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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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40705080 No.40705080 [Reply] [Original]

Was this the most elaborate troll of all time? Why did he do it?

>> No.40705427
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someone give me the rundown
sounds hilarious

>> No.40705964

Do you actually think every project smoldering in development hell is some sort of "elaborate troll"? Sometimes things don't work out.

>> No.40710323

The blog is still up, 3 years since the last post...

>> No.40710507 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 639x481, 978868143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised neo-/jp/ knows about this project. I've fapped to Hizashi no Naka no Riaru more than any game, so I looked forward to its spiritual successor being released. I didn't know it would go into Duke Nukem-like dev hell.

The times have changed since that game was announced; there's crowd funding websites. Does anyone here speak Japanese, could you plant the idea of crowd funding in his head. I'll even seed the project with 2,000 USD if he does it. A lot of /h/ games were built using Adobe's flash but that technology is no longer used thanks to Apple, so he'd have to build it with something else.

>> No.40711227

Pretty sure someone asked on his blog about crowd funding years ago and he declined.
There's still questions that get posted on the ask page, whatever you want to call it, so nips are still waiting, but losing hope too.
You'd think there would at least be a "hey I'm still working bit by bit" or "it's over" post. Maybe even a "I'm not dead" post.

>> No.40711229 [DELETED] 

For those who don't know the legend of Otome Function. It was a game that was announced in 2009 (13 years ago) by the same group that worked on Hizashi no Naka no Riaru. That Hizashi game had a huge cult following because it's arguably one of the greatest porn games of all time. It's a thinking-man's porn game with over a dozen of hidden routes/endings.

In the game you find a sleeping loli and you can use your mouse to pull down her panties. It had so much details added to it, like if you pulled down her panties too quickly or touched certain parts of her body she would wake up. Eventually you get to fuck her. Depending on your actions you took earlier unlocks a variety of different sex positions. There's a few complicated routes in the game that only a handful of OG masters knew how to unlock even with a guide. And there's some rumored positions that only existed in myth. You can only imagine the hype on /jp/ and old /a/ when Otome Function was announced which was supposed to be the spiritual successor to it. Little did we know it would never get released. For years we kept making threads hoping it would be released. Eventually everyone gave up and it's widely considered to be a canceled project.

Its cult following still exists. If the creator wasn't a moron he'd start a kickstarter and make hundreds of thousands over night. Like I've said earlier I would drop 2,000 USD on day one of the kickstarter. And I'd be willing to give much more.

>> No.40711262 [DELETED] 

It also doesn't help that google and internet explorer marked one of his website as malicious because whatever anti-virus they were using falsely marked his download page as dangerous.

>> No.40711356 [DELETED] 

Does anyone know how to safely run Hizashi no Naka no Riaru on a modern PC (Windows 11 x64). I worry about viruses with any pirated hentai game, so I used virtual machines with old OS but most free virtual machines don't let you use your graphics card. Also, running old versions of windows is a nightmare due to time servers no longer working. Even browsing the internet on an old OS is a nightmare because your web browser basically tells you, "dude wtf are you doing running this old piece of shit OS all of your certs are expired so please fuck off".

>> No.40711490

>If the creator wasn't a moron he'd start a kickstarter and make hundreds of thousands over night. Like I've said earlier I would drop 2,000 USD on day one of the kickstarter. And I'd be willing to give much more.
Maybe the creator doesn't want to scam people, if they aren't dead by now or something.

>> No.40711507

Just get the English translated copy off nyaa or something, pretty sure that's safe. Does it not run on W11?

>> No.40711521 [DELETED] 

Musoft partnered up with SkyRockets to create Otome Function but I wonder why. Musoft had a proven track record of success whereas SkyRockets seems to be useless: https://vndb.org/p5874

I heard in one blog update that they dropped the price and cut 40% of the planned content, yet it's still in dev hell. I wonder which one will come out first Half-Life 3 or Otome Function. People said Duke Nukem Forever would never come out but after 14 years it did. Otome Function is only on year 13 so it can still beat Duke Nukem Forever's release date.

>> No.40711562 [DELETED] 

>Does it not run on W11?
I recently tried to run old porn games on virtual machines and had zero success. I used to be a pro at stuff like that with app local and registry editing all that good stuff. I think the issue I ran into was that free virtual machines don't let you use your graphics card. I even tried to run it outside of a virtual machine using a sandboxed environment but it didn't work, most likely because Windows 11 x64 doesn't have great compatibility with x32. If one of you guys know how to run old porn games let me know. I've been out of the game for a while so I'm borderline noob now.

>> No.40711640 [DELETED] 
File: 465 KB, 768x432, 2021.05.04-04.32-boundingintocomics-6090ce4159b69-768x432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the issue he ran into is that he set too much goals. It's surprising that he managed to create Hizashi Naka considering how much different frames of animation it had. He's probably older now and not capable of grinding out frames like he used to. And he's had financial success from all those games so the fire isn't there. If he used a kickstarter properly he could distribute the work load and get it done in a year or two.

>Maybe the creator doesn't want to scam people
But I see what you're saying, a lot of people make a shitload of money on crowdfunding then lose the motivation to release the project. Or they end up in a Monster Girl Island type situation where you are making $60,000 per month and you'd be a complete retard to release the project. As much as I hate that dev for scamming people if I was making money like that I wouldn't ever release it, I'm sorry but that's the truth. And I think most of us would do the same if put in that situation. You get used to a certain lifestyle and you'll do anything to maintain it. He's probably banging super models on yachts, why in the fuck would you release the game and ruin that stream of revenue? Because it's the right thing to do? Fuck off.

>> No.40711749 [DELETED] 
File: 3.09 MB, 640x360, monster-girl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the creator doesn't want to scam people
I don't understand the hate some of the scammers get. When you are making 50-60k a month on patreon like the Monster Girl Island guy was making at one point that means your project has become so popular that you are getting new patreons per day which means by the time one patreon realizes it's a scam another sucker is there to take his place. Question, if you had that type of money per month would you spend your time grinding away on coding a shitty porn game or would you use it to have orgies in your mansion with super models. This isn't a tough question anon. It's easy to hate on those guys but put yourself in their shoes and be honest with how you would react. I'd do the same thing they're doing except I would outsource some development to a 3rd world country and have them create some "progress" to keep the crowd funding platform from ban hammering me.

>> No.40711751

I remember back in 2010 we were excited that this game will come out that year.

>> No.40711919 [DELETED] 

You are still on this website after all those years. I am disappointed in you anon.

>> No.40711936

2010 was 5 years ago

>> No.40711940 [DELETED] 

>Pretty sure someone asked on his blog about crowd funding years ago and he declined.
I wish I knew Japanese I'd make him an offer he can't refuse. Link to his blog.

>> No.40711959 [DELETED] 
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Anon, I've been here since 2005. Not that guy though. I love it.

>> No.40711962 [DELETED] 

>2022 - 2010 = 5
Okay but I think you might have issues with timespace continuity anon, I think you should get that checked.

>> No.40711971

>offer he can't refuse
I don't think he wants your belly button lint collection.

>> No.40712003 [DELETED] 

Disgusting. I started on /a/ in 2005 but I stopped posting after they added the captchas. So this is my first year back on the website. How did you deal with these captchas and how did you manage to keep your sanity. Everyday seems to be the same shit. Not to mention how unproductive this is. At least tell me you managed to evolve as a person and you aren't a gatekeeping, 3DPD incel, with no job or friends? If someone didn't have character development in 17 years it would make me genuinely sad.

>> No.40712015

Blog is here, hasn't been updated since 2019.
Ask questions here.

>> No.40712021 [DELETED] 
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Because they take a maximum of maybe 5 seconds.

>> No.40712038 [DELETED] 

I'm a software engineer with decent pay. I am not rich but I do have some fuck you money in my savings from early crypto. I feel like if I made him an absurd seeding offer he'd consider doing crowdfunding. But like that anon said the reason he might not want to do this is because he doesn't want to scam people. The money from crowdfunding can seduce many into scamming. I personally would give in and scam if I was making 20k per month.

>> No.40712114 [DELETED] 

I made on average around 200 post per day so 5 second * 200 post = 1000 seconds. So that would be ~17 minutes of wasted time in addition to all the wasted time that is inherent in posting here. I'm not the same hikikomori NEET I used to be. I have too much life responsibilities to do that and you should too anon. Have you at least changed in all these years? Or are you the same person?

>> No.40712148

I have a pass

>> No.40712170

Why respond to a flagrant liar? I doubt they were even born in 2005.

>> No.40712178 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 1242x678, Screenshot 2022-07-30 141652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And done. I suspect he's going to ignore it because it's english.

>> No.40712231 [DELETED] 

>I have a pass
Shame on you anon for rewarding admins for doing bad things. Any web developer knows that you could create an anonymous login system to solve the spam issue. The system would be simple. A user has to make a certain amount of post with their account to build up trust and the account must stay active, so a year's worth of active posting. Once enough trust is built the account would be able to make post without captchas. And if the account goes unactive it will lose the trust. This will prevent people from harvesting accounts for their bots. It would take a junior programmer 5 days at max to implement a login system like that. They're just being greedy because they couldn't make any revenue from ads due to the lackluster moderation back in the day.

>> No.40712272 [DELETED] 

I was born in the 80s. Not sure how you would think any of that is lying though. I doxed Eksopl one time and got coding lessons from AoRF. Want have a quiz on old /a/ and see which one of us knows more. Tell me about tonberryking.

>> No.40712293

Nah, if you're capable of making the game you should absolutely do it. Spend a couple of years and you now have a reputation which can extrapolate your short-term patreon earnings for years to come on new projects. You can also milk the game by releasing new content. It's the difference between earning 600k for a year's scam and running vs earning easily 10x that or more over the next decade. Also presumably people start these projects with creative intent, so it 's not like most of the ones producing anything of value *want* to be scamming from the get-go either.

The "you would just scam them too!" mentality is only sensible if you know you'll never be able to produce anything of value.

>> No.40712322

Yeah, and we already know this guy has produced plenty of value, he's got a ton of little previews on his blog and the two demos speak volumes of the quality of the work. The fact that the project is completely dead in the water makes me think it's more likely he got into some sort of an accident.

>> No.40712340

I don't need to give you a vague quiz on 4chan trivia. Everything about your post, from the use of "incel", the incorrect use of the term 3DPD and the unnecessarily smug sense of superiority screams newbie trying to be an ass to people who were around when the site has an actual culture, even if that culture isn't to your taste.

>> No.40712372

For a lot of the scam porn patreons it's pretty clearly a competency/discipline issue most of the time. Lots of devs don't have the technical skill to scale to a full product, and on top of that the ability to regulate themselves to produce a consistent stream of work. Many self-employed people have the same issue (some even work *too* much and it harms their output).

I think crowdfunded games in particular are extremely bad unless they're based around something like a kickstarter. My reasoning is that the incentives of a patreon are misaligned with the incentives of an end-consumer (the string-along problem), and also that Kickstarters make it clear by their very structure what a finished product is (e.g. stretch goals etc.), whereas Patreon does not do this. Patreons are entirely liable to scope creep and flights of fancy. Just look at shit like Yandere Simulator

>> No.40712388 [DELETED] 

>You can also milk the game by releasing new content.
Dude it's porn game, they're some of the most pirated things because kids don't want that showing up on mommy's credit card. One of the main reasons why payment processor companies like stripe banned porn is not because of underaged girls but because porn is more likely than any other product to get charged back because of wives busting their husbands and the husband trying to act like he got hacked. I've worked in payment industry, it is a shitshow. Also, no amount of sales you get will compare to making 50k per month off of patreon. And he's been on crowd funding platforms for 5 years now? The fear of losing that revenue would make any sane man become a scammer. I think you're foolish if you would turn down that type of money just to get a "good reputation". Also, it's not like his reputation is hurting. If enough donors get mad he'll just release an update and they'll come right back for more. My guy is making bank. Don't hate the player, hate the game. I'm proud of those scammers.

>> No.40712398

>scamming people is good
Says the burger flipper who will never make it.

>> No.40712421

You are jumping to conclusions that don't make sense. By running off they are "turning down the money". If you fear for your income stream it doesn't make sense to do that. Also the very fact these people can earn 60k p.m. is indication enough that people will keep paying as long as you keep it up. Piracy is not really that relevant. If you look at places like dlsite, you can get a good estimate what people can make just from JP retail sales alone (hint: the numbers are higher than you'd expect). The cash potential of these scams is really high if they don't cut and run.

>> No.40712454

Is the english version with the latest patch?

>> No.40712467 [DELETED] 

So what doesn't he want to do a crowdfunding for his project. What was his reason?

>I don't need to give you a vague quiz on 4chan trivia.
Wise choice you'd make a fool of yourself.

>and the unnecessarily smug sense of superiority screams newbie trying to be an ass
And yes you're right I do feel superior because I've had character development over the years. If the other guy who was posting since 2005 is the exact same person then I genuinely feel bad for him. I think everyone should move on from this website. 17 years on 4chan is too long. I quit around 2012 or whatever date the captchas were added and haven't regretted my decision. I only came back to share a project I've been working on. I used to love waifus before that was a term on here and I would preach that 3D women are inferior. I've grown past all of that and embraced normalfaggotry. I'm a proud normalfag and "newbie" as you call me. I used to be a dedicated no-life having gatekeeper like you. I've matured to see that this place doesn't matter.

>> No.40712483

>So what doesn't he want to do a crowdfunding for his project. What was his reason?
For the Hizashi dude? No idea. I think it's a sign of integrity that they're not trying to farm money. Would indicate they don't think it's guaranteed the project will necessarily be completed, or completed in a reasonable time-frame. Taking money implies moral responsibility to deliver, even if people like to pretend otherwise in the case of crowdfunding.

>> No.40712680

I'm know I'm a terrible person, but that doesn't mean I can't also hate terrible people.

>> No.40712695

Hizashi? Yeah.

>> No.40712742 [DELETED] 

>Hello, I'm a fan of your work. Have you considered crowd funding Otome Function project? I would be willing to donate up to 2,000 USD.
Someone should translate this into Japanese. Japanese people are notoriously hostile towards westerners. They more often than not block western IP addresses and can't be arsed to read what we write to them.

>and the unnecessarily smug sense of superiority screams newbie trying to be an ass to people who were around when the site has an actual culture, even if that culture isn't to your taste.
Whenever I see fellow oldfags from my era I try to speak some logic into them. 4chan is only useful as an information hub. It's good for finding new stuff or marketing your projects. But posting and living the gatekeeper lifestyle is a waste of your time. The time that is wasted here could be spent going to the gym and hooking up with girls. Or learning new skills like programming and getting a high paying job.
>Everything about your post, from the use of "incel"
>when the site has an actual culture
The old culture you speak of was just our otaku version of inceldom. A culture that encouraged mediocrity and the status quo. If that culture made you happy then keep doing it but it didn't for me. Now I fuck 3D women and embrace normalfaggotry. I haven't been more happier. Keep being a hand-holdless hikikomori NEET if that brings you happiness. I just wonder if I'll come back here in 10-20 years from now and guys like you will have no character development and will regret permanently throwing away your social life. Because at age 40 it will be close to impossible to get a gf or social life.

>> No.40712774 [DELETED] 

I am about to turn forty. Been here since 2006 or so. whenever halt turner, tom green and that shitshit was going on. i just cant attract young teens 13-17 anymore so I am pretty much done. looking more into dolls now which should be good enough till my libido is totally gone.

>> No.40712810 [DELETED] 
File: 2.72 MB, 498x280, money-gawr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm know I'm a terrible person, but that doesn't mean I can't also hate terrible people.
I don't think they're terrible people. I just think we need some empathy. Try putting yourself in their shoes. You were a broke loser and one day you created a project and your patreon blew up. Now you're making $60,000 per month and living in mansions, driving sports cars, and having orgies with super models. Would you not fear ruining that lifestyle. Your patreons might all go away if you released your project and it's not certain your project would sale. And even if it did sale, you would eventually run out of money because you're now used to a certain lifestyle.

You sound like someone who has never created a business or released a product before. Let me give you some advice. If it's not broke, don't fix it. If a day ever comes when you get passive income do not under any circumstances do anything that could ruin it. Releasing the game would require actual effort. Why bust your ass putting in work when you can sit back and collect money all day? Because it's the right thing to do? Get the fuck out of here. I don't like the scammers but unlike you guys I understand why they do the things they do.

>> No.40712855 [DELETED] 

>I am about to turn forty.
That's rough anon, I'm not going to lie. This place is your biggest issue, you need to spend less time on here. Try to go to a gym, get ripped, and get a high paying job. Then once you improve enough try online dating. Go for the easy chubby girls to get some gf experience, then once you get enough XP go for the better looking girls.

>i just cant attract young teens 13-17 anymore
You can still get girls in that age bracket in your 30s because most girls are attracted to older men. But once you're in your 40s that's kinda rough and at that point their mom or dad will not want their daughter to have any part with you. At that age it becomes almost impossible to gain and maintain muscle mass too. The clock is ticking anon. Buying those dolls will only make you complacent and waste the last youth you have left. 40+ is perma-wizard territory.

>> No.40712891 [DELETED] 

I didn't feel any powers at 30 though.

Ehh, I have money and don't need to work anymore. I'm on 232 acres. I just don't have much to do. Except hay some and wait till harvest time.

>> No.40712990 [DELETED] 

If you're out in the middle of nowhere on a farm then your best bet is online dating. Have you given it a try.

>> No.40713072 [DELETED] 
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No. I just don't see the need for it really. It's a liability, a big commitment and more work. I'd rather just go out to the midwest tiny hickwood townvand stake out at some backwoods gymnastics center and pick up a little girl of my own, bring back and raise myself. Haha just kidding probably.

I've considered getting in better shape. I like hiking but it's very warm this time of year. I keep myself busy in spring and fall with work around my ranch. No longer have cattle. That gave me lots of time. Might lease out some of the land. It's not something I can really use to it's full potential by myself. This is looking out of my back field and one of my barns.

>> No.40713119 [DELETED] 

>. i just cant attract young teens 13-17 anymore
When I was in my late 20s I betrayed /jp/ and hooked up with an emo goth girl who was 1* years old. For legal reasons I'll leave that number to your imagination. Her dad died when she was young so she had daddy issues. She would even call me daddy in bed. But like all long distance relationships it didn't last very long. She ended up dumping me for an even older guy who lived near her. This guy looked old enough to be her father, so I guess I wasn't old enough for her despite being at least 10 years older. She was a weird girl though who was both a pedo and lolicon. The point I'm making is that there's plenty of emo teens out there with daddy issues who would love for you to be both a father and lover to them. I've been buried in my carrier in the last decade so I don't do much dating. Getting a girl is as easy as sliding into their DMs on social networks like tumblr. Just make sure you go for the ones who are emo or have obvious daddy issues. You can tell this from what anime art they reposts. As for what conversations to have with them, just be yourself, you don't have to be a pickup artist. Just establish early that you do in fact have bad intentions and by that I mean, be unapologetically masculine and don't hide your lust for her. And just listen to what she says and shower her with attention, people prefer to talk more about themself so let them do that. Keep asking questions about her.

The girl I hooked up with just happened to also browse 4chan as well, so if you post here long enough you might find a girl here who is just as fucked up and socially awkward as you.

>> No.40713288 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 600x700, i-fucking-miss-12-chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would be nice if I could find a girl that browsed 12chan or currently browses 7chan.

>> No.40713366 [DELETED] 

Well the girl I mentioned used to use peer to peer programs to download stuff I can't mention. The only issue is, she gleefully told me about it on skype which obviously isn't a safe communication spot. I'm glad the relationship ended before I got vanned. She also liked lolicon but not shotacon. She's straight so I asked her why and she said it's because she projects herself as the lolis. Her lack of a father truly gave her issues, so look for girls who don't have fathers. It also makes it easier to meet them in person because fathers tend to be very protective and hard to deal with. I still remember the first time I met up with her. Because of our age difference her mom awkwardly said "I don't mind you guys dating but no sex". It was probably 20 minutes later that we were in motel having sex. Mom's are easy to deal with.

>> No.40713383 [DELETED] 

Yeah, I remember gnutella network kazaa, bearshare, usenet etc. Good times.

>> No.40713399 [DELETED] 

You forgot Share p2p and perfect dark.

>> No.40713472 [DELETED] 

>2006 and after.

Yeah, I guess that's why I didn't hear of it. That's when I started coming here. Also torrents became more of a thing.

>> No.40713511 [DELETED] 

>i just cant attract young teens 13-17 anymore
I see that you are only single because you want a certain age group. I think a misconception that people assume about age is that they're going to find a girl who is innocent, pure and has an intact hymen. But in actuality most healthy girls in that age range lose their virginities to boys in high school. And the few virgin girls who don't lose their virginity are all basket cases because of all of the peer pressure they get for being single. They watch a lot of porn and shove various stuff in their vagina just get a little experience of what their peers are doing. So even if you do get a virgin girl that age there's no chance her hymen is intact and she's most likely going to be a sexual deviant. Which defeats the purpose of dating a girl that young.

>> No.40713559 [DELETED] 

Capture a kid. It's the only solution if you have money.

>> No.40713711

QEMU should allow it, though ive never used it

>> No.40713882 [DELETED] 

I'll give it a try. Running any pirated executable on your machine is very dangerous regardless if it comes from a trusted pirate. The thing is, you never know where the pirate got it from. He might not know it has a virus.

>> No.40714096 [DELETED] 

Moving to bread/grains was a mistake.

>> No.40714254 [DELETED] 

Why? Isn't wheat in demand because of the Ukraine war?

>> No.40714296 [DELETED] 

For humanity. But yes, I blame treacherous/traitorous Ukraine too.

>> No.40714560

You're a mega retard. "If it ain't broke don't fix it" doesn't fucking apply when you're completely closing up shop instead of continuing development. Beyond that, your product *is* continued development. THAT is what isn't broken. THAT is where the money comes from. Actual retard. Also by this logic no businesses would ever attempt to expand or grow, but if you touched grass you would immediately recognize that as being complete nonsense. Never started a business... Stop projecting just because you have no idea what you're talking about. You're the kinda guy who thinks that just because they're acting all cynical they know the truth or some stupid bullshit, when in reality your brand of cynicism rejects fundamental facets of human society and nature in favor of accepting overly simple interpretations just because they seem to conform to realpolitik

>> No.40714776 [DELETED] 

>Beyond that, your product *is* continued development. THAT is what isn't broken.
Who says it's broken? He's been making anywhere from 30 to 60k for the last couple of years. If a day comes when he stops getting revenue then you can say it's broken. It's similar to the proposed Tesla truck. The hope and speculation around that potential product gave Elon a couple of extra millions.

>> No.40715047 [DELETED] 

>Beyond that, your product *is* continued development. THAT is what isn't broken.
You fail to realize that we're not talking about traditional business models. We're talking about con/scam artist. As long as your scam is making a profit you'd be a moron to risk messing up a nice thing. If it's not broke don't fix it. Elon said we'd have self-driving cars, humanoid bots, and electric trucks by now. We have none of these things. Teslas aren't flying off the shelf, he became the richest man on earth through false promises. So in the context of con artist such as Elon, you don't actually need to worry about fulfillment or progress on your project. As long as there's suckers out there that have hope, you just sit back and try to milk as much money off the scam as possible.

Again, I don't like what he's doing but I can understand where he's coming from. A sucker like you would fuck around and mess up the entire scam operation. Now you're back to grinding and busting your balls doing hard work. Who wants that? Only suckers. I'm becoming a con artist as I think more about this. I need to stop.

>> No.40715697 [DELETED] 

Share and Perfect Dark have a lot of stuff on it, but I'm sure it's reversed engineered by now.

>> No.40716042

I would actually hire people to help me, prove myself to my paypiggies, and then earn even larger patreonbucks, and retire young and rich. I prefer to think long term over being a piece of shit.

>> No.40716193 [DELETED] 

>I would actually hire people to help me, prove myself to my paypiggies, and then earn even larger patreonbucks, and retire young and rich.
If the Monster Girl Island guy listened to your advice he would have hired people and released the project like 4 years ago. Instead of doing what he did and making 50,000 USD per month for like 8 years. As shitty as he's being you can't argue that you'd make more money by doing the right thing. The yandere dev guy also is making bank off of his project but he's too public with stuff, so people are catching on to him.

>> No.40716205 [DELETED] 

I've just wasted an entire day posting on 4chan. I feel like I've wasted so much time. How anyone can do this for 17 years like you I can never understand.

>> No.40716430

VMware Workstation Player (previously VMware Player) and VirtualBox are both free and both support Direct3D. For VirtualBox I know you need to have a specific version to run a Windows XP guest with Direct3D, I'm not sure how VMware fares lately. Have a look at this

If your games are just having graphical issues in Windows 10 or 11, another option is to run them with dgVoodoo2. Notably this helps with older Illusion games. The reason why games like these are broken is that even without a fancy video card, Direct3D had a guaranteed level of features (aka "software mode"). Well it turned out to be a security hole because you're running shader code on your CPU, so Microsoft ripped out software mode in Windows 10. Most games use hardware acceleration if it's available, but Illusion used software mode for some things in their engine (breast physics? I don't know), so their games crap out without it. dgVoodoo2 fixes this by redirecting software mode to your hardware.

One last point, I know that certain games will crash if Windows is running under a type-1 hypervisor, and newer versions of Windows have a type-1 hypervisor built-in. Windows uses the type-1 hypervisor for features like Hyper-V, Windows Sandbox, and WSL2 (and also some features for enterprise). If you aren't using these features you can turn off the Virtual Machine Platform feature and the games that are sensitive to the type-1 hypervisor will run again.

>> No.40716487 [DELETED] 

>she projects herself as the lolis
she wants to be the little girl...

>> No.40716495 [DELETED] 

Thanks anon.

>> No.40716525 [DELETED] 

Yeah, she had daddy issues. I still remember when she would suck and nibble on the tip while calling me "daddy". I remember thinking this is so cringe worthy but now that I'm older and more wiser I understand the appeal. But I'll stick with older girls for now on. Those young emo teens are both clingy and crazy. I recall her threatening suicide if I left her.

>> No.40716546 [DELETED] 

You're Russian?

>> No.40716579

Nice post.
One of these days I just gotta get an old XP laptop or some shit, it's getting harder and harder to get VMs to function properly with newer OSes. I've had old games with graphical glitches in VMs I've setup.

>> No.40716698 [DELETED] 

Just getting web browsers to work was a nightmare. I ran into so many certificate has expired issues. I wish they would re-release their old porn games for newer OS.

>> No.40717083 [DELETED] 

>stake out at some backwoods gymnastics center and pick up a little girl of my own, bring back and raise myself.
I would lose my mind if I lived on a 200 acre farm out in the middle of nowhere, so I wouldn't blame you for doing something like that.

>> No.40717382

>would you spend your time grinding away on coding a shitty porn game or would you use it to have orgies in your mansion with super models
I would unironically do both. In fact, both options sounds like fun to me cuz I would kill to be paid that much to make porn games. Even if I get tired sometimes, its still miles better than struggling with a 9-5 office job that will pay much less.

>> No.40718001

Wew, that's a lot of posts down

>> No.40727358

what happened??

>> No.40727905

Apparently someone has been samefagging up a storm.

>> No.40738604

even if they were, why would they delete it?

>> No.40745916

They were talking about how they like to fuck 13 year olds and download cp. Probably just deleted all their posts. Equally likely that they were shitposting or spamming somewhere else and got all their posts deleted.

>> No.40748714

If I was competent enough to finish or, at least, deliver a "finished" product like a porn game while earning some good dough in the process and future sales I would still do it. Maybe the end product wouldn't be as good relative to the money I received in donations, or the expectations of those who followed the project, but I would try my best to complete it as much as possible without losing too much capital.

I don't mind those creators who call it quits after they realize their project ended up being way bigger than they anticipated but a scumbag scammer is still a scumbag scammer if the goal was to swindle others, regardless if they're just retarded to fall for the scam, out of their money.
