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42744514 No.42744514 [Reply] [Original]

how can you bring yourself to study japanese grammar? I've learned a lot of kanji by signing WaniKani and it actually worked quite well, but a language isn't a language without the fucking grammar. Can you learn it through raw experience, just by consuming japanese content online? I'm too fucking lazy to study that shit anyways.

>> No.42744561

dumb frogposter

>> No.42744696

From what my JP teacher said to read shit to help familiarize the grammar. I’m a dumb kanjilet but I can still speak like a fourth grader.

>> No.42744778

almost have 10 hiraganas memorized
5 katakanas
kanjis impossible they so complex

>> No.42744805

Spot post frogs first

>> No.42744967

thank me later

>> No.42745118
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Holy shit you guys are never gonna make it.

>> No.42745350

>Can you learn it through raw experience, just by consuming japanese content online?
That is exactly how I got to a level of Japanese proficiency that works for me, mainly for reading doujinshi but I have traveled in Japan and had no issue getting around and being understood.

>I'm too fucking lazy to study that shit anyways.
Lazy as in effort per time or consistency over time?
Learning by reading online is a very passive way to pick it up, so it heavily favors the latter. Classroom experience is a denser but (normally) quicker experience.

>> No.42745592

>>Lazy as in effort per time or consistency over time?
the former... Getting to study all that technical shit (that you see in Tae Kim's book, for exemple) is too much bs for me, I genuinely don't have time to dedicate myself to that kind of stuff by reading, writing down, and everything these people also do. Kanji learning is easier thanks to WaniKani, but it's the grammar that kills me

>> No.42746558

Kanji are no harder than memorizing all the i before e except after c except there's 5000 exceptions in English.

>> No.42752341

why was it deleted????

>> No.42752408

You can type all of the i/e variations wrong in anything but a professional setting and you'll be as good at English as the average mutt, but if you don't know some random kanji then you might get stuck using a different word or writing it in hiragana.

>> No.42755189


>> No.42763571

If you had learned it as a kid you'd have less problems.

>> No.42771360

>how can you bring yourself to study japanese grammar?
there's a guide for this https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/learning-grammar
> Can you learn it through raw experience, just by consuming japanese content online?
yes, but there are caveats.
