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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 191 KB, 1366x768, hsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
37299129 No.37299129 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>37274104

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.37300321


>> No.37300393
File: 182 KB, 1280x720, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37300471

No need to thank me.
t. parser chad

>> No.37300639


>> No.37301389
File: 3.11 MB, 1610x1233, ruitomo_fve_2021-11-13_17-44-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took me some time to realize the meaning of 801

>> No.37301609

I don't get it.

>> No.37301615

Did a quick look up for “801 とは?”, learned something new today www. What’s the context, tho?

>> No.37301728

That's like the first 5 min of the game but that was said as the stereotype of 文化系

>> No.37301802

Ancient culture.

>> No.37301929

Post your top 5 VNs

>> No.37301948

Subarashiki Hibi
Sakura no Uta
Tsui no Sora
Tousui Kitan

>> No.37301996

Fuck off, sca-ji.

>> No.37302227

>he doesn't know
One of the routes with Mana, the green nurse, is some bizzaro yandere route that turns Takayuki into a mentally ill freak. The other route of hers is a more normal renai one but of course everyone remembers the yandere one more. Of course a fucking woman would write this.

>> No.37303039
File: 938 KB, 1280x720, rugp_2021-11-12_17-09-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to start part 2 for more cute imouto moments

>> No.37303432

You just consoom eroge. Nothing is memorable enough to stay in top 5 for more than a month. You consoom a VN and move on to the next one.

>> No.37303607
File: 2.02 MB, 1920x1080, 創作彼女_202145726772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you playing?

Trial of pic related, ok so far for a moege, might pick it up next month

>> No.37303613

Wow what an insightful opinion

>> No.37304332
File: 556 KB, 1920x1080, Monkeys!¡_2701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did they not notice this one lol

>> No.37304344

>Tousui Kitan

>> No.37304401

Just one person didn't notice it.

>> No.37304421

it's an MTL対策

>> No.37304472


>> No.37304475

>In the room's corner. A glove that wore pride over its head.
maximum kek.

>> No.37304479

I don't get it.

>> No.37304484

It's better than the actual sentence was supposed to be. MTL confirmed the better way to experience VNs.

>> No.37304513

You're an EOP.

>> No.37304536

well, DeepL gives me
>A corner of the room. A glove covered with pride.
which is still ay lmao, but I like my interpretation better.

>> No.37304638

It's not even the worst typo into the game. They fuck up again during the climax of the true route of all places.

Hato fat fingered his space bar when he wanted to type 埃

>> No.37304869

Finished Tenshi no inai juunigatsu.
Normally not an imoutofag, but Emiri is a fucking legend for going full alpha mode and cucking MC in one of the bad ends.
Overall I can see that there are a lot of good ideas in the game, but it didn't really captivate me which is a death sentence for these types of utsuge. I also finished Asuna's route first which felt like a mistake after seeing her role in the other routes. Although playing the other routes first would make the twist even more easy to guess, just like the Emiri twist at the start of Yukio's route. The interesting premises off the routes, Kurihara's cute retardedness and Emiri's banter still made it worth playing for me. Be warned that you have to read through a lot of MC's 偽悪 rants and dull ero scenes to get to the good stuff. On a meta level, I like how you never really know 'where' the start of the routes are on your first run. It felt fresh compared to modern games that have a clear cut off point for the common route.

Asuna: Rereading the ending after finishing the other routes and I feel like this route gives the best resolution to MC's arc. Her banter is also pretty fun but it's one of those routes where you are waiting for the obvious twist to come along before it moves forward.

Maho: Aside from the 遊園地 scene this was by far the weakest route. I did like how it wasn't just a generic Netori route. Maho's design and tachie's nail the 2000's heroine look.

Kurihara: Glad this route was good since Tenshi would have been a massive drag if It wasn’t seeing how crucial her route is to the game. Personally it was my favorite one and the relation between Kurihara and the MC carries the game for me.

Yukio: One of the good parts of the game is how straight the play the whole Utsuge angle, but the route lost me when the reason for her depression. is revealed.

Shinobu: Took me some time to even find this route. I was convinced it was one of those splits at the start but after clearing those out I was quite puzzled where her route was hidden. Found it on a whim so the entire start caught me by surprise which was a lot of fun. Kurihara being such a cutie gave the 三角関係 part of the route a lot of weight for me. That one scene of MC fantasizing about Shinobu submitting to him was also really good. I do wish there was an option to choose for Kurihara at the end since I felt really bad for her lol. They should also have given the ‘route’ where you fuck them both an actual ero scene instead of just a quick bad end screen. It felt so disappointed since it would have easily been the hottest part of the entire game for me.

>> No.37304931 [DELETED] 

How will Nijima ruin Sakuuta?

>> No.37304948

How will Nijima ruin Sakutoki

>> No.37304952
File: 1.78 MB, 1920x1080, ????.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did no one notice this including the person that voiced it

>> No.37304984

wait nevermind it was the person that voiced the line that read it wrong could've swore it said 依頼 

>> No.37305005

by letting scaji write any of it

>> No.37305407

For physical releases, before 2013 there was a bunch of regular Japanese uploaders on Share until some guy got arrested. Since then everyone disappeared but one guy moved onto Freenet (Justice/Tailon) and he buys pretty much all games every month.
There's more and more digital releases so they are bought by A-S and random chinks, sometimes chinese people who live in Japan upload their purchases on kfgal.

>> No.37306024

By not stopping sca-ji from ruining it

>> No.37306215

I took a trip down memory lane and rewatched Akane Iro Somaru Saka, now im playing it for the first time. I remember playing Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi shortly after the adaptation but never playing Akane Iro for some reason. RIP Feng.

>> No.37306231
File: 34 KB, 300x300, cg05_thum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Study § Steady 2 looks fun. I can't wait for it.

>> No.37306326

>nameable protag
into the trash it goes

>> No.37306337

One the main points about this one is that he's not renamable, no live 2d either.

>> No.37306376

At least it will be good fap material

>> No.37306585
File: 32 KB, 250x300, 19186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know where to put this question. In trap x girl VNs, does the crossdressing MC still have masculine qualities such as strength, courage, independence, leadership, and assertiveness? Examples: https://vndb.org/g421?m=2&f=80SS

>> No.37306610
File: 357 KB, 1440x810, Monkeys!¡Monkeys!!_ (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're asking for a wide blanket statement about the protagonists of a genre that has like 30-50 VNs. The answer is 'it depends on the VN.'

>> No.37306616

>strength, courage, independence, leadership, and assertiveness
Not even normal MCs have those qualities lmao and you're expecting that from twinks

>> No.37306716
File: 341 KB, 395x946, urumi-char2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related better make good on the "black magic" 厨二病 or I'm going to break the game disc. Somehow.

>> No.37306761
File: 382 KB, 1024x576, 2013-10-20 12-08-46_そして煌めく乙女と秘密^5 web体験版.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you need masculinity from a trap protagonist?
It doesn't work other than as a joke.

>> No.37306860

OP of this game is just too cute btw.

>> No.37306945
File: 30 KB, 1154x747, naisho no naisho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lies. Utter and complete lies.

>> No.37307052

A year could have less than 365 days in that world.

>> No.37307058

So what you're saying is that there are loli years, sort of like dog years?

>> No.37307083
File: 961 KB, 1154x747, naisho no naisho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Years must be 120 days long in Iris games then.

>> No.37307123

Not masculine in physical attributes, but in personality and behavior

>> No.37307151

>game starts with this type of statement
>contains a loli who constantly is referred to as being underaged, is constantly getting fucked, and is constantly calling the people fucking her "you pedo bastards" in her head

>> No.37307216
File: 195 KB, 1920x1080, 碧.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaerusoft has rather fun approach to showing a glimpse of truth in their latest game.

>> No.37307242

All right, I'll give it a try.

>> No.37307515
File: 1.92 MB, 1154x752, ninja skills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37308117
File: 233 KB, 543x800, comic_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37308254
File: 282 KB, 1440x810, Monkeys!¡Monkeys!!_ (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me, or is the budget really imbalanced across the Monkeys!! routes? Garasu had maybe two of the manga panel CGs, while other heroines got like ten.

>> No.37308816

yeah i also noticed that garasu's route was low budget compared to the rest
it was the first route i played so i feared for the other ones but they turned out fine

>> No.37309795

What are you people doing with these resolutions lol.

>> No.37309801

reading with dictionary

>> No.37309805

So how's monkeys overall? Egs reviews doesn't seems too bad

>> No.37309815
File: 315 KB, 1440x810, Monkeys!¡Monkeys!!_ (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not perfect, but I'm enjoying the hell out of it.

>> No.37309843

So if i like trapge and enjoyed marco, then it's probably something i can enjoy, i see.

>> No.37311830

Is https://vndb.org/v26414 worth reading for Fumi? How much did he write?

>> No.37311842

the manga style is refreshing, voice acting is fantastic, bgm has some great tracks
the writing itself is nothing amazing but it's a solid and fun ride overall
pretty much exactly how i expected it to be

>> No.37311860

It's noticeably worse than the previous several yuzusoft games, but it was still cute enough.
I'm guessing they didn't give him much freedom because I didn't end up dropping it.

>> No.37311956

>worth reading for Fumi
only worth for seo jun route, but fumi route isn't good
> How much did he write?
check staff section

>> No.37313159

Don't forget to install the latest update from their website. it adds new scenarios.

>> No.37313532
File: 2.65 MB, 1502x1126, ruitomo_fve_2021-11-14_18-56-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time I saw someone using 倶楽部 for club
this game really has a ton of rare vocab

>> No.37313545

art assets look better when they're not stretched to fullscreen

>> No.37313646
File: 1.27 MB, 847x1200, one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37313661

I hope shotas explode. They get all the meaty ones, holy fuck...

>> No.37313687

I would kill myself if I had to be surrounded by those meat monsters

>> No.37313692

The resolution you are upscaling to matters. Most of the resolutions listed (except one or two) are certainly not native game resolutions.

>> No.37313740

If it's 4:3 game I switch to the window when making screenshots because it will have those black borders in fullscreen and you will need to select the capture region with shareX which is a pain
Also when you use Magpie and make a screenshot in fullscreen it will still capture the cursor even with no cursor settings which is another problem

>> No.37313781

All I see here are excuses. I crop my screenshots with imagemagick and scale to the correct dimensions.

>> No.37313818

Good for you but I have an easier time with just clicking 1 button to switch to the window instead

>> No.37313919

This game was so cute. Are there any other good oneshota relatively like this one?

>> No.37314014

>Most of the resolutions listed (except one or two) are certainly not native game resolutions.
1366x768 is a common laptop resolution. Some games have 1024x576 and 1152x720, the resolutions here are different because the screenshots include the window titles

>> No.37315075
File: 147 KB, 728x1000, 1595780345889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check vndb playtime for VN I just finished
>mine is 3x longer

>> No.37315110

it's okay anon, it took me like 8 months to finish baldr sky when i was new.

>> No.37315526 [SPOILER] 
File: 446 KB, 809x633, Screenshot from 2021-11-15 05-10-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37315623
File: 25 KB, 400x400, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So were do you get your non translated vns bros?
I want to get into reading more, but not sure where to look.

>> No.37315658

sukebei.nyaa.si, otomi-games, hentai-sharing, ryuugames and so on.
In fact, you can just ask jewgle-sensei about the japanese name of a VN plus "torrent" or "download" and you will get something useful 99 out of 100 times.

>> No.37315699

i have an ab account

>> No.37315708

Good for ya, anon. Keep doing your thing.

>> No.37315731
File: 6 KB, 696x156, K3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is someone really MTLing Kajiri Kamui Kagura?

>> No.37315793

99% of the stuff that's not obscure is on nyaa sukebei

>> No.37315812 [SPOILER] 
File: 735 KB, 1920x1080, Monkeys!¡_2710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm done.

It was enjoyable.

>> No.37316006

It felt like a fever dream at times. And that's fine.

>> No.37316174
File: 602 KB, 1502x1130, ruitomo_fve_2021-11-14_23-24-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow didn't expect to see here the Ginga Tetsudou no Yoru reference, now I can spot it instantly thanks to scaji

>> No.37316424

>soil spiders

>> No.37318191
File: 212 KB, 640x400, sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn that final ending though.

>> No.37318795
File: 234 KB, 1024x600, vinyl sucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the leader of the music club (a classical one) a delinquent that says オレ?

>> No.37318801

Is the original game better than the remake?

>> No.37318837

I have no idea. I just went with the original because the art looked better imo. The remake has some additional endings and stuff apparently. I'll check that out some time later.

>> No.37318936

Why does a loli working in a familiy restaurant talk like like a samurai?

>> No.37319050


>> No.37319548
File: 463 KB, 996x306, jSn24DSgTm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37319795

Gonna need a lot of editing, something like Amayui level (good enough to be accepted in vndb and shutdown the JOPs)

>> No.37320040

I buy it.

>> No.37320299

fellow wagecuck?

>> No.37320596

I feel like I didn't understand a lot of jokes in Nukitashi 2 because I don't listen to h-asmr.

>> No.37320706

I plan on reading it in the future, does anyone have any h-asmr's to recommend so I can be prepared?

>> No.37321043

Since you want to read nukitashi, why not check out the dlsite of this voice actress >>37319548 or the occasional thread at >>>/h/

>> No.37321067

I remember when I thought I learned jp for eroge, but really it was for ero voice.

>> No.37321136

monkeys is pretty damn good, it's one of the few slapstick eroge I've read and the pacing is done really well
probably going to go check out noraneko too at some point since it's slapstick too

>> No.37321166

Did all sources get taken down or did this thread get infested with retards or both?

>> No.37321270

Thanks, I'll give those a try. Hopefully I don't turn weird.

>> No.37321281

going into 4chan vn threads already made you weird. So this won't be that big of a leap

>> No.37322305

Pls recommend me some good utsuge

>> No.37323417


>> No.37323613

Thanks anon, WA2 is on my list and Suisou ginka seems interesting, not interested in the other two right now
I want depressing stuff with more human drama or romance based set in modern Japan if possible

>> No.37323732

Have fun, I don't play ones that have absolutely depressing endings. But, if the start and middle are, I might.
Suisou Ginka and arguably WA2 are in that camp. The other ones, not so much.
If you want some more

>> No.37324212

If you want depressing endings try some nijima games, Natsuyume nagisa in particular has the most depressing happy ending i ever seen

>> No.37324660


>> No.37326860

Well right now I'm reading this one about you going to live with 2 traps and they're always horny for penis milk.
I'm only reading it to practice japanese.

>> No.37326881

Where my jlpt3 good enough to read somethings but you always have to look words every 3 seconds bros at?

>> No.37326900

I can't read Kanji at all, I just let the voice play so I can understand what the characters are saying, and invent my own story whenever there's unvoiced monologue.

>> No.37327157

I buy them. The only time I've ever failed at buying nukige is https://vndb.org/v4201 and https://vndb.org/v4765

Goddamn it, they are fucking impossible to find.

>> No.37327174

I have no idea what level i am, i don't give a fuck about jplt level at all, please fuck off back to djt. I don't care and i'm never gonna take that shitty test, i just want to read eroge.

>> No.37327233

meanwhile they are both available for free on ab
buypigs can't stop losing

>> No.37327245

I'll add Hatsuyuki Sakura to the list

Anyway to play this on Pc with no pass

>> No.37327277

idk I have played it on ps4

>> No.37327305

>Anyway to play this on Pc with no pass
How about... just dl it from nyaa
Thought I actually have the pass if you want, I got it before it got uploaded to nyaa simply by checking playthrough on yt for that line of text in manual to get the pass

>> No.37327742

Just do the free mock tests online brainlet

>> No.37327949
File: 26 KB, 475x750, ChiiTrans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just set up some automatic parser to provide furigana and quick access to the dictionary. It will make reading experience much more pleasant while your vocabulary is still limited.

>> No.37328607

how can i prevent a vn from pausing when the window loses focus? i fucking hate when there's no option for that in the game

>> No.37328668

Stay focused

>> No.37328732

You'll have to debug and hack the executable of the game if there is no explicit option. Or develop some kind of hook dll that will disable the game from receiving WM_KILLFOCUS and WA_INACTIVE messages from the Windows API. Won't be that easy if you have no experience with that kind of stuff but it should be possible.

>> No.37328739

If you're on Linux, you can turn on emulated desktop in winecfg and it will stop.

>> No.37329146

Some games like the ones based on the KiriKiri engine have a configuration tool with some advanced configuration options. Something might be there to disable that behavior if it's such game.

>> No.37329358
File: 249 KB, 1280x720, _____jVBGgdE7s3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SouKano is a personal, intimate story. There’s no grand setpieces or dramatic happenings, it’s a coming-of-age story of a boy who is trying his damndest to rediscover the passion that has all but escaped him. Sometimes things do indeed go South, but in turn, it becomes an opportunity for Toshiki to better understand himself as a person. SouKano will be a story about Toshiki better understanding himself and using that as an outlet for his stories. No matter what direction his life takes, Toshiki will learn from it and better himself from his achievements as well as his failures.

By the end of the trial, I could feel that the story could be going in a few directions. One is of a similar ilk to White Album 2, where there is a passage of time and Toshiki becomes more hardened to his surroundings, his heart closed even more and his abilities damaged even more. Or it could take a more optimistic route, his rejection by Kiriha allowing Toshiki to open his mind to write, though his new stories take on a more darker shade than his previous ones. Nonetheless, the pain of rejection by the hands of Kiriha will cause some sort of change in Toshiki, its exact nature will remain as pure speculation until the game’s full release date.

That being said, I won't let my hopes get too high and let them get utterly destroyed when my expectations are not met in the slightest. It happened with Einstein and KnS3 and I will not let myself become fooled. Still, there’s a part of me that clings to hope that SouKano can deliver on what it set out to do and paint its canvas in a spectacular fashion. In the end, I’ll definitely be reading SouKano’s full release to see what is in store for me. Hopefully, it will be a journey filled with the creative spark, allowing its characters to reach satisfaction in full.

>> No.37329613

I like the art, hopefully it has lots of h-scenes and some threesomes.

>> No.37329651

Thanks I’m going to try these out
I didn't know that, thanks

>> No.37329886

I did this for Ayakashi. Took a bit more than just the game's focus state, because directsound also had a flag that made the BGM pause when the window wasn't in focus.

>> No.37330076

only thing thats down is the vn master list which is pretty unfortunate, it had some vns that are a bit harder to come by that were easily downloadable

>> No.37330268

Qruppo is shit.

>> No.37330300

Some people act like it's the end of the world but it was just convenient

>> No.37330460

why would I waste time on that you DJT retard?

>> No.37330504

Why don't you format your hard drives and reinstall everything daily? It's just convenience to keep everything installed.

>> No.37330517

To roughly know your japanese level? Do I really have to explain that much you fucking brainlet

>> No.37330538

Yeah I use chiitrans lite but I want to get to a level where I don't need to use it as much

>> No.37330545

ryuugames is becoming more masterlist-like now that is getting uploaded with games from 15 years ago like True Tears. Soon it will be a better masterlist with plenty of both old and new content.,

>> No.37330730

>replying to bait

>> No.37330803

Please recommend me some unboring plotge.

>> No.37330847

Not him but what's the point of that? You can either read Japanese or you can't read Japanese.


>> No.37330871

would be sad if that got shut down for hosting cp and other illegal content

>> No.37331147

Is that a threat?

>> No.37331241

masterlist was nice but it was just a collection of torrents that are still live on nyaa and was still missing stuff, like all the iris games i just grabbed. honestly, clubbox, holyseal, and sakura were much bigger losses i've had a harder time recovering from

i don't see any cp or anything similarly illegal there, what are you even talking about?

>> No.37331505
File: 146 KB, 1024x600, designated loser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MC's friend is giving me those chad vibes but there's no way this is going to work. Poor guy.

>> No.37331586

>Just do the free mock tests online brainlet
Why? I don't want and i don't give a fuck, N level means literally nothing to me and got nothing to do with me reading eroge.

>> No.37331672

Read more. I used it for quite some time but after seeing and hearing the same word a dozen times you should remember it. At some point it will be comfortable enough to just stop using such assistance all together.
Or you could also patch Chiitrans to remove furigana for words you already know. I have done that back when I was still using it and it helped a lot. But maintenance of a manual list is quite painful. It could be fun to play with some smart algorithm that remembers frequency of seen words and gradually reduces furigana or even dictionary access based on such metrics but it's up to you if you want to implement it. Try to experiment with what works for you.

>> No.37331884

>To roughly know your japanese level?

>Passing the test requires both achieving an overall pass mark for the total points, and passing each section individually; these are based on the scaled scores. The sectional scores are to ensure that skills are not unbalanced – so one cannot pass by doing well on the written section but poorly on the listening section, for instance. The overall pass mark depends on the level and varies between 100/180 (55.55%) for the N1 and 80/180 (44.44%) for the N5
Imagine the JLPT is worth fucking anything. You can answer always half the test incorrectly and still pass. go back to DJT

>> No.37332657

Anyone who reads eroges without too much trouble and too much abuse of the dictionary can pass N1 with quite high score. It's harder than mockups on the site but it's not that hard.
J-CAT is probably better at assessing higher levels and it's easier to take too.

>> No.37332858

Can anyone upload あしたの雪之丞2? All uploads on AS are dead.

>> No.37333004

No, sukebei's still alive.

>> No.37333034
File: 14 KB, 509x387, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or you could also patch Chiitrans to remove furigana for words you already know
Why do you need patch again?
You only need to fix css file if you want to hide furi and make text colorless at the same time.

>> No.37333036


>> No.37333072

It's stalled on 30%

>> No.37333177

If I remember correctly stock version could only disable or enable all furigana at the same time. It didn't support any kind of ignore lists. I had to add that feature myself when I needed it.

>> No.37333987

Another scam?

>> No.37334321

Oh, they are finally making the sequel. I wish August let go the mobage craze a bit too and made another proper title

>> No.37334438

Would you recommend this to someone who is a total beginner at chuunige? I heard it’s not that good, so probably won’t miss out on anything, even if I don’t comprehend much.

>> No.37334439

they made decent money off of the dmm spinoff

>> No.37334477

it's pretty bad even without the things that made people at the time angry (being too similar to typemoon games/writer recycled his previous work/lack of sex scenes etc)

>> No.37334567

Sure, why not? Reading costs nothing and if the characters or story dont click you can always drop it.

>> No.37334642

Well, if it's actually good then I'll wait until I've read some mediocre ones first before diving into the kino stuff.
I played the DMM spinoff. Story was average, has some high profile CV (Haruka Sora), CG is good (though the H-CGs locked behind a wait wall so you have to go blue balls for like 2 weeks or pay up). Problem for me is the uglier than trash battle sprites. Leaving the game on auto all day while looking at the trashy sprites is a good enough reason to quit.

>> No.37334678

Definitely read Deep One first then.

>> No.37334844

>romanized names
>no release dates
>link shorteners with ads
>no tokuten, no OST, no scans
Garbage site. Why is it so hard for these fucks to reupload games the way they were shared originally on japanese p2p?

>> No.37334886

Problem with August is that for a DMM gacha their game is really high effort, long event stories with CG every 2-3 weeks and it's fully voiced, not just the character stories and h-scenes like other games, and they do everything themselves with the same artist.
Nexton is big enough they can just get a separate team to work on the gacha while Nameless makes the normal games, you don't even see Nameless mentioned anywhere in the gacha and it's got a bunch of random uncredited artists.

>> No.37335843


>> No.37336315

Wait, is Iris Mysteria actually good? On one hand, I'm loath to play a gacha game, but on the other hand, I've loved pretty much everything else August has done.

>> No.37336383


>> No.37336422

Main and event stories are fun enough to read, nothing amazing but at least there's come actual character and relationship growth you never see in these, mostly relationships between the girls since the MC is mute and they all love him for no reason.
You have to enjoy it in a different way though, you don't get a complete story like a VN, main story just started a new arc with a different big bad and event stories are just snippets of their adventures.
It's also one of the last few places to still get KiriHana ero voice acting.

>> No.37336441


>> No.37337321
File: 388 KB, 472x485, 3559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37337353

Whatever happened to Mainichi kiss shite lolita, wasn't it supposed to come out last month

>> No.37337564


porori had to finish the script by the end of October to release it at the Winter Comiket. He didn't finish it in time so it's delayed once again.

>> No.37337602

never read the first one since i heard it was complete sequel bait but i guess the sequel is finally coming out
still, the odds they dont fuck up again are low

>> No.37337649

It should also mention the abbreviation: ggks.

>> No.37337983

I want to translate a VN that has a decent story and isn't moeshit.
It would be ideal if it had loli and guro in it too. Vndb filters are failing me.

>> No.37338031

Go read Nikuniku or something.

>> No.37339007

what game?

>> No.37339060


>> No.37339085

I haven't played it but I'm pretty sure that's art by Norita.

>> No.37339366

Semiramis no tenbin.
Best example of koakuma-kei heroine, ever.

>> No.37339514


>> No.37339609
File: 730 KB, 1280x720, セミラミスの天秤.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn that's cool
*chooses ダイジェスティブプレー*

>> No.37340002

Any other VN OPs which have credits written on the girls' bodies? It's hot as fuck.

>> No.37340118

Stop it wage cuck

>> No.37340180

Translate my diary desu.

>> No.37341082
File: 2.60 MB, 1461x1095, ruitomo_fve_2021-11-16_22-07-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit didn't expect this so early

>> No.37342247

What does everyone name themselves when playing a game with a renameable protagonist? I used to use my real name but then it just started ruining my immersion every time my name came up.

>> No.37342258


>> No.37342332


>> No.37342386

I write some name I might've read recently but try to get some different kanji.

>> No.37342480
File: 177 KB, 1024x600, pedestrian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you anons aren't this uncultured. Yes, obviously she is lying.

>> No.37342855

I am even more cultured, I do not listen to music. I did listen to only classical though.

>> No.37342863


>> No.37342909

Why would you waste your time translating textpadding : the medium
Are you a masochist?

>> No.37343022

あの 方

>> No.37343053


>> No.37343172
File: 60 KB, 640x767, 1634602047877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know how eroge have H scenes where the MC gets cloned and the clones gangbang the heroine? Are there any eroge with the opposite: heroine gets cloned and fuck MC? I'm sick of only ever seeing twincest. It's not good enough anymore.

>> No.37343301

kamikimi, and there's also another scene with both cloned MC and heroine for a dumb gangbang that basically just looks like they're fucking in from a mirror, dumb scene.

>> No.37343476

I keep it as default if possible.
If not I use either お兄ちゃん or very rarely some basterised adaptation of a moniker derived from my name into either katakana or pseudo-Japanese name.

>> No.37343591

Oretsuba or saihate no ima

>> No.37343620

I can't imagine an Oretsuba translation that doesn't end up reading like a galge version of The Wire.

>> No.37343896
File: 69 KB, 611x435, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm never reading this woke garbage

>> No.37344064


>> No.37344214

And yet you follow that woke tranny and post his filth here. Stop giving them attention.

>> No.37344360

Why do you claim to hate this retard while hanging on to his every word and posting his braindead opinions wherever you can? If you're looking for drama, fuck off back to Twitter.

>> No.37344420

Not an eroge OP but R.O.D anime had such openings (storyboarded and directed by animator Matsutake Tokuyuki).


Man, I really wish Kurata would get the opportunity to write some proper eroge but that just seems unlikely now.

>> No.37344559

First season of To Love-Ru had something similar in the opening too.

>> No.37344569

No idea who is that but will never read kusoge like nukitashi or hentai prison

>> No.37344580

it's pretty easy to not read hentai prison since it's literally not even fucking released

>> No.37344894

Yeah I remembered that one.

>> No.37344967


>> No.37345016

>muh lgbt issues are the most important
I don't care. Never reading that trash.
I don't understand why lefties put culture issues on a pedestal and never talk about actual structural socioeconomic stuff

>> No.37345027

Is it really that fucking hard to not respond to obvious bait?

>> No.37345028

Hi, big fan here. Rec me some lolige.

>> No.37345030

You need to follow trannies to know eroge with woke garbage in them in order to never read them. Wasting time to read few tweets is nothing compared to waste dozens of hours on vn only to find out it's lgbtqt+ trany woke trash

>> No.37345035

Of course, that's why you obsess over everything he says and repost it everywhere, to warn everyone against it. Of course. Definitely not completely obsessed with trannies or anything, no sirree.

>> No.37345039

Just posted in one thread, what are you talking about? Sounds like you projecting ultra hard, buddy.

>> No.37345042

>i-is that a VN that says I should treat other people with basic decency????
>I'm never gonna read that disgusting woke shit! How DARE a VN exist that disagrees with my personal beliefs! I will NEVER read anything that disagrees with me because I subconsciously know nothing I believe can stand up to basic criticism and the thought of my beliefs being challenged makes me upset and scared which makes me lash out in anger!

>> No.37345046

Can't imagine not being able to tell that a game is trash until dozens of hours in. Especially woke trash, it's not like anything else about the writing is ever good. Sounds like a made up problem.

>> No.37345051

>not climate change
>not rising inequality and unemployment
>not increase in surveillance and erasure of privacy
>not billionaires fucking with politics
>lgbt ""issues"" are the most important issue that will decide the future of Japan

>> No.37345055

>dozens of hours
Laughing at you.

>> No.37345058

Kinda true though in Qruppo case their garbage art is a good filter.

>> No.37345059

What the fuck are these lgbt issues even? Who even cares about them to cause them grievances? Especially in a first world shithole like Japan.

>> No.37345064

I don't waste my time following anyone and I was never interested in Nukitashi because of the sexual degeneracy theme and the terrible coloring and samefaces. Hentai Prison or whatever looks even worse with Attack on Danganronpa style character design and coloring. It looks disgusting.
If you don't want to read woke shit then develop a filter system. One look at the artwork is enough for me to do that. Don't need to follow trannies on social media.

>> No.37345068

>never talk about actual structural socioeconomic stuff
Just your brain on selective listening.
Culture issues evoke more attention and emotional reactions than economic policy and people on social media are addicted to reality tv style shit flinging politics.

>> No.37345074

What if woke trash happens in later part of it? I know few cases like this

>> No.37345075

Careful mentioning that name around here. He's pretty sensitive.

>> No.37345077

>Just your brain on selective listening.
Nah, most lefties are rich fucks like kastel who don't go beyond culture issues while locking horns with cuckservatives. It's all about tranny shit 24x7.

>> No.37345081

Sca-ji put it in an apt way

>> No.37345087

>economic policy
Both left and right agree on this shit lol

>> No.37345100

go back to /pol/ or discord with this shit

>> No.37345101

Doesn't charge the fact that you should go back to Twitter.
Kastel is actually braindead, what do you expect?

>> No.37345102 [DELETED] 

He's right. They only care about showing off how much useless theory they've read.
I don't think modern lefties even know how to organize as attested by what happened at CHOP/CHAZ where couldn't even perform direct democracy processes and everyone just shouted at each other.

>> No.37345104

>terrible coloring and samefaces.
I know, that was my biggest reason to not read nukitashi, but just art wasn't enough.

>> No.37345105

eroge thread

>> No.37345125

How many eroge besides Nukitashi even display this "woke shit" phenomenon you're on about? Fuck off back to Twitter, dramanigger.

>> No.37345128

When I heard "everyone on the island can fuck anyone and those who keep their virginity get hunted and then the MC fights with a dildo and wears faggy glasses" I didn't want to read it. And the cute imouto had no route. Then she got one in 2 but I heard her voice and that killed it for me. I've seen so much blogposting/spamming that I know Nukitashi is full of meta humor and the story turns into moralfag Naruto. Not my thing.

>> No.37345134

I read 1 and kind of enjoyed it, and disregarding "that", I thought 2 was mediocre. If the "issue" being discussed is a major theme in HenPri, I probably won't read it at all. Oh well.

>> No.37345135

Something with potential turning out to be shit is just something that happens, and subjecting yourself to twitter garbage to try to avoid a specific flavor of it sounds retarded.

>> No.37345143

I can only think of qruppo.

>> No.37345148

Soon all non-nukige companies will follow the lead of qruppoge and make VNs based on woke themes.

>> No.37345151

fata morgana, fuyukuru, umineko

>> No.37345156

Precisely the point.

>> No.37345157

riddle joker

>> No.37345158

Only if the woke market has deep enough pockets to save eroge.

>> No.37345162

Ah, I see what this is now. My mistake.

>> No.37345167

Why don't you just search tags?

>> No.37345181

Yep theres no reason to ever consider anything that comes out of qruppo now and WOKE bullshit like this can only bring even harsher censorship down on eroge

>> No.37345247 [SPOILER] 
File: 483 KB, 1035x210, 7483920483023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's decently common in games with Ninja's/shinobu's that use 分身 jutsu's

Pic related is probably the line he's referring to. He's reading WAY too much into it and half of what he's saying is a complete misinterpretation. Not a suprise since he hasn't actually read it himself. Context: Its ‘a reaction of a prison guard when another character gives a false testimony that the MC raped a man with the reason being that MC is a fag (and fag's can't contain themselves)
So far there have been two throwaway lines about it in the entirety of the common route.

>> No.37345256

Thanks for the context. Both woke types and dramafaggots exploit this shit to propagate nonsense.

>> No.37345265

The wire's dialogues are natural and realistic. I don't think you can say the same about oretsuba's exaggerated dialogues(despite having a lot of slang and spoken nip features)

>> No.37345280

Would you say eroge is the best medium for horror if done correctly, especially considering the "click to advance" mechanic?

>> No.37345284

No, that would be videogames, with you having full control of the controls.

>> No.37345323

seems more like mocking/complaining about people pandering to lgbt if anything. but I'm not interested in reading something with this shit in an eroge to begin with regardless of the writer's opinion about it.

>> No.37345327

Fair enough, I guess. Just think the context was important. Might give it a try.

>> No.37345336

>seems more like mocking/complaining about people pandering to lgbt if anything.
Not really, but it’s also not the soapbox progressive writer self insert line that the twitter screen cap makes it out to be.

>> No.37345376

Ok, still not reading because art is a garbage

>> No.37345448
File: 89 KB, 1243x638, recorder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37345532

I've never read a scary horror eroge/VN. Gore is not scary and jumpscares are dumb. It doesn't work for me. This medium can do emotional drama and comedy well and sometimes action (when it's not too static and relying on text only).
I wouldn't call manga scary, but black&white and good art can create a good atmosphere and effect. Anime isn't scary but can do shock moments right. Literature can be effective but relies solely on text so it has to be well-written. TV dramas and modern movies suck.
Old movies are still the best form for the horror genre because of how raw and real they were with practical effects instead of CGI. The cheapest practical effects were better than the best CGI today.

>> No.37345560

Forgot video games from one post below. They can be graphically effective and carry the right mood but I don't like them as horror. Too much gameplay and it takes me out of the atmosphere, but if it's too straight forward and scripted it ends up boring. It's all about jump scares, visual effects or the threat of dying (monsters or resource scarcity).

>> No.37345599


not eroge, but have you read hayarigami or even suspense ones like trick x logic?

>> No.37345806
File: 195 KB, 1920x1080, recation_2QsKT2sGlP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi y'all, here's my "review" for Re Cation ~Melty Healing~. Though technically it'd be better to call it "impressions" since I wasn't able to finish any route (besides the bad end) by the end of Sunday. I got through the common route quite fast, but couldn't read more than 2 H-scene a day (´·ω·`)(´·ω·`)(´·ω·`). (The H-scenes are pretty fucking long, though. I read Cafe Stella, and this game has even longer H-scenes, wtf???).

BGM (7/10)
While the music is nothing phenomenal, it manages to set a comfy tone for the game’s atmosphere. Quite according to my expectation, so I gave it a 7.

Scenario (8.5/10)
I honestly was surprised to see such a relatable protagonist in eroge. The depiction of workplace, coworker interactions, project reception and deliverance, even the part when customers asked to redo the project and he had to code overtime to meet deadlines are pretty close. Only unrealistic part I can think of is how he only received one major bug after coding like 12 hours a day for 3 days straight is one hell of a witchcraft. I have no doubt that my life would end up like that and I would never find true love. (´·ω·`)

However, I have some complaints about heroine disappearing left and right after certain key choices (quite early in the common route). I think this could have been handled better.

Character (8/10)
I like all three heroines. Hinako was really sweet and motherly. That certain moment (when she said “good morning” 4 times in a row) is literally fucking adorable, I was caught completely off guard. (But of course, not long after that she pretty much disappeared, which quite frankly was pretty rage inducing at the time).

As of writing this my personal preference is Haru (my own bias towards young and tech illiterate girls) > Hinako >Riho. I went with Riho first.

Gameplay stuff
I disabled the love record function after hearing it for the first time. It’s pretty retarded, imo. I would rather imagine the seiyuu voice speaking my name than having this out of place voice break my immersions with the game. Copulation sound is also pretty bad, though not enough for me to turn it off.

Overall (?/10)
All subject to change, now that I shift my mindset to chip this slowly. Honestly wondering when will I ever finish it with this pace. Thanks a lot to whoever recommend me this game in the first place.

>> No.37345892

>Thanks a lot to whoever recommend me this game in the first place.
Glad you enjoyed it.

>> No.37345991
File: 361 KB, 1064x354, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37346050

I for one am shocked.

>> No.37346073

>made a game with literal tranny with dick
>made another game with YWNBAW comment
what is the meaning of this

>> No.37346074

Is LGBT That big in Japan?
All the Japanese talk about is
- muh job
- muh money
- muh feelings
They are pretty sane people unlike zoomer westerners these days

>> No.37346088

Motonaga Masaki is my go-to philosophist.
Not scat-ji or anyone else.

>> No.37346103

Its LGBT community kinda has a point regarding the ass backwards marriage/civil union laws it has.

>> No.37346125

>dick still attached
What's the inconsistency?

>> No.37346304

It's called "your brain is politics addled".

>> No.37346790

side question, do you have to play the first game before this?

>> No.37346817

You should, or at least the main route, the game goes to super shit in the short character routes.

>> No.37347897

>portraying transphobic people is condoning that transphobia

>> No.37347963

>segmenting into scenario, characters
What a reddit tier review

>> No.37348001

What's required reading list for saihate no ima?

>> No.37348063

Ok, himari.

>> No.37348524

95 IPs...

>> No.37348595

doesn't matter, you won't get it anyways

>> No.37348853

who's hyped for clarias f

>> No.37349114


>> No.37349540

I'm gonna read saihate no ima while ignoring in-game wiki and then write bashing review on vndb. No one can stop me.

>> No.37349621
File: 113 KB, 325x341, 5799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37349651

I have the feeling that if I wait there'll be more FDs and eventually a final version with a lot of extra content. Though that's probably because ever since finishing the main game I've convinced myself that there should be a true route where Flare is the main heroine

>> No.37349681


>> No.37349692

Yeah, looking back, no good reviewer that I read have this kind of structure, why tf did I write like this.

>> No.37349701

what are you trying to say?

>> No.37349719
File: 469 KB, 1024x576, 2742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your first day of Japanese?

>> No.37349728

do all of you guys use twitter and pretend that you aren't or is there any other place to discuss eroge besides this general and maybe some hidden JOP discord servers

>> No.37349748

anime feet

>> No.37349773

Are you triggered by the author being a hipster and using 云う or something?

>> No.37349774

I used twitter to follow porn artist and I am not pretending otherwise, mkay?

>> No.37349830

You can go to /hgg/.

>> No.37349836

It's pretty clear what's going on, between the constant mentions of e-celebs and the spike in IPs.
I can't think of many other places with activity. Maybe one of the imageboards on 8moe's webring? I know they're well moderated, at least.

>> No.37349879
File: 200 KB, 1174x118, 10243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37349957

Most of us are from JOP discords

>> No.37350191
File: 57 KB, 1452x418, fabio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Playing games with renameable protagonist instead of playing games where the protagonist has the same name as you

>> No.37350207

Kamige expansion soon

>> No.37350210

That's impossible if name is rare and almost unpronounceable in Japanese.

>> No.37350233


>> No.37350239


>> No.37350455

0 hits
I tried

>> No.37350820

I have twitter but only for following industry people and retweeting loli art. I vaguely remember some eroge forum functioning in mid 00s or so (maybe earlier? can't remember the name anyway) and Tanoshimi IRC or a channel that pre-dated it but again cannot recall what was it called. But I remember at one point most people left for Discord at like 2016-17 and the IRC channel basically died, never bothered to move to Discord myself.

>> No.37350867

so i think i fixed the 夜刀姫斬鬼行 exe following a tuts for you teddy rogers svk 1.4x tutorial
except there was no stolen data to find so it was pretty much letting olly find the oep on its own and then pressing one button to doomp it
no guarantee it wont blow up ur pc or fuck your mom
anonfiles com/F1PaG1V2ue

>> No.37351640

Oh shit, it works. Thanks, anon.

>> No.37351676

> teddy rogers svk 1.4x tutorial
This gives me nostalgia, but olly is way out of date and dead. You should try x64dbg.

>> No.37351753

look for tuts 4 you community unpacking tutorials
x64dbg didnt have sfx which pretty much did 99% of the work by finding the oep

>> No.37352065

>x64dbg didnt have sfx which pretty much did 99% of the work by finding the oep
I think you can easily do the same thing as ollydbg by tracing with a conditional breakpoint (looking for a jump to another section).

>> No.37352175

i see, ill try it next time, thanks
im still a real noob at this so im not sure about the features of each and tutorials ive found for my usage (vn protections or related like the svk packer) were still for olly, though x64dbg sure feels way nicer

>> No.37352474
File: 40 KB, 1024x600, pathetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a goddamn loser mentality. When I wasn't first chair in band, I fucking seethed endlessly. I didn't quit.

>> No.37352813

Is there an eroge where a heroine is the daughter of a high ranking yakuza and MC has to join a yakuza clan in order to get her? Alternatively, really anything about joining yakuza as a noobie.

>> No.37353173
File: 137 KB, 1024x600, peeman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat your damn bell peppers.

>> No.37353650
File: 23 KB, 833x336, Help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to post this in the vn general of /vg/ but apparently they don't like people asking for help.

I just installed Mahoutsukai no Yoru along with some crack that came with the game and these two errors appear whenever I start the game. I haven't installed any translate patches or anything yet, just the crack.

Tried with two different cracks and this still happens. Googling it didn't help. Any idea what could this be? I really want to try this VN.

>> No.37353915

Akatsuki no goei?

>> No.37354077

get 1.01 patch or english patch if you plan to read it with en
check vn folder name
check if you're in japanese locale

>> No.37354354

>Protagonist with Sexual Experience 3.0
No mansluts in my VNs.

>> No.37354547

you want an mc joining the mafia to be a beta virgin?

>> No.37355207
File: 1.20 MB, 1154x752, she said it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she said it!

>> No.37355274

his sexual experience is him being raped as a child

>> No.37355343

locale emulator

>> No.37355406

Men can't get raped by women

>> No.37355462

How do you feel about pegging?
