocabulary lists, and interactive apps into your study routine. Pay attention to context, as nuances and politeness levels play a pivotal role in Japanese communication.

3. Embrace Grammar with Finesse
Grammar is the backbone of any language. Delve into the intricacies of Japanese sentence structure, verb conjugations, particles, and honorifics. Immerse yourself in diverse sentence patterns to enhance your ability to express ideas eloquently and accurately.

4. Listening and Speaking: Practicing Pronunciation
Effective communication involves honing your listening and speaking skills. Engage in language exchanges with native speakers, participate in language meet-ups, or practice with online language partners. Regularly listening to Japanese podcasts, news broadcasts, and music can significantly improve your listening comprehension.

5. The Art of Reading: Literature and Beyond
Literature is a window into the soul of a culture. Dabble in Japanese literature, ranging from classic works by Murasaki Shikibu and Natsume Sōseki to contemporary authors like Haruki Murakami. Reading manga, light novels, and news articles is also beneficial in understanding modern conversational language.

6. Cultural Appreciation: Context Matters
Language and culture are intricately intertwined. Delve into Japan's rich history, customs, and traditions to gain insight into the social context that influences language usage. Understanding cultural norms will enhance your ability to communicate with sensitivity and respect.

7. Writing Proficiency: The Calligraphy of Language
Mastering Japanese calligraphy, or "Shodō," is a unique way to deepen your understanding of the language's aesthetic aspect. The art of brushstrokes and their cultural significance offers a new dimension to your linguistic journey.

8. Modern Technology as a Learning Ally
Embrace the digital age to augment your language skills. Language learning apps, online courses, language exchange platforms, and social media communities can foster engaging learning experiences and connect you with other learners and native speakers.

9. An Immersive Experience: Study Abroad and Language Schools
Consider studying in Japan to experience daily immersion in the language and culture. Language schools offer intensive courses designed to accelerate your learning progress and provide valuable exposure to native speakers.

10. Perseverance: The Key to Mastery
Remember, the road to linguistic proficiency is a marathon, not a sprint. Celebrate each small victory, and be patient with yourself through challenges. Embrace the journey with an open mind, and never shy away from making mistakes, as they are stepping stones to improvement.

In conclusion, becoming erudite and astute in the Japanese language is an exhilarating endeavor. By integrating language skills, cultural appreciation, and historical knowledge, you'll not only excel in your linguistic capabilities but also develop a deeper understanding of Japan and its people. Remember, language learning is an ever-evolving voyage, so embark on this adventure with enthusiasm, and let your passion for Japanese language and culture guide you to unparalleled heights of fluency!

頑張ってください!(Ganbatte kudasai!) - Best of luck on your journey!

>> No.44238826

more immersion

>> No.44238844

more not clicking

>> No.44238845


>> No.44238917
File: 7 KB, 162x44, iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i+1 cards? for me its iq+1 cards

>> No.44238971

Doesn't prove anything. They've clearly got family in Japan.

>> No.44239011

I’m also not clicking that trash

>> No.44239690

more immersion

>> No.44239700


>> No.44239701

not clicking

>> No.44240132


>> No.44240386

ears clogged, forced to read without audio, its over

>> No.44240400


>> No.44240406

oh wait nvm you cant hear it lmao

>> No.44240481

used to have this problem a few years ago got one of those ear cleaning sets from amazon with some liquid you drop in your ear and then flush it with a syringe type of thing
it got all of that shit out

>> No.44240543
File: 908 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Edens Zero - 44 (1080p) [773CB13F]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44240797

let's gooooooooooo

>> No.44240945

bunko in japan

>> No.44240962
File: 568 KB, 1920x1080, 実は俺、最強でした? 第05話.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44240969

She would be cute if she wasn't a fat fuck

>> No.44241057

For months I've been debating whether to take the N1 this year since I was confident about the written sections but afraid I'd bomb listening given my listening is so much weaker than my reading
I just did an old practice N1 with test timing to see how bad it was and to my amazement the listening was an absolute breeze while I got tons wrong on the written sections

I don't know where this meme came from that "the JLPT only tests comprehension, not production", because like 80% of the Vocab-Grammar section revolved around production, including questions about correct keigo formatting and excruciatingly small nuances in natural word usage. It's actually insane how much simpler N1 listening is than the rest of the test

>> No.44241080

not looking good for analclown

>> No.44241084


I got 26k how about you?

>> No.44241098

not clicking that shit

>> No.44241103

this reddit user does not know what "production" means

>> No.44241110

she gonna have to open wider for my lil buddy

>> No.44241114

since /vt/ bans this kind of thing i have to ask you guys. do we know anything about nerissa's past life before hololive?

>> No.44241122

She's not japanese

>> No.44241126

and she never will be

>> No.44241146


>> No.44241153

you can search in the vt archives on warosu

>> No.44241160

searching your moms panties

>> No.44241172
File: 796 KB, 1920x1080, ありふれた職業で世界最強 2nd season 未放送エピソード.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44241270

i must be the worst doxxer. i think people are speculating that it's caitlin myers, but she released her last video 2 weeks ago so it seems unlikely desu

>> No.44241682
File: 137 KB, 637x900, s3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44241692


>> No.44241704

You have to change the entire language of your phone to Japanese, since Anki developers are morons and don't allow you to select one for the app in particular. So it defaults to Chinese versions of kanji if your phone is set to English or something other than japanese.

>> No.44241726


>> No.44241930
File: 53 KB, 783x539, moe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44241984

just learn the wrong way first and remember the ones that are different for later

>> No.44242120

you should follow the animecards guide because qm is higher iq than shoui

>> No.44242155
File: 161 KB, 1450x1080, F22QTBwaEAEu2vk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you shouldn't "follow" any guide

>> No.44242162

oh okay *throws >>44241930 in the trash*

>> No.44242223

read all guides, follow none, take whatever makes sense or helps you

simple as

>> No.44242229

>cope, cope, cope
>simple as

>> No.44242238

but enough about u

>> No.44242255

look i don't care about the guides that one just happens to have a font section

i dont even use anki or gomichan

>> No.44242270

did you notice your monitor turning off when you typed gomi

>> No.44242287


you merely adopted the gomi i was born in it

>> No.44242290

but enough about ur mom

>> No.44242343
File: 107 KB, 402x301, mom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44242355

quiz had enough server members at one point to gather good data on the iq of japanese learners

>> No.44242389

what do you think such data would uncover?

>> No.44242399

interesting things

>> No.44242415

number of loli images posted directly correlates to higher iq

>> No.44242431
File: 975 KB, 1920x1080, 魔法科高校の劣等生 S02E11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44242435

queef is too midwit to gather shit for data

>> No.44242445

queef was always posting such images in the discord so one of you must be wrong

>> No.44242450

not true
queef knows his jack shit

>> No.44242452

not true

>> No.44242460

hes a らしst and would use biased tests

>> No.44242462
File: 204 KB, 760x1200, baubau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


bau bau time!

>> No.44242476

hololive EN
i wish jp would stream this time

>> No.44242495

they will utter some japanese words here and there so its fine

>> No.44242531

i've analyzed multiple data sets of 100+ people each from teaching it's very cool

>> No.44242649


>> No.44242744

My phone is old as fuck and only allows one language of choice, not secondary ones. So Chinese and Japanese remain on the same level and Anki defaults to Chinese.

>> No.44242756

This. Only low IQ plebs let modern society brainwash them into disliking the naked body of a cute rori.

>> No.44243129

Love my stupid superweapon bimbo.

>> No.44243207
File: 542 KB, 1920x1080, 魔法科高校の劣等生 S02E13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking forward to s3

>> No.44243262


>> No.44243266

read 8 hours today

>> No.44243434

how many lolikusoge do I have to read to be competent at japanese

>> No.44243445

How do I get Anki to sort my reviews by newest due date (that has already passed)? I have a huge backlog that I'm going through which will take me a couple of weeks. In this time Anki should show me some cards again, but right now it doesn't because it sorts the really old reviews before the recent reviews.

>> No.44243448

How big is your backlog?

>> No.44243484

1006 cards.

>> No.44243522
File: 7 KB, 673x63, image (28).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 78: 8/5/2023 (Yesterday session)

Kinda think about a lot things while studying so can't focus for the first half but back on track the second half of the session.

>> No.44243526
File: 8 KB, 707x39, image (29).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 79: 8/6/2023 (Today session)

Today was kinda relaxing but little bit tough

>> No.44243549

I wish I only had to do 80 cards per day

>> No.44243564

I found a setting called "relative overdueness" that's somewhat similar to what I want, but not quite the same. If somebody knows of a better way, I would love to know

>> No.44243613

I'm not trying to put you down or anything but you can do that in 2 hours if you did it in one sitting, most people don't have that kind of focus though but it's certainly doable within the day. You don't even have to do all at once. Just do more cards than there are due tomorrow

>> No.44243629

I really can't do it in one sitting, all of these cards are 3 years old and it's very hard / impossible to remember some of them. But it's a good idea in principle.

>> No.44243646

If I can't remember them within 5 seconds I just mark them wrong. If I have a lot of cards due I basically ignore the ones I've gotten wrong till I do all due cause I'll see the wrong ones at the end anyways. If not one sitting just do 100 or 50 at a time

>> No.44243660

>all of these cards are 3 years old
lol, what you're doing is completely pointless in that case
delete your deck and mine new cards

>> No.44243669

just sort by ascending intervals, that should do the trick

>> No.44243705

reminder that anki is a waste of time. go read enjoyable things!

>> No.44243758

dumbass what about people who just started
>just read bro stop doing anki
>yea you'll have to look up every single word but dude you'll be toooottally immersed

>> No.44243802

I had to download a new settings app just to set a secondary language in my phone, maybe try that

>> No.44243808


>> No.44243885

djt cant read that.. its over

>> No.44244102

t. doesn't know kanjitomo or hookers exist

>> No.44244131

he doesn't realize that is still looking up words

>> No.44244281

the only way to learn words in the beginning is by looking them up, so you may as well just get it out of the way with quickly...

>> No.44244426

Is there a list or chart of kanji that look similar but aren't the same? I keep getting tripped up in anki

It's super obvious when they're right next to each other but I keep mixing them up and it would be nice to have a reference for more self study

>> No.44244468

you could spend some time learning radicals. 持つ has the 扌radical which means hand. Otherwise you'll eventually just stop mixing them up over time

>> No.44244514

give resource
You could also learn phoenic components

>> No.44244526

That might be what I'll have to do I think. I already sorta do it I guess. I'll be like "this has woman and next in it alongside other stuff"
Do you mean phonetic?

>> No.44244535

>Do you mean phonetic?
yeah woops

>> No.44244552


>> No.44244560

>That might be what I'll have to do I think. I already sorta do it I guess. I'll be like "this has woman and next in it alongside other stuff"
I don't think you really need to study a full list or something like that. Just pay closer attention to kanji that you seem to mix up

>> No.44244581

Anki cards are just html. All you have to do is set them in the css template.

>> No.44244601

I find those are the easiest to learn. As soon as you recognize the main shape, just look at the little part that marks the difference. Memorize it that way. "As soon as I see the buddhist temple shape, I'll look to the left and immediately recognize which one it is". This has to take place within a split second. Focus on the different part and completely ignore the main part that looks the same. That part is only meant to be a passive reminder of the three or four possible kanji it could be, allowing you to discard anything else.

>> No.44244625


>> No.44244629

Is there anything more cringy than underage shonen-watching weebs trying to learn Japanese half-assedly and writing long sentences using romaji? Romaji in general looks like pure nonsense and feels awkward as fuck.

>> No.44244656

Just learn the general shape of the kanji, don't focus on each individual component of it. Learning to write it would help with memorization of the ones that give you trouble, but for most kanji you don't really need to know how to write it or how exactly it looks.

You only need to recognize the general shape and then identify the small bits that differentiate it from other kanji that look the same.

>> No.44244666

I've heard about forcing the Japanese language adding some code to the beginning of the cards, but doing it to the whole deck should be enough to affect all the cards without doing it to each one individually, right? So I just add that code to the beginning and end of the deck, send the file to my phone and load it on Anki?

>> No.44244717

This is what I've been trying to do and it sometimes works, so I'm assuming I need to just grind harder and read more lol
Especially for the ones like 待つ and 持つ the right part ends up being filtered out and I try to remember which one is ま and which is も
Really interesting note that the main shape narrows down what the kanji could be though, I'll need to keep that in mind

>> No.44244726

鳥 Bird. Notice how the head looks like 白 and the tail looks like a bunch of feathers. Imagine a white bird.

烏 Crow. It's literally the same kanji but the head part is missing a line, making it no longer white 白

島 Island. The same as "bird" but the tail feathers are now a mountain 山. Imagine an island with white birds and mountains.

馬 Horse. The head part is clearly different, so you could interpret the tail as a horse tail, rather than feathers.

These four are an example of confusing kanji that end up being really easy once you look at the small part that differentiates them. You don't really need to learn how exactly the horse's head looks as long as you notice the hairy tail and the square head.

>> No.44244734

use the hint field to disambiguate

>> No.44244857

Also keep in mind that while kanji are made up of components, there is only ever ONE radical. It's often on the left or on top. The radical usually gives it the meaning or semantic field, while the rest of the components could be used to complete the meaning or be entirely meaningless and only phonetic. In the latter case, it's just a reminder of how the kanji sounds because many others with that same phonetic component sound the same.

The reading of 待つ is easy to remember because the imperative 待って is used so often in anime. And the meaning or semantic field is easy to remember thanks to the radical, which I've noticed is often used in kanji that have to do with time or certain actions.

Also, many kanji with similar meanings tend to have similar pronounciations.

撮る and 採る are both read とる. Both involve "taking" (the first is taking a photo, the second is taking/gathering things). Both have the hand radical on the left, hinting at it being an action. The first has components like SUN, EAR, and AGAIN, so you can remember it because of the mental image of a photographer repeatedly taking photos in nature, feeling the heat of the sun and hearing birds with his ears. The second kanji shows the hand taking stuff from the top of a tree, gathering fruits for example.

換え and 代える are both pronounced かえる. Both mean to replace. The first kinda looks like an open car engine with all the machinery inside, and it means to replace something with a new version of it. Like replacing a broken piece with another. The second kanji looks like a pole with a dude grabbing onto it with his hand, as if he had been running to the right and then grabbed the pole to suddenly stop himself and go in the opposite way. It means to replace someone, like taking over their position in a job. So you can imagine the dude spinning in the opposite direction to replace the other guy. Or you can imagine the pole as a revolving door, where people go into one side and someone else enters from the other side, replacing the guy that just left.

>> No.44244923





>> No.44244956


>> No.44245008
File: 29 KB, 361x362, Snapchat-1476672037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44245070

The only manga I've paid money for.

>> No.44245096

Why do I hate this motherfucker so much? His normie face is unbearable and his smug attitude seems really narcissistic.

>> No.44245250
File: 27 KB, 612x634, 1688881235828762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44245302
File: 1000 KB, 1232x650, 1640458480790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white obasans help me cope

>> No.44245579

出きりsmug aura mocks us all

>> No.44245661

Because you've spent more than 0 seconds of your life consuming eceleb content. It's hard to recover from that sort of failure.

>> No.44245864
File: 332 KB, 1280x720, mattoforgiveness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44245887

Why does a normie want to learn Japanese in the first place? I can't imagine that guy playing pedo VNs or reading interesting old school manga.

>> No.44245949


>> No.44245970


>> No.44246001

because hes short

>> No.44246108

yosh first day starting to do 1 hr a day instead of 30 min. My timeline for moving to Japan has halved so I doubled my goals

>> No.44246119


>> No.44246159

I can read pretty much only ロリ…足…ケツ…エロ

>> No.44246286

I would also add the importance of studying every aspect of the language at once. Don't just learn kanji, vocabulary and grammar separately.

Learning kanji alongside vocabulary that uses it makes it easier to remember the readings and the overall meaning of the kanji. And learning vocabulary with its respective kanji makes it FAR EASIER to remember the actual word. Otherwise the word is a bunch of meaningless sounds. Japanese vocabulary is much easier to learn than vocabulary in any other language, because you can associate the sounds with kanji in your head, and those kanji with concepts. If you forget a word but remember what kanji it used, it can serve as very useful reminder of what it sounded like.

The Heisig approach of assigning a keyword to each kanji is very flawed, even for kanji that appear to be basic pictographs of a tree, an eye, etc. Don't learn a keyword for the kanji, instead get a feel for what it roughly means and don't get it into your head that it means only one thing. To get this feeling, just learn a bunch of vocabulary that uses it.

Vocabulary, kanji and grammar reinfoce each other. Especially when a word and piece of grammar you learned separately turn out to be the same. It creates that "aha" feeling and you never forget it again. For example, I had some trouble remembering the ほうがいい piece of grammar, but I found it very easy to remember the 方 kanji reading and meaning simply by seeing it twice on Anki. Once I realized you actually use it in 方がいい, and why that kanji makes sense for that piece of grammar, it's impossible not to remember the grammar itself.

>> No.44246304

I put this on google translate and now I'm on a list. I probably was on one already anyway lol

>> No.44246321

Not only is vocabulary easy to learn thanks to kanji, but the limited sounds make it even easier. Sure, there are many homophones and you need context to know which one it is. But you'll never see strange words with bizarre consonant combinations like in English or Russian. And all the verbs end in U, so you'll never have to memorize strange verb endings.

>> No.44246349

悪い is easy to remember because it's literally a Christian cross crushing a heart. What can be more warui than using the holy cross to stab someone in the heart? It's murder and sacrilege at once.

>> No.44246358

裸 はだか naked

全裸 ぜんら completely naked

すっぽんぽん butt-ass-naked, in your birthday suit

This is how you learn the kun and on readings. Just read hentai.

>> No.44246476

時を作る = to cockadoodledoo
why do we invent these stooped sayings

>> No.44246513

ESL here. When I started learning English decades ago, I thought the expression "for the sake of God" was some sort of made up slang because I first saw it used on otaku forums. I thought it was a funny way of saying "for the love of God" but replacing love with sake (the alcoholic drink) to fit with the otaku theme.

What a moron, huh.

>> No.44246731

When I make time, I’m setting aside some free time to do something, not letting people know it’s dawn. This language is dumb and I’m quitting.

>> No.44247262

Hi. Thanks to all of you for such fascinating methods and ideas I read here for years (and for all this attention-wars lol). I dropped Japanese long time ago, but a couple of months ago I started learn Spanish - for work and study.

But overall I have one question (cus we use same immersive methods); what do you think about bilingual books? Are them good for language novices? I tried to write such a tool with `hunalign`, but now I think - maybe it's not such effective as I thought? Should I read bilingual books or just read a book in target language, make cards and so on?

Another question is about Anki. I really don't like doing all these repetitions. Just 20 new words a day create too much reviews that kills over a 1-2 hours (with all the distractions). Maybe somebody used to use wordlists? I found two good techniques: "Iversen's wordlists" - https://forum.language-learners.org/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=2036&p=23218#p23218 and "Goldlist method" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ixxq8moh4pg Do you use them?

>> No.44247481

Oh, I also have an idea to combine this Iversen's method with Anki to create cards with 5 {words,sentences} at the front and 5 definitions at the back.

>> No.44247510

They really phoned it in when reorganizing and simplifying their writing system.

>> No.44247817

crazy how 襲 also means to inherit

>> No.44247841

crazy how 襲 also means to pile up

>> No.44247993

crazy how most nikubous look better than most cunnies

>> No.44248006

襲: A garment worn with the left hem on the outside (characteristic of barbarian clothing or outer burial clothes used to dress the corpse at a funeral). From 衣, 龖 gives voice in abbreviated form

>> No.44248010

crazy how most infuruensaas look better than most moderus.

>> No.44248036

aint reading all that chinese busugo

>> No.44248069

hahahahaha look this guy is hilarious hahaha he went in the daily japanese thread and called the japanese characters chinese hahahaha lmaooo

>> No.44248072

new >>44248068
new >>44248068
new >>44248068
